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62% Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system / Chapter 27: Turning Ranmaru & Raiga Into Vampire

Chapter 27: Turning Ranmaru & Raiga Into Vampire

After Ren got Ranmaru's dojutsu, he bit Ranmaru and Raiga turning them into vampires. Now that both of them were vampires Ren waited till they woke up because Kimimaro had brought them back unconscious. Once they were awake Ren told them around the same commands so that they don't get noticed or he doesn't get found by anyone, and then Ren made Ranmaru teach him Chakra Ghost Technique. With Ranmaru's instructions, Ren learned the chakra ghost technique in less than a minute.

The next thing Ren decided to do was tell Ranmaru that he has to go through some physical training with Raiga because right now he can only detect people. After telling Ranmaru what to do Ren decided to buy a small lightning chakra affinity from All Existence and it cost him 10,000 points so now he only had 70 points leftover. The reason Ren bought a small lightning affinity was that Raiga knew lots of lightning jutsu and if he had a lightning affinity it would be a lot easier to learn and use them.

The next few days in the cave Ranmaru was going through body and sword training and now he could probably defeat a normal genin with taijutsu even if he didn't use his dojutsu. During this time Ren learned two lightning jutsu and hiding in the mist jutsu from Raiga, the first one was lightning ball jutsu which made balls of lightning that could be sent to enemies, and the second one was Lightning strike armor jutsu. Lightning strike armor jutsu was a weaker version of Lightning Release Chakra Mode that only increased Ren's speed and would electrocute anyone that made contact with Ren. Ren was also able to break through to rank 2 with the darkness path during this time.

During this time Kimimaro also learned the lightning strike armor jutsu because it would greatly increase his speed and defense. Ren also remembered that he could absorb soil and bugs during this time and now he had 1 point of chakra being released into the crimson world each day. The reason Ren didn't learn any swordsmanship from Raiga was that he didn't want to depend on a weapon and Ren liked being able to fight anytime even if he doesn't have a weapon. Now that everyone had learned new jutsu and Raiga was made into a vampire they were a lot stronger than before and Ren began to wonder what they should do next.

'Right now I definitely need more points so I guess I can send someone out to just kill someone soon. After I get more points I can buy the seven heavenly breaths from All Existence. I also need to learn Kimimaro and Ranmaru's chakra nature so I can know which type of jutsu would be the most useful for them. I think the next thing we should do is get Sora from the fire temple and I could also try to get the special kind of chakra the monks use' - Ren

The next thing Ren did was send out Raiga and Ranmaru to go find some bandits so that he could kill them and turn them into points. Since Ranmaru was good at sensing people they found a group of bandits that weren't very strong, so they reported this to Ren. Once Ren was told was the bandit group was he asked Ranmaru how many people he sensed and their level.

"Lord Ren, the bandit group had ten genin level bandits and one chunin level bandit" - Ranmaru

Now that Ren knew he could easily go there and wipe them out he told everyone that he would go wipe out the bandits all by himself. After a few minutes Ren was in front of the area where the bandits' group was and since Ren thought they were weak he just walked right up to where the group was. Then once the bandits spotted him they said.

"Wrong place to get lost, let's get him." - Bandit #1

After the bandit said this all of the genins ran at him and began to surround him. Seeing this Ren used lightning strike armor jutsu so that they can't just overrun him. When the bandits saw lightning strike armor around him they knew he had some strength so they got kind of serious. Ren thought he didn't need to use his dojutsu so he just ran to three of the bandits and activated his owl chakra aura then he made bone spears come out of his arm. Ren was far too fast for the bandits to react, so they just got pierced by the spear and they could no longer fight.

Then Ren continued to do this with all of the other bandits and they were all dead in a matter of seconds. Ren still hadn't seen the chunin level bandit, so he activated his dojutsu to sense him. Once Ren activated his dojutsu he sensed chunin level chakra a little bit behind him so he turned around and saw a fireball coming right at him. Ren then made the hand signs for liquid bullets multiple times and made it out of the bandits' blood. The liquid bullets easily overpowered the fireball and ended up hitting the bandit.

While the bandit was still surprised by being attacked Ren ran right at him and impaled him with the bone spear and he died almost instantly. Now that the bandits were dead Re began to eat every part of the bandits and in total, he got 40,000 points from all the genins and the chunin only gave him 500 points because he could only absorb the chunin's blood instead of everything. Now Ren had a total of 40,570 and began to wonder if he needed to do more training or should just go get Sora.

SilverSerpent SilverSerpent

Next week I may begin to release two chapters a day, but do not 100% hold me to this because I am not sure how long it would take me to write two chapters a day.

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