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98.66% Chosen by the Goddess of Creation. / Chapter 74: *Untitled. (Title at the end.)

Chapter 74: *Untitled. (Title at the end.)

I'm really sorry about the delay. (It's not just a delay anymore!)

Also, sorry since this chapter is only 4136 words.

My bad since I couldn't find the motivation to write these days. It feels like I couldn't write anything and would be in a stump every time I decide to write something. (Though I wouldn't call it Writer's block since my laziness probably had a part on it. After all, I suddenly found several good manhua's to read and Mobile Legends took some of my time.)

I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Comment on the paragraph if you see something grammatically incorrect.


"My home should be on another continent, if nothing changed." Urek said as he munched on the food presented in front of him.

In front of him, Yuri placed down her chopsticks and there's the sour expression on her face. "I'm impressed, Urek. How could you possibly eat these and look like you are enjoying it? For me, this is simply not edible…"

"Hmm..? Well, because it's quite delicious? Maybe you have a different taste since you were raised in the Tower, but this food here is actually fine." Urek replied as he continued eating.

"Urek, if we travelled through flying, how long do you think it would take for us to arrive at your empire?" Hazuki asked. He's already done with the food, though his' was nearly untouched.

The money they took from the bandits was used as their lunch as the group was hungry. Hazuki didn't want to cook since Baek Ryun and the others seem to want to taste this place's cuisine.

And it seems like Baek Ryun, who has never tasted Hazuki's cooking, was quite satisfied with the food. Though it seems like it wasn't the best for him, it was still fine since he's taking a different cuisine than what he's used to.

Hearing Hazuki's question, Urek seems to be thinking as his brows were furrowed and has a thoughtful expression. "Hmm… I think it will take us a day or a half if we go with our speed... Though I wasn't that sure since I never did that before. I mean, traveling between continents through flying…"

"There's really no need for us to fly, right? Considering the amount of Floating Ships we have on Hazuki's dimension…" Garam said as she continued eating her food demurely.

"Ehem.. Miss Garam, I don't think that's possible. After all, those Floating Ships need Shinsu to function." Baek Ryun said.

Ying Yueru, on the side who also refused to finish her meal, chimed in. "That's not really a problem, is it? Hazuki's dimension has all the Shinsu needed to make those things function."

"I know, Miss Ying. But those Floating Ships need continuous supply of Shinsu while we are traveling since the environment doesn't have Shinsu. Furthermore, the speed of the Floating Ships would be slower because of that. And it would be inefficient if we infused the Floating Ships with our very own Shinsu." Baek Ryun responded.

"That's not a problem, Baek Ryun. I can just create a portal heading directly towards the Floating Ship's core to make it functional. That way, we can use it to travel towards other empires." Hazuki said.

"If that's so, then I guess that's the best way for us to travel." Baek Ryun replied.

A few minutes later, everyone finished their business and went out of the restaurant.

"We should hurry up and drop this shit-face on his home and go on our way.." Garam said, recommending the hastening of their journey.

Urek pouted like he's aggrieved hearing Garam's words. "Garam, would it really hurt for you to be nice with me?"

"Hmph! Nothing good will happen if I act nice to you! It might even get worse due to your creepiness!" Garam said, looking at Urek with contempt while rubbing her arms.

"Oi, I'm not!" Urek protested. But as he looked around, he saw Yuri and Evan looking at him with the same look Garam had. Seeing this, he could only smile wryly.

'What the heck did I do to receive this treatment…? I only wanted to forget Garam in the past and that attempt resulted in this change of attitude…'

Hazuki chuckled as he suggested. "We should probably get going now. There's no need to stay here unnecessarily longer. Also, this can save us some trouble by avoiding those Blood-something."

"Uhm." Baek Ryun nodded. Evan and the others also nodded as they agreed to depart immediately.

But Urek sighed like he lost something. "Going already? Haih, here I thought I could play with those Housecats…"

Yuri heard him and kicked his shin. "Idiot, would you really trouble yourself by dealing with those small fries?" (Heck, why do I feel like I'm wrong about the spelling of 'Small Fries'...)

"Oh~. I guess it's possible since only lowlifes will entangle themselves with their own kind." She added with a look of contempt.

