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84% Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system / Chapter 38: Test Second part (Part 3)

Chapter 38: Test Second part (Part 3)

Now that Ren had already gotten good enough at all of the sound jutsu Ren decided to wait and restore all his chakra. Then once Ren had restored all of his chakra he decided that he would try to make his own sound jutsu. The jutsu that Ren was going to make was a ball of condensed sound waves and he decided to call it sound bullet jutsu. This jutsu was going to work by using chakra to amplify sound waves then Ren would condense the sound waves the same way that he condenses his own blood and once it was condensed Ren would send it forward at someone.

Since Ren had already used the air bullet, liquid bullet, and lightning ball jutsu, this jutsu was very easy to develop for Ren. Even though it was a simple jutsu for Ren he still decided to break it up into steps. The first step would be getting able to amplify sound waves from a distance. This step was very easy for Ren to complete and only took 10 minutes because he had already practiced a lot with amplifying sound waves. The next step that Ren made was attempting to condense non-amplified sound waves. This only took Ren around 5 minutes to figure out, so Ren moved onto the last step, combining the two steps together.

When Ren attempted to do this he noticed that it was very difficult to condense the amplified sound waves, but he was still able to perform it. Ren also noticed that he could use this with the sound wave jutsu to make the sound waves a lot more powerful. Now that Ren had lots of extra time he decided that right now he would use it for condensing his blood. Before Ren did this he had All Existence make an alarm that would go off thirty minutes before he would be tested in proficiency with the three sound techniques, and this alarm only cost him 100 points.

Ren spent the next few hours doing the blood condensing method and now the alarm went off, so Ren began to restore his chakra and warm up his body because he couldn't do any other exercises when using the blood condensing method. After thirty minutes Ren saw the Elder demon bat flying towards him and then heard the Elder demon bat say.

"Now it will be time to see how proficient you got with all three techniques in one day. I will be testing your proficiency with these techniques by having you only use these techniques against me." - Elder demon bat

"Okay, I will begin by using the sound wave jutsu." - Ren

After Ren said this he decided that he wouldn't show the other techniques that he made during this time. Now Ren used the sound wave jutsu and slightly condensed the sound wave then sent it towards the Elder demon bat. Right before the sound wave could hit the Elder demon bat Ren uncondensed the sound wave so that it was bigger and was slightly faster. Even though the Elder demon bat was about to dodge the sound wave since Ren uncondensed it, he ended up getting hitten by the sound wave. Since the Elder demon bat's body was a lot stronger than a normal demon bat the sound wave didn't cause much damage.

"Now I will use the sound hypnosis jutsu." - Ren

After Ren said this he used the sound hypnosis jutsu at the Elder demon bat. Since the sound hypnosis jutsu didn't make that strong of genjutsu the Elder demon bat just stopped moving for a fraction of a second. Now that the Elder demon bat had broken out of the genjutsu Ren told him that he would use the inner vibration jutsu. Ren ran towards the Elder demon bat and began to store sound vibrations in his body. Then Ren used his speed to his utmost limit and did some feint attacks.

Then Ren did a punch right at the Elder demon bat and hit him. Once the Elder demon bat was hit by the punch Ren instantly had the sound vibrations transfer from his body to the Elder demon bat's body. Since the Elder demon bat also knew the inner vibration jutsu he was able to stop the sound vibrations before they could attack the inside of his body. Ren saw that the sound vibrations didn't cause much damage to the Elder demon bat, so he told the Elder demon bat that now he would use all three of the jutsus at once.

Since Ren was still near the Elder demon bat he used the sound wave jutsu in the widest range possible to have the Elder demon bat move away from him. As the Elder demon bat was moving away from the sound wave Ren used the sound hypnosis jutsu right at the Elder demon bat and made sure it had more range than the sound wave from the sound wave jutsu. After the Elder demon bat got out of the range of the first sound wave the sound wave made from the sound hypnosis hit him.

Even though the Elder demon bat could easily break out of the genjutsu in a fraction of a second this was still enough time for Ren to get a lot closer to the Elder demon bat. As Ren was running towards the stunned Elder demon bat he used the sound wave jutsu at the most power he could. Then right when the Elder demon bat broke out of the genjutsu he heard the sound wave approaching him. Since the sound wave was already very close to the Elder demon bat he could only nearly dodge it. Then as the Elder demon bat was still dodging Ren punched the Elder demon bat right in the middle of his body.

Once Ren hit the Elder demon bat he sent out the sound vibrations that he had been storing as he ran at the Elder demon bat. Since the Elder demon bat had just dodged the sound wave he couldn't immediately stop the sound vibrations as he did before. The sound vibrations only caused some minor damage to the Elder demon bat's inner body before he could stop the sound vibrations. After the Elder demon bat stopped the sound vibration Ren told the Elder demon bat that he was done showing his proficiency with the techniques he gave him.

SilverSerpent SilverSerpent

The next few chapters will be about the third test, and that will be the final test.

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