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98.03% Stop in the Name of Love / Chapter 49: Chapter 45

Chapter 49: Chapter 45

It's been almost six months since I was released from the hospital. Dad's been doing better, recovery hasn't been easy but with Jordan and I helping he's avoided drinking, he's even going to meetings in the city. Being sober allowed him to actually attend my graduation in June, something I never thought would happen. The Stom family came too to support me, as did Mr. Marsh and Jordan's parents came for both of us.

Of course I was subject to some very vicious rumors the last six months, as no one could imagine a guy like Dominic as abusive, but a majority of people offered support. Dominic's old friend group, Zach and Tony and them found out and weren't surprised, they even spent every day for the rest of the year with me. They'd help Jordan walk me from class to my car to lunch and defend me if anyone gave me crap.

I still babysit Emily, more so now that school is out. Mr. Marsh promoted me to full-time manager, giving me a pay raise and a key to the place, he thinks it's important I start saving up seeing as I go to college in September... Councilman Stom has some friends who work at my mom's alma mater New Mexico School of the Arts, he was able to pull strings and get me a late audition, that with a few letters of recommendation on my talent, strength, and character and they let me in on full scholarship. Jordan got accepted to a small community college close by and we've been looking for an apartment close by. After I'm done at NMSA I'm going to get a teaching degree and come home to teach music.

Jordan and I have found a few potential jobs we can get while in school and he's convinced me to go to counseling, both group and one on one. It was hard to talk about everything at first with my group and therapist but after a couple weeks I saw I wasn't alone and how many of us, girls and boys have gone through abuse in one form or another. I've made a few friends in group, my therapist says that my progress is very promising. She's even encouraged me to reconnect with Maria, and it's really helped.

Dad's nervous about staying sober while I'm gone, so he'll be visiting often, coming to every performance I'm in for the year.

Dominic's trial was about a month ago. I was scared before it started, I was testifying and I was scared if he was found not guilty that he would come after me. The Stom family gave me a security detail the entire time. Jordan, my dad and the Stom's were there for the whole trial. Nothing could compare to the closure and joy we all felt when the guilty verdict was brought down. There was too much evidence against him, my being a minor while he's charged as an adult, my call to Jordan, the DNA, my blood on the table that scratched my face, and the bites that matched his dental records, the case was solid and he was given ten years in prison.

Jordan and I are packing up my room today and helping dad clean the house before we make the two hour drive to our new apartment.

"I promise I'll call every night," I say to my dad as I put another box in the back of my truck, Jordan got us a small Uhaul but we have enough stuff to still need my truck, "And you'll visit on weekends. You've gone this long, you won't slip dad."

"I just don't want to let you down again," He gives me a hug before following me to help with my stuff.

"Everything will be ok, there's a lot we didn't think we'd overcome," I feel the small scar that formed on my cheek, "We've made it this far, we can do it."

"I don't know how I'll keep things running without you, you always took care of groceries and food and that stuff. I'm so out of practice, I can't believe I ever took you for granted," He slumps onto the couch, looking terrified.

"Well, remember that Google stuff I showed you, the list and calendar and stuff?" He nods, "That should help, as long as you have the reminders set on your phone and laptop, and I'll check it since I can see them too."

A couple days after leaving the hospital, Jordan surprised me. That night at the fundraiser, he bid on the books and computer and won them for me. I've been using the Mac book like it's going out of style. I've set calendar dates for dad to go shopping and go to his meetings, and I set up a grocery list that he can use and update.

"When's Jordan coming to help with your furniture?" He asks as he picks up my last box of clothes.

"In an hour, he's spending some time with his mom and dad before we leave. Are you sure you don't want to drive up with us dad? Maybe spend the weekend, help us settle in?"

"No, it's ok. I need to adjust to the house being empty... Did you move all your mom's stuff into the garage?" That was part of his recovery, actually going through and properly storing mom's stuff to help grieve, I kept some of her clothes and books, he's even started trying to sleep in their bed again.

"Yes daddy, it's all stacked nicely. And you'll have all year to adjust to the house, and I'll visit every vacation. It's not like I'm abandoning you."

He looks sad, he's still struggling with how he treated me, "And for that I'm grateful. While I don't deserve your forgiveness I'm glad I have it. Come on kiddo, let's get your stuff in."

