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78.57% Change The Extraordinary / Chapter 11: challenge! True Slime King!

Chapter 11: challenge! True Slime King!

Now Sui Yu has basically confirmed that the copy of Slime Plain may really be a copy that provides basic resources and life professional skills.

  In addition to the 10812 experience points brought by the 400% increase in the experience value of the S-level evaluation, Sui Yu's eyes were swayed. The things opened in the six diamond treasure boxes gave Sui Yu the feeling of being unsatisfactory.

   Two of the treasure chests are chaotic gold coins, one is 8000 and the other is 6666, and the other one is a diamond treasure chest with more than 10,000 experience points.

   One of the three diamond chests with props left contains ten pieces of gold ore, and one of the remaining two diamond chests has a skill spar for S-level refining.

  Sui Yu only knew at this time that the skills of the S-order of emotions were stored in the skill spar.

   and the last one is a map.

   Copy Map Goblin Forest (All): After use, you can open the Goblin Forest Copy (Full), or upgrade the Goblin Forest Copy to Goblin Forest (Full).

   When he saw this duplicate map, Sui Yu suddenly remembered something and was suddenly full of fear.

  Why are you afraid?

  Because he suddenly remembered, the level of Slime Plain is one to three, and once it exceeds this level, he can't enter the copy of Slime Plain anymore!

Fortunately, when I modified the attribute points, I only successfully upgraded to level 3 and successfully locked the attribute point. In case Sui Yu was cheap at the time and then clicked to upgrade, then after upgrading to level 4, he may never again Can't get into the copy of Slime Plain!

   Moreover, before I gave up the copy of Goblin Forest, the copy of Goblin Forest was not opened. At this time, there is only one copy of Slime Plain in the copy interface.

  If you really accidentally exceed the copy level, then Sui Yu will have no copy at all!

   "So, what **** games really test the player's consciousness and luck!" Sui Yu is not afraid to mention this at this time: "This one accidentally stepped on the wrong track, and if it is not possible, it will be directly blocked!"

  So, Sui Yu, who was very scared, chose this map that can open a new copy as the harvest of this copy without saying anything.

   Anyway, first open the next copy to prevent accidentally no copy can enter!

   Soon, Sui Yu's consciousness returned to the real world after the draw of the treasure chest was completed.

   Then he suddenly received a notification from the system in consciousness.

   [System Tips: Congratulations to the extraordinary Sui Yu, the first time to get an S-level evaluation, complete the achievement "pursuit of perfection," and won the title of "perfectionist"! ]

   Perfectionist (title)

  Wearing effect: When you reach the S-level evaluation, you will get an additional 10% experience gain, and at the same time, a rate of more than 10% will increase the number of diamond chest draws.

   Yes, unexpected surprise, just don't know if this 10% increase the chance of an extra draw?

  Sui Yu can still remember the 50% success rate of casting a rough iron sword!

Click on the title interface that appears in the system menu. I originally thought that I could replace the title of "sick seedling" with the title of "perfectionist". As a result, Sui Yu found that this title system basically had little room for operation, because this system can only help Sui Yu inquired about which titles he had obtained and what effect those titles had.

   There is no need for Sui Yu to equip the title, and there is no limit to the number of titles to wear.

   Also, the title is generally a nickname obtained after completing a certain feat or giving a strong impression to others. How can there be an upper limit for the existence of this nickname?

  Don't some extraordinary person reach the upper limit of the title, we can't give him a nickname? !

In short, after a little understanding of the effect of the title brought by the new achievements, Sui Yu hurriedly used the copy map just obtained in the inventory and added a new copy to the copy interface, "Goblin Forest (full )"-This thing can't be forgotten, Sui Yu's luck is not good because of the bad result that no copy can be entered before, but one's luck can't always be so good! Therefore, safety first! Safety first!

   Then, after a little rest in the real world to ease the sense of time and space dislocation brought by countless previous file advances, Sui Yu entered the Slime Plain again.

   Yes, Sui Yu entered Slime Plain instead of Goblin Forest.

