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First Gym Battle

"Oh! Finally!" Misty said as she glad finally get out from Viridian Forest and arrive at the outskirts of Pewter City.

Yui giggle seeing her friend action. Yin release a snicker at the silly reaction his new friend (toy) give as he still laying on Yui's head.

Yang give Misty a disapprove look as she so loud, for a girl but then he sigh giving up as he walk beside Yui to make sure his partner always safe.

"Let's take a rest. We have walked for days." Yui suggest as she point the rocky area that quite breeze as a tree shadowing it. Misty give Yui approve nod as she lay on the rock and relaxing.

Misty quite happy that the breeze is very comfortable as the forest is very hot at days.

Yui lay down near Misty and start to cook some food for today's lunch. Misty look at her and start to help her cutting the ingredients as she can't cook but she learning it little by little seeing Yui cook.

The lunch done faster that usual thanks to Misty help because of that Yui feel grateful. Both Misty and Yui then took out all their Pokémons from their Pokeballs. Yui place their share in front of them. The Pokémon took several sniff before eating the lunch happily.

Today menu is sandwich that made from high quality of fresh meat, fresh veggies, and Yui's custom made sauce. Misty moan happily as she eat her delicious lunch, it taste even more tastier that she works to have it. Misty smile as she glad traveling together with Yui. Traveling together much more fun than traveling alone.

They almost done eating their lunch but then loud growling sound come out from no where. This make all the Pokémon tense and stand in front of their Trainer to protect them from danger.

As the growling sound become louder they see a man like shadow nearing them. All the Pokémon readying their skill to attack the shadow if it become a threat.

But Yui stop them as she saw the true identity of the shadow. "Stop! That is a person!" After she said that the shadow become clear because the sun shining down at it.

In the shadow place there is a man wearing a red cap with huge spiky beard. He carry a huge backpack with some stones that show because the overload.

The man stomach growled as he staggering with his hand trying to reach Yui's group.

"I'm....h-hung-gry..."*plop* with that sound the man collapse to the ground from hunger. Yui and Misty brain working to find a solution for this unique situation. When they realise what happen they hurried help the man.

~~~~~~~~~~ Times Skip ~~~~~~~~~~

"Uah! Thank you very much! I thought I'm going to die just before! Hahaha" the man laugh loudly glad that he still alive and get a free delicious food.

'This man... did he purposely collapse in front of us to get free food?' Misty thought as she stare the suspicious man.

"The one that make this food must be you! The kindness and love that pouring out from this simple food yet it completely warm my heart with that care you show to other people and Pokémon." The man started to praise Yui for her cooking.

Yui become embarrassed at the praise she get as she always become a shy person when she was praised by other people.

The man took this chance trying to grab Yui's tiny yet soft hand but stop when he feel the murderous aura coming from Yin and Yang who both glaring at him with a silent promise of death if he dare to do what he going to do.

"A..., ah! Let me say thank you by this!" The man then let out all the stones he carry and lay them in front Misty and Yui. "You two may pick one of this stone and take them with you. Its a service!"

Misty look disturbed when the man give them stone 'STONE' as a thank for the meal. She thought it was very unfair for them. "Ugh! Who in the right mind going to buy some stones! Yui you can take my share! I'm going to train my Pokémon in the river near here." With that she left the mysterious man with Yui and her Pokémon.

Yui only give her a nod as she look the stone that lay in front of her. At first it was a silly thing too sell but for a knowledgeable Trainer there is several particular stone that can help Pokémon.

Yui found those stone under normal stone hidden quite well. "As I thought, you really not a newbie Trainer." The man said with somehow impressive voice.

"I purposely mix those stone with ordinary stone. I want to see if the Trainer that going to challenge Pewter gym have some knowledge or skill to win." The man said while smiling.

"Young lady is the most exceptional one amongst all of the beginner Trainer. To able to find those stone you need to trust me and know the different between them with ordinary stone." The man then took one of the stone that Yui pick up.

"This one is Everstone is an item that somehow able to prevent Pokémon from evolving." The man said as he took the oval gray stone that look like ordinary stone but much more bigger.

"I know. Before I started my journey I spend my time with a Pokémon professor and in Pokémon ranch. I used my free time to took every knowledge that ever existed about Pokémon." Yui smile as she hold another stone in her hand.

That stone is crown shaped with the name King's Rock. It somehow able to make a Pokémon flinch when a Pokémon successfully attack with it. It also able to evolve some Pokémon into another level.

"Hm... I approve, you may took that two stone with you. I'm going to see your match with the gym leader. I bid you good luck." With that the man left Yui alone with the two stone and her Pokémon who have been staring at the mysterious man.

"Yui that man is odd." Yin comment as that what he feel when that man talk to his Trainer. Yang only give a nod that he approve what his brother just said.

"I think that man is quite funny." Tsubasa said while waving her tail happily. "Well, at least that man don't have any bad intentions to Yui." Diamond said while floating near Yui.

"Hm..." Yui let out a small noise as she thinking about something. "Is there something wrong Yui?" Rai ask Yui as he notice that Yui seem into a deep thought.

"Well.., I have a feeling that I have seen that man somewhere but I can't somehow remember where." Yui confessed.

Yui then shrugs her shoulders "It is meaningless to think about what you can't remember. I'm going to get Misty then go to Pewter City."

Yui put back Tsubasa, Diamond, and Rai back to their pokeballs as Yin lay on her head while Yang sit on her right shoulder.

