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Chapter 20: Birth of the 2nd princess

Finaly done with this boring farming.. time for a nap.

Cyrus slept for roughly a week being waken up by Caitlin who was screaming on Eternal Call, since apparently He almost squished her while sleeping, after waking up he decided to evolve to stage 4 before leaving, but before that he wanted to [spawn] some larva's for Caitlin safety, but after he was summoned them an unexpected message appeared.

[Warning Creature With High Intelligence Detected]


Cyrus was looking around but he couldn't find anyone in his surroundings until, he looked down at the larva's that he just summoned and picked up one who was acting strangely.

You mean this?

[Yes Host]

System show me this larva stats!

[As you wish Host]


[Name: - ]

[Race: NidHogg] [Chained]

[Gender: N/A]

[Jobb: None]

[Hp 5/5]

[mana: 3/3] [+500%] -> [mana: 3/3 -> 15/15] [lvl 0/99] [Stage 1]

[dmg: 1]


[Strain: {Magma Scaled Larva: Razor like obsidian scales, Inborn Fire Affinity} ]

What does Chained mean?

[They can't use Bloodline powers, also it greatly reduces the essence that they can use]

Oh.. can I talk with it?

[Not impossible it has high enough intelligence]

How can I add it to Eternal Call?

[Look at it and say Plus, Suggesting Host to creat a new room for it, Host needs to say: Creat Chat Room 2]

That's good idea I don't want spend pointless time explaining things for Caitlin..

Creat Chat Room 2! Plus!

[Eternal Call]

[Chat room 1]

[Cyrus] [Owner]

[Caitlin] [Member]

[ + ]

[Chat room 2]

[Cyrus] [Owner]

[ - ] [Member]

[ + ]

[2] "Hey there" Said Cyrus while curiously holding the little larva on his tail.

[2] "Hi" Said the little larva like someone who lost their soul.

[2] "Oh.. you seem to be scared, why?" Asked Cyrus while looking at the larva that curled into a ball.

[2] "I. I did I failed?" Asked the little larva.

[2] "Failed what?" Asked Cyrus even more curiously.

[2] "I was at the end of my life spawn and decided to ascend to the Eternal Plane." Said the little larva sadly.

System what is she talking about?

[There is a possibility that it just ascended from a lower plane]

There are lower planes?

[Yeh there are Mortal,Demigod,God,Heavenly Planes and at the peak Stands the Eternal Plane, Host was born at the Eternal Plane]

Why didn't u told me about these?

[First Host can't descent, secondly the strongest beings of the Heavenly Planes barely have half of the essence of a Stage 1 Larva, it's impossible to go down and even if it was possible it's pointless]


[2] "Well congratulations you succeeded this is the Eternal Plane" Said Cyrus while patting the little larva.

[2] "Really?!" Asked the little larva while happily wriggling.

[2] "Yeah,so you were a the strongest being on the heavenly plane?" Asked Cyrus.

[2] "Yes I was a Eternal Empyrean, right now I have a little more essence than before ascension" Said the little larva.

[2] "What was your race?" Asked Cyrus, it was bugging him since so far he mostly met worms and spiders asides from the Alin Forest Nidhoggs.

[2] "Vampire, I was once a Human thought" Said the Little larva.

System what do u know about Vampires and Humans?

[Vampires are reanimated corpses of humans, this race is one that evolution overcomes some of the original race defects by greatly strengthening the body and blood flow, the draw back is that from time to time they need to consume human blood, also the race driving force is malice, but this force strongly burns in their soul]

How about humans?

[Defective creatures.. the design of their bodies are just failures evolution nightmares.. the race body structure is just defected, at some point in evolution they started walking on 2 legs instead of 4, this change happened under a blink of an eye. Evolution didn't happened only the body reformed, this caused the race to have 3 Weakness that makes them failure,first the knees aren't strengthened even though they walk on 2 legs, second since they started walking on 2 legs they have no natural way to deal with sock waves, third they spine is designed to walk on 4 legs not 2, you can easily cripple any human by hitting the lower part of their spine.. Essence is capable of strengthening any creatures, but when your starting point is already a failure, you can barely progress, also most human strains stopped evolution what so ever.. they relying on tools. The race driving force is same for all of them it's greed for worldly possession, because of their driving force there is barely any chance for them to start evolving again.]

[2] "So where am I?" Asked the little larva bravely.

[2] "Planet Anatar, Territory Hell Sea, inside my cave." Said Cyrus while wondering if he missed out anything.

[2] "Why am I here than?" Asked the little larva.

[2] " I was spawning larva's" Said Cyrus a little awkwardly.

[2] "So you my mum?" Asked the Little larva as sweetly.

[2] "Dad, also what's your name?" Asked Cyrus

[2] "Dad give me one." Said the larva.

Uh. Let's see

[2] "Lilith, I will name u Lilith" Said Cyrus to the little Lilith.

If I guessed gender wrongly doesn't matter it can always change..

[2] "Thank you father for naming me, I'm happy." Said Lilith.

Nvm.. I name you [Lilith] !

[2] "Lilith I summoned all these larva's kill the nameless ones, this little one on my back is your elder sister Caitlin"


[Name: - ] -> [Lilith]

[Race: NidHogg]

[Gender: Female]

[Jobb: Princess: command the larva's]

[Hp 5/5 -> 50/50]

[mana: 3/3] [+500%] -> [mana: 50/50 -> 250/250] [lvl 0/99 -> 99/99] [Stage 1]

[dmg: 1 -> 9]


[Strain: {Magma Scaled Larva: Razor like obsidian scales, Inborn Fire Affinity} ]

[Congratulation host, your daughter gained a New Passive Skill: {Malice: your life goal is to harm and hurt others} ]

That's was expected.. um how does this one works?

[Host doesn't need to be scared, this driving force doesn't apply to host or for your named kids, I made the necessary adjustments]

Oh that's great.

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