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Chapter 5:

Author's note.

{N / A: to be clear, all of the characters described are fictional, and I don't have any DC characters}.

{N / A: Despite the name of the police commissioner being James Gordon, everyone knows him as Jim Gordon, so I'll call him Jim in the novel}.

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Continuation of the previous chapter

[An early Christmas present so to speak]. (Leon) said while throwing a folder in front of Gordon, in that folder were all the data of the Penguin's operations.

There it had everything, customer information, distribution routes, private accounts, and more.

Looking at that Jim almost had a heart attack, that was enough to send the Penguin and all the Gotham corrupt to jail for the rest of his life without any chance of parole.

Yesterday when Leon left he made sure to take advantage of all the information that the previous one had gathered.

Never underestimate someone who works with prostitution.

When someone works with it, they get really interesting information.

Many prostitutes know 50X more information about a target she/he has slept with a few times, than a spy who watches him for months.

And Leon was someone who got along very well with the other prostitutes and prostitutes who were there with him.

And they exchanged a lot of information at that time.

Leon knew more about Gotham's criminal organization than Penguin himself and he wrote it all down in a notebook and gave it to Gordon.

He got the pictures and the evidence yesterday when he left as Executor.

Due to the ability to teleport, he can enter different places and leave without anyone noticing.

[How?]. (Jim).

[It is actually quite simple, everyone underestimates a prostitute, especially in cases like mine that I am an orphan and didn't even have a name for]. (Leon)

[But the real truth is that people like me have more information than you can imagine, most customers love to brag about the things they do]. (Leon)

[Or else vent about the problems and more, the evidence I got thanks to Executor]. (Leon)

[Are you in contact with him?]. (Jim)

[He is a metahuman who was sold with me, basically another orphan with no name or face in his databases, in that we are the same]. (Leon)

[Unlike me he has the power to take revenge with his bare hands, he baptized himself Hassan and his aim is to cause the bandits so much fear that none of them dare to leave their homes again]. (Leon)

[Can you make him stop and give himself up?]. (Jim)

[Not]. (Leon)

[Can you contact him?]. (Jim)

[No, it is he who comes to me when we speak, and I am not going to lead him into a trap]. (Leon)

[He is massacring people]. (Jim)

[He's killing the corrupt, Jim don't get me wrong, I'm not in favor of what he's doing, but I'm also not against it]. (Leon)

[The evidence I'm giving you is a test]. (Leon)

[I am testing whether the police are reliable or not, and I believe he is doing the same, he and I want Cobblepot to suffer as much as possible]. (Leon)

[And knowing that he will spend the rest of his life in jail being the bitch of the other prisoners is a very good way of doing that]. (Leon)

[But if you don't deal with him, Hassan will, and believe me, it will be a bloodbath of biblical proportions]. (Leon)

[He's a killer]. (Jim)

[That he is killing other assassins and monsters, you know that very well]. (Leon)

[Honestly, if I were you, I wouldn't go after him, let him do the dirty work, and just get the police to take the credit]. (Leon)

[How can you suggest something like that?]. (Jim)

[Because I know the worst side of humanity, and I'm realistic about that, Jim I was sold at just 5 years old, and I started being raped at 6]. (Leon)

[I spent my life suffering because of the police's incompetence in keeping that Cobblepot psychopath in jail]. (Leon)

[Your current means are not effective, the police in Gotham are useless, corrupt, or you]. (Leon) said calmly.

[Hey, I'm not corrupt]. (???)

[What's your name?]. (Leon)

[Edward]. (Edward)

[How long have you been in Gotham?]. (Leon)

[3 years]. (Edward)

[You know about Cobblepot's crimes, don't you?]. (Leon)

[Yes]. (Edward)

[Did you arrest him?]. (Leon)

[It's not that simple]. (Edward) said with an ugly expression.

[Not?]. (Leon)

[You know where he is, you know what he does, you have proof of that, but you can't arrest him or keep him in jail]. (Leon)

[Tell me, do you seem to be effective?]. (Leon)

Edward at that moment looked at Leon angrily but did not contest.

He knew exactly how things were in Gotham, and the worst thing was that Leon was right, the police couldn't keep criminals behind bars, for the most part being corrupt or useless.

Jim listening to Leon said:

[And why do you think I'm not worthless?]. (Jim)

[Because all the bad guys who abused me were afraid of Batman and you]. (Leon)

[You don't create fear in these types of people by being useless, that's why I had already decided, I would get your attention and that of Batman and give the documents and evidence to both of you]. (Leon)

[And I would wait and see, if you would make a difference, or if you would simply fail even if you have all the evidence]. (Leon)

[And what happens if we fail?]. (Jim)

[I will watch while Hassan slays all the Gotham thugs]. (Leon)

[One way or another I will see Cobblepot fall and suffer]. (Leon)

Listening to Leon, Jim sighed and said:

[A young man like you shouldn't get lost in revenge]. (Jim)

[A young man like me shouldn't have gone through 1/100 of what I had to do, and yet here I am]. (Leon)

[What prevents us from arresting you for being an accomplice?]. (Edward)

[You have no proof that I am Hassan's accomplice, and the information I had, I already passed on to you]. (Leon)

[Unless you decide to plant evidence and frame me, you have nothing against me, and you cannot prove anything]. (Leon)

[And even if they do, they won't win anything in the end, other than to prove to me that everyone in Gotham is corrupt or useless]. (Leon)

[But feel free to do that]. (Leon)

[You and Hassan, or whatever he calls himself, seem very close, if we arrest you he may come after]. (Edward) said with a cold eye.

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