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Chapter 1: An Otherworldly Proposition (1/2)

"...Zed rescued the princess from the evil sect before he devoured her chastity and moved onto his next adventure..." Sol sighed as he finished writing the summary for the next arc in his webnovel.

He had written and read the same thing so many times, making a business out of cliché and tropes that he had grown tired of it. Watching the arguments of the so-called men of culture in his comment section was the only joy he had anymore.

Sol started reading webnovels and fanfictions during his college days, and instead of going to work for some game company that would work him to death, he decided to become an author, much to his family's chagrin.

No, it wasn't his wife and children. He didn't have those. Instead, it was his mother and father who were quite disappointed in him after spending several years getting his degree in game design.

Sol had gotten a job straight out of college working on a VR-MMORPG, but he was ultimately let go after continuously suggesting genre-breaking ideas that were out of the executive's comfort zones. He just wanted to create something new and less cliché, but all the producers heard was niche, reduced profit, and increased risk.

After being unceremoniously terminated, Sol fell into a slump. Furthermore, this all happened right before a major pandemic decided to drop in to visit his area for a while. Like any reasonable fellow, he settled in waiting for things to return to normal while he sent out resumes and got caught up on his favorite stories, manga, and anime.

At first, things weren't too bad, but after the third month of binging, Sol had the eyes of a dead fish. He had grown tired of unresponsive authors, poor English translations, and MCs that were either complete betas or psychotic rapists. Suffice to say he frequently had to bleach his eyes and considered following his nonsense President's suggestion of injecting Clorox...

'Sigh, hopefully, the quarantine ends soon so that I can find a new addiction to replace my reading one...' he thought as he swatted away the suicidal thoughts about Truck-kun and Clorox-tan.

*Ding dong*

The doorbell easily distracted Sol as he hoped that this was his Grubhub order instead of another dumb evangelist going on about his unholy habits. His neighbors had determined the best way to keep the preachy devils away was to tell them about my unholy anime and hentai viewing activities. Some of them were scared away, but most of the little bastards decided they needed to preach even harder.

Did I mention that they were little bastards instead of old fogeys? Sol forgot to check the schools located around him when he moved here, and it turns out this house he was renting was situated around the corner from one of the largest religious schools in the state. The school loved to send their students out to share what they learned despite the inherent dangers of a pandemic and creepy old men. The latter may be negated by the number of creepy old men in the school, though...

Sol sighed as he got up to check who'd rung the doorbell. He looked out, but there was nothing in sight: no food, no people, only the dull gray skies and some ominous lightning.

He was about to close his door when he shockingly heard someone clearing their throat from beneath down below. "Cough, cough! Excuse me, are you Sol Hunter, tenant of this place?" a small voice asked somewhat irritably.

"Hmm?" Sol looked down and saw a petite young woman in a black, Gothic-lolita dress. She had blue eyes with a stern expression that didn't match her adorable figure. "Hey, did you get lost, little girl? Did someone ask for me to bring you back to the school?" Sol asked with a smile.

He was about to pat the girl's head when she frowned and smacked my hand away. "Do you usually go around touching young girls without their consent?" the young girl scolded him. "I'm Natsuki Minamiya, a teacher at Saikai Academy. Can you tell me if your name is Sol Hunter, please?" she asked with a slightly hostile tone.

Sol frowned slightly as he examined her a bit more closely. There wasn't any lecherous intent behind my gaze but rather a truly curious appraisal. Noticing that she seemed to be becoming more hostile, Sol chose to get down to business and figure out what she wants. If the neighborhood school is the largest religious institute in the state, then Saikai Academy would be the polar opposite. It was the largest supernatural-human cohabitation project in the world.

He looked around carefully to make sure there were no crucifixes nearby then spoke politely to the petite woman. "My name is Sol Hunter. Why don't you come inside so that we can speak in a more suitable location, Mrs. Minamiya."

That's right, Mrs. Minamiya. While reexamining her figure before, Sol noticed the distinct band on her finger that felt quite extraordinary given that magic pressure emanated by it.

Mrs. Minamiya nodded, seemingly understanding the difficulties of discussing things related to the academy in an area controlled by the church. Sol stepped aside and allowed her entrance before closing the door and leading her to the living room.

"Would you like some coffee, Mrs. Minamiya?" Sol asked. She shook her head and seemed to wish to go straight to discussions. So he nodded and sat down on the couch across from her.

"Mr. Sol, I'm here on behalf of Saikai Academy to present you with an opportunity of a lifetime. It would involve relocation, but it would allow you to fulfill particular aspirations of yours while helping out the academy a great deal." Despite her solemn countenance, it was hard to take her seriously as she spoke. Not because of her adorable and completely legal figure, but because she seemed to sincerely believe that Sol could somehow aide her school. It was more likely for him to destroy an entire planet than be able to help out a school filled with supernatural beings.

