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50% Struggling against the invasion. / Chapter 2: Ch. 2 Sigh for the past,hope for the future

Chapter 2: Ch. 2 Sigh for the past,hope for the future

The call rang for a minute but the call was not picked.Akash felt a chill up his spine.He immediately changed the number to call his sister who was preparing for an exam.

This time the call went through and he spoke quickly in a worried tone.

"Hello,sis is it alright at home.Are dad and mom fine.I tried calling them but the call didn't go through."

"We're fine until now.Dad and mom were worried sick that something happened to you.Where are you?The news said that some monstrous creatures are wreaking havoc in the capital.The casualties are piling up.Come home quickly.It's not safe outside."

"I returned to school halfway the way to home as i realised that I forgot my science book in the school so i went back to retrieve it.On the way i heard some weird sounds from the principal's office so i tried to look at the source of the sounds.I hope i hadn't looked into it.I saw a green 3m tall monster chewing on the body parts of the principal.She died and i had to run from the monster.I was so scared that i even thought i was hallucinating.I managed to somehow kill it in the end killed the school guard too.I'm too scared already and don't know whether to call the police.Anyway I'm safe now and will come home quickly.Tell mom and dad to not worry."Akash spoke while breaking into sobs at the traumatic experience.

After confirmation that more such cases had occurred outside,Akash contacted the police and told them about what had happened at school.

He then took the broken leg of the table in principal's office and went back to the generator room.He tried to pierce the barren giant's head with the sharp side of the broken metal leg but it didn't work so in the end he decided to smash the head.After hammering at it for a few minutes until the head was crushed,he finally pierced through again to find the round stone in the monster head.When he held it in his hand,another blue screen appeared before his eyes.

[Barren Giant monster core]

[The core that houses the source of a Barren Giant's strength.Taking the core directly can lead to increased strength and under rare circumstances help in grasping the skill:Wrath of the giant.It also revitalizes the body and removes tiredness]

After taking a look at the screen,Akash decided to eat the core no matter how grossed out he felt but only after washing it.

After finding some potable water and cleaning it,he consumed it directly.He couldn't feel many changes other than feeling comfortable and no longer feeling any pain.It looked like he didn't get the skill.But he couldn't care about that but first decided to explore the blue screen which looked like a system from a webnovel.He thought of it and it appeared.

[Name:Akash Chauhan


Title:Slayer of the giant(All stats+3)








The stats he had looked rather bad but he knew it was the result of his own follies.He loved reading novels and spent most of his time on them, forgetting eating or doing homework at times.This had been his lifestyle for years.This led to him being weaker and smaller compared to others.Even though he had tried to stop himself many a times but he failed to regulate his lifestyle.

Akash found his bag which he had thrown off in a bid to escape from the barren giant and his book and waited for the arrival of police.It had been 30 minutes since his call when the police arrived.Three officers came down from the police jeep.They were fully equipped and covered up.Akash couldn't see their faces but they appeared about 30 year old.They were surprised to see him covered in blood.The officer in the lead asked quickly:

"You don't need to worry about anything anymore,no need to be tense.You will be fine.Now where is the monster you reported about"

"It's in the generator room"

While walking towards the generator room the officers also took a look at the blood around the gates.A hand and few pieces of flesh were lying around.When Akash looked at them,he couldn't help but remember the sight of the barren giant eating the principal and bent down puking.The officers helped him up and consoled him for a moment but their actions indicated that they were in a hurry.Akash got back on his feet and led the way to the generator room.

Even the officers were shocked at the sight of the barren giant's corpse.After looking at it the way they looked at Akash changed a bit.They no longer looked at him as if he was a kid,with one of them eyeing him as if he was a monster.

They called backup as the monster was too big for them to take in their car.

They took him to the police station to give the witness report and later they sent him back to his home.

Akash felt rather complicated while standing in front of his home.His home was'nt too large but it felt like the best place in the world to him.He rang the doorbell.

The door opened after a little while and his mother came out.His mother had a few wrinkles on her face and appearred anxious which he knew was caused due to him not arriving home on time.Akash was the third and the smallest child in the family with his brother being the eldest and sister being in the middle.His mother used to be slim before his birth but later appeared fatter as she had an operation during his birth due to his complications which also came with a lot of illnesses.He always felt guilty for harming her and sometimes felt he was redundant to begin with,only being a burden to his family.