He helps me load my last couple of boxes and helps me throw my duffle bags in the seat with me as we wait for Jordan. When he arrives, he and dad load up some of my furniture. Obviously not everything is going with us. Jordan and I are buying a new bed and dresser and stuff like that, but I'm bringing my desk and some stuff like that. Jordan already ordered most of our new furniture and it'll be delivered sometime tomorrow.

"Come with us dad," I ask one last time as the push my comfy chair into the Uhaul with Jordan's boxes and stuff, "We'll need help tomorrow anyway, our apartment is three stories up and we have furniture coming. Plus, Jordan starts working at the coffee shop tomorrow night and I know I can't put that stuff together alone."

He smiles wide, he knows I'm just trying to convince him. Ever since he got sober, I've wanted to make up for lost time. He got to be there for Jordan taking me to prom and graduation, but there's so much we missed.

"Alright, I'll go. Do you want me to drive the truck?"

I nod with a smile. Dad goes inside to pack a bag for the next night or two and calls a nearby hotel to get a room while he's helping. As we're all loading up Jordan gives me a big smile.

"What?" I ask with a chuckle.

"I've got a surprise for you," He takes my hand, as he gives a quick nod to my dad he pulls me to his Lexus.

"It's getting late. We need to go, can't this wait?"

He and my dad just smile as we pile in the car, "Nope. This has to happen before we leave."

I groan as Jordan started driving into town. A lot of people are out, given a lot of kids my age are trying to have fun and get out before the school year starts. I watch as Jordan parks in the hardware store parking lot.

"I already got to say goodbye to Mr. Marsh. I did it yesterday, it'll break my heart saying it twice," I pout.

"Just trust me, come on," He climbs out and he and my dad work together to cover my eyes and lead me in the front door.

Opening them, I see decorations and balloons everywhere, "Surprise!"

I jump at the loud group standing in front of me. Everyone is here, Zach, Tony, Andy, Mark, Levi, the Stom's, Mr. Marsh, and when I see who comes out from behind the counter I cry. Maria is here.

We pull each other into a hug and cry, "I can't believe your here," I sound disgusting but we both laugh.

"You'd didn't think I'd miss this did you," Her dark sun kissed skin is a welcome sight, she's always looked so tanned but that's just her skin, she cut her hair and now it's in a brown pixie cut. But her hazel eyes and wide smile are just as I remember, "You know you never asked which college I picked, so I guess I just have to tell you, it's only about 45 minutes away from yours. You'll be seeing a lot more of me, girl!"

I pull her into a tighter hug before we all start talking. I introduce Maria to everyone. She's not so sure of Dominic's old friends at first but she warms up to them, Zach in particular. Mr. Marsh assures me that if I want to work here during the summer that I can, and the Stom's and I worked out a schedule so I can work during the school year and vacations. Emily gives me a scrapbook she made of us and I promise to always treasure it. We all stay and talk until it gets dark and we can't put off our drive any longer.

I give everyone hugs before we get in Jordan's car and go get my truck. As the boys are getting set up I think back to seeing my mom, and how right she was. Everything did turn out ok.

"What are you thinking about me?" Jordan pulls me close and kisses my cheek.

"My mom," I see my dad turn to us in shock, "Something she said to me. I'm finally seeing it, I didn't think I'd get to."

"What'd she say?"

"She told me it would all be ok, that I had to fight. She told me if I fought for it everything would work out."

He looks confused, "When'd she tell you that?"

"The night I took those pills," I smile cautiously, I see dad come up behind him. I never told them this happened, I wasn't ready, but now I am, "I died for a bit. I got to see her, we talked and I told her I was scared to come back," I reach for my dad's hand, giving it a squeeze, "She said I had to come and fight. She told me it wasn't my time, that you needed me, dad. She said you were lost and wouldn't be able to handle losing me too. She told me that I had to stay and fight Dominic and help dad find his way, and everything would be ok again."

They both stare at me, dad finally says something with a shaking voice, "How was she?"

"She misses us, but she's good. She wasn't in anymore pain, she was herself again," My eyes water, "She's happy daddy."

Dad pulls me from Jordan and into a hug. We both cry for a bit before we finally get in the cars and get going.

Jordan has the working gps so we follow closely behind him as he drives down the road.

I glance back and watch the house fade away. I watch the house that we've rebuilt the past six months fade into a speck behind me as we start a new chapter and we heal and move forward together.

"Everything will be ok."

Everything will be ok.

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