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Chapter 2 (Rewrote}

I was greeted with the site of my brother's ugly crying face above me. When he saw me open my eyes, he hugged me and sobbed saying that he thought he almost lost me. I groaned in pain and he quickly let me go but was still sobbing.

Noticing that he wasn't the only one there I was greeted with the sight of police officers in the room along with our faithful butler Alfred. I turned to my now much calmer brother and asked what happened while I was out. He recounted the events through gritted teeth.

Turns out after I was knocked out cold the mugger/thug then pointed the barrel of the gun at Bruce and even got close enough that Bruce felt the cold steel pressed against his forehead as he held my broken body sobbing. The mugger spaced out for a second, I guess trying to digest what exactly he did in these last few minutes and while he was dazed, police sirens in the distance began to blare and this scared him so much that he turned away and dashed as fast as he could. Now long gone before the police arrived.

Apparently the first on the scene was officer Gordon who called Alfred and rushed us to the hospital which I got emergency care from the staff. I apparently had a massive concussion and a lot of brain swelling. Which seems to have gone down a lot now.

Seeing my brother cry and Alfred also in tears I just couldn't hold back mine any longer and started balling along with my brother. The trauma of us losing our parents like that ingrained deep into our souls. We will never forget. EVER.

After a week of bedrest and tests I was finally cleared to leave the hospital, every single one of those days my brother stayed with me and absolutely refused to leave until I was discharged. Alfred also spent most of those days with us making sure we were alright and officers were stationed all around our hospital room. Keeping the reporters at bay. It was excruciating leaving the hospital. Reporters were worse than mosquitoes. Asking us inappropriate questions like 'how does it feel being the only remaining Wayne's in Gotham' and 'what will you do now that your parents are dead' that one upset both of us and it took Alfred a little effort to hold both of us back. I caught a glimpse of the reporters face and wrote it down to memory. Also noticing the company that he worked at. Gotham News now, definitely visiting that little news outlet later. Alfred drove us to the Wayne manor and tried everything in his power to get our minds off the traumatic instance of our parents' demise, but, to no avail. When we got in our own room after dinner, Bruce and I looked at each other and like telepathy we both thought of the same thing. At least I knew that look in his eye like a mirror because I knew I was making the same face. The face of self-blame. We shouldn't have begged our parents to take us out. It was our fault. And I felt even more blame because it was I that pushed him into that ally thug. I just couldn't take it and started balling. Then like dominos my brother also started weeping with balled fists.

Then like on cue we looked up at each other and he spoke "I swear, I will eradicate all the criminals and get revenge for our parents. I will never be that weak again. And, I will find the murderer." Feeling his determination, I also made the same vow deep in my heart.

We then continued to sob until we fell asleep. Both of us on my bed.

The next day was very eventful. That day we met with a doctor who had been a close friend of our father's. her name is Doctor Leslie Thompkins. She was about our father's age with a little streak of white going down the side of her head. She was a bit tan and had hazel eyes. She spoke to us softly and was very patient with us. Bruce was a little more hesitant to share anything with her and it was the same for me. We saw her once a week but our mental health really started to spiral down.

We became more anti-social and reclusive. Barely leaving our room. Till one day I came home to an empty room with only my bed. Bruce decided to move over to the west wing. Closer to our parents' room. I became extremely worried when I barely saw him at dinner one day and like a mental shock, I felt that something was terribly wrong, so I rushed up stairs and to Bruce's room. I barely had time to inform Alfred who followed behind me. i approached the door and tried to open it but to no avail. It was locked. I rushed to my room while Alfred tries to knock the door down with his shoulder. I quickly searched through everything to find our lockpicking kit and after a few seconds I find what I need, sparring no more time I rushed back to Bruce's room. Pushed Alfred aside and quickly picked the lock like how Bruce and I would whenever we got bored and wondered Gotham or when we used to search the rooms for our Christmas presents.

The lock clicks then I quickly turn the knob. What I saw was an empty bed but off to the side was the door to the bathroom. It was closed with the light on. I rushed to it way before Alfred could and opened the door.

Sitting on the floor sobbing was my brother with our father's shaving razor in hand and a shallow cut on his wrist. I slowly approached him and while he was still distracted and sobbing, I disarmed him and threw the razor across the room. And with him still in hand I lowered myself onto the floor as well and held him and sobbed with him. He would sometimes say "I'm too weak. I just couldn't go through with it." I would tell him "you're not weak but very very strong. Our parents wouldn't have wanted this and you found the will to live on your own. You aren't alone. You have me and Alfred. Your brother, your own flesh and blood brother" and I wept the entire time I said that and I hugged him even tighter. Alfred who was in a daze for a little while finally came in and like a trained medic treated the wound first with a first aid kit that's in every bathroom and then without a single word pulled both of us into a hug and just said "I'm here"

It was a very very emotional day for us. Alfred and I pushed beds into Bruce's room and spent the night with him. Bruce and I slept on the same bed while Alfred slept besides us. The next morning Bruce and I both showered and came down for breakfast. Which Alfred and I made sure he ate. Then Alfred informed us that we would be seeing the doctor 3 times a week and would also be going back to school soon.

Abysmal_Author Abysmal_Author

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