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58.33% Tenmaou: The Strongest Martial Artist (OLD VERSION) / Chapter 10: <9th Fight: Onwards.>

Chapter 10: <9th Fight: Onwards.>


"Get up…"

Deep within the abyss of a shadowy void, in a place inaccessible by man but known if not possessed by every one of them, a disembodied voice could be heard calling out to someone.

"Hurry up…"

Calling out once more, the voice beckons with a firmer tone.

"Get up..."

Yet who is the target of this voice, and for what purpose?

"Listen, my son, you must never give up on your dreams okay?" The voice echoed deep within the abyss, reaching every nook and cranny as it seemed to reverberate around the pitch-black void.

"And remember... To always do your best, okay…"







At a time when even the crack of dawn had yet to rise, two high-pitched screams woke all residents within the old dilapidated house in which they shared.

"Huuuf, Haaah…"

Breathing out heavily, the brown-eyed boy named Myoujou cautiously surveyed his surroundings as he reached to his sides, patting them for his knives before remembering that not only did he lose them during his encounter with 'The Ogre', but…

-He seemed to also be missing some of his clothes as well.

Luckily enough for him, he wasn't completely nude as bandages were wrapped on his arms and across his chest, though he still felt a little doubtful about just where in the world he ended up at this moment. "Where... Where is this place?

"It looks pretty decent. and by decent, I mean 'Shitty, but not too shitty'. But forget that, I didn't get sold to a whorehouse of all things, now did I?"

-shake, shake-

"W-what… Huh?" Myoujou muttered, staring at a shaking child that was equally as unnerved before him.

"What the heck is going on- Aaaargh!?"

'My chest…. This pain… It's killing me…' Clenching his chest, Myoujou quietly uttered innumerable curses as pain that hotly burned like a fierce fire continued to assault him.

'What is this, the afterlife? Maybe even heaven? Then why do I feel pain though?' Myoujou thought before shaking his head. 'Nah, this place looks too shabby to be heaven... But it ain't that hot to be Hell. I mean, there's not even any fire!'

'Then in that case…'

'---Please don't tell me that even in the afterlife I can't catch a break…' Myoujou groaned as he tried to calm himself down.


'My heart's still beating fine... And there's… bandages?'

-To survive and succeed, one must keep a calm mind at all times. Keep calm and observe everything that is around you.

It was a saying he had heard before but from where?

Well from where, he forgot. But he still held it in high regard whenever he went about his daily life.

-He was alive, so now he needed to focus on knowing just where he was at the moment.

"You… You're not dead?" A kid who looked a little androgynous to him with black hair nearly obscuring his eyes cautiously spoke, shyly peeking at Myoujou from the corner of the room.

Staring at what he thought to be a 'scared mouse', Myoujou saw that this was one of the same kids he had met and traded with before a few days ago. A kid named Kouta who had a twin brother named Kaito.

"I'm just as surprised as you, whoever you are. But no, I'm not dead." He said as he sighed loudly.



As an awkward silence descended into the room, several seconds were later spent as the two carried their gazes across the room, looking at the broken shelves, the surprisingly soft futon Myoujou laid on, the broken ceiling fan sitting in the corner of the room, and the book that the shy-looking boy was reading, before finally, their gazes connected.

-And they looked into each other's eyes…

-Myoujou, looking into the docile onyx-black eyes of Kouta…

-And the latter, peering into the bright hazel-brown eyes of Myoujou before…


-The pain from Myoujou's chest flaring up broke the once-tepid silence.

"A-Anyway… Are you sure?" The shy-looking boy asked, doubtful of what to even say or ask in this situation. When it came to talking with others he would always feel a bit uncomfortable, and in this instance, it was no different.

Not because they were virtually strangers, but as he sat down and resumed his reading he was startled by Myoujou whose bright hazel-brown eyes seemed to peer into his soul when their gazes met.

"About what? The fact that it feels like there's a hole in my chest? Or about the fact that I'm not dea----gyaack!" Myoujou winced as a sharp pain pierced his innards.

"About if you're really aliv- ooooh..." Kouta said before palming himself in the face, realizing how silly his question was.

Feeling a vein rise on his forehead, Myoujou rubbed his temples as he felt said sharp pain receding. "Well I dunno, you tell me."

"Uhhhhh… I… don't know?" Kouta replied, tilting his head to the side.

"Well, as you can see, I'm alive, not fine, but alive." Myoujou said.

Furrowing his eyebrows, thought to himself, confused as to just what was wrong with the boy before him. 'But what's with this guy? Everything about him screams weak. But there's no way it could be like that… Right?'

'Or is he trying to bamboozle me? Pull the ol' switcheroo? I mean, It wouldn't be the first time It happened to me, nor the first time I've done something similar like that either…' But as Myoujou was dwelling within his thoughts, keeping a watchful eye on the 'shy' boy, another child suddenly barged into the room roaring at the top of his lungs.

"Oi Koutaaaaaaa-! Are you alright? What's going on bro?" A boy with spiky black hair and a scar across his cheek entered, incredulous at the fact that his roommate Kouta, who usually made even less noise than the mice they lived with was screaming 'bloody murder'.

"Why are ya' screamin' like a girl for, huh?"

"Because of that, Kaito… Look!" Kouta pointed at Myoujou as he continued to hide deep within the corners of the wall.

"Fuwahahaha-! Did you see a mouse, a cockroach, or did you get spooked by something you read in one o' those books?" Taking a single glance at Myoujou in passing, the scarred cheek Kaito snickered softly as he looked at the stuttering Kouta.

"Don't tell me you've been reading at night again? You actually losing your mind over something like this! I can't believe… you… Lil bro…"


Originally, when Kaito heard the screams of the two boys, he readied himself for a fight thinking that maybe, just maybe someone snuck into their little 'base'.

But what he saw was just as surprising.

'Huh?' Looking at Myoujou, he did a double-take. 'Hol' the fuck on. H-He's not dead-?'

Panicking slightly, he rubbed his eyelids repeatedly to check if he was seeing correctly.

'Maybe my sight ain't what it used to be'. Kaito thought. 'Crap, this is bad...'

