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93.54% Don't mind me, I'm just farming(Under Rewriting Process) / Chapter 28: Trip to the forest

Chapter 28: Trip to the forest

Two people with green jumpsuits were fighting against a Boar Beast. Its size were twice bigger than a normal boar found in the forest. The combination of the two were actually good and they know when to attack and when to retreat. It took them a few minutes before they took down the Boar Beast.

"All right, we have our dinner for tonight, Guy." The older man with the green jumpsuit said.

"Yes! We're finally eating meat father!" Guy cheered after hearing his father's words.

Guy's father, Might Dai, was about to tie the boar and carry it when a Bull Beast appeared. Due to Dai and Guy letting their guards down, it was already late when they noticed the charging bull. Dai put his body in front of his son and hugged him to take the damage from the charge before closing his eyes.


A loud bang was heard, after a while, Dai opened up his eyes and he thought that the Bull was supposed to hit him but when he turned back, he saw the bull downed. He saw the distance that the bull slide down before stopping. He didn't know what happened but he knows that someone saved them.

The saviour in question came out with a basket on his back.

"Are you alright?" Asked the man.

"We're alright, thanks to you!" Dai said as he stood up and gave a bow. Guy followed his father's example and bowed down.

"Thank you for saving us!" Guy said to their saviour.

"Its nothing. As long as you guys are safe." The man said as he went to the bull and looked at a spot. He saw the hole in its head and was slightly disappointed.

"What's your name and what are you doing here? Its dangerous here." The man said to the father and son duo.

"Uhm, we're here to hunt for our dinner and we have caught the boar. We let our guards down and was caught off guard by the bull beast. If not for you, I wouldn't have left this place unscathed. My name's Dai by the way and this is my son, come on son, introduce yourself." Dai said with a warm smile.

"I'm Might Guy, my dream is to be the strongest taijutsu specialist in the world!" Guy said with passion making Dai embarrassed while the man chuckled.

"I'm sorry for my son's behavior." Dai said with an apologetic voice.

"Its fine. Its good to dream big, kid. As long as you work hard, you will achieve it someday. Hardwork will never betray you. My name's Ren." The man named Ren said as he stretched his arm to offer a hand shake to Dai which he gratefully accepted. Dai and Guy thought of the words that Ren said to them.

'Hardwork will never betray you.' Dai and Guy thought. Dai clenched his off hand as he etched Ren's words into his heart. All his life, all he did was work hard to catch up to others. He trained twice as much and worked much harder than his peers. His ninjutsu might be nonexistent but when it comes to Taijutsu, he took pride in it. It was only then that he recognized the name of the man in front of Him.

'Ren? Is he the famous guy who treated many people who are wounded?' Dai thought to himself but Guy was different, he was clueless.

"Ren? As in the famous doctor? Lord Orochimaru's son?" Guy asked while tilting his head.

"Haha, yes. I am indeed that Ren and no, I'm not Lord Orochimaru's son." Ren chuckled after hearing Guy's question but when he heard his second question, he felt like beating Guy down to the ground and bury him leaving only his head on the surface.

Dai confirmed that it was indeed the famous Ren but he was curious.

"Mr. Ren, what are you doing in this place? This place is dangerous like you said. Are you sure you can handle yourself? We could escort you yo repay you from saving our lives." Dai said to Ren sincerely.

"Its fine. I can handle myself. I may not look like it but I am a fast runner. As for why I am here..."





3 days have passed since Minato had a talk with the hokage. Ren's days were still the same. The only difference is the fact that Ren is doing something only a madman would do.

After Ren had a stable source of income and redecorated the house, he used his salary to buy poisonous animals like bugs, insects, and snakes. Many people were weirded out by his request especially those who were spying on him but the reason Ren told them is that he's developing a more potent kind of antidotes for the deadly poison of the animals he bought.

Although he would really make such antidotes, what they didn't know was Ren had another reason why he bought these dangerous animals. He plans on injecting the poisons on himself, by poisoning himself, his body would decode the poison strain and his body will forcefully make antibodies with it making him invulnerable towards that kind of poison ever again. He could then use his blood to make rare antidotes he could sell for money.

