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The Birth Of New Evolution (Pokémon Fanfic) The Birth Of New Evolution (Pokémon Fanfic) original

The Birth Of New Evolution (Pokémon Fanfic)

Author: AoiLuna

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: A Beginning

(I don't own Pokémon and the pictures. I only own my OC.)

It's morning and a girl awaken from the alarm clock constant ringing. She stir quietly almost back to sleep but manage to awake. Last night, she studied very hard until her mom had to force her to sleep. The girl name is Yui Arc Blade.


Yui move away from her bed and then walk towards the balcony. She face the sun as she felt the soft kiss the sunrise light bath her and smile kindly towards it. Yui was a child who used to get sick easily when she was young unlike her late twin brother who always energetic and healthier one.

From childhood, she only have one dream. That dream is to travel out her home and see the many kinds of Pokémon out there. To see and explore the world outside this tiny town that she lives this past years.

Yui always been in love and have special connection with many types of Pokémon, she saw in her life. She saw how each Pokémon is different and unique even if they come from the same race. Because of that Yui become very interested on Pokémon and her wish to travel intensified.

Yui studied very hard about Pokémon and trained her knowledge at Professor Oak's ranch, as his assistant and also other regional professor but not that often as her body is quite easily get sick.

She was able to do this because the special gifts that she have. First, she able to understand Pokémon speech completely and second, she have unique power that usually classified as Aura but mutated that becomes a power that heals injuries miraculously. This gifts also the reason why many people wish to know and use her for their own purpose. She studies under Professor Oak's wing is actually the protection order from the League. As Professor Oak is the former Champion of Kanto Region.

In this place many trainer exist and they also become the Region self defense army. Because of that, trainer have ranks to control the people more easier and also motivate them being the best.

A Rookie trainer is those who only have 1-3 gym badge from the Legal League Gym Circuits, next is an Intermediate trainer who able to get 4-6 gym badge, an Advanced trainer who manage to gain 7-8 gym, and then the Elite trainer who manage to gain all the badge and become one of the top 16 in the Pokémon Conference. It's many people dream to become that of an Elite trainer as their future will be guarantee by the League.

Yui look at the beautiful sunrise from her balcony like what she usually did every morning. That is when she saw her mom, Mana Blade under her balcony drying the clothes that she just wash.

Yui smile and greet her mom "Mom, good morning!"

Mana look up and wave her hand at her daughter "Good morning Yui! You've woke up early as usual, I see!"

Yui smile while look at her mom straight at her eyes "Of course I do, mom! Today is a special day you know it yourself!"

Mana stop waving her hand and stare at her daughter with worried gaze and sad smile "Do you really want to do it?"

Yui give Mana a reassuring smile that smile ease Mana worry by a little "I'm fine, mom. I won't stop walking for our dream. I'm sure my brother will be happy at my decision."

Mana look at her daughter eyes and find the same shine her brother used to have. Mana gaps the her eyes tear a bit remember her son that have already died, five years ago from The Accident.

That son is Ash Eus Blade and Yui's twin older brother. He died when both Yui and him playing too close to a cliff. Yui is the first one to fall and Ash jump to protect his sister. Unfortunately for Ash, he died from the fall and Yui was then kidnapped for two years. Many other believed that both twin died in the accident, but Yui the suddenly found half dead and very traumatized with people after she able to escape for her own.

Since that Accident, Yui used to blame herself for her brother's fate. But now, Mana could see that her daughter Yui have grown into a strong yet also very kindhearted girl. Mana smile proudly and wipe the tear away "Yes, he will be very proud of you."

Then Mana suddenly remember something "Oh!"

Yui look at Mana confuse and a bit worry "Is there something wrong mom?"

Mana shook her head and give her a sheepish smile "It's nothing dear, I just remember that I forgot to turn off the kitchen stove. Hohoho..." with that Mana hurriedly go to kitchen and turn off the stove.

Yui giggle a little as her mother enter the house to turn off that stove she just said. Yui walk back inside her room and start to pack her things for the journey she about to do.

When she done packing her things into a single travel bag. She look at the mirror and saw her traveling outfit a kimono with easy to move shorts, her short purple black hair with several tiny braids to keep it from getting on her eyes. After feeling satisfied, Yui came down from her room and greeted by her mother who brought something with her. It was a small rectangle case. Yui intrigued with the box and ask her "What is in it mom?"

Mana smile at her daughter and explain what inside it "This is a good luck charm that your father always brought along when he was on journey. Before he divorce with me, he left this and several other things on his office. The letter said that this should given to you when you about to start your journey."