To survive within The Inside one needed every advantage they could get their hands on, so if one had a weakness, it would be for their own good that they could find and safeguard against it.

After all, the last thing anyone wanted was their enemies finding their weaknesses before they do.

-And for what reason you may ask, for the sudden in-depth analysis of the dynamics of those who live within the slums?

-Well you see…

-He thought he was going mental.

"Wait… You ain't dead...?" Kaito asked, unsure of the validity of what he was seeing... "You some kind o' zombie?"

"Huh? Of course not! Do you want me dead, or what? I think I've been asked that quite a lot now, don't you think?" Myoujou snorted, raising an eyebrow as he looked over in Kouta's direction as if asking for his opinion.

Kouta however chose not to answer, giving a sheepish smile instead as he placed full attention into the book he was reading.

And by the looks of it, it was surely quite the entertaining read.

-Even if it was upside down.

Switching his gaze between the two boys before him, Myoujou noticed a minor detail that he wouldn't have picked up otherwise had he not been paying full attention to his would-be 'benefactors'. 'Hmmn... These two… They're twins, but they don't even look sort of similar- What do you call it- Fraternal or something?'

"Anyways, I'm guessing that you guys brought me here… Wherever this is? If so, then thanks." Myoujou said, however only one of the two boys could properly hear him.

Kaito on the other hand….

"Oh... So, you're 'ALIVE' alive…. Oh, that's cool… Yeah, Don't know why Kouta was screamin' like a lil' girl for anyway hahaha…" Kaito weakly said, before…


-He screamed. In a high-pitched shriek. Like a 'girl'.




Myoujou sighed. He felt as if he'd just returned to the land of the living, and judging by the other's reaction, it looks like he wasn't the only one who thought he would've been a goner.

'This is gonna take a while now, ain't it?'




After a few minutes passed by and the scream fest had met its end, Myoujou was able to find out many things.

One of them namely being the fact that after he lost consciousness, the twins stumbled across his body as they were on their 'daily commute', carrying him back to one of the houses they choose to stay at for the time being where he was currently recovering.

Seeing that the two had no ill intentions, Myoujou decided to relax a little, though he didn't let his guard down.

It was an action suited best for the sake of his safety.

"By the way, when we saw you on the ground bleedin' and all, we thought that you messed around with the wrong guy and kicked the bucket! So who done it? To catch you slippin' in that alley real further than the ones most use that fella' must've known you knew real good, huh?" Kaito asked in disbelief as he passed Myoujou some bottled water.

"And to leave you a bloody mess on the alleyway floor? Must be one hell of a person you know…"

"Thanks. And yeah, you got that right… Well mostly, anyway." Myoujou said, shaking his head.

"Was it the lazy-looking guy with the stubble that's always drinking?" Kouta asked whilst looking up from his book.

'Hmmn? Does he mean… What's that old man's name again- Shintarou?' Myoujou furrowed his brows as he thought about it. "Nah, it's not him."

"That guy? No way. What kinda dude would beat someone up just to patch them up? Weird hobby if you ask me." Kaito said.

'So he's the guy that patched me up…' Myoujou thought, staring blankly at his arms. They were bandaged up quite nicely, especially around his fists that were damaged just by using the technique his father taught him. 'What a mess…'

"But man that must suck!" Kaito said. "To get caught slipping like that, like, maaan. I mean, we've been caught slipping before, but all they did was just lock us in a warehouse to sell us off, not try to beat us to deat- aack!"

Flicking Kaito's forehead with the few whisps of strength he regained, Myoujou tried his best to stand up. "Yeah, yeah, you can laugh if you want- argh!" Myoujou grunted as his chest pains flared up again, and his bandaged fists still ached badly.

"Oi, oi, chill buddy! You ain't in top shape to be moving around like that!" Kaito exclaimed, rubbing his forehead as he shot a glare at Kouta whose muffled laughter can be heard under the book he shielded his face with.

To Kaito, Myoujou was a guy that seemed to be having a few screws loose as he was trying to move around in his current condition, essentially being someone who had recently returned from the land of the dead, only to try and jump around as if it was nothing.

"Kaito's right you know... I, I don't think you'll be able to move around so freely, especially since you've been hurt so badly that you've slept for an entire day. Who knows what would've happened to you if we didn't pick you up." Kouta said, looking down from his book as his laughter subsided.

Hearing this Myoujou's head snapped towards Kouta's direction, his eyes widening in surprise. This startled Kouta somewhat as he nearly dropped the book he was reading, flinching when he once again saw Myoujou's bright hazel brown eyes.

"W-What?" Kouta stammered.

Waving his hand to tell him that it was nothing, Myoujou tore his gaze away from the book-reading Kouta. Shutting his eyes deeply, Myoujou sighed as he racked his brain, remembering the last details of what happened the previous day before going 'lights out' for what he now knew to be twenty-four hours.

'An entire day? No way. Impossible. It couldn't be.' Myoujou thought.

From what he read in the books he owned, it was stated that it took less than ten minutes of unconsciousness to cause brain damage, but he stayed unconscious for hours at that?

-Shouldn't his brain damage render him slightly amnesiac for a short period of time?

Or did reality literally eschew itself just to make sure he remembered the ass-whopping he got by his bastard of a father?

-Because if that really was the case, then right now he was really contemplating partaking in some 'extended unconsciousness'.

Whilst Myoujou was drowning in an act of 'introspection'; a word he wasn't sure he could even spell properly as he checked to make sure he was all right in the head; mentally and emotionally, the two boys locked gazes as they nodded to each other.

Springing up off of his seat it seemed as if Kaito had something important he wanted to say as he stood in front of Myoujou.

"Now that I think of it… We haven't introduced ourselves, right?" Kaito cheekily smiled.

"Introductions? Huh? You already did that though?" Myoujou said. "When we met earlier, remember?"

"Of course, I do! But the situation was different back then, haha!" Kaito said. "Besides, there's nothing wrong with doing it again!"

"I see." Myoujou said blankly. It wasn't like he could stop Kaito from yapping on and on. After all, Myoujou had nothing to lose if Kaito decided to reintroduce himself anyways.

