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75% Loki And The Hidden World / Chapter 2: The Awaited Day

Chapter 2: The Awaited Day

*Knock Knock Knock* "Loki wake up you will be late for the ceremony and we can't start without you." ~Flint, in his annoying speaking down-on-me tone. I'm used to been spoken down to it's nothing new, but when Flint does it I just want to strangle the bastard. Why the hell can't he just leave me alone? Why do I have to listen to him calling for me like I am some kind of lap dog? I am already getting on my way to the great hall, I don't need him to motivate me, and I don't his ugly meathead face trying to hurry me along.

"Loki, open up or I am coming in." Damn that Flint I know what I'll do with you, I can smell your perspiration from here, I think you could use your yearly shower. With uttering a single word "Vanish."~Loki, Loki disappears into the shadows of his room, erasing all trace of his presence. Then while looking at his morning half-drank glass of water he speaks. "Float" ~Loki, and using his hands directs the glass to float above the doorway of his room.

*Bang... Bang... BOOM* The door bursts open, flying off the hinge landing 4 feet in front of the doorway. Flint with a smirk on his face and peering into the room "I always wanted to do that." ~Flint, Loki watching this unfold thinks to himself (how much of an idiot can you be? it was unlocked after all,)~Loki.

Flint looks into the dark unassuming room. seeing no one inside, to get a better look he starts to move into the room to investigate, moving in towards the centre of the room stepping on and over the door on the floor, He Sees only a bed on the far side of the room and a small table next to it. The room was dusty but organised with only these 2 items of furniture in the room, the single bed with no blankets with a mattress of hay, and the table with what looks like a small circle warn into the wood where a drinking glass would sit and 2 books.

"I forgot how lowly and poor Loki lives, he truly is a maggot," ~Flint.

At this point, Loki had already sneaked past Flint and positioned himself outside the room. Appearing out of the shadows and in a raised voice, "Better to be a maggot than to be its food," ~Loki. He then commands, "Broken door seal the room, glass, empty yourself on Flints face," ~Loki.

Within an instant, the door slams its self into its original place sealing the only exit to the room. Then the sound of water been poured and a glass smashing on the floor followed, then an unmistakable girlish like squeal coming from the room filled the sleeping hall.

(That felt awesome but before that meathead gets out of there I better get to the great hall and deny all accusations of ever been here.) ~Loki.

-- Narration --

In the great hall waited, the All-father Odin, Aphrodite, Poseidon, Rachel the aesir fledgling Poseidon's daughter and a crowd of onlookers, all there to celebrate the day of awakening. This is the day all aesir fledglings wait for, it is the day they claim a world for their own. A place where mortals will worship them. A home to live, grow and cultivate themselves, their magic and their abilities. This is the greatest chance any aesir has to be truly be called a God, to be apart of the major aesir means you have the right to interfere with the major realms, even the lesser aesir get to hold someplace in the major realms, under these ranks there are the Aesir children also known as the Heros some even call them demi-Gods, they cant influence the realms but they can walk among its people. The lowest rank is that of the forgotten they are still aesir and have their own world, but they are not allowed to visit other realms or worlds.

Like all things in the world, there is a catch to get this power. If any aesir is to fail to sway the mortals of their world they are given in the awakening to worship them, then the aesir would lose their immortality. This is worse than been ranked as a forgotten, you will be forced out of Asgard and made to walk the realm of Midgard as a mortal, with no power or abilities. to try and prevent that and to make sure that each fledgling gets the best possible start in this trial It is the duty of the father of the aesir fledgling to choose out the unclaimed world that the fledgling will undergo the trial on.

To make this fair the requirements for a world suitable for this trial is that it has 1 race of people, the people have not advanced past the middle ages era, not to have a population of over 10 million, the world can not be worshipping any real God and its population can not be 100% converted to any single religion.

This single choice can make or break an aesir fledgling. Up until the awakening the fledgling's power has come from Asgard and the power that flows through the realm. In other realms and worlds, their power comes from the worship of the people. Little to no worship and their powers can become useless. multitudes of worshippers and believers and then that aesir could destroy worlds and planes of existence just by speaking a single word. Having your own source of power is the only way to become known as a God, and the amount of it you have determines your rank.

This event holds some entertainment value to all the aesir and they have used this to keep from getting too bored. Odin's Valkyries are charged with capturing the entire event in magic crystal balls. The footage they capture is sent to Asgard using a type of magic called "stream," it connects 2 places together with 2 crystal balls, one the "Eye" and the other the "Projector," with this magic this event has become somewhat a version of the Olympics, happening once every 5 millennia. Families compete and bet on each other's children seeing what family can produce better aesir fledglings.

-- Narrator End --

Loki arrives at the great hall, walks through the doors. Continues to approach the centre of the hall to meet Odin. "Today is the day father, you will acknowledge me like you did my brother Thor." ~Loki. Odin began to burst into Laughter, "try not to be disappointed, boy. I will never call you a man." ~Odin. Rachel starts to laugh at Odin's words. "Even your father knows how much you are going to fail, maybe he chose a world filled with idiots for you, that's the only way you will ever become a true aesir," ~Rachel. before Loki could even think of words to combat Rachel's Mockery a loud voice bursts in the rear of the crowd.

"That coward Loki, He has no honour he turned tail and ran from me," ~Flint. (I knew it would not hold him for long but how did that dumb ass get out so quick?) ~Loki. "Loki I challenge you to a duel for my honour how dare you to run from me," ~Flint. "I never ran from you, I walked away slowly after locking you in that room like the maggot food you are," ~Loki. As laughter erupted in the great hall, Odin interjected, "There will be time for your squabble during the trial, you can try and kill and dismember each other then, so hold your tongues or I will cut them out," ~Odin. Both Loki and Flint stood at attention. All aesir know better than to call Odin's bluff, he been one of the few aesir that has been known to maim another aesir.

Odin starts to explain. "This is the day of the awakening, this is where you get a race of people to look after, for the goal for them to worship you. More worshippers the more power you gain, the stronger your aesir powers become. For the trial, each of you has had a suitable world picked out for you. Loki I picked yours myself. Flint since we could never find out who your father is..." (Serves you right you damn bastard,)~Loki. "Your mother Aphrodite picked out your world. Rachel, I heard your father spent the last millennia picking out the most perfect world he could find for you. All 3 of you will have 24 hours to find 1 worshiper. One person who will see you like a God and respect you in there heart as a God Worthy to inherit the name aesir. If you can manage that task you will continue with the trial. if you fail I will strip you of your Immortality and you will live your life out on my world, earth in Midgard. If this is clear enough for you all I bid most of you good luck," ~Odin.

With his eye fixated on Loki steering through him, Odin clicks his fingers and the 3 Rachel, Flint and Loki vanish. The great hall explodes in celebration. "Lord Odin so how did you rig this that we will see Loki die?" ~Poseidon. "That's simple, you cant get worshippers if there is nothing alive to worship you," ~Odin

The Crystal balls start to glow and emit an image on the walls of the great hall. Each one showing a different fledgling.

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