With that Mana open the box and show Yui a ring with pretty marble with DNA pattern on it. Yui suddenly remembered the shadow of his father smiling down at her brother and Yui when they touch the marble that used to be on his finger.

"I remember this. He used to wear it when he played with us." said Yui while took the ring and look at it very dearly but then she frown disappointed "But, I still can't remember father's face."

Noticing her daughter bad mood Mana pat Yui head and give her a reassuring smile "You don't have to worried, someday you will definitely remember." Yui smile at her mother and give her a nod.

"Well, I'm going to go to Professor Oak's lab. See you soon, mom!" With that Yui take off to her new journey.


The laboratory is put on the edge of Pallet Town. Its functions are to research Pokémon, unravel the mysteries of these creatures, and study their characteristics and behaviours in a natural environment. Another important job is to take care of the Pokémon that belong to Pallet Town's Trainers.

The lab has many different environments for the correct development of all kinds of Pokémon. There are areas of grass, sand, rocks and lakes to promote good interaction between the different types of creatures. The laboratory has the technology to keep Pokémon healthy, and to make the largest scientific investigations in the country.

Arriving at Professor Oak's lab, Yui find their childhood friend Gary Oak in front the door. Gary has auburn hair and black eyes. Gary wore a long-sleeved purple shirt, a black necklace, dark blue pants and boots.

Gary who also notice her then smirk arrogantly. "Hey, softy Yui! I just had my new starter and you just too late! You better stop saying you hate battle or you will never beat me! Catch you later slowpoke!" With that Gary drive away in his car along with his group of cheerleaders and leaving Yui alone.

Yui look at Gary's back as his figure slowly vanish and smile gently not a bit insulted by his word. "He is still the same as ever."

"You think so? I think maybe he is growing a bit too arrogant. I should stop spoiling him." A sudden deep voice startled Yui making her jump. She turn back and found Professor Oak that wears a red, short-sleeved polo shirt, brown pants, black shoes, and a lab coat.

Professor Oak look sheepish "I'm sorry, I don't mean to startled you." Yui shake her head and smile "It's nothing Professor. So, how are you?"

Professor Oak smile "I'm perfectly fine, my dear. The others also in great conditions. You won't believe me how the Pokémon behave peacefully around here because of you. They all will greatly miss you even if you just gone for an hour."

After that they chat a bit about casual thing that happen in the lab. Yui have come to this lab every time she can. When she was a child Yui usually play with the Pokémon that live in Professor Oak's corral.

Yui come to the corral and greeted by many Pokémon that live there. "Yui, I miss you so much!" said the Pichu that immediately jump to her arm as soon she was spotted.

"Yes dear, I also miss you so much." Yui replied while rubbing the electric pouch in Pichu cheek making it purr happily and release some small harmless electric discharge.

"Yui can I sit on your lap?" said Meowth while licking Yui hand. "Sure you can. You don't have to ask permission for that." Yui smile when the Meowth jump to her and lay on her lap. Yui pet the Meowth fur making the Pokémon purr happily.

Seeing this Professor Oak laugh "Hahaha! Same as ever I see and I still don't get it how you able to understand what they want."

Yui smile and give intention to the Pokémon who ask to her. Yui have stop explaining a long time ago on how she able to understand the Pokémon language. Apparently this is her gifts as what Professor Oak conclude. The professors around the region come and go visiting her in this Pallet Town to see her. And even after three years researching they still don't have a concrete reason on why Yui could understood Pokémon Speech, but others don't unless they used telepathy.

"Help!" A painful shriek is heard.

Yui hear the voice calling her help and run to the source with Professor Oak behind her a bit confused when he only able to hear a Ponyta voice.

Yui face a bit worried when she saw a branch stuck in the Ponyta leg. "This is horrible! Stay still, I will help you. And this will hurt for a moment, so please don't move."

Yui close her eyes then she take a deep breath when she open her eyes her deep purple eyes change to the beautiful soft blue of the sky. Her hand glow the same colour as her eyes. Yui slowly pull out the branch while her other hand still glowing blue.

As she took the branch out her blue light glow more brightly and completely heal Ponyta leg like new. After that Yui stand but then wobble back and almost fall if Professor Oak didn't catch her.

"Easy Yui! How many time did I have to tell you that you must rest after you do it!? It's take more energy than you always think and we can heal it! We have a healing center near here! You don't have to strain yourself!" Scold Professor Oak while he took her back to his lab and force her to relaxed Yui on the sofa in his lab.