"Ahem, ahem." Then without further ado, he raised his voice as if he were an announcer to a high-class event, mimicking the motions of someone wearing a suit as he adjusted his 'tie' and cleared his throat. "I'm first!"

"The shine of the sun pales in comparison to my eternal radiance!"


"What the actual fu..."


"The heavens call... The earth cries out... And the crowd's roar... All calling on me to rise and face the challenge!" Kaito yelled.

"Pfft." Gaining a chuckle from Kouta who was struggling to stay immersed in his book, and a jittery Myoujou whose mouth slightly hung open, Kaito carried on as if nothing happened.

"Introducing a man with a heart filled with gold and plenty o' passion! Hailing from far away, but used to live in the Kumo District, It is I, Kaito-!" Standing in the center of the room making all sorts of elaborate motions Myoujou wanted to laugh if not for his injuries at his silly acts as he swore that the scarred-cheek boy was seeing some kind of special effects before transforming during his introduction within his mind.

'Forget 'my' brain damage, am I sure that 'he' doesn't have brain defects?' Myoujou thought.

Though unfortunately for Kaito, the other two boys saw no sparks, fireworks, nor transformations during his introduction…

-What they saw was only a clown.

"Good job 'buddy'." Myoujou said 'sincerely' without a hint of sarcasm. It truly was a grand performance. He even thought that it would fit right in at the Carnival. With the rest of the clowns of course.

"Ok! 'Turn Over!'" Kaito shouted in broken English. "Time to take the stage, Lil' bro!"

"umm… hello." Kouta said in a barely audible whisper.



"C'mon man, ya' gotta put more 'oomph' into it!" Kaito said.


"Alright, alright, I get it." Kaito said whilst scratching his head before turning to Myoujou. "Don't worry about him buddy, he doesn't like talking all that much."

"Nah, it's fine…" Myoujou said as he looked at Kouta. He could tell that the boy wasn't suited for such 'grandiose' performances like his idiot brother, looking as if he would self-destruct if he had to be any more social than he was right now.

"Alrighty then, I'll just introduce him to you then!" Kaito said as he stood up once more. "Ahem."

'Oh no...' Myoujou groaned. 'Not again.'

"The Earth is alive. Humans... Animals... Insects... They're all alive, living together! Now, to introduce the child of the sun! Someone so similar yet so, so different… A boy that loves books more than he loves being alive… Also hailing from far away, but used to live in the Kumo District alongside me… Introducing my little twin bro; Kouta-!"

Burning red in embarrassment, Kouta hid his face with the book as he refused to let anyone see his face, regretting that he let his older brother do the introductions for him.

"Haaa... Oh boy." Myoujou exhaled, worried that his chest pains might flare up again. Just what on earth was this fool even saying? Was that some kind of reference, was he about to go do a 'henshin', or was he just that silly?

'Twin huh, sounds familiar- You don't see many of those 'round these parts…' Myoujou thought as he nodded towards Kouta.'Hmmn? Wait a sec.'

"Hold up. Aren't you guys missing a member? The one you called 'Sis' or something" Myoujou asked, thinking about the little cloaked figure that traveled with them. From what he could remember it was a three-man team these twins had going on, and he was curious since he had only met two out of the three of them. 'Maybe the other one lives separately from them…'

"Who, Rin? Who knows? Prolly' back in the Kumo district. One moment you could see her and the next you don't. She's like a ninja master y'know." Kaito nonchalantly replied.

It wasn't the first, the fifth, nor was it the tenth time his 'Sis' had vanished into thin air only to reappear once more.

-Maybe it was a specialty of hers. The twins thought.

'It's a she? Is that so...' Myoujou murmured. 'Well, to last long while going around this place, she must have a few tricks up her sleeve…'

"Now last but not least, tell us your name, dear sir." Kaito said as he performed a mock bow.

"My name… huh? Sure, why not."

"Myoujou. The name's Myoujou Kurogami. Remember it well, 'cause when I get outta here, I'm gonna make it big." Myoujou said as he made a confident nod.

"Heee- Is that so? Well so will I man, just watch!" Kaito said as he went over to pat Myoujou on the back, though due to Myoujou still being injured, it had less than friendly results.


"Uwaack-! Oi, watch it, I'm injured!" Myoujou flinched as he felt the pain from his body spiking up once more.

"Hahaha, My bad buddy…." Kaito awkwardly laughed, as he tried to soothe Myoujou by rubbing his back.

-This too, only served to exacerbate Myoujou's back problem further.

Worriedly looking at Myoujou while casting an exasperated glance at his older twin brother Kaito, Kouta asked. "You okay?"

"You! ---Yeah, I'm fine. Been better, could be better, but I'm fine." Myoujou sighed.

As he laid on a futon, the two had decided to get a few hours of shut-eye as well, lying down and closing their eyes, as once more although none of the three were able to fall asleep, the room had drifted off into pure silence.

-Seconds, Minutes, Hours- Time had continued to pass by indiscriminately.

And now, as the rooster sang its sunrise song indifferent and unperturbed by the plights of those who were sensitive to its sound as they lived within these wretched slums, the sun slowly gained momentum and rose to the sky as if its confidence had been boosted.

And slowly yet surely, the sun would creep up into the corners of the eastern morning sky, showering The Inside in an almost ominous blood-red dawn.

"Hey." Myoujou said. "You two awake?"

"So, not that I'm complaining or anything... But what made you two decide to help me? There really isn't much you could get from doing that…" Unable to stay silent any longer, Myoujou decided to ask a question that he kept on his mind.

Staring at the ceiling, Kaito finally spoke after almost a full minute of silence. "I dunno. 'Cause you helped us I guess."

"Huh? You talking about the food from back then? That wasn't anything big, though. The three of you could've been just fine." Myoujou said as he kept his eyes on the ceiling.

"Well yeah it wasn't that much and we're strangers and all, but hey, you kinda helped us, so that's the answer- I guess? Or maybe it's because you're a kid like us? I dunno, man. Using my brain is not my style." Kaito replied unsure of what he was even saying. "But don't get me wrong, it's only 'cause you helped us back then. That, I know for sure."