"..." Urek flinched and was speechless at Yuri's reasoning.

Hazuki smiled and just shook his head as he transported them outside of the city with his Kamui.

In an instant, their surroundings changed; they appeared at the spot where they were previously located.

"Baek Ryun, you are the most familiar among the Floating Ships of Wolhaiksong. So go inside the Kamui first and choose the fastest one among the Floating Ships inside." Hazuki said as he transported Baek Ryun inside the Kamui.

As long as Baek Ryun calls his name, Hazuki would immediately know. After all, the Kamui is his personal dimension. He can sense anything inside like he's looking at it from above.

A minute later, Baek Ryun finished choosing the Floating Ship.

The Floating Ship was not that large, considering the average size of Floating Ships, at about 70 meters in length and width of 20 meters.

It has a very slim body considering its length. It had eight suspendiums installed in its body. Four on its rear end and also four below the Floating Ship itself. (Suspendium is the blue gem embedded in Floating Ships in TOG. It's the one responsible for the flying mechanism of the Floating Ships.)

"Hmm. Not bad." Hazuki observed the Floating Ship and thought that it's quite good.

Suddenly, Hazuki grinned and looked towards Baek Ryun and Urek. "Hey, Baek Ryun."

Baek Ryun looked at Hazuki and chills immediately ran down his spine after seeing Hazuki's ominous grin. "W-what is it, Hazuki-san?"

"I can drive this, right?" Hazuki asked. Throughout his time in the Tower, he has yet to try driving a Floating Ship. And for him, this is the best time to do that.

Ying Yueru obviously flinched after seeing Hazuki's grin. She knew that when Hazuki was sporting that kind of Grin, he was planning something. And most of the time, the plans were not good. "U-uhh, Hazuki, can I enter Kamui first? My stomach suddenly hurts and I don't know why…"

"Huh?! Sis Ying, maybe..1" Yuri looked at Ying Yueru with surprise.

Ying Yueru smiled wryly and replied. "I don't know… Maybe this is just a normal stomach ache. After all, we did eat from that restaurant and it might've upset my stomach…"

Hearing her words, Hazuki thought that her stomach might really be upset. As for whether she's pregnant? That's impossible. He made sure to prevent that from happening since they aren't planning on settling down yet. 'Hmm.. It might be.. After all, that place's food is awful and her stomach might not be so welcoming to it after tasting my cooking…'

"'M'kay. You can go inside first and rest." Hazuki said as he transported Ying Yueru inside their own residence inside the Kamui dimension.

After he sent her away, Hazuki smiled and said. "Okay! Let's go!" Then he led the way inside the Floating Ship.

Yuri and the others smiled as they followed Hazuki inside since they didn't know what kind of trouble they got themselves in. But Baek Ryun and Urek couldn't help but feel like something's going to happen.

'Wait… What Miss Ying did.. Maybe she knew what would happen?! And she didn't tell us?!' Baek Ryun thought nervously. Stomach aches are nearly impossible to happen since they are already nurtured by the Shinsu. And although there are no Shinsu on the outside world, the effects of Shinsu should still be present.

Right now, Baek Ryun could only pray that nothing happens.

"Hey, Baek Ryun. Teach me the basics on how to use this thing." Hazuki shouted from the cockpit.

Baek Ryun nervously went inside and taught Hazuki the basics of the flight. It was quite easy since Hazuki was a fast learner, considering his Intelligence stat.

In just a few minutes, Hazuki learned the basics of using the Floating Ship, though there are still some mechanisms that Baek Ryun didn't teach him. Like releasing firearms and firing the weapons installed in the Floating Ship.

A few minutes later.


"Hazuki-san, please stoop iiit!"

"Bro, please, mercy!!"

All of the passengers inside were grasping onto anything they can hold since the whole Floating Ship was turning around almost twice a second. Indeed, they can fly, but at this moment, they couldn't since they might possibly destroy the Floating Ship in the process.

Their screams continued for a few more minutes before it finally came into a stop.

"Hoo! That's quite good!" Hazuki said as he passed the control over to Yuje, whom he summoned from the Kamui dimension.

It's his first time driving a Floating Ship and he really enjoyed maneuvering using it. Though he probably enjoyed their screams more.