  Don't forget, Sui Yu's most desired goal at this time is to challenge the king of Slime in his heyday to prove his strength.

   So even if there is a new copy to enter, Sui Yu returned to Slime Plain again.

brush! brush! brush!

  As you become more familiar with the increase in attributes, Sui Yu's movements are obviously faster than before!

   Less than twenty minutes this time, Sui Yu completed the killing work of 999 slimes!

   And naturally the next thing is to wait...


   Well, the weak debuff of the soul makes Sui Yu easily become mentally exhausted, so Sui Yu fell asleep accidentally while waiting for the slime to refresh.

  Anyway, Sui Yu has already archived, but I don't have to worry about wasting too many copies of this copy, so Sui Yu is very stable.

   Even in order to sleep comfortably, Sui Yu not only specifically found a water slime to sleep next to it, but also specially put this set of coarse linen clothes he wore into the inventory to prevent slime from corroding his clothes.

  Although non-equipment items like coarse linen after the end of the copy will not update the state after leaving the copy like a weapon to retain the reduced durability, after leaving the copy, the clothes corroded by Slime will naturally return to the original state again.

   However, this time Sui Yu was waiting for Slime to refresh and then play against the king of Slime in his heyday.

   If the clothes on his body were corroded by Slime while waiting to be refreshed, Sui Yu would be troubled-he didn't want to play against the Slime King coolly!


   It seems that the weak soul is also good, that is, the sound of sleeping and sleeping!

Almost as soon as he closed his eyes, Sui Yu fell asleep. He even dreamed of the original world again. He dreamed of showing off his various achievements in online games with those fox friends, and dreamed of the audience when he opened the box on the online live broadcast. The strong enthusiasm displayed by the barrage (all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred), and at the same time seemed to dream that after successfully locking the heartbeat frequency of the girl to help the girl whose face was inexplicably blurred to get rid of heart disease, it seemed because of the strong achievement I sent out a emotion.

Eh? What was the emotion I sent out at that time?

   opened his eyes, and inexplicably appeared a strange question Sui Yu found that the sun of the Slime Plain had begun to tilt westward at the same time. At the same time, the slimes that had been killed by him before were refreshed again unconsciously.

   And myself...

  Okay, this water slime, which was covered by Sui Yu as a quilt, is almost at this time almost catching up with the size of the weakened version of the slime king he had killed before!

   Say, when he was sleeping, how much HP did this water slime absorb? !

  While it sounds very strange, Sui Yu felt that this sleep was refreshing, and even when she raised her arm, Sui Yu found that her skin seemed to become more crystal clear.

  It seems that when he slept, Slime swallowed the stains in his capillaries, and also promoted the appearance of skin metabolism.

   Could it be that the predation of slime still has the effect of beauty? !

Therefore, Sui Yu, who originally planned to use his "quilt" as the 1,000th sacrifice to trigger the appearance of King Slime, finally let go of this water-based slime, who seemed to be struggling to move, and turned to walk. Not far away, another metal slime was triggered to trigger the transition CG of King Slime.

   The earth shook and the slime storm came again!

However, Sui Yu, who has already seen how many times Slime King appeared on the scene, ignored the spectacular scene in the center of the plain and opened his inventory to take out his underwear and Shi Shiran wore it. On the body-excited and almost forgot to wear clothes.

Tightening the twine around his waist, Sui Yu complained in his heart that this world's clothing was not as comfortable as his own world (but thinking that this suit was Su Xiaolei's request for mercy, and later Sui Yu felt that this suit again It is even warmer than those expensive clothes that I wore before crossing)) I was ready to fight while moving my body.

   And at this moment, the storm disappeared and the huge King Slime (full version) appeared again!


   Sui Yu, who was ready to attack, stepped on the ground at the moment when the storm just disappeared. With a violent smoke, Sui Yu pressed down against the ground and rushed towards the giant King of Slime instantly like a bullet!


   is worthy of the fact that King Slime, which is a combination of nearly two thousand Slimes, made a terrifying roar when he noticed that Sui Yu was approaching extremely fast!

