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Chapter 1 First

"So, I died?" asked Karo after a brief explanation from the so-called Kami-sama in front of her.

Kami-sama, who looked like an old man in white robe nooded, "Yes, My Child. The train crash kill more than two hundred people and now the afterlife section was really busy due to it."

Karo slowly organized things up in her head, "So, em… Kami-sama… what do I do here? Why am I here alone?" asked Karo while looking at her surroundings that only consisted of she herself and the Kami-sama. Also a round table between them.

Kami-sama laughed like Mr. Santa with His hands on His stomach. "Hohoho… I think you are the only being who calmly examine your surroundings and ask me the reason. Well, the others are either really pushy or short-tempered. I am glad this time hoho…"

Kami-sama stood up from His seat and stretched His hand toward Karo. "Come, My Child, you shall be awarded."

The table vanished into fragments of light.

Karo took His hand and followed Him, "Kami-sama…" The way she felt her hand being wrapped by another hand was nostalgic.

"Yes, My Child?"

"… please don't leave me alone…"

Kami-sama smiled, He stroked Karo's head. A nice and warm light enveloped them. "I would not, My Child. And you shall not leave another alone either. Now, go and accompany that lonely one, My Child. I bestowed you the power to save another within your willing, I hope for your well-being…" Slowly, Karo's eyes turned dark, but it was not an uncomfortable darkness. It calmed her.

Karo opened her eyes. She was in a wide room, with treasure everywhere she turned eyes. And fact, she was alone here. For probably more than years or so she could remember, she saw two teenage girl with long ears similar to an elf enter the treasure room where Karo was. Wait, was it elf just now?

"… ei… Hei… ook… this…" Karo's other sense began to sharpen as she began to recognize sound.

"Hei, hei, look at this necklace!" What a loud noise.

"It's pretty, I am sure Lady Vira would like it." Another teenage girl beside the loud one said as she reached Karo.

Hm? Wait, was Karo… a necklace…?

"Kami-sama, why did you… make me become an accessory?!" Karo trembled not in fear, instead in an overwhelming anger. Why would she became a necklace, no, magic crystal planted on a necklace intead of a hero? Her mission was to save those lonely one, right?

Those two elf girl sensed the necklace vibrated, "The magic in it really was godly ammount, I am sure it will protect My Lady."

"Yes, yes, now, shall we go out from the treasure room? We've been here for quite a long time, My Lady would probably be searching for us by now."

Those two elf, altogether with Karo which is the magic crystal necklace, went out from the treasure room.

"My Lady!"

"Viel, Vitel."

Karo stared at another girl, a fine young-looking elf-lady, if it is a human being, then, Karo supposed that young lady should be around eighteen or early-twenty. Karo, as a necklace, worn by that young lady.

"My Lady, this necklace has a very strong magic crystal, so, it will protect you well during the extermination with hero party to the dungeon."

The young lady smiled, "Thank you, I will cherish it dearly."

The young elf-lady thanked those two elf, then went to her bedroom. It was a very wide room, not too luxury, but emitted an elegant aura and calming aroma of chamomile. She sat on her bed, holding the necklace, "Please, lend me your power. I want to protect all of them…"

Karo could felt her own lips smile, eventhough Karo was a magic crystal and not a being. "Ne, elf-lady."

"Eh…" The young elf-lady startled as to whom the voice heard, but immediately realized that it was the magic crystal planted on the necklace.

"Oh, holy magic crystal, what do you wish for?" said that elf-lady with a short hesitation.

"No need to call me that, instead, call me Karo. I wish to build a contract with you." Karo said with an excited voice.

"With me?"

"Yes! I will protect you, was it okay?" said Karo.

The elf-lady smiled and hold the necklace close, then kissed it lightly. "Nice to meet you, Karo. I am Elvira. Please protect me well, okay?" Elvira's tears welled up.

"Yes. In exchange, please don't leave me alone, Elvira."

"I will, I will." Elvira nodded as fast as she could while holding Karo dearly.




"… vira… Elvira… are you there…?"

"Karo… I am sorry… I broke our promise…"

"… Elvira…"

"… I am sorry… Karo… I feel… restless… I want to… rest for awhile…"

"Elvira… okay, I will be here… until you awoke once more…"

"… hehe… oyasumi… nasai…"

(Note : 'Oyasuminasai' means 'goodnight' in Japanese as Karo taught Elvira before about a few of Japanese words)

Elvira said that because she wanted to sleep. Well, although she would probably not awake anymore. Karo aware of this, but still, she didn't budge away and stay still, accompanying her dying friend and contract Master. After Karo realized the last breath of Elvira, she could not help but sighed.

"Once again… I become alone…"

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