'So you're not even sure of it yourself…'

"You don't seem to trust adults that live here that much, huh… Don't blame you." Myoujou spoke as he gave an understanding nod. They didn't say it, but he could feel that it wasn't too far away from their true thoughts.

"Not at all." Kouta whispered in an almost inaudible voice, furthered muffled by the book he was reading on top of his face moving up and down. "They just want to fight and cause problems for everyone, all day, every day."

"Yeah, It's kinda like this..." Kaito said.

Kaito began to explain a bit about the situation he and his brother were in. Not everything of course, but just enough for Myoujou to get a concrete idea of what was going on.

Apparently, the two were kidnapped a few years ago for ransom purposes, but the deal fell through because their parents didn't give two shits about them, which after keeping the two in warehouses and trafficking them around the world, had somehow landed them into The Inside.

While quarrels between the Gangs and Yakuza groups within The Inside began to get violent once again, they finally managed to escape, running away to even deeper areas of this slum as they didn't want to become one of the many bodies that littered the floor due to arguments between criminals.

"He doesn't like 'em, you most likely don't like 'em, and guess what? I don't like 'em either." Kaito snorted. "And I doubt that Rin likes them either. To her, they're probably a bunch of selfish 'tards who are in a rush to die."

"Is that so…" Myoujou mumbled.




Soon enough, hours had passed and morning had finally arrived. The two boys had gotten up and gone about their business as Myoujou stayed back to rest and recover.

Originally they wanted to stay back with him as they worried about the wounded boy's recovery, but he simply yet gratefully waved them off, sending them off on their daily commute as he told them not to worry about him.

Lying down Myoujou stretched his fist outwards as he looked up at the ceiling, with his body covered in bandages he had been taking it slow, though he could feel that he was beginning to heal.

Thinking back on his life up to this point, he had wondered just what he had managed to do, and whether it would be enough in the future.

-The Inside.

-A lawless land where strength and power held the highest order.

-The slum of all slums within Japan.

Out of the five years he spent living here, the first year was undoubtedly the worst.

Hundreds of near-death experiences and having to learn lessons the hard way had nearly erased any hope he had in this world, and almost every drop of that 'innocent' childlike naivety held was almost been vanquished.

-Well, except for wanting to become something greater than a 'King', a 'Demon King'.

-"Well my son, 'unfortunately', there are no 'Demon Kings' in this world… Well if you exclude the likes of Oda Nobunaga… However! There is a Prime Minister of Japan though."- His mother said.

-The Prime Minister.

To Myoujou, a place like this shouldn't exist.

-In this world, there will be the 'good' and there will be the 'bad'. A balance of sorts that works within the confines of the world. After all…

-The only fair thing in this world, is how unfair it is for everyone.

Yes, people can be evil, people can be wicked, and humans can be bad, blah, blah, blah.

However, it didn't mean that people were a lost cause. It didn't mean that people had to suffer because of it.

'Shintarou said that the top-dogs of this country gave up on this place… But 'when' I become the Prime Minister, I could change all of this- Right?' Myoujou thought hopefully.

It was an appealing yet daunting prospect. And although he was quite young, he wasn't as naive as to believe that he could just walk up to everyone and tell them 'No fighting!' while crossing his arms and world peace would be established soon after.

-Being a child didn't mean that he would be that silly person that believed such nonsense.

-And if something like that were to happen, he would've preferred to have never woken up than to have his IQ match the temperature of the freezing point of oxygen.

But first, before any big plans, he needed to heal and then leave this place.

He'd been tossed in this hellhole by his supposed father, and although all signs pointed to this being true, he still couldn't accept the fact.

He knew he understood, and he felt that it was true… But he just couldn't admit it.

'Me? Call that piece of shit something like that 'Father', or even 'Daddy'? Like hell, I'd do that!'

'He might've been my Father, but he sure as hell ain't my Daddy!"

But as time passed as he stared at the ceiling listlessly, he frowned as his eyes glistened wetly. "That man… I wasn't able to do anything to him- It was as if it was all a game…"

Wallowing in self-doubt he continued to stare blankly at the ceiling before a little item fell out of the side of his tattered pants pocket.


The item that fell out of his pocket, was a little handwritten letter.

'Use it well, brat? The hell is this?' Myoujou thought as he opened the letter. Did that bastard give him this? If so, then he didn't want to open it.

However, as soon as he made the motions to tear the letter into shreds, something surprising caught his attention.


'This… This is Mother's handwriting… But how?'

It had carried the simple well-written initials on it.


-'Misao Kurogami'.

It was the name of his mother.

Grasping the letter with all of his attention, Myoujou held the letter with the utmost care, as if it were a piece of 'Fine China' that he was frightened it might shatter into a myriad of pieces.

-'Dear Myoujou…'

'-Are you eating well? I know that you hate eating vegetables, and if someone isn't there to watch over your eating habits you might just starve...'

'-You'll most likely find this letter much later than when I'm writing this, and by then I'm sure you'll be experiencing quite the amount of hardships in your life. But even then...'

'As always, you worry too much Mother... Too much about me, and not enough about yourself.' Myoujou sighed with heavy breaths.

'-I've told you many stories of when I used to travel the world, right? I'll gift you with these letters of said journeys, after all these places I visited were quite the nice places If I say so myself."

-blink, blink-

He didn't read everything in the rather thick letter, and it didn't seem like he'd be able to thanks to his vision starting to become cloudy.

There was something in his eyes.

'-Also, I've said this once, and I'll say it again. Well, more along the lines of writing it of course. But Myoujou, If you find something that you can believe in and dedicate yourself to, then remember to do so wholeheartedly, and to never just give up If you can help it, alright?'




At this point in time, even if he tried to continue reading, he'd see nothing but blurred, foggy lines of words.

After a lengthy paragraph addressing him, he wiped his eyes just enough so that he could see clearly once more as he turned the paper on its back to find several addresses and area codes written on it with one final line.

-'From me to you, my dear Myoujou.'

'Misao Kurogami'

"These numbers… They're co-ordinates... It's where Mother visited before, right?"

Myoujou breathed heavily as he began to wipe his eyes nonstop.

