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66.66% SON OF LIGHTNING / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

After two days I was moved to my new home, well it cannot be called a house, it's a cave that is carved out of a mountain with lots of open space, well that is expected considering the land of clouds is surrounded by mountains. After a couple of days, I figured out my new name, Its Daiko Raijin of Raijin Clan.

Well suddenly the wall of the cave collapsed and an old guy with a big long beard comes out of it!!!,

Isn't that 3rd Raikage!!, why did he destroy our wall??

I can hear my mom cursing at him in Japanese and then she went to the destroyed wall, the wall suddenly automatically repaired by itself and closed in, I looked good as new!

What the hell! I cried inwardly, so this must be an earth Jutsu!, It looked so cool. I couldn't wait to grow up fast to do these cool Jutsus.

Well, suddenly my dad also burst into the house, breaking the wall which was just repaired.


What the fuck! why can't they just open the door normally instead of breaking the wall??

Now I kind of understand why our house is carved out of the mountain, if not these brutes will destroy the house every day and put us bankrupt.

My mom is extremely pissed off at both Father and Son trio for breaking the wall and started yelling at them and simultaneously used an earth Jutsu to repair the wall, by the look of it she became an expert on the art of cleaning up the mess after them.

They both ignored her rampage and surrounded me, I looked at them curiously, they started talking something to themself seriously and were making a worried face. By their gestures, its something serious, Does that mean the war is started or about to start? Too bad I don't know Japanese to understand the conversation. In the end, they gently stroked my head lovingly and left in a hurry by demolishing the wall again!.

8 months passed by, my life as a child was pretty boring, I figured out my name finally, Its Daiko Raijin of Raijin Clan, I was expecting a name like the previous Raikages Ay or Bee but my headstrong mom saved me again from that fate. I finally managed to pick some words and able to speak like a beginner and also I finally taught myself to walk again!. Seeing my quick progress made my parents and grandpa think I am a genius and planning for my training as soon I awaken chakra.

Talking about my clan and clan structure in Kumo, There is no mention of Raijin clan in Anime or Manga. The name Raijin associates lightning, Well that makes really sense now since all the Raikages techniques revolve around lightning. I hope I have some cool bloodline limits like magnet release or storm-release like Darui.

But still, my dignity as a grown-up man was destroyed during these last few months. I cannot control my bowel movements, Damn it!, but now I finally managed to regain my dignity. I rarely wet my bed and when I feel like I would bell the ring that is next to my bed. I started picking up Japanese bit by bit, even though I am not able to form a full sentence yet but still way good for an 8-month-old kid. also, I taught myself to walk again! Well that made mom and father think I am a little genius, and I can sometimes hear how grandpa is very enthusiastic about starting my training soon I awaken chakra. Well, things won't go as we expected, After sneaking into my mom's and dad's conversation I came to know the war has just started and he will be deployed to the front line soon. My birth was kept as a secret because of my status as a potential hostage that can change the tide of the war. so I was forbidden to leave the house by dad because of this reason.

That sucks because I spent all my time in this life in this house without even seeing the fabled Kumo village, despite my protest my request was shot down by dad with an iron claw!. Even so, I tried to sneak past mom to see the outside world, before I could even step past the door, I would be caught by the guards!. My life is literally like in jail and because of my status no visitors allowed and even the guards are so professional they won't utter a word, I guess they are Kumo anbu's. No wonder Killer Bee tried to fake his death to step out of Kumo village. My only console was the vast training ground associated next to the house. I could freely use the ground with supervision, but still, the ground is surrounded by a huge wall that blocks the outside view.

Time passed by, I hit 2 years, but my life becomes even more boring because of isolation, So I spent most of the time on learning how to read and write. The 3rd Shinobi war started around the time I was born, Dad and Grandpa are busy so they rarely visit me and Mom seems to be busy with work so the time she invested on me is very minimal and we have already have started the skirmish with the Rocks, looks like my identity got leaked out finally and since I am Raikage's grandson, my existence can potentially change the tide of the war, so I had become a good target for other villages as a potential hostage who can change the tide of the war, Fearing this the security around my place is even tight now, My supposed to be beautiful childhood became like spending life sentence.