Baek Ryun and the others could finally breathe a sigh of relief as he personally drove the Floating Ship. He only put it into Auto-pilot a few hours after Hazuki's prank.

Their journey inside the Floating Ship continued for a day and a half. Well, this should be quite normal since they have to travel between continents. Also, Urek and the others should be present in the Floating Ship since only Urek could recognize the places in this world.

-----A day and a half later.-----

As Urek and the others were viewing the land from the cockpit, Urek suddenly exclaimed. "There!"

Everyone else in the cockpit looked ahead and saw a grand-looking city. It was small in their eyes since they are still far away from it.

"That should be my home! Even though it's been a long time since I was last here, the city shouldn't change so much." Urek said. The city in front of him is the imperial capital of their empire.

Through the past day and a half, they have already passed through many cities. Though they didn't stop since they were hurrying to Urek's home.

"Really? Then you should go first and fly there by yourself. Since we still have many things to do." Garam said nonchalantly while looking at her nails.

"Oh come on, Garam. Don't tell me you don't want to stay over at my place?" Urek said with an expression that seems to be asking for a favor.

"Of course. Who would want to stay at your place? Excluding Baek Ryun, that is." Garam replied.

"Why are you even acting like this? It's not like I��m going to do something bad, right? Also, how could I do that when Yuri and Sister-in-law were around you? Furthermore, Bro Hazuki is also around. So why are you so on guard around me?" Urek asked.

"Shut up, shit-face." Garam couldn't reply anything and decided to stop their conversation. She doesn't really mind staying for some time. But something in her just adamantly wants to refuse Urek and make him beg for it before she would 'agree' to it reluctantly.

A few minutes later, Everyone could finally take a closer look at the capital city in front of them.

The land occupied by the city was very large. They were still a few kilometers before they could enter its boundaries but the city was already covering their sights.

As they are observing the city in front of them, a group of people suddenly flew up and blocked their way.

Baek Ryun, who left the Floating Ship in auto-pilot, immediately controlled the Floating Ship to stop in order to avoid colliding with the group of people.

"Halt! Identify yourselves!" The person leading the group wearing a suit of armor, asked.

The people behind him were already clutching on their weapons, on standby if anything ever happens.

Urek then gestured for Baek Ryun to open the door of the Floating Ship. After that, he went outside and replied to the leader of the guards.

"Can't you recognize the great me? It's only been almost a century and you all couldn't recognize me anymore?" Urek replied, like the narcissist he is.

A vein popped on the leader's head as he stared at Urek. 'How am I supposed to recognize you?! And, 'only a century'?!'

"Chief! This guy is just messing with us! Let's just place him in prison and interrogate him!" One of his lackeys said.

"Idiot! Can't you see the vehicle behind him?! That man is surely someone from the higher class! What if he's actually a person from another empire sent here to talk about peace talks?! Would you be able to take responsibility for detaining him?!" Another of the guards' said.

The person who suggested placing Urek in prison scratched his head in embarrassment because of his impulsive thought. "But, we would surely be notified if someone of such status were to come, right? Right now, the leaders aren't saying anything relating to such matters…"

The chief of the guards raised his right arm, ordering the guards behind him to shut up. "I apologize but we wouldn't be able to let you in if you couldn't present identification for yourselves. Please leave, you are disturbing the people by your presence."

The chief personally came by himself since he felt something weird about the incoming people. There's a subtle presence about them that he couldn't explain. But he's sure about one thing, that feeling sends chills down his spine!

That's also the reason why he's being so polite in front of them. Because even if this is their empire, they couldn't just offend somebody like Urek.

What if the man had a background from another empire? After all, only powerful families and sects could nurture a powerhouse like Urek.

"Tsk." Urek clicked his tongue and he immediately tried to reach out to his pocket in order to retrieve something.

Suddenly a black orb appeared around him, startling the guards. "What is that?!"

"Calm your tits. It's just storage." Urek said nonchalantly and continued to search around his pocket.

The pocket could be summoned any time since it never really leaves his side. It's just hidden on sight and he could undo it anytime.

A few seconds later, Urek found what he's searching for and tossed it into the Chief's hands.

Catching the object thrown, the chief scrunched his brows. 'A token of identity…? It looks familiar… Where have I seen this before…?'