Yui give him a tired smile "I'm sorry, somehow my body and heart cannot ignore the one need help even if that was the most illogical things to do."

Professor Oak sigh but then he smile knowingly. He already know since Yui is still a young child and she always prioritize others first, this trait of her intensified after The Accident. "Alright, but I want you to keep your promise with me. You still remember right?"

Yui smile and took out a necklace with a photo that picture Gary, her brother and herself playing with them near the cliff where her brother died trying to save her. "I still remember. I promise everyone to take care myself better because everyone also worried about me if something happens to me."

Professor Oak smile and give her a nod "That's it. If you keep that promise then I won't say anything else. We know you're a smart girl." He pet Yui head making her blush red and making her shutter. "T-t-thanks."

This is one of her habit when she was praised by someone. Making her very humble and shy child that easily blush. "Um..." He stop pat her head and look at Yui embarrassed face. "Professor, can I have the Pokedex please?"

"Of course! I almost forgot that you come here to begin your journey. *Sigh* This mean I'm already old, I still remember the day you're born and right now you already old enough to begin your own journey." Professor Oak mumble the past that he remember while walking to his desk take out a Pokedex that is quite different that what Yui have seen in the tv.

"Professor why is mine different then the others?" Yui ask and look at her Pokedex. Professor Oak smile and said "Open it and you will know."

Yui open the Pokedex and find it have many function that a normal Pokedex don't have. There are an area map, a region map, telecommunication app, item search app, a transfer system, Pokeweb, and etc.

Yui is very surprise at this many function only two word come out from her mouth after she saw the advance Pokedex of her. "Why me?"

Professor Oak sit beside her and explain the reason "This is a new prototype that have many function. I want you to try it and report back to me if there any malfunction. I trust you more than my arrogant grandson with this thing."

Yui stare at the Pokedex with mixed emotions, one is proud that Professor Oak trust her that much, but the other hand she also feel pity for Gary who should be the one who have it.

"I feel guilty..., shouldn't Gary be the one to receive this valuable thing?" Yui frown while staring at the Pokedex in her hand. "You shouldn't feel guilty, the tester was not decided by me alone you know." Professor Oak said something really make Yui surprise "Eh!"

"It was taken by poll from all the Professors in the worlds by sharing information about new Pokémon Trainer that will be going this year and from observation you have proven to be the most trustworthy from all of them. You can use that Pokedex with pride, that is yours. You earn it fair and square." Professor Oak told Yui about the secret exam of the new Pokedex with pride swirling in his eyes.

Truly, Yui have make Pallet Town a place where the others professors interested. Yui's care about Pokémon and people both equally. She also smart, kind, understanding, and trustworthy even after that terrible Accident, she still can stand up by her own strength. Truly what a special girl.

"Your Pokedex is the only one that have all the data of all recorded Pokémon in the world. What we want is for you to complete that Pokedex by meeting many Pokémon in your journey. It only show extra information when you capture the Pokémon. But knowing you, you probably won't complete the extra by capturing Pokémon left and right." Professor Oak continue to explain about the new Pokedex.

Yui give him a nod "You certainly know me Professor. I won't force the Pokémon inside the ball unless they wish to be capture. I don't really like the Pokeball, but I know they're a necessary for people and Pokémon to connect, so I tolerate them. Beside some Pokémon also comfortable inside it. What right, I have to change that." Yui pout in the end making Professor Oak laugh.

Professor Oak the gaps remember something serious "I forgot! Yui what about your starter?! I already give all of them to the other new Trainers!" Professor Oak then continue to yell in panic at his mistake.

Yui giggle at his reaction before explaining her reason for laughing at the old man sorrow. "You don't have to worry about it Professor. I already have friends waiting for me to be Trainer in the forest. They are more then capable to protect me."

Hearing this Professor Oak sobered and become interested at what Pokémon Yui befriend with. "Oh, The Pokémon from The Accident? What Pokémon is it?"

Yui shook her head "I don't know. I search them in your pc but I don't find them in any of your research."

"Then that Pokémon must be from the others Region or a new kind. Can I come with you to meet them?" Professor Oak ask.

"Um..., I think so. But be careful professor they still a bit hostile to the others human. They have very painful experience with human making them hate them." Yui explain with a sad expression.

Professor give her a nod understanding what she said. Yui then guide the Professor to the forest where her friends live.

There are a cave in the forest and the forest it self is very beautiful with many wild Pokémon live there happily and peacefully. Professor Oak wondering why he never find this place in his many years living in Pallet Town.