  At the same time, along with the strong shock wave caused by the roar, hundreds of ice arrows were mixed with the shock wave and shot at Sui Yu at this time!

   And, this is not over yet!

Hundreds of stone cones broke out of the ground above the ground. If Sui Yu reacted quickly and left to the right, even if he could escape the ice arrows accelerated by the shock wave, he might eventually be punctured by the ground suddenly. Stone cone pierced the body!


   jumped hard, and Sui Yu avoided the entanglement of the suddenly erupting vines on the ground, and one of the volleys flew out and two of the metal elements attacked precisely like a boomerang.

However, looking at the blood bar representing his HP in the field of vision, it suddenly fell by a bar of about one percent. Sui Yu only noticed that he had not really escaped the attack of the metallic magic just now. In Sui Yu's waist, two red awns are clearly reminding the fact that Sui Yu has been recruited!

   "Strange, how do you feel that this slime king is stronger than the one I first encountered? Lying?"

   Sui Yu, who had just been distracted, was dark. His emotions seemed to be calculated in advance at the moment he landed. The huge Slime King actually waved a huge tentacle. At this time, he was smashing into Sui Yu!

   Sure enough, this slime king is stronger than the first one he encountered! The reaction is also faster!

   Subconsciously stab before the sword!

   Skill stab, launch!

   Attack by attack!

   There is no way. If Sui Yu hadn't been distracted before, she might be able to avoid it by sliding shovel in advance, but now...



  Along with the huge scream, the tentacles drawn by King Slime flew away like an electric shock.

   At the same time, the green part suspended in the arc-shaped blood strip on the right side of King Slime disappeared in an instant!

Well, Sui Yu found that his offensive power was really strong at this time, even King Slime, who had always used the rogue trick of "injuring the enemy one thousand self-injury eight hundred", was punished by him because he was too injured. The sword forced back.


   "Return my weapon!"

   Well, just now a sword was too sudden. At the moment of the attack, Sui Yu, because he couldn't control the force of the thrusting skill, even stabbed the whole thick iron sword directly into the slime king's tentacles.

  At this time, with King Slime as if he was electrocuted, he withdrew his tentacles, so Sui Yu's thick iron sword was just swept away by King Slime!

   Brush brush!

  Too late to spit out King Slime actually grabbed his sword, Sui Yu rolled over to restore balance and then quickly kicked the ground forward and rushed forward!

   Boom Boom Boom!

  In an instant, hundreds of fireballs came, and the flames produced by the continuous explosion even dyed the sky behind Sui Yu into a red!

   At the same time, the explosive air wave directly lifted Sui Yu!


   God help me too!

  Using the impact provided by the explosive gas wave, UU reading Sui Yu flew directly to King Slime at this time!

   And at this time, Sui Yu was looking into the sky with King Slime's radiant red eyes!



   Although the weapon was snatched by King Slime, Sui Yu still has fists!

   It's just that Sui Yu didn't understand boxing, and he didn't have the skills to increase the damage like basic sword skills, so this boxing went on... so good? !


  With a loud noise, Sui Yu's punch went straight through King Slime's body!

At this time, Sui Yu's whole person directly rushed into the slim body of King Slime with the punching wind from the part between King Slime's eyes, and then in a few seconds, his eyes lit up when Sui Yu came back. When he found out that he had already appeared in the air behind King Slime!


  When Sui Yu volleyed over and barely landed safely, accompanied by huge shocks and roars, Sui Yu turned her head and found that the huge King Slime had collapsed!

   At the same time, Sui Yu was surprised to find that this was not a knockdown effect, but a lore!

  Because, at this time, Sui Yu's vision of the curved life bar displayed on the right side of King Slime has accurately told Sui Yu that King Slime has completely exhausted all HP at this time!

   "I..." Sui Yu looked at his fist at this time and was completely dumbfounded.

  What happened? !

   I used my best strength to kill one-tenth of the Slime King's HP. Why didn't I use a punch without any skills, but directly lost the HP and still had 90% of the Slime King? !

  This... is this unscientific? !

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