There still was something in his eyes once again

It filled his eyes, slightly obscuring his sight.

Foggy, Cloudy, and Wet.

-What were they if not tears?

But for some reason, as they rolled down the sides of his face, those tears felt warm, hot even.

Those tears felt hot, hotter than the wound on his chest, hotter than the light in his eyes, and hotter than the fire in his heart at this moment.

'The next time... I- I won't lose the next time… I swear!' He silently vowed within his heart.


Days had passed as Myoujou had completely healed up and returned to his 'peak' condition, to which he would then return to his usual 'home' and daily life routine, though one of the only things that had changed was the additional presence of two to sometimes three people passing by within his life.

Whether it was in their free time or when they were up to no good, since they began to bump into each other at an increasingly high rate, they had started to regularly hang out together seeing as they had nothing better to do most of the time.

Whilst Myoujou was around the twins, he had even managed to once again meet this 'Rin' that the two boys were talking about who commonly was seen wearing a cloak made of rags, though encounters were quite scarce since she seemed to disappear every so often.

'They were right--- She really is like a 'ninja master'. She wouldn't happen to know any 'Secret Ninja Techniques' that could kill… would she?' Myoujou thought, believing that the little girl who always wore a cloak may be much more dangerous than he had believed.

In fact in the midst of their meetings they seemed to have formed some kind of… rivalry if you put it that way. Well, a one-sided one at that.

When the three would meet up on certain occasions if their schedule wasn't full (Or people to rob weren't around) they would participate in some mock-sparring; nothing too serious as they didn't want to accidentally hurt each other too severely in a place where medical supplies (accessible for children at that) would be scarce.

And while the twins weren't slouching whatsoever when it came to training, against someone such as Myoujou who put his all and then some into gaining strength, they couldn't compete nor compare.

-Even when both of them worked together at that.

And though they didn't know each other for that long they were able to at least get along somewhat, seeing as they all had one similar goal in mind.

-And that was to one day leave this place.

'These guys... They're not too bad.' Myoujou thought.

Even though he wouldn't easily admit it anytime soon, he did quite like the change of pace with these three around, as though he wouldn't lose the state of constant battle readiness at all times, he did feel much calmer around them.

It felt quite out-of-the-ordinary for the young boy as he strictly disciplined himself for years on end to not want much more than to live another day, always ready for what may happen.

To Myoujou, It was surprisingly entertaining for him as with them around it was also some of the only nights in which he was able to have a truly good night's rest for once in his life.

-However, the time has come.

Since he was completely healed up there was something he just had to do.

Something that only he could do for himself, and for that reason he needed to set out.

"Yo! Looks like you're taking off, eh?" Kaito asked as he caressed the scar on his cheek. His curiosity had finally won over, as days would pass as Myoujou started to look like a soldier prepared to go to war, which made Kaito's curiosity grew more and more.

"Yeah. It was about time anyway. Gotta spread my 'wings', y'know?" Myoujou replied. Regardless of how short the time spent with these kids was, it was a fun time nevertheless.

"Is that so, huh? Then when we meet again I'll definitely defeat you, that's a promise you got that?" Kaito said, patting his chest as Kouta simply waved Myoujou goodbye. "You better not forget it!"

"In your dreams, knucklehead. Lose to you? No way." Myoujou snickered. Ignoring the complaints and shouts from Kaito, he continued to speak to them both. "But yeah, it was a blast, so smell you all later."

Saying words he never expected to say, but did regardless, he waved them off as he walked towards his destination. "Let's meet again sometime, okay?"

Waving goodbye to the brown-eyed boy, the twins Kaito and Kouta kept looking in the direction that Myoujou left as his figure slowly grew distant before finally disappearing.

"Hey, Big Bro… Do you think we'll ever see him again?" Kouta asked, his curious eyes peeking from his almost obscuring hair bangs.

"Of course we will! He can go against me after all…' Kaito said.

"Don't you mean beat?" Kouta asked.

"Wha- So? He was just a bit stronger, that's all! But I'm not gonna stay like this either, I gotta get stronger too!" Kaito defended himself.

"Yeah… I think I'll do that too…" Kouta mumbled. 'Becoming stronger… Doesn't sound too bad at all…'

It seemed that in a short time an unlikely bond had formed.

-And would they meet again?

-Who knows?

-Only time could tell whether or not they would meet again.


-Abandoned Apartment Room.-


Days passed as Myoujou's injuries completely healed at an astonishing rate, placing him back at his 'peak' condition, to which he would then return to his usual 'home' and daily life routine, though one of the only things that changed was the additional presence of two to sometimes three people passing by within his life.

Whether it was in their free time or when they were up to no good, since they began to bump into each other at an increasingly high rate, they started to regularly hang out together seeing as they had nothing better to do most of the time.

Whilst Myoujou was around the twins, he even managed to once again meet this 'Rin' that the two boys were talking about who commonly was seen wearing a cloak made of rags, though encounters were quite scarce since she seemed to disappear every so often.

'They were right- She really is like a 'ninja master'. She wouldn't happen to know any 'Secret Ninja Techniques' that could kill… would she?' Myoujou murmured internally, thinking that maybe the little girl who always wore a cloak may be much more dangerous than he had believed.

In fact, while he wouldn't classify their relationship in the realms of 'best-friends-forever', he could say that they seemed to have formed some kind of… 'friendly rivalry' if you put it that way.

-Well, a one-sided one at that.

When the three would meet up on certain occasions if their schedule wasn't full (Or the fact that there were very few people to rob) they would participate in some tussling, mock-sparring even; though it was nothing too serious as they didn't want to accidentally hurt each other too severely in a place where medical supplies (accessible for children at that) would be scarce.

And while the twins weren't slouches whatsoever when it came to training, against someone such as Myoujou who put his all and then some into gaining strength, they couldn't compete nor compare.

Even when both of them worked together at that.

And although they didn't know each other for that long they were able to at least get along somewhat, seeing as they all had one similar goal in mind.

-And that was to one day leave this place.

'These guys... They're not too bad.' Myoujou thought.

Even though he wouldn't easily admit it anytime soon, he did quite like the change of pace with these three around, as although he wouldn't lose the state of constant battle readiness at all times, he did feel much calmer around them.