It was a terrible joke, and her twitching brow made it even more difficult for Sol to believe. He sighed and looked her in the eyes, "Look, Natsuki, can I call you that for brevity? It is okay for you just to call me Sol too. You seem like a nice young woman, so you shouldn't go around and teasing people like this. Especially when you can't even keep a straight face while doing so, all the more considering the pandemic." he said, trying to sound lying a reasonable adult.

Natsuki sighed and tried to relax as she took a deep breath and tried to recompose herself. "I apologize if there was a misunderstanding between us, but Saikai Academy is genuinely reaching out to you with a once in a lifetime opportunity. While I don't understand why you were chosen, I can guarantee this is a legitimate offer. Just take a look at these documents, and you should understand."

As she said this, a large, sealed envelope appeared out of nowhere and landed in her hand before she handed it to Sol. He felt skeptical, but considering everything else he had been reading, one more absurd thing wouldn't be too bad.

Sol carefully opened examined the magically sealed envelope with Saikai Academy's logo on it. The magical seal on it made Sol consider that this might actually be legitimate documents from the school, but he still couldn't understand what they could want from him.

Sol pressed his thumb to the magic seal and felt a small prick to his thumb. The seal glowed for a moment as it absorbed his blood and then burst it sparks as the envelope was unsealed. Inside, Sol found a hand-penned letter.

[ Dear Mr. Hunter,

Everything you are about to read is highly confidential. Before continuing reading, you must swear an oath of silence.]

Sol looked at the young woman across from him with a skeptical expression. "I need to make an oath of silence to read about this opportunity?" he couldn't help but ask.

For her part, Natsuki seemed equally confused and merely shrugged her petite little shoulders. "I only have a vague idea about what this opportunity is, but I have no idea what's written in the letter. All I can tell you is that if its what I think it is, you'll want to read it."

Sol sighed then placed one hand over his heart before speaking the standard oath of secrecy. "I, Sol Hunter, do swear to uphold the confidentiality of the contents within this letter. I shall never directly or indirectly do anything against the fidelity of these secrets without the permission of the writer of this letter." After speaking the standard oath, a magical circle appeared on the back of the hand placed on his chest and then sunk through it and settled over his heart. Although the oath of secrecy was fairly common with the advent of the supernatural joining the open world, that didn't diminish the lethality of the pledge and the curse of suffering it inflicts on those who try to break it.

After finishing the oath, the writing on the letter dissolved as new words quickly took their place.

[Excellent! I'm glad you've decided to think about this opportunity. I'm sure you're curious about what we're offering you, but first, let me introduce myself.

My name is Allen Walker, fiancée of the adorable Natsuki-chan sitting across from you, so you better be a courteous gentleman, understand? Good! More importantly to you, I am also the new 4th Progenitor.

I am a bit different from the others in that I am not native to this world. I was sent to this world to fix issues with the multi-verse due to my inherent fascination with the stories about this world. Now, I am offering you this same opportunity for another world—a fantasy world with various races, powers, and dungeons.

There's only one catch. You're being sent there to fix various issues, and therefore you will receive something of a system that will guide you to solving various situations. At the same time, you're given quite a bit of free reign when it comes to how and when you complete your quests.

Other than that, you're free to do as you wish. You could become a demon king, a god, or even a harem protagonist. I myself suggest the latter on a personal note. Just look at how cute and adorable Natsuki-chan is (don't look too much, she's mine), and then imagine having several women like that.

Anyways, there's one more caveat. While you can chose whether to reincarnate there with or without your memories, any memories related to that world's people will be removed due to issues of free-will and such. You will be able to recall significant events so that you can plan accordingly if you would like, though. Else, you can experience everything for the first time.

If all this sounds good to you, then sign on the line at the bottom of the letter, and Natsuki-chan will immediately begin the reincarnation process. Otherwise, think about it for a few days and then sign if you agree, or burn the message if you don't. I can have an agent reincarnate you anytime, so no need to feel rushed.

PS. Natsuki-chan already knows quite a bit, so feel free to ask her any questions. I permit you to discuss this letter with her.

Looking forward to you positive response,

Allen Walker]

Degenerate_Panda Degenerate_Panda

Finally got a story going after scrapping my last one due to someone else releasing a similar novel. Criticism is welcome, but be kind to a new writer, please. English is my first language, so if you point out a mistake Grammerly and I missed, I'll try to fix it within a day or two. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

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