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90% Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system / Chapter 41: Fighting the Chief Demon Owl

Chapter 41: Fighting the Chief Demon Owl

After Ren arrived at where the demon owl told him the chief demon owl was staying, he saw a giant tree, and then as he looked closer at the tree he saw giant dark metallic-like owl feathers in a hole in the tree. Ren thought that this was the chief demon owl based on the size of the feathers. Since Ren saw that the chief demon owl was sleeping he decided that he would sneak up to the chief demon owl and then would use his dojutsu to put it in one of his genjutsu that required contact. As Ren approached the chief demon owl he activated his dojutsu, since Ren had the owl chakra aura he was able to silently approach without making any sound. When Ren was in a reach-able distance he lightly touched the chief demon owl and Ren began to move his chakra into the chief demon owl's chakra network.

The genjutsu that Ren used was a lot stronger than normal because the ketsuryūgan gave him the ability to directly influence someone's mind, unlike normal genjutsu which is just mostly manipulation of the chakra network to affect someone's senses. The genjutsu from the ketsuryūgan also gave the ability to make someone into almost like a mindless drone that could be controlled. Even though Ren felt it was a waste to just kill the chief demon owl he knew that with his current strength he couldn't keep the chief in a genjutsu for long times, and his blood path wasn't high enough to control it either. Ren decided that since he had the chief currently as a mindless drone he would use this time to activate all his boosting jutsu.

Ren only activated the eight gates and seven heavenly breaths to the second level and used the blood boiling jutsu to the highest temperature he could which was higher than normal because he now had the blood path at rank 3 and the seven heavenly breaths provided more oxygen and nutrients to his blood. Ren knew that once he attacked the chief demon owl it would probably break out of the genjutsu, so he decided to use his strongest technique for the first attack. The first technique Ren was going to use was the blood dragon jutsu, but even though blood dragon jutsu was powerful he knew that some of his taijutsu techniques may be more powerful.

The technique that Ren decided to use was the bone spear jutsu which made his hand into a giant bone spear, but he was going to strengthen the bone to the most he could and then he would also reinforce the spear with all his kinds of chakra. Ren also strengthened this technique by using the inner vibration jutsu and made a small cut on his hand then had the blood come out and overlap the bone spear. Now that Ren finished doing all those preparations he began to make a less powerful great breakthrough behind him. Once everything was ready, Ren had the chief demon owl come out of the tree and come in front of him.

Then Ren began to run at the chief demon bat and released the great breakthrough from behind him to increase his speed and piercing power. Before Ren hit the chief demon owl he made it lower all its defenses. Once Ren's bone spear hit the chief demon owl he felt that the chakra he had in the chief demon owl's mind had been stopped and he knew it was out of the genjutsu. Even though the chief demon owl broke out of the genjutsu he didn't have enough time to put back up his guard, so the bone spear almost instantly pierced it's flesh and then began to pierce its organs.

Since the bone spear had been reinforced in so many different ways and Ren's strength was increased, the bone spear had left a giant hole in the middle of the chief demon owl's body and Ren jumped backward so the chief demon owl couldn't attack him. Ren decided to use the infinite bleeding jutsu to have blood continuously come out of the hole, and with all this blood he began to pull it towards the bone spear and made it reinforce the spear. Even though Ren had lots of chakra he was running out of chakra very fast from having the powered-up bone spear for so long, so Ren decided that he would go for another attack at the chief demon owl so he could end it.

Then as Ren was running at the chief demon owl he saw the giant dark metallic wing come down on top of him, normally Ren wouldn't be able to dodge this attack but since he was using all his boosting jutsu his agility was a lot higher so was able to dodge it. Then just as he dodged that wing he saw the chief demon owl's other wing come right at him from the side. Since this attack wasn't expected from Ren and he had just dodged another attack he got directly hit by this and the wing sent Ren into the giant tree that the chief demon owl was staying in. Even though Ren wasn't expecting this and couldn't detect it with his echolocation because of the chief demon owl's feathers, but since his mental limitations were all removed he was able to react to the attack and could block it with his bone spear.

Since the bone spear didn't fully cover Ren's body he had many small cuts of his body and Ren noticed that these were because the feathers of the chief demon owl were all made of smaller razor-like blades. Now that Ren knew the power of the chief demon owl he knew that he needed to be slightly stronger to defeat the chief demon owl, also Ren didn't know if the demon owls had an elder just like the demon bats but he thought that they probably did so he needed to end this quickly. Ren decided to open the third gate so that he could get a boost in power. Once Ren had the third gate open he felt more pain all over his body and when he looked at his hand he saw that his skin was red.

The gate had increased speed by so much that he was now able to easily outspeed the chief demon owl, and after dodging so wing attacks Ren was in front of the chief demon owl so he stabbed forward the bone spear with all his strength. Even though the chief demon owl had been able to set up its defense before getting attacked unlike before, the bone spear had been strength by its blood and Ren was now a lot stronger so it was able to pierce right into the chief demon owl and his whole bone spear arm got submerged in the body of the chief demon owl.

After Ren's arm was inside the chief demon owl he began to have the bone spear spin to deal more damage. Once this happened the hole the bone spear made began to increase a lot in size and the chief demon owl now had two giant holes in its body. Since Ren had been using the infinite bleeding jutsu all this time the chief demon owl's body was now all numb and couldn't muster out much strength. Even though Ren's body was all in pain he wanted to end the chief demon owl, so he stabbed towards the chief demon owl again, and once it stabbed he spun the bone spear again.

After this happened the chief demon owl could no longer fight and was slowly bleeding out to death, so Ren unactivated all his boosting jutsu and then went inside the giant hole. Ren went inside the giant hole because he wanted to absorb the chief demon owl's blood to heal his body. After doing this for a few minutes Ren 100% knew that the chief demon owl was dead so he stopped using all his jutsu and began to store the body of the chief demon owl in the crimson world.

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