It felt quite out-of-the-ordinary for the young boy as he strictly disciplined himself for years on end to not want much more than to live another day, always ready for what may happen.

To Myoujou, It was surprisingly entertaining for him as with them around it was also some of the only nights in which he was able to have a truly good night's rest for once in his life.

-However, the time had come.

Since he was completely healed up there was something he just had to do.

Something that only he could do for himself, and for that reason he needed to set out.

"Yo! Looks like you're taking off, eh?" Kaito asked as he caressed the scar on his cheek. His curiosity had finally won over, as days that would turn into months would pass as Myoujou started to look like a soldier prepared to go to war, which made Kaito's curiosity grow even higher.

"Yeah. It was about time anyway. Gotta spread my 'wings', y'know?" Myoujou replied. Regardless of how short the time spent with these kids was, it was a fun time nevertheless.

"Is that so, huh? Then when we meet again I'll definitely kick your ass, that's a promise you got that?" Kaito said, patting his chest as Kouta simply waved Myoujou goodbye. "You better not forget it!"

"In your dreams, knucklehead." Myoujou snickered. Ignoring the complaints and shouts from Kaito, he continued to speak to them both. "Lose to you? No way. But yeah, it was a blast, so smell you all later."

Saying words he never expected to say, but did regardless, he waved them off as he walked towards his destination. "Let's meet again sometime, okay? Maybe alive if life's good to us."

Waving goodbye to Myoujou, the twins Kaito and Kouta kept looking in the direction that Myoujou left as his figure slowly grew distant before finally vanishing.

"Hey, Big Bro… Do you think we'll ever see him again?" Kouta asked, his curious eyes peeking from his almost obscuring hair bangs.

"Of course we will! He can go against me after all…" Kaito said, his tone boastful.

"Don't you mean beat?"

"Wha- So? He was just a bit stronger, that's all! But I'm not gonna stay like this either, I gotta get stronger too!"

"Yeah… I think I'll do that too…" Kouta mumbled. 'Becoming stronger… Doesn't sound too bad at all…'

It seemed that in a short time an unlikely bond had formed.

-And would they meet again?

-Who knows?

-Only time could tell whether or not they would meet again.




He was chilling in his 'apartment' that he temporarily used when this kid suddenly come around with a pensive yet determined look etched on his face.

Knowing Myoujou and the 'hard-ass' attitude he usually donned, he originally thought that the boy was knee-deep in some serious shit and had to bite his pride to ask for some help, but to his surprise, it wasn't anything like that.

-Though not too far off, it was quite different actually.

That Myoujou with his raven black hair that was always covered in that cloak. That boy who had seemed almost robotic in his daily routine...

-That boy had wanted him to teach him 'Martial Arts'.

"Are you serious about it- You're not joking are you?" Shintarou asked. "So you're saying… That you want me to teach you martial arts, eh brat?"

"Yes. Please teach me your techniques!" Myoujou nodded whilst bowing. After seeing the incredibly tall and muscular man fight, he decided that it was in his best interests to hopefully train under him if he wanted to become stronger, hence he set out to ask.

Staring at Myoujou for a few seconds the corners of Shintarou's mouth lifted as he broke out into an amused chuckle. "Hehehe-! Alright, alright… No need to be so stiff boyo! It almost doesn't suit you, haha."

"So… Is it a 'Yes'?" Myoujou asked, his eyes lighting up a tad bit.




What exactly did he mean by that? With how happy the old man seemed, Myoujou was certain that he would've agreed. But instead of a 'Yes', he received a 'No'. So why?

Furrowing his brows Myoujou took a clearer look at Shintarou. "Huh? Why not?"

Lightly sighing, Shintarou rustled through one of the bags he owned, before pulling out a can of cheap beer. In all honesty, he did want to teach the boy alright, but he felt that Myoujou should at least know what he was getting into before anything else.

"You got some real' good potential kiddo, if you left this place you could easily learn some martial arts from somewhere and at least become an 'Expert-Class Fighter', or even a 'Master-Class Fighter'."

"I mean, you've got the genes of your father, the 'Ogre' anyways... So it's sorta impossible for you to be a weak scrub with such blood running through your veins…"

With his eyebrows raising Myoujou tried to control his surprise when he realized that the old man in front of him had some clue of who his father was, remembering that when he felt someone was tailing him and asked Shintarou whom it may be, though he didn't receive an answer, the old man also had made no attempts to hide the fact that he did know something.

"My genes? 'The Ogre'? My father? So you know that guy, Old man? That guy that I met a whole three times total in my life and he kicked my ass in all of them?" Myoujou said, a slight scowl adorning his face as he remembered such events.

"Hmmmn… Something along those lines- but never mind that, what I want to know is…" Shintarou smiled wryly upon hearing Myoujou's words before his face donned a serious expression.

"Just what do you want to use 'Martial Arts' for?"

"What do I… want to use it for?" Myoujou mumbled as he went silent.

He deeply pondered the question.

As Myoujou stood in place frozen, his feet rooted into the ground like a firm tree, he remembered many things that occurred in the years that passed.

-The first time he got tossed into The Inside.

-The first fight he had within The Inside in which he had barely escaped with his life.

-And finally, the encounters with his father whose overwhelming strength had made all of his training and tricks and weapons useless, leaving him utterly defenseless.

Myoujou frowned, digging his nails into his palms as he clenched his fists tightly. "I don't want to be 'just strong'… I want to be stronger- Stronger than the strong, and even stronger than the strongest even!"

"I hate losing! Everything about it! And I hate that this place even exists!"

"It's just that… That I…"

"It's just that I can't stand the idea that there are other people out there that are stronger than me-!" Myoujou said with more emotion than he thought he had as he loosened his fists, his now red palm filled with fingernail marks.

"Heheheh…" Looking at the boy before him after hearing his answer, Shintarou scratched his chin stubble as he broke into a light chuckle.

"Haiyaaa-! You young ones are really something else, eh? I like it!"

"But I have one more question for you, kid." Shintarou said. He was almost done, but this question was arguably the most important one of today.