His mother asked him about his wellbeing and checked his injuries most of which appeared almost healed.He reassured her that he was fine and they went to the living room.

His family was sitting on the couch while watching the news report regarding the appearance of monsters all around the world in various countries.His father and siblings also asked regarding the incident as they were concerned about his well being.Akash retold the circumstances while omitting the host of terrifying images which were traumatic to him.They talked for a while about him but later shifted their attention to the news appearing on the television.

The experts on television couldn't find anyway to explain the incidence as the monsters appeared almost out of nowhere.The appearance of monsters in different places like new york,beijing,delhi,and many other areas were reported.Various monsters were shown on television.One appeared like a sabertooth tiger,another looked like a giant wolf while another looked like a moth.He was rather tired so he went to his room after dinner.

His room was fairly simple only having a bed,computer table,wardrobe and bookshelf.The bookshelf was in a mess as he just couldn't keep it arranged properly and his books always piled up like a mountain.He quickly checked the news reports and its comments in social media as he wanted to find out if the system was exclusive to him which didn't seem very likely to him.And he really did find a few people mentioning the blue screen even though it was turned down by other people as a prank.Akash was already exhausted and thus went to bed.For the first time in many years he didn't access a single webnovel throughout the day,though he didn't want such a change to him.

He couldn't sleep immediately though and his mind was churning with thoughts.He thought of what a hellish year 2020 had been with violence and panic spreading from the start of the year.Everything started with the violent Anti CAA protests by anti nationals in India,followed by the Delhi riots by the same people,the fires of which had almost reached his home.He still remembered the day when people were running helter-skelter to escape before rioters came for them.He was filled with trepidation on that day as he didn't want to lose his home and family to the garbage that wanted to burn his country.Fortunately what happened that day didn't reach him and the signs of it were suppressed by the police in the beginning.More bad news came soon with coronavirus pandemic happening around the globe.Too many people lost their lives and the world was filled with mourning.The spread of the virus was suppressed because of the effective policies of the central government but the numbers still rose without a stop in the end.The frequency of natural calamities like earthquakes and cycones suddenly increased around the world.2020 turned into a year of disasters.Violent protests came up in America,which influenced other terrorist organisation and naxals to spread their propoganda throughout the world,though they were suppressed before they could cause any damage.

He lost some of his favourite actors like Irfan Khan this year.Just when the year was about to end and everyone was thinking the nightmares were over,monsters appeared all over the world causing damage to both lives and property.

He stopped himself from thinking anymore and started counting numbers until finally he fell asleep.

He had a similar dream to what he had in the generator room.He had once again turned into a lizard like bipedal being holding a spear,honing his spearmanship.Akash remembered the way he used the spear in his dream.The lizard skillfully used the spear at various creatures in his dream.The various moves and footwork allowed it to easily defeat similar sized monsters.Looking at the spearmanship he remembered what he had heard about the spear in the novels he had read.The spear and its counterparts like pikes and lance led to it being called the most versatile and the strongest melee weapon.In skillful hands,it could lead to one defeating many.It also had a larger reach and more power in thrusts compared to other weapons.But of course it was also stated to be very hard to master.Lances dominated the battlefields of Europe in the middle ages.

Akash experienced the feeling of using the spear continuously.The lizard he had turned into seemed to be surrounded by a lot of wolves but it was still unstoppable and continued slaying the wolves.The voices that came from the biggest wolf which appeared to be the pack leader and the lizard appeared like them having a quick conversation even though he couldn't make head or tail of the situation,their hostility towards each other was very clear.The pack leader did his best to kill the lizard,several wind blade forming and shooting occasionally from his claws but he couldn't stop the lizard which was trying to clear the other wolves and soon the pack leader was the only one left.

The anger of the wolf pack leader was evident from his actions.Just as their final showdown was about to start he was startled by the noise of the alarm clock and woke up.

He felt bad at not being able to complete the dream but then he decided to experiment using the spear with experience from the dream.He didn't have spear so he used a stick which was left in the house from the time of it's construction 6 years ago as it had a pretty similar shape to a spear even though the weight was disproportionate and so in this way he tried to use the experience from his dream.Even though the use of the stick as the spear was not perfect and his experience from the dream got fainter with time,he confirmed that those experiences were useful.

Before anything he ran out for a morning jog as he had decided to exercise regularly.He started with some light jogging and later did yoga.Even though the exercise made his body sore in the end,he had decided to continue this endeavour and he was definitely not stopping like before.

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