There were many attempts on kidnapping me by who knows many but they failed miserably every time, but one time they managed to secure me and almost run away from Kumo. That really scared the shit out me, that was really a traumatic experience, If not because of the Uncle Bee I would have been kidnapped. He literally shredded the culprit to shreds without asking a question.

My survival instinct kicked in and my desire to get strong burned high, and with my new found my newfound determination decided to learn to sense chakra but I have no one to help me out, My I asked mom to teach me chakra.

"Mom, Can you teach me how to sense chakra"

"Sure Daiko-kun, but only when you turn 5" Mom replied happily and shot down my request in an indirect way.

"I don't want to be kidnapped by the bad guys again, Mom please!", I pleaded cutely, Unfortunately, she cut me down again.

"Daiko-kun, It's not that I don't want to teach you, it's just that you are too young to start the training".

Seeing that I am starting to protest, Mom said to me in a serious face.

"Daiko-kun, I have to go to work, we will talk about this later", She kissed me in the cheek and then just disappeared.

We had this game for a couple of days, but mom still not yielding to my request by stating the same reason which I know is bullshit, I have already heard grandpa talking about starting my training already if not of the war. Even the books related to chakra are barred from me because she thought I would do something reckless.

My only other option was Dad and grandpa and its been weeks I even saw them and the other people I know were the anbu who is guarding me, they won't even talk to me even if throw them a rock!

"God damn it!, I am a kid, Atleast assign a normal person around me" I cursed my parents inwardly.

In the end, I decided to take the initiative in the training, From the anime I know, the chakra is a mixture of physical and spiritual energy, by meditation we can shorten the process to sense chakra which I find pretty boring.

"I am damn sure there must be an easy way for this, Anime or Manga doesn't cover all the aspects of the elemental nations"

but having no other option I decided to go with meditation. but still, I don't want others to think that I know too much about chakra without a source, So to cover my actions I started going to the ground occasionally and lay down on the ground beneath the tree in a comfortable position and start meditation to sense chakra. To an outsider, I may look like a bored child who is spending time by laying down beneath a tree watching clouds or sleeping.

Even though I know the existence of chakra, I still don't know how to explain the phenomenon, how the spiritual energy and physical energy are mixed to form chakra? After many months of trial and error, I finally managed to find the key to it, It is imagination, I know from the anime the chakra revolves mainly around our navel. After imagining my mind wandering around my navel, I could feel some vague changes happening around me, I finally knew the path to walk on.

Well, things are not easy as in the anime where the protagonist learn everything in a few weeks, Days, weeks and months passed by, I still haven't sensed chakra, even though the feeling increased slightly after each meditation. Thinking about helpless feeling while being kidnapped and seeing Ninja's shredded to pieces, I still hold on practicing meditation.

After many months of the repeated process, I have finally managed to sense chakra. It is so mythical!!. Chakra is kind of like a fluid that runs around the body but it is not really a fluid it is kind of like formless!, I am not able to explain the logic behind it. This world is mythical because of the existence of Chakra. The logic and physics I have learned in the last world is shit here, here people can spout fire and water from your mouth out of nothing and modify the landscape just using chakra. The existence of chakra draws a line between strong and weak in this world.

The moment I activated chakra, I heard a surprised gasp behind me.

I screamed and turned back, it is my guardian anbu.

What the Fuck?, that scared the shit out of me, I thought I was going to be kidnapped again", Cursing him inwardly I left home.

He just examined me curiously. before I could ask him a question he just disappeared.

"Was that Shunshin! he just disappeared in a blink of an eye"

"Since I have chakra now its time to learn some cool moves now", grinning proudly I just ran back to my house to share the news with my parents.

DonJo DonJo

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