Shintarou stared directly into Myoujou's eyes as he said. "Just how far are you willing to go, huh? Are you willing to learn under me- Even if you might have to take a life in the future?"

"Even when... You might even lose your own life?"


Being taken aback a bit due to how sudden the question was, Myoujou lowered his head as he went silent, mulling over what he was asked.

Just how far 'was' he willing to go?

Seeing him go silent, Shintarou continued. "Because anyone can say some kind of shit like 'Leave no stone untouched or leave no loose ends', but to me…"

"Most of those people- Are full of shit."

"Most of the people that talk shit about trying to kill are probably people that have never been in a fight, more or less made someone bleed, and yet they can talk about life or death. And then the ones that 'do' kill, either turn into whiny bitches when it's their turn to die, or end up using a whole bunch of reasons and excuses to justify what they've done… When you think about it, it's funny huh?"

"People talk about killing day to day and never really realize how easy it is to say that when you're in the comfort of your home or a peaceful society…"

"'Well If I was in 'this' situation, I would do 'that', and other lies they can tell themselves.'"

"Whether in your mind, or a fight anyone can say it… But can they mean it? Do they really know the value of a life?"

Upon hearing this Myoujou felt slightly perplexed as he questioned Shintarou. "-The value of a life? How can you ask me that, if you're asking me about if I can kill someone?"

Looking at Myoujou, Shintarou chuckled slightly before opening a can of beer and downing it. "Heh... You should know what I'm talking about, kiddo."

"-Especially since you've got blood on your hands as well."


A surprised expression rose from Myoujou's face as he lifted his head. Staring at the man he wondered just how he could've figured that out. 'Was it because I live inside these slums, or…'

As if Shintarou knew what the boy was thinking, he shrugged at Myoujou's inquisitive stare. "It ain't too hard to guess you know. Precise strikes aimed at the jugulars coupled with a lack of hesitation are a dangerous combo- A combo that could clue anyone worth their salt in on the answer.…"

"I'm guessing that before The Ogre tossed you in here, you did someone in... But looking at you right now, it was probably in a moment of desperation, in defense even."

"But there's one more clue, and it's one that is kinda easy to miss. And that is…"

"-That clue being your Ki... Your Ki which is pretty soaked in blood, y'know…"

'Ki-? The hell even is that?' Myoujou thought.

"It's easy to see really, your skills, and how you act on a day-to-day basis, a real stroke of luck- A 'lucky' accident that led to you staying alive. Something that I'm sure hasn't happened since then. But do you have the willpower or the strength to do that again?"

"But this time, willingly?" Shintarou asked.

Looking at the center of his palm as if there were something important within, Myoujou sank even deeper into his thoughts. 'Would I… Could I… To do that again-?'

-Almost five years ago in that very manor in which he would later meet 'The Ogre'…

-An event that had changed his life, whether it was for the better or worst.

Tossing the empty can away, Shintarou stood up and paced around his room. "You see kiddo, at the same time when it comes to taking a life; many people got their own idea of it, their philosophy, their motto if you will…"

"There's those 'Katsujinken/ Life-Saving-fist' fellows who believe that no matter where or when, they should never take a life at all when they fight. To them life is sacred, and they should preserve it at all costs."

"Then there's the 'Satsujinken/ Killing-Fist' guys, who on the other hand are the complete opposite in what they believe, thinking that you gotta strike to kill and never hold back when in a fight. While not all of them think you have to kill twenty-four-seven, to them, 'Martial Arts' were made to kill and destroy, so they should do just that."

"And then there's the 'Gedou/ Demon Fist', but they're just the second example taking to the extreme- For strength, they'd kill for the sake of killing." Shintarou said, but if one listened closely, one could hear a faint tone of disdain within his voice as he explained the last belief.

"Nothing more than living like a filthy animal, in my opinion. Even a try-hard wannabe tough guy couldn't give the benefits of believing in shit like that."

"See, I'm not saying you gotta become a stone-cold killer, or even choose one belief at all... It's 'your' life kid, you should make the most of it. But unless you're coming in with the mindset to fight with your all, then it wouldn't be much reason in training you…" Shintarou said.

Shintarou was a man of many words, but a 'Hero' was never any one of them.

Nodding for Myoujou to follow him, the two then left the apartment, walking through the streets of the 'Niko Ward' as he continued to lecture the boy. "I ain't no saint, but at the same time, I don't plan on becoming the antichrist either. As hypocritical as it may be, I got no plans on training somebody who's just gonna become another mass murderer without a purpose, you see?" he said while ruffling the boy's hair.

As they walk through the streets, they saw many things that would make up the usual day-to-day life of the average inhabitants of these glorified slums. Drug selling, prostitution, and violence alike, the two kept on walking as Shintarou finally reached his destination; an open space further away from all of the dilapidated buildings.

Standing before Myoujou with a firm look etched on his face, Shintarou questioned the boy one final time as he reached the end of what he wanted to say. "It's a hard road, and the training will be even more torturous… So with that being said, do you still want to learn, eh kiddo?"

Mulling over all Shintarou told him today, he knew that not only had the man taken many jobs from being a bodyguard to assassination itself, but also possessed the strength to do such tasks, Myoujou realized that the man's opinion that he just received deserved at least this much introspection on it, so he did just that to make sure he wouldn't regret his future decisions.

-He knew that he wanted to set out, and become even more than he was now, with few if none that could even dream to compare to him

-To become so powerful that the even thought of him being threatened or challenged would become something of a taboo.

-And now he had the chance. The chance to finally change one thing within his life and steer it by the captain's seat, instead of sitting in the passenger's seat all of his life.

"Never give up, my son." He could hear his mother's voice echo in his memories.

It echoed over and over. So many times he thought he'd gone crazy.

But this time. It felt good. It felt that it had an ever-growing feeling of hope and purpose mixed in its tone. And he liked that.

Clenching his fists as he gave Shintarou a firm, determined look, Myoujou spoke loudly. "Yes. Once again, I want you to teach me."



After a short stare-down that felt like it lasted several minutes between the two, Shintarou broke into a small smile.