The leader couldn't remember clearly, so he let his subordinates take a look and ask about their opinions. After all, they might be able to mention something relevant to the item and he might remember it due to that.

While they were ruminating about the token's identity, a guard(A) suddenly exclaimed. "Wait! Isn't this similar to the imperial family's token more than 6 decades ago?!" (Okay, I don't want to name them and decided to use this as something to identify them. Guard(A) is the person who suggested placing them in prison.)

Hearing his subordinates exclamation, the chief was enlightened. "Indeed!" Then he returned his gaze to Urek. "Sir, is this token yours?"

"Who else's if that isn't mine? Obviously, it's mine since I took it out, right?" Urek replied.

Suddenly, the chief tossed the token back to Urek and said. "I'm sorry about this, Sir. But that token is already outdated and wouldn't be recognized by the empire anymore. It's nothing more than a piece of metal right now."

"What are you talking about?! This imperial family's token is already a millenia old and the Imperial family wouldn't replace it in order to preserve our tradition!" Urek shouted. He knew that his father wouldn't just replace the design of the token because it was a teaching from his grandfather. They are trying to preserve as many relics as they can and the Identity token can be considered as such since the design had been such ever since the empire was founded.

The chief just shook his head and replied. "It looks like you have been away from the empire these past few decades, Sir."

He looked at Urek with slight pity as he continued. "I apologize for being blunt but the previous Imperial family has already been replaced by a new one. The seat of the Emperor has already been transferred to another and the Imperial family already changed."

Hearing the chief's words, Urek was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what the Guard's Chief said. "N-no.. way... "

Seeing Urek's disbelief and shocked appearance, the Guard could finally confirm Urek's identity. "Sir, even if you are a Prince of the previous monarchy, you wouldn't be able to use that Token anymore to exercise authority. I'm sorry."

Urek's head was lowered and he remained silent. A few seconds later, Urek muttered. "Who is the current Emperor…?"

"It's Emperor Jared Zaun, Sir." The Guard's Chief replied with certainty.

Urek could recognize that name very well. It was the name of a talented Marshal's son.

In the past, that name is one of the most discussed among the empire together with Urek's name, although Urek is the most popular since he is the second Prince and the most talented among the younger generation.

'That same Jared Zaun..? The kid who I trampled on in the past…?' Urek thought.

Jared Zaun was considered one of his competitors by the people of the Empire. Though Urek wouldn't recognize it because Jared Zaun at that time was only capable of entertaining him.

Urek couldn't believe it. 'How could that wimpy kid have the ability to overthrow the Empire my father was ruling…?'

Urek was already gritting his teeth and he asked another important question. "Then… What happened to the previous Imperial Family?"

The guard's chief shook his head. "I'm sorry but I wouldn't be able to answer that. It's not within my responsibility to answer that question. Furthermore, I already broke the rules by informing a previous Prince about these matters, sorry."

The Guard's chief knew that Urek's questions might lead to bloodshed. After all, would the previous Prince not avenge his family if he knew that they are executed by the usurpers?

"Please leave now, Sir. You are disturbing public order by displaying that large, intimidating Ship." Then he gestured to his subordinates and led the way back to the empire.

Urek stood in the air, completely silent. The aura around him was gloomy and scary. Even Baek Ryun and the others could feel his negative emotions even though they couldn't understand what they were talking about. They could only agree in unison that it is something negative.

Soon, Urek came back on the Floating Ship. But he was a completely different person from his previous narcissistic, outgoing personality. He was completely surrounded by gloom that even Garam and Yuri wouldn't dare disturb.

Suddenly, Hazuki sat beside Urek and patted his shoulder. "What do you want to do about them? Don't worry, I will help you as much as I can."

Urek just nodded strongly. But unknown to him, tears were already flowing from his eyes silently. His fists were clenched so hard, to the point where his palms were already bleeding.

'Father... Mother… Big Bro… Janice… I'm sorry... I'm such an unfilial son… If only I wasn't such a prick back then and chased after Phantaminum then this wouldn't have happened…' Urek immersed himself in self-blame.

He already accepted the fate his family suffered. After all, it was completely common to execute the remaining members of the Imperial family in usurping the throne. That is to wipe out their family line and remove potential threats that may come and bite them back in the ass.

