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Chapter 40: Blood Path

After Ren told All Existence that he wanted to turn the vampire path into a middle-rank path, he was told by All Existence that a path wouldn't just be upgraded to a middle path instead he would be shown something and once he comprehended it the path would be upgraded. Ren thought that his current affinity with blood should be high enough to let him comprehend the middle path so he just went with it.

『Simulating the vampire path middle rank』

Once Ren heard All Existence say this he saw the whole world around him change into a completely bloody world and then he saw a man sitting on top of a mountain of corpses. Then after looking at the man for not even one second Ren saw that the bodies all began to become a lot more skinny and began to wrinkly. After this Ren saw one drop of goldish blood come out of each body and then all the drops of blood combined. Once the blood was combined the goldish blood was then compressed and turned into one pure gold looking drop of blood.

Now that there was only one drop of blood Ren saw the man on top of the mountain of corpses move his hand and the drop of blood came over to him and then a red seal looking symbol appeared on his hand. The golden drop of blood went directly onto the seal looking symbol and once the blood touched the seal it turned from red to gold and then the blood seemed to be absorbed by it. After the blood was absorbed Ren sensed a chakra that seemed evil, but it felt different compared to when Ren sensed Naruto or Sora's nine tails chakra. Then Ren saw the man look over to him and Ren felt all of his blood boiling and he felt like he could no longer control his blood.

Even though Ren felt that he was in danger he decided to try and comprehend the middle-rank path. After a while Ren began to comprehend the technique that the man used, Ren realized that the man didn't use any chakra to control the blood, but instead the blood just wanted to submit to the man almost like he was its true master. As Ren continued to try to comprehend he learned how the man was able to influence the blood like that. Then after Ren felt like he wholly comprehended how the man was able to influence the blood like that he heard All Existence say.

『Simulation ended, changes detected in vampire path mutating to middle-rank blood path』

After All Existence said this Ren saw the world change back to the abandoned cave he was in before. Now that Ren was back he decided to look at his stats.

『Showing stats

Name: Ren Akimasa

Age: Eleven years

Race: Royal Dhampir 75% (Royal Vampire 15%) (10% Demon bat)

Strength: 90 (Average special jounin) -----> 120 (Average jounin)

Agility: 100 (High special jounin) -----> 130 (High jounin)

Vitality: 110 (Peak special jounin) -----> 140 (Peak jounin)

Chakra: 100 (High special jounin) -----> 120 (Average jounin)

Dark Chakra: 60 (Average chunin)

Star Chakra: 60 (Average chunin)

Chakra Control: 90 (Average special jounin) -----> 100 (High special jounin)

Blood Weight: 10x heavier

Points: 51,730


<Lower Path>

Rank 2 method for every path

Rank 2 of every path

<Middle Path>

Rank 3 of the blood path


Water (Great)

Blood (Amazing) -----> Blood (Top)

Earth (Small)

Lightning (Small)

Lunar (Small) *NEW*』

Once Ren saw his stats he began to wonder why his dhampir and vampire bloodline was now a royal variation and what effects this would have, so he decided to ask All Existence and got told.

『Host's dhampir and vampire bloodline were made royal because the purity of those bloodlines has increased from becoming a middle path. The effects are Host's blood affinity increasing, Host gaining the lunar bloodline, great increase to Host's vitality (-100 points, total now 51,630)』

Now that Ren knew the effects of being a royal dhampir and vampire he decided to ask All Existence if he gained any benefits from becoming a rank three and also wanted to ask how the lunar element worked.

『From becoming Rank 3 the Host's crimson world has now been strengthened, so Host can now speed up time in the crimson world by 100x for 1,000 points per day in the real world, also Host can now condense soil in the crimson world which will make plants growing in the soil stronger and faster (-100 points, total now 51,530)』

『The lunar element is very similar to the water element, except the lunar element also grants control of ice and water element jutsu. Also, the lunar element has special techniques that make a miniature moon above host that can grant many effects depending on what lunar jutsu the host uses (-100 points, total now 51,430)』

Now that Ren knew the effects from becoming a middle path he decided that he would go sneak into the demon owl lair. Before Ren went to the lair he waited until night and used his dark chakra to make dark armor so he is a lot harder to spot. Once Ren now had dark armor all around him and it was night, he began to slowly move towards the demon owl lair. After a few minutes, Ren was now in front of the barrier that hid the demon owl lair, so he used All Existence to teleport him past the barrier for 1,000 points.

Once Ren was past the barrier he saw that the demon owl lair was a forest unlike the demon bat lair which was a cave, so he wondered where the chief demon owl would stay. Ren decided that he would find a demon owl that was alone and then try to make it into a vampire so he could get information. Ren first decided to ask All Existence if demon animals or normal animals could be turned into vampires. All Existence told him that it was possible, but it would greatly lower the strength of the animal if the bloodlines couldn't correctly mix. Now that Ren knew that he began to search for alone demon owls, and after around twenty minutes he found an alone demon owl.

After Ren found the demon owl he walked up to the demon owl and used the owl chakra aura to make him completely silent, also Ren used his dark chakra to block all the light around him so that the demon owl couldn't see. Since Ren could now use echolocation this pure darkness wasn't that bad for him and he continued to approach the demon owl. Once he was directly behind the demon owl he used the dark and star chakra to stop the demon owl from moving and then began to turn the demon owl into a vampire. After the demon owl was a vampire Ren made the demon owl make a crude map that showed where the chief demon owl stayed.

After the demon owl made this map and Ren now knew where the chief demon owl stayed he decided that to keep the demon owl in the crimson world so that it could constantly release its chakra and then Ren would let it out to recover its chakra. Now Ren decided to make his way to where the chief demon owl stayed.

SilverSerpent SilverSerpent

I just realized I thought yesterday was a weekend, so today I will publish two chapters to make up for it and then tomorrow I will only release one chapter. I am probably going to continue doing this (2 chapters a day during weekdays and 1 chapter a day during weekends)

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