"Hehe- Well in that case it's all too simple what happens next then… Welcome aboard chump!" Shintarou cheered, his previous serious attitude vanishing.


"Huh?" To say Myoujou was confused was an understatement. Wasn't he on a tirade about how it 'wasn't' 'all-too-simple'? At first, he thought that it was the alcohol that had gotten to Shintarou's brain before abandoning that thought, thinking maybe that those who are strong possessed higher alcohol tolerance.

-After all, even if they were all human at the end of the day, the strong were quite different than those who were not.

Settling on a rather pleasing thought of the man being impressed by his determination, Myoujou gave a small smirk as he began to pester Shintarou nonstop on what he would learn, now that he finally found a martial arts Master.

"So what am I even gonna learn, Sensei?"

"Sensei, huh? That doesn't sound too bad…" Shintarou mused, stroking his chin stubble. "You see, I like to consider this the new evolution of an old style I learned with all of my brothers all those years ago, a style those after years and years of revamping I brought to a new level…"

"And its name?" Myoujou asked, beginning to feel a little bit excited. Well… Maybe a lot.

"Impatient huh…" Shintarou smirked. "But its name is…"


"Tenrai… Shikyō… ryu?" Myoujou mumbled staring at Shintarou who just nodded his head.

"Right." Shintarou nodded. "It's not enough 'just' to beat people and win against them. With these 'Four mirrors/Shikyō' I developed showcasing their back, their sides, and their front, and everything they have under their sleeves, I wanna effectively dismantle and destroy their cherished techniques when we fight…" Shintarou said, raising his hands to the skies as he clenched them tightly.

"To dismantle and destroy their techniques? It seems as even you too got some kind of ambition, eh, old man?" Myoujou said as he thought once more about what he wanted to become in the future.

Remembering embarrassing childhood memories in which he said he wanted to become a king, or even more, a demon king, he wondered just what kind of mental issues he had back then to even think of such things. But then... He began to understand why he said that all those years ago.

-Someone with all of that money, power, and strength at their disposal just waiting to be used.

-An existence both feared and revered for its unrelenting power and ambition.

-The more he thought about why he wanted to become such things in the past the more he realized.

-What he wanted was the power associated with those names.

-The funds and the ability to move and change not only other people's lives, but his very own.

-And to not only become strong but to become stronger than those who are considered strong themselves.

"Hey." Myoujou asked. "Do you think I could become a 'King/Ōu'? Or even more- Possess strength like a 'Demon King/ Maōu?'"

"A Maōu/ Demon King? You mean like Oda Nobunaga? It seems that even you have some childish dreams, huh. Sounds like a weird aspiration for a kid to want to be like one of the most hated and vilified people in Japanese history…" Shintarou said, raising his eyes at the almost fantastical nature of the question.

"But if it's strength comparable to that stuff, then you got it. But remember… your training is going to be hell if you want that kind of power.'

"Then I'm in old man… I'm in." Myoujou smiled.

Shintarou chuckled as he took a good look at the boy before him. "Now that I think of it, calling you brat or kiddo all the time will get old, so… You got a name to go by?"

'My name huh?' Myoujou thought as he clenched the thick letter he held deep within his pockets. He thought about the name of his mother, the person he wanted to leave these slums to see in the first place.

-'MK. Misao Kurogami.' The name of his mother.

Other than the fond memories he had with his mother, he didn't have any other close relations that he cared about and that cared about him somewhat other than the bastard that he now knew was his father, but he was going to cherish the name that his mother gave him.

-Myoujou. It was a name that could mean a 'Star' or as his mother would say, 'A star of the stage'.

"Myoujou. My name is Myoujou Kurogami, old man. And don't you forget it." Myoujou said with a confident gleam in bright hazel brown eyes.

Nodding while he repeated the name in his head to remember it, Shintarou began to stretch as he stared down the young boy. "Myoujou huh… Well then Myoujou-boyo, how about we cut the semantics and start right now."

"Huh? Right here, right now?" Myoujou asked as he raised an eyebrow.



Shintarou had suddenly dashed towards the boy with a speed that even his eyes couldn't track. If the speed of Shintarou when he fought those Yakuza up in those buildings registered as a blur to his eyes, then this speed of Shintarou was currently unfathomable to the young boy.

"Lesson one; There is no such thing as a fair fight, even when people say there is."

"So under no circumstances should you ever let your guard down."

And thus began the story of a star, a bright and shining star whose goal was to reach the top of not only the country, but the world itself, though such a journey would be anything but easy, he was aware of it, and he wasn't going to give up anyway.

What Myoujou wanted wasn't just strength but the power and honor that came with it, and he was willing to persevere for it.

-To become the strongest martial artist and most influential man in the world.

Time had passed as he trained under Satou Shintarou, the man he would now call 'Sensei'.

And so in the year 1999, he would be preparing himself for his eventual departure from the land known as 'The Inside', ready to broaden his horizons.




-3 Years Later.-





<9th Fight: Onwards.> - <Volume One: The Inside(r)> END

WingsOfPhantasy WingsOfPhantasy

9th Chapter Out!


As Always, Thanks For The Support~


Constructive Criticism And Feedback Is Always Welcomed.


And Here The First Arc Is Finished, I Know, I Know, It’s A Slow Arc, So I Thank You All For Sticking With Me!


A slight spoiler, but since this arc takes place in a location in the world of Kengan Ashura named The Inside. And as for the next arc, I'm thinking of a location in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi, before the third arc takes place in a Baki The Grappler location, or at least where said characters reside.


Y'know, kinda warming up the plot before other characters start to interact. I've got some fights between characters of the different verses lined up in the future.


In the original edit, I kinda realized I flubbed with the whole characters naming thing, most characters didn't even get names until the end here, I guess I was being a bit too ambitious for a first-timer, eh?


And also; Had, had, had, had! I think I've used Had way too much, dammit!


So I made a few corrections to keep the grammar at least somewhat readable.


After I Clean Up The Errors, I'll Start A New Arc!


Any Questions? Let Them Pour In!


Is Anyone Seeing A Bug On Here Where The Tags Or Some Comments Are Missing? If So Then By All Means, Do Inform Me.


Stay Tuned~


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