He was thinking that everything happened because of his departure. If only he hadn't left the Empire and continued looking after his family then everything wouldn't have taken a complete turn.

'I swear in the name of the Mazino, I will avenge you all…!' Urek clenched his teeth as tears infused with rage dripped from his eyes.

While thinking about his family, Urek suddenly raised his head and stared at Hazuki desperately. "Bro…! You can revive people, right…?! Please help me out this time…!"

His words were out of sheer desperation. He knew that reviving people was very hard and it was considered as a myth even inside the Tower, which is literally drowned with lifeforce. But Urek didn't hesitate and asked just in case Hazuki could help him out.

"That… I don't think it would be easy doing that…" Hazuki replied hesitantly.

"Then that means, it's not impossible, right?!�� Urek shouted. "Please…! Help me, Bro…! I'll do anything, just please…!"

Hazuki stared calmly at Urek and replied. "In order to do that, you have to give up something. Are you ready to sacrifice?"

Urek nodded repeatedly. "Of course! Even the greatest sacrifices wouldn't suffice to the debts I owe to my family!"

Hazuki smiled and said. "Okay, but let's leave that matter for later. Right now, you should focus yourself on the treacherous family who usurped the Throne from your family."

"Yeah." Urek nodded with a smile that was looking for blood. Only the blood of the current emperor and his family could quench the thirst of revenge in him.

-----Baek Ryun and the Other's, Third-person P.O.V-----

Hearing Urek and Hazuki's conversation, everyone could immediately guess what was happening. Perhaps only an idiot wouldn't know after all the things they've said.

Baek Ryun could only look at his best friend with sympathy. He doesn't know what to do since he grew up in a society where death is quite common. Furthermore, he's an orphan who doesn't have anything to call family other than his organization and his friends.

Baek Ryun doesn't know how to feel right now. After all, he and Urek were looking forward to traveling the outside world ever since they became friends.

When they are still in the Tower, he and Urek would frequently talk about the wonders of the outside world. How they should spend their vacation once they get out of the Tower, such things.

But now that they are already outside, Baek Ryun thought that their plans might not be accomplished anymore. After all, Urek's family was executed so how could they spend time enjoying themselves? So he could only hope that Hazuki really has a way to revive Urek's family. That way, Urek could recover from the loss of his family and his best friend might come back.

Garam was also looking at Urek with pity since she went through the same pain after she was forced to kill her own sister. Though Urek's feeling was probably worse since he lost his whole family and the events happened while he was away. He will surely blame himself for everything that happened since he wasn't there to defend his family.

She was currently thinking of ways to comfort Urek since she also went through it. Though she doesn't know what to do since she would look like a busybody if she interfered.

After all, Urek didn't even say anything. How could she explain how she knew such matters? Admit that she eavesdropped on their conversation? No way.

Yuri, the most straightforward among them, directly walked up to Urek and said. "Just like Hazuki, I'm also here together with you. Just say it and I will help you with everything I can, Urek."

Urek stared at Yuri's eyes and he could see the sincerity within them. So he nodded and he felt warm inside. 'I shouldn't wallow myself in despair.. I might get swallowed by vengeance and use them like tools for my revenge… There's still hope..'

"Thank you, Bro Hazuki and Yuri. I really appreciate it." Urek said from the bottom of his heart. Then he looked over to Garam and saw the worry and sympathy on her face.

He just smiled at her like usual. But for Garam, Urek's smile seemed to be lonelier and sad than his previous cheeky smile.

"Rest inside my dimension first, Urek. We will continue to move after you rest for a bit." Hazuki said as he created a portal heading towards the Kamui dimension. He didn't forcefully absorb him inside since that would be like restraining Urek.

Fortunately, Urek entered voluntarily. It seems like he also knew that he needed some rest in order to let his tensed mind relax. He needed to relax his emotions so he can achieve their goal faster without making many mistakes due to chaotic emotions.

After Urek entered, Hazuki suggested that they store the Floating Ship and disappear from the outside world for a while.

Baek Ryun readily agreed since that is also his intention. All of them returned to Hazuki's house inside the Kamui Dimension in order to discuss some things.

(Title: Mazino Empire's downfall.)

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