~~~~~~~~~~ Times Skip ~~~~~~~~~~

"Ugh! I hate that bug!" Misty yell as both of Yui and Misty wait for their Pokémon in the Pokémon Center. Yui giggle hear Misty complain when she met Caterpie when she went to train her Pokémon.

"To Misty and Yui please go to the front center to take your Pokémon. I repeat, to Misty and Yui please go to the front center to take your Pokémon." A loud announcement come out from the speaker.

With that both Yui and Misty go to front center take their Pokémon back. An hour later Misty finally forgot about her anger. Yui use this time to ask Nurse Joy to enter the Pokémon League Championship.

After she done with that she said to Misty "Misty, I'm going to challenge Pewter Gym. Are you going to watch me?" Misty give her a happy nod and follow her to the gym.

The Pewter Gym was a building made out of stone. "Well here I go" said Yui as she opened the gym door. "Who goes there?" said a voice from inside the gym. "My name is Yui Arc Blade from Pallet Town," Yui spoke up "and I'm here for a gym battle to win your badge".

"Very well," said the voice "I'm the gym leader Brock and I accepted your challenge." said Brock as led Yui to the battlefield. The battlefield was a sandy floor with big pointy rocks on it. Misty, Yin, and Yang walked to the side lines to watch.

"This battle is between Brock the Pewter Gym leader and Yui Arc Blade of Pallet Town," said the referee, which Brock introduced was his brother Forrest, "both challengers will use two Pokémon each. And who defeats both two Pokémon first wins. Let the battle begin!"

"All right! Diamond ready to fight!" Yui shouted as she throw Diamond's pokeball to the air. When the light over Brock see a water type Pokémon yet this one is the type that can't stay on the ground. Diamond flops unnecessarily on the ground giving the impression of helpless.

'Is that a Magikarp? Thought it somehow a lot different from the others? A different Pokémon?' Thought Brock 'I know that a water type have advantage but that kind of fish Pokémon is useless outside the water. Surely the girl know right?'

He then shake his head in disappointment, "Okay, go Geodude!" He shouted. Yui took this chance to fill her pokedex.

Geodude, the Rock Pokémon,

Geodude is often found on mountain roads with half of its body buried in the ground so it can observe mountain travelers.

"Let's finish this quickly! Geodude Tackle it!" With that order Geodude rush to Diamond about to Tackle the fish. Yui smirk as this was the moment she was waiting by making Dia look weak. "Dodge now! And counter it with Iron Tail." Dia who laying on the ground fly side away shocking Brock and Geodude. She use that chance to attack Geodude's back with Iron Tail that she charge while waiting Geodude to attack her.

Geodude was sent flying away by the force with his pain written on his face as Iron Tail is a steel type move that very effective to a rock type Pokémon. "Don't stop! Dia use Brine!" Yui shouted. Brock who finally snap out his daze order Geodude to dodge it but as he was sent flying he don't have control in his movement this make Geodude received a full blow of water that Diamond launch.

"Geodude!" Brock yell in worry as Geodude body crash to a rock near by creating some dust. But when the dust went away Geodude lay unconscious in front the rock that is cripple for obvious reason.

"Geodude is unable to battle," said Forrest one of Brock's brother surprised at the quick battle, "this battle goes to Feebas!"

Brock was amazed with Yui. 'She taught her Pokemon's a move that beats rock types outside the type advance that her Pokémon have.' he thought 'this girl is good'."Okay Geodude return," said Brock smile excitedly "Go Onix!" Yui also use this chance to check Onix with her Pokedex.

Onix, the Rock Snake Pokémon,

By twisting its large and powerful body, Onix can quickly bore through the ground at fifty miles per hour.

"Dia, good work. Now is Rai's turn." Diamond give Yui a nod as red light engulfed her body, returning her to her ball and Yui took another pokeball from her sleeve. "Rai ready to fight!" Yui shout and thrown Rai's pokeball to the air make it release Rai.

Brock knew that electric types don't really work on rock, but after battling that Magikarp look alike, he knew that he mustn't underestimate Yui. "Onix use Rock Throw quickly!" Onix do as what his Trainer said. "Rai use Quick Attack to Dodge!" Rai use Quick attack that increase his speed as he closing to Onix. "Rai use Iron Tail on Onix head!" Yui order. Rai use his Fly movement to get close to Onix head this shocked Brock beyond belief. But he snap out before the Pikachu name Rai manage to land his Iron Tail on Onix head. "Onix use Dig!" Onix quickly dig his way underground nearly being hit by the Iron Tail.

Rai floating above the hole where Onix just dug looking right and left in panic that his opponent suddenly disappeared while he didn't know how to find his opponent.