He shook the jealousy he feel for Yui. Because since Yui still a baby she have some kind of gift that make Pokémon easily love her as she also love them equally. This is one of the reason why Yui is chosen to be the one to test the new type of Pokedex.

Nearing the cave Yui stop walking right in front the cave entrance and told Professor Oak to stand behind her. "Yin! Yang! I'm back! Please come out!"

Professor Oak then see two shadow of two small Pokémon he never seen in his live as a Trainer, but he has seen them in the pictures of the other region Pokémon.

Yin is a slate gray, fox-like Pokémon with blue and brown accents. Its ears are triangular with dark insides, and it has a large tuft of fur tipped with red on top of its head. It has blood red eyes with blue eyelids. There are circular, blue markings above the eyes that resemble eyebrows.

Yang is small, yellow, bipedal canine Pokémon. It has black legs and torso, a blue tail, and a blue collar. It has rounded bumps on the backs of its forepaws. It has a black "mask" and red eyes.

Both of them are rare Pokémon from their species and Shiny Pokémon. Professor Oak gaping mouth is more than enough to symbolise his shock seeing them in Kanto region.

"Yui can you try your Pokedex to them? I want to make sure what I'm thinking." Professor Oak snap out his daze and ask Yui to test her Pokedex at Yin and Yang.

Yui nod then she ask Yin and Yang permission while holding her Pokedex up. "May I?" Yui ask them while knell down in front them. "If that what you want." shrugs Yin not really caring being scan. "I don't mind Yui." said Yang while looking at Yui eyes.

"Alright then, let's see what it said about you." Yui said while she point her Pokedex at Yang and Yin.

Zorua the Tricky Fox Pokémon,

To protect themselves from danger, they usually hide their true identities by transforming into people and Pokémon using illusion. This Pokémon is a native from Unova. Zorua is a male Pokémon and currently five years old. The odd colouring is the proof of Shiny Pokémon.

Zorua known ability is Illusion and known moves: Pursuit, Fake Tears, Feint Attack, Scary Face, Taunt, Foul Play, Torment, Agility, Punishment, Nasty Plot, Night Daze, Counter (Egg), Extrasensory(Egg), Detect (Egg), Return, Shadow Ball, Grass Knot, Sleep Talk, Dig, Retaliate, Night Slash, Toxic, Hyper Beam, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, Giga Impact, Shadow Claw, Bounce, Hyper Voice, and etc.

Riolu the Emanation Pokémon,

It uses the shapes of auras, which change according to emotion, to communicate with others. This Pokémon is a native from Sinnoh. Riolu is a male Pokémon and currently five years old. The odd colouring is the proof of Shiny Pokémon.

Riolu known ability is Inner Focus and Prankster and known moves: Quick Attack, Counter, Blaze Kick (Egg), Crunch (Egg), High Jump Kick (Egg), Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Iron Tail, Thunder Punch, Zen Headbutt, Toxic, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Shadow Claw, Dig, Swift, Aura Sphere, Metal Sound, Close Combat, Dragon Pulse, Extreme Speed, Sky Uppercut, Water Pulse, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Stone Edge, Flash Cannon, Dark Pulse, and etc.

"Wow! I knew both of you certainly amazing!" Yui said that while searching more information about them in the Pokedex, not noticing the proud look Yin and Yang show to her.

"Ehem!" Professor Oak let out a cough to attract their intention as he was ignored after Yui check her Pokedex. Yin start to growl at the Professor but stop when Yang touch his friend shoulder. "I'm certainly speechless, those two already fully grown Pokémon. But there is no way a Pokémon in their begining stage of evolution able to learn move like Hyper Beam and Giga Impact. Can you explain the reason to me? This must have connection with The Accident."

Yui look hesitate at Professor Oak word, she then look at her two family. "I think it's time to stop hiding. We're no longer defenceless like three years ago. But I want your opinion, so should we Yin, Yang?"

Yin and Yang look each other and nod. "Alright, I can explain what happen." said Yang using telepathy as he stare at Professor Oak's eyes. "Better yet why don't we just show him. It's certainly will be more believable." Yin comment dryly echoes in Professor Oak's mind.

With that both Yin and Yang suddenly covered by the light of evolution and grown to their final evolution.