Ren really isn't money hungry but he has something in mind that needed money. He wants to use this world's resources and sell them at the interdimensional market. His points were almost nonexistent as well. Also the crops would take months before they grow and be ready to be harvested. That's why he wants to earn a lot of money to buy rare resources such as herbs and metals. If he sold them, he will surely have a decent source of points, but he needs to test it out first if his theory is acceptable. Once he gained the points, he would upgrade his rank and open up to kinds of new products.

Other than being a madman, Ren would use his spare time to read books about medicinal herbs especially those rare ones. He also posted missions on those who would give him information about such herbs with the help of the Hokage's secretary.

And in due time, many hunters who ventured out on the wild, saw the mission and immediately shared their knowledge about those herbs. Although they have seen rare herbs and it could be sold for a high price, such herbs were guarded by fierce beasts or in the territory of one. That's why they didn't have a choice but to leave it be, otherwise they would have taken it for themselves. Since they can't have it, they decided to sell the information, at least they will receive extra income.

Of course, there will be those who wants to use this opportunity to earn free money by giving false information.

In just a day, Ren received a notebook filled with different locations of the herbs. Naturally, with such a lax requirement in the mission, Ren's pocket bled and he was sure that half of the information written in the notebook was false.

Ren memorized everything written in the notebook before burning it. Since he had nothing to do and was bored in Orochimaru's office, he decided to start searching for the herbs. He would have to return to Mount Myoboku a week later so he wanted to finish checking it as soon as possible.

Ren then left early which confused Shizune but she didn't bother and just said her goodbyes. Ren went home and immediately changed into a fitting clothes. He then carried a charcoal basket on his back. (Like Tanjiro's coal basket which housed Nezuko earlier in the series.)

As for the contents of the basket? A huge batch of metals, glass, wood, plastic, and a huge batch of self-made gunpowder. Ren then left the estate through the back. He then left the place and headed for the mountains. He was blindly searching the mountains when he heard the sounds of fighting so he went to check. To his surprise, he found two people ganging up on a boar.

Their teamwork was really good and he could finally see that the two seemed to be a father and son duo due to how close they look to each other. He could see the duo attack the boar with punches and kick while retreating at the perfect time. They managed to finish the boar and started tying the boar when the bull beast appeared.

Seeing that they didn't manage to notice the bull beast, he thought of warning them but figured that it would be too late.

Ren turned the basket over, spilling the contents, he then clapped his hands as lightning emerged from his hands. Ren used his alchemy to turn the batch of metals into a USR 150 bolt action sniper rifle. He also used alchemy to form the bullets before loading one and looked at the scope before aiming at the rushing bull, he saw the father resigned to receive the attack in place of his son, he then steadied his breathing, before pressing the trigger.

A loud bang was heard and the bull suddenly slid down on the ground, dead, with a hole in its head. Seeing that the bull was dead, he sighed before using alchemy to dismantle the sniper rifle back into raw materials.

With Korosensei's memories, his understanding of the composition of a gun was transferred to Ren, and since he knew the composition of the gun, he used alchemy to transform the raw materials into parts then assembled it easily. As he can easily assemble the gun, he dismantled the gun easily with alchemy as well.

He then went forward to check the wellbeing of the duo.

"Are you alright?" Ren asked the two.


There's a few things I'd like to say.

1. This chapter is a bit rushed because its late in the night and I can't sleep.

2. Alchemy isn't supposed to assemble a gun easily, but I wanted it to because of convenience, besides its a fiction. Alchemy is only supposed to be transforming one thing to another not assemble itself. Ren could transform the materials into parts but he would not be able to assemble it using alchemy. Disassembling a gun is easy since he will just separate them back into raw materials.

3. Before you say that "MC is dumb because he's saving strangers." It was the normal Ren who acted, not his 'serious' personality. 'Normal' Ren would help as long as he can do it easily without sweat and would not placate himself with troublesome matters. He could also ask the father and son duo about the locations of the herb in his map, so he didn't lose out on anything.

4. I'm sleepy, there might be misspelled words or such. I'll just change it when I wake up later.

5. I'm going to change the title if the direction of my plans is going into a different direction. For now, I'll keep it as it is.

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