"Rai calm down! There no use to panic! Go back to the ground and try to listen to the shake you can hear or feel with you eyes close! Trust me, I will never let you get hurt!" Rai look at Yui in disbelief at first before he place his trust on her judgement knowing that he can stand in this stage because she able to taught him to control his power and achieve more height than before in wild.

Brock once again stunned by the bond that Yui and the Pikachu perform. Before he notice that Onix already ready to strike the Pikachu's back. "Now! Use Slam!" Brock order as Onix show up behind Rai's back with his rocky tail swing very fast at the Pikachu. At the same time Yui notice Onix and give Rai an order "Rai turn around and give your best Iron Tail!" With that Rai's glowing tail and Onix's rocky tail clash making dust covered the whole battleground at the backlash of the great clash.

When the dust went away both of Yui and Brock can see their Pokémon staring each other while patting heavily both scratches and bruises covered both of the Pokémon body but neither of them giving up. That is until Onix stagger and collapse to the battleground unconscious.

Onix is unable to battle," said Forrest "Rai the Pikachu is the winner. Therefore the winner of this gym battle is Yui." Yui shocked at the conclusion but she shake it away as she launch her body to the battleground, pick up Rai battered body, and hug the Pikachu ignoring his yell as her hug hurting him.

"Yes! We win did it!" Yui yelled happily as she squeeze Rai with her body. "Arg!! Yui stop! My body still hurt!" Rai yell in his own pokespeech that Yui understood but cannot register right now as her happiness is overloading her body. Rai unable to stand her hug release an electric current at her, shocking her. "Ahhh!!" Yui yelled loudly being shocked. Both Yin and Yang that been left in the battle platform snort.

~~~~~~~~~~ Times Skip ~~~~~~~~~~

After healing the Pokémon and one trip to the hospital, Yui entered the gym again to get her badge. She meet Brock who shook hands with her. "Yui you gave me a great battle," said Brock "usually people use water and grass Pokémon to defeat me. But you used an electric and a fish type Pokémon that usually useless outside the water to defeat me."

"Well I have learned that steel type moves effective towards rock types and I also research that Feebas, Diamond's kind is a type that can learn how to Fly," said Yui "so I decided to teach Rai and Diamond steel type moves and about Fly, Rai is born with that move."

"You have studied well," said Brock "therefore I give you the boulder badge". The boulder was a grey badge, in the shape of an octagon. "Thank you Brock," said Yui, claiming the badge, "all right I got the boulder badge!" Said Yui while showing it to Yin and Yang who preaching at their usual spot. "Good job Yui." Said Yang. "Haha! I knew you could do it from the beginning." Laugh Yin.

"Actually, I don't particularly want to be a Trainer, I want to be a great Pokémon Breeder that my dream, but I can't because I have family to care off. Because of that I hope you can become the best Trainer and fulfilled your dream." Brock confessed about his feeling to Yui.

Yui blink her eyes in the sudden confession but then she give him a smile "You misunderstood something, my dream isn't to become the best Trainer but to travel and befriend with all the people and Pokémon alike that I meet. But after hearing your story, I think I can become the best Trainer after all that is the dream my beloved brother give to me before he past away." Brock eyes widen a bit hearing that the girl in front him lost someone important to her in young age and the fact that he make her remember it, makes him feel guilty.

"It's alright, I'm sad that my brother cannot stand beside me anymore but his memory still living inside me, as long I still remember him." Yui said as she put her hard to her chest to feel the warm that her childhood memories bring.

Brock see the girl in different light, she not only very talented in battle but she also very wise in young age. Brock really want to travel with this girl as he thought that with her. He could learn many kinds of thing that unique from others. But alas he still have a duty as the oldest in his siblings and as a gym leader.


Later, Flint shows up in Brock's house, and reveals that he is Brock's "good-for-nothing" father. He explains that he avoided returning to his family as a failure of a Pokémon Trainer. But meeting with Yui make him see another light that he forgotten by being a Trainer. Flint is ready to take back the responsibilities that he abandoned, which Brock returns to him, along with a long list of tasks for him to remember while taking care of the siblings.


Yui and Misty then decided to leave Pewter City now to head for Yui's next gym battle. "I was amazed by that battle Yui," said Misty "I mean I thought that you would have trouble with that gym match. I mean I know you do have a water type, but I thought that Feebas would be useless. But having taught your Pikachu Iron Tail and your Feebas Fly. That was really smart". "Well Misty, I did say that I was prepared for the gym battle, besides being prepared is important when travelling on uncertain journey." explain Yui. "Absolutely" said Misty, with a smile. Yui seemed smarter and wiser than Misty thought she would be.

Yui and Misty were about to leave when they heard a voice. "Hey Yui, Misty wait up!" It was Brock. "Brock what are you doing here?" asked Yui. "I'm coming with you two on your journey" answered Brock. "But what about the gym?" asked Misty.

"Don't worry," said Brock "my dad, who is the real gym leader of Pewter Gym, just got out of hospital and is fit enough to take control of the gym again. And my mum and nine little brothers and sisters going to help him. So is it all right if I come with you guys?" Yui and Misty looked at each other, then with a smile they said "of course" and "welcome aboard" to Brock together. So, now the journey continued with Yui, Misty and Brock together.

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