Yin become a Zoroark. He is a bipedal, gray-brown, fox-like Pokémon with purple and crimson accents. It has a pointed snout and ears with purple insides. It also has some purple rimming its eyes and mouth. It has a large, purple, voluminous mane with crimson tips, which somewhat resembles a ponytail, as a yellow bangle down its length separates a mass of the mane from the lower portion. It has a crimson ruff on its upper body, pointed at the shoulders from which its arms extend. Its upper arms are thin, whereas its lower arms, while still slim, are bulkier. The arms have spiky extensions of fur at the elbows, and it has red claws on its hands and feet. Zoroark's eyes are yellow-rimmed with purple irise

Yang become a Lucario. He is a bipedal, canine-like Pokémon, with fur that is predominantly yellow and black. It possesses a short, round spike on the back of each forepaw, in addition to a third on its chest. It has red eyes, a long snout and ears. When its mouth is open, two pairs of pointed teeth, one in the upper jaw and one in the lower, can be seen. It possesses blue-colored fur on its torso, and yellow fur on its thighs that resembles shorts. It has a medium length tail of the same yellow colour as well. It stands on its toes rather than on its entire foot. It has developed four black appendages that hang down from its head.

Professor Oak was surprised but he become even more disbelief when both Yin and Yang glows again but become regress into their beginning stage of evolution. "Was that an illusion?"

"No. What you just saw is real. In The Accident as you called it. We both along with Yui was experimented. Both of us was made to unable to stay on our real stage for more than five minutes per day. And there is also some thing else." Yang strictly said using telepathy. Yui nod and took an empty pokeball and throw it at Yang.

Normally as a wild Pokémon when it was hit by a pokeball, it will change into red energy and absorbed by the pokeball to capture. If it was an owned Pokémon then there will be a red barrier that prevent another pokeball to steal the ownership of the Pokémon. But none of those thing happens to Yang, the ball just hit him and drop at down with no reaction at all. Just to prove the once again to the still jaw open Professor. Yin play with the button of pokeball and it only resize but not react in anyway to him.

"I don't know that those disgusting researchers done to us, but it seems no pokeball able to recognise us as a Pokémon. I know they played with our DNA that we no longer can say we're a complete Riolu and Zorua. That's the reason why we able to use abnormal range of move that our line unable to learn." Yang growl in hate along with Yin as they remembering the pain they used to felt.

"Yui trusted you and we saw that you genuinely care for our Yui. That's is why we decided to trusted you and talk about our position. We would like to be recognise as Yui's Pokémon and allowed to compete in the League. In exchange we'll provide our blood to you as a proof and our cooperation in others testing, as long it wasn't amoral. But we also would like to know the result of the research without any details missing. That's the deal, how about it?" Yin proposed as he raise his paw to Professor Oak for a shake.

Professor Oak snap out from his daze and shake Yin's paw as an agreement. "I will do my best as Kanto Region Professor to do my part of the deal. But the result and the permit for the League may take a while. But I can certainly given the authority for both of you to become Yui's Pokemon for now."

Professor Oak then took them back to the lab to update the Pokedex to acknowledge both Yin and Yang as Yui's Pokémon even if they're technically wild Pokémon. And then Yin and Yang give a glass tube of their blood each to the Professor as their end of the bargain. Other deal will be done when they given the permit to enter the League tournaments.

"Oh, Yui this is your Pokeballs. You can only bring six Pokémon with you right now, not including those two since they're technically wild Pokémon. But if you prove me capable to care your Pokémon equally. I will increase your carrying capacity, as it was your right as my assistant professor to carry till twelve Pokémon for protection. Well, I'm going back to the lab to analysis this blood. Best of luck on your journey." After he said that he left Yui alone with her new starters and friends.

Yui stand up fix her clothes and smile at Yin and Yang who return her smile. "Are you guys ready for our adventure?!" Yui shout excitedly. "More than ever!" Shout Yin as he climb Yui shoulder and land on her head. "Let's go! I have been waiting for this!" Shout Yang as he sit on Yui's left shoulder.

"Forward into adventure!" Yui yell as she walk out from Pallet Town to another town.


Inside the League Headquarters, there is a meeting among five person that currently sitting next to each others on a round table. On their table there is several paperwork that still unfinished, but their intention is focused on the newest topic that Professor Oak's just given after his analysis finished.

First is a tall, thin man with bright scarlet red spiked hair, pale skin, and dark eyes. He wears a medieval-looking navy blue tunic with red-orange trim, a brown belt around his waist, and large black boots with orange two rings around the top of each boot. The cuffs of his long sleeves are black with orange zigzagging trim separating the cuff from the navy blue part of the sleeve. He sports a long, flowing cape around his neck which is black on the outside and crimson red on the inside. Lance is well known as the Champion in the Kanto and Johto region.

