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38% Naruto: Reincarnation with all existence system / Chapter 15: Finishing the mission

Chapter 15: Finishing the mission

Even though Ren was in the middle of a battle he still heard what All Existence said. Ren knew that this blood boiling would probably cause lots of damage to his body, so he used 2,400 points to increase his vitality by eight points (AN: It used to cost 100 points for 1 stat, but I changed it to 300 points for 1 stat because I updated the stats and that would make it broken). His vitality stat was now 78 which isn't that much of a difference in numbers compared to before but it was still a noticeable increase.

Ren couldn't handle continuing to use blood boiling jutsu and blood healing jutsu, so he stopped using the blood healing. With the blood boiling jutsu, Ren was now stronger and faster than the bandit, so he just fought him with taijutsu. The only problem with the blood boiling jutsu was that the temperature of the blood didn't stop increasing if Ren didn't cancel the jutsu or ran out of chakra, but this was also an advantage because of the higher the temperature of the blood the bigger the increase in stats.

After around a minute of using the blood boiling jutsu Ren had actually knocked out the bandit and the bandit would bleed out soon, so he canceled the jutsu and Ren felt pain all over his body. Kurenai told Hinata to use the byakugan to make Ren's body was okay, Hinata told Kurenai that his body was just low on chakra and the muscles were overexerted.

『Ding! The soul of the bandit can not be absorbed as points because Host doesn't have soul path rank 2』

'All Existence can I do anything with the soul before it dissipates.' - Ren

『Since Host has rank 1 of the ghoul and soul path, the Soul healing technique or Soul combining technique』

'All Existence give me a basic description of both techniques.' - Ren

『Giving Host basic description of Soul healing technique and Soul combining method

-Soul healing technique: Absorbs nearby souls and uses it to slowly heal Host and increase vitality (Cost: 1,000)

-Soul combining technique: Absorbs nearby souls and combines it with the Host's soul giving 10% of their total chakra capacity, WARNING this may cause damage to host if the soul Host tries to absorb is too strong (Cost: 3,000 )』

'Right now the soul healing technique is a lot better. All Existence I want to buy the Soul healing technique.' - Ren

『Buying Soul healing technique (-1,000 points, total now 8,960)』

After Ren got the memories of how to use the Soul Healing technique he used it to absorb the bandit's soul. Once the soul was absorbed Ren felt his body slowly healing faster. Then Kurenai started to question how Ren got so much stronger near the end of his fight with the bandit.

"Ren it seems that you have good enough to talk. So I am going to ask how you got stronger near the end of the fight with that bandit.' - Kurenai

'I don't want to tell her about being able to control blood.' - Ren

"I don't know, when the fight was nearing its end I just suddenly felt stronger." - Ren

"Then it may be a Kekkei Genkai that you didn't know about after all you are an orphan or you may have somehow opened one of the eight gates." - Kurenai

"What are the eight gates?" - Ren

"Limiters in your body that can be forcefully opened to get more of your body's chakra, but it can cause permanent damage to your body.." - Kurenai

"Well I am not in lots of pain, so I think it was a Kekkei Genkai." - Ren

"Then we will need to tell the Hokage about this when we get back and find out how it works." - Kurenai

After Ren's conversation with Kurenai, they checked on the bandit, who was listed in a bingo book for 100,000 Ryo, and found that he had bled out and died. Kurenai told the merchant that he will need to up the pay for their mission and to continue to the land of hot water. It only took around half an hour for the merchant to get to the land of Hot water. Since Ren's injuries had healed very quickly and didn't seem to be that serious they made their way back to the hidden leaf.

During the journey back to the hidden leaf no fights happened except some wild animals coming along their path for a few seconds. Once they were back to the village they told the Hokage that they ended their mission and that they came across a bandit at the level of a chunin so the pay needed to be higher. The Hokage agreed to this and all got 10,000 Ryo, Ren also got the reward for defeating the bandit because Hinata, Shino, and Kurenai didn't have that much of an effect on the fight.

After they all got their reward for the mission Kurenai told them that the chunin exams will be coming up soon and she has decided that they are qualified to take the exam. Ren knew that if he wanted to do good in the chunin exams he needed to learn some jutsu openly and went to the ninja store to buy chakra paper. The effect was just like Ren thought a small part of the paper turned into dirt and crumbled away while the rest of the paper got damp, but what Ren didn't expect was that some of where the paper was damp seemed blood red and Ren thought it was from his affinity with blood.

Ren afterward went to Kurenai and asked if he could get a water style jutsu because he learned that he had water and earth affinity, but he didn't bring up the blood affinity for obvious reasons. She gave Ren a scroll with instructions on how to use liquid bullets and water clone jutsu.

SilverSerpent SilverSerpent

Sorry that this chapter is really late, last night I went to a party and once I got home I instantly went to sleep. I have decided to begin the chunin exams instead of continuing to write about C-rank missions.

If you guys find any problems or anything you would like me to add in the future then comment it.

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