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50% Hidden Connection / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounters
Hidden Connection Hidden Connection original

Hidden Connection

Author: Zareen08

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Unexpected Encounters

Neeti sat leisurely in her room, trying to pass the time during her summer vacation. Scrolling up and down on Facebook, she stumbled upon an interesting group and decided to post something. It didn't take long before a reply came from an unknown person. Intrigued, they began chatting in the comments section, getting to know each other.

After a week had passed, Neeti received a friend request from the person she had been chatting with—Neil. Delighted by the connection they had made, she accepted the request, officially becoming friends on Facebook. Little did Neeti know that this new friendship would soon be met with opposition.

On the very day Neeti and Neil became friends, her nephew Thomas, whom she had grown up with, started shouting at her. He expressed his dislike for Neil and demanded that Neeti unfriend him immediately. Caught between her loyalty to Thomas and her budding friendship with Neil, Neeti found herself facing a difficult decision.

After much contemplation, Neeti reluctantly unfriended Neil, giving in to Thomas' wishes. To make matters worse, she decided to stay away from the Facebook group altogether for a few days, hoping to avoid any further conflicts. In the remaining days of her summer vacation, Neeti dedicated her time to spending moments with Thomas and her friend Sonia, trying to forget the turmoil caused by the unfriending incident.

As the summer vacation came to an end, Neeti returned to the city and resumed attending her classes regularly. One day, while connected to the internet to complete an assignment, she received a message on her Facebook account. Curiosity piqued, she opened the message and was immediately taken aback—it was Neil. He expressed concern and wondered why Neeti had been so unavailable lately. He genuinely wanted to know if she was facing any problems.

Neeti read the message but refrained from responding right away. She focused on completing her assignment first. Once it was done, she began pondering her actions. Without further hesitation, she decided to open a new Facebook account, this time using a different name. With her new alias, she sent a friend request to Neil.

However, since Neeti had not used her real name in the new account, Neil didn't accept the friend request immediately. He messaged her, asking who she was. The next day, as Neeti returned from the university in the evening, she logged into her new Facebook account and found Neil's message. She promptly replied, explaining her true identity and the reasons behind her unfriending him. After hearing Neeti's side of the story, Neil accepted her friend request, understanding the circumstances.

Neeti and Neil resumed their conversations on Facebook, this time more determined to maintain their newfound friendship. To avoid raising suspicions, Neeti added a few friends to her new account, including Sonia and Rim. Despite the renewed connection, Neil had never seen Neeti, as she hadn't posted any pictures of herself on her new Facebook account.

One night, plagued by restlessness, Neeti found herself unable to sleep. In the midst of her sleeplessness, she decided to upload her own picture as the profile picture for her new account. Feeling a sense of relief, she logged out and attempted to get some rest since she had classes the next morning.

While attending class the next day, Neeti's phone rang, and to her surprise, it was Thomas calling. Unable to answer at the moment, she let the call go to voicemail. Wondering what had happened, she decided to call Thomas back during her break. However, when she did, Thomas erupted in anger, shouting at her for not returning his call earlier, and then abruptly ending the conversation.

Confused and concerned, Neeti tried to make sense of Thomas's sudden outburst. She attended the rest of her classes, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of what could have caused Thomas to behave so irrationally.

After her last class, Neeti hurriedly made her way to the corridor, where she could finally call Thomas back and confront him about his strange behavior. With a mix of worry and determination, she dialed his number, hoping to get some answers.

"Thomas, what's going on? Why are you so angry with me?" Neeti asked, her voice filled with genuine concern.

"Why didn't you call me back when I needed you?" Thomas shouted angrily, his words echoing through the phone.

"I'm sorry, Thomas. I was in class and couldn't answer right away. Please tell me what's wrong," Neeti pleaded, desperately trying to understand the situation.

In a tense and frustrated tone, Thomas replied, "Login to your Facebook account. Now!"

Perplexed, Neeti complied with his request. She switched on her computer and logged into her Facebook account, wondering what could have prompted such an intense reaction from Thomas. As the page loaded, she saw a message notification from him. Her heart raced as she opened it.

The message contained a link sent by Thomas. Curiosity mingled with apprehension as she clicked on the link, unsure of what she was about to encounter. As the webpage loaded, Neeti's eyes widened in shock and disbelief. It was her new Facebook account—the one with her real picture, where Neil was also a friend.

A wave of realization washed over Neeti. Thomas had somehow discovered her new account, probably by chance or through someone else, and now he was furious. Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized the consequences of her actions.

Overwhelmed and distraught, Neeti called Sonia, her voice shaking with anguish. She poured out her heart, explaining the entire situation, and her tears flowed freely as she recounted the events that had unfolded.

Sonia, understanding and sympathetic, comforted her friend. "Neeti, sometimes people react in ways we can't predict. Thomas might need some time to come to terms with everything. Just focus on yourself and don't let this setback define you."

Neeti wiped away her tears, taking solace in Sonia's words. She realized that she couldn't control how others reacted or their perceptions of her. Deep down, she knew that true friendships were built on trust and understanding.

In the midst of her distress, a notification from Neil appeared on her Facebook account. She mustered the strength to respond, explaining the series of events and expressing her regrets. Neil, being the understanding person he was, accepted her explanation and reassured her that their friendship would endure.

Neeti, determined to move forward, took Sonia's advice to heart. She decided to let go of the negativity and focus on the connections that truly mattered. Despite the challenges she had faced, Neeti was grateful for the hidden connections that had emerged from the chaos, revealing the strength of her friendships and the resilience of her own spirit.

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