Second is a woman, whose hair has two pigtails and a ponytail. She wears a pair of glasses, with her eyes being hazel-colored. She wears a blue jacket, a red shirt, and a black pencil skirt. Lorelei has violet brown hair and she is a member of the Elite Four in the Kanto and Jotho region.

Third is tall and muscular man. He has long black hair, tied in a thick ponytail, which dangles down his back to his shoulder blades and longish thick sideburns. He has small dark eyes with prominent eyebrows, a small nose and a square jaw. He wears white trousers with a tattered waist and ankles that are held up by a black belt, shirtless and black wristbands on his wrists. Bruno is the third Elite Four member in the Kanto region and the second Elite Four member in the Jotho region.

Forth is an old woman, who has short yellow hair. She wears a white apron and is supported by a brown cane. She also wears a shorter purple dress with sleeves. She also wears purple shoes and grey leggings. Agatha is a member of Elite Four in Kanto. She also Professor Oak's rival when they're younger.

And finally an old man with a long white beard and hair. He is relatively short due his old age but looks very cheerful. He is wearing a red sweeter with blue stripes in the middle and pale green jeans pants along with white socks and brown shoes. Charles Goodshow is well know as the head of the committee responsible for organising the region that taking place in several across world. He is an energetic old man who greatly enjoys overseeing the various tournaments promoted by the Pokémon League.

Lance look at the newest report from Professor Oak in surprise, this not only happen to him the rest of his company also look astonish at the report. "Is this true?" Lance ask quite disbelieve. "I have already confirm it from the Professor for several times, this report indeed true." said Goodshow seriously.

"Unbelievable! Those Pokémon young Yui have is already on Elite Four level or Champion level! Those wide range of move is impossible to achieve unless years long training! And those Pokémon still on their beginning stage of evolution, even if they're a Shiny Pokémon that kind of wide move set is impossible!" shout Lorelei in disbelief.

Agatha flips the report and grimly said "Unfortunately it's possible. Read carefully on the last page. Those Pokémon are from the Accident, the one that said to save young Yui. They also have been DNA experimented to unable to stay on their true evolution and unable to captured by any kind of pokeball. And by what Oak found in their blood this seems to be permanent as their DNA no longer said they are a species of Pokémon but a several, thus pokeball unable to recognize them as a Pokémon. This is horrible!"

As soon as she done the rest of the group also become grim. Bruno grunt as he softly toss the reports to the table "There is nothing we can do to reversed the Accident. All we can do is be grateful to young Yui and her two Pokémon for ending the dreadful case."

The others silently not comments how Yui and her Pokémon is the only survivors of the Accident that hit all the Regions. And how they the Leagues unable to track the kidnappers of children and Pokémon alike from the Accident.

This case is the most dreadful failure of the Leagues and most untraceable until the day young Yui and her Pokémon escape on their on and leaves trails for the Leagues to take action even if it's already to late. As the true leaders of the crime vanish and only leaves a scrap of experiment data that too scrambled for analysis.

The peaceful days make the Leagues careless at the rumors of the rise of crime teams. Yui's case is truly a remainder to always be caution. This also made Yui a witness and right until now under house witness protection from the Leagues that Professor Oak take as he know her for quite a long time. The trauma that young Yui have is not needed to said, as it was so horrible that she had selective amnesia.

"Fortunately, young Yui able to comeback from that trauma and help our Pokémon researchers using her new found ability. Although risky, we also has decided to allow her journey through the region as a bait for those vile criminals. At least with those two Pokémon, we can guarantee Yui's protection." said Goodshow sternly.

"I still don't agree with this plan." Lorelai bit her lips in frustration. Lance sign "This decision already been made. All others Elite Four and Champion from other regions also agree with this plan. Young Yui also the one that wish to travel at age. There's nothing else we can do." Lorelai looks defeated "It's unfair for the young girl. Is there really nothing we can do for her? She already done so much to help us."

Agatha still reading the report carefully and she arrived at Yui's Pokémon request. "There is something we can do. Her Pokémon has request at their legal participant to our Pokémon championship even if technically they're a wild Pokémon in exchange of cooperation in future experiment under Professor Oak."

Bruno looks excited "They going to participate in the championship! Let them enter! It's going to be a very good challenge!"

Lance nod with a smirk "I'm also curious on how our Pokémon fare with those impossible Pokémon."

Goodshow smile at the change of atmosphere "Then it's decided that we the leagues will allow both of those Pokémon to enter our championship.

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