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Chapter 11: Training

Ren woke up in the morning and once again saw a naked Yoruichi sleeping beside him. At this point, Ren feel flustered at first but thought that if Yoruichi knew about him being flustered, he would be teased again so, Ren immediately closed his eyes and whispered to himself to calm down.

After 5 minutes of trying to hypnotize himself, he opened his eyes and immediately turn his back to Yoruichi before he sat down. His movements didn't wake Yoruichi which relieved him. He had already predicted what Yoruichi is going to do if she woke up, something in the lines of showing her body even more to him just to tease him.

Ren then stood up and went outside. His footsteps didn't emit any sound at all while he's walking. When he arrived outside, he took the fresh morning breeze. Since they didn't have food for breakfast, Ren decided to hunt. Ren picked up the hoe and sped up into the mountains and started digging for traps.

As the legacy of Korosensei merged with him, he learned a lot of things as an assassin. They would do everything to win. They are the most dishonorable person in the battlefield where everything always goes, blinding opponents by throwing sand, leading an enemy to a trap you have dug with spikes in it, killing the enemy in their sleep, poisoning, and many more. An assassin would use the most unpredictable way of killing a person, as efficiently as possible.

And with Korosensei's skills, his traps are more for human but his brain adjusted them slightly to change to catch animal preys.

After setting the traps, he started hunting solo. Even though he had dug traps for animals, it would still take time before they get caught in the trap. It wouldn't even surprise him if he caught nothing in it for days.

He slowed down his breathing and started blending with the nature. Even if someone were to stand in front of him, they wouldn't be able to see him unless they touch him, of course that also don't work against an experienced person who fought in wars.

He then started roaming around the place looking for prey and as much as he liked alchemy, he couldn't use it because of the flashy electric arcs that would rattle the prey.

After almost 10 minutes of roaming around, Ren saw a rabbit feeding on a herb he doesn't know. He then started stalking the prey. An assassin's forte is not his graceful assassination skills or crazy manoeuvres, its the ability to wait for a long time just to create the best opportunity to kill them.

He stalked the rabbit for a few more minutes. He watched the rabbit change from herb to herb or sometimes it would feed on grass. When the rabbit stayed longer on feeding, Ren knew that the time has come. The rabbit's focus is not on the surrounding predators, but on the meal it is currently having.

Ren slowly made his way close to the rabbit. When he was in front of the rabbit, he is still not being noticed by the rabbit. He gently picked the rabbit up and struck its neck, killing it.

Ren thought of throwing up after killing the rabbit but the assassin mentality he inherited stopped him from doing so. Its like its telling him that he's on a job, personal feelings must be separated when you're on the job.

Ren caught 2 more rabbits after an hour of roaming, stalking, and killing. When he killed the 3rd rabbit, he finally can't hold himself back and threw up. He vomited everything he ate yesterday. After that, he wiped his mouth and went home.

When he got back home, he saw that Yoruichi is already awake and waiting for him.

"So how does it feel? Killing your first livestock?" Yoruichi asked with a smile on her face.

"It feels terrible but it needs to be done." Ren replied with a wry smile.

Although Ren has an inkling of how to cook, he didn't have any idea on how to cook wild games. They also didn't have any condiments so they just decided to cook it the old fashion way. Ren hated the food he ate because it tastes so bland, and although chewy, its so hard to shred them to pieces because a wild game's muscles is much tougher than farm-grown meats.

After eating their fill, Ren asked Yoruichi.

"Do you mind accompanying me in training today?" Ren asked which Yoruichi nodded. She doesn't have anything to do after all. Maybe accompanying Ren in his training wouldn't be bad.

They went down the mountain back to the poison farm. Ren just took a look at it for a second before finding a spot where he could train. He then started stretching his body out and warmed his body up. After 15 minutes of warming up, he spoke to Yoruichi.

"I can feel that you're a being loved by the dark as well, in other words, an assassin. How about we try to assassinate each other for training?" Ren asked as his demeanor changed. He's not the happy-go-lucky Ren anymore. Yoruichi noticed the personality change in Ren but she doesn't think its a bad thing.

She thinks that Ren's split personality is the result of that black goo, and Ren would change his personality, depending on what he's dealing with. If he's dealing with someone casually, then happy-go-lucky Ren would be there with you, but if its work, then Ren's personality will change into a cold-blooded assassin.

"Sure." Yoruichi said with a smile. Although she doesn't know about how Ren works, she is sure he can handle everything that is thrown at her.

"Do we have to make something like rules, or anything?" Ren asked.

"Where have you seen an assassination where you have to conform to rules and stuff?" Yoruichi replied which made Ren smile.

"Everything goes then." Ren said.

"A minute of separation then we begin. is that fine with you?" Ren asked and Yoruichi nodded.

"Then let's begin." Ren said and ran to the forest, his all purpose hoe in hand.

When Ren ran towards the forest, Yoruichi felt like she's been put in a bad advantage already. She decided to scan the surrounding areas that are fit to be hiding spots that Ren could use to hide and enter her blind spot.

She memorized the spots and started scanning the area she's in.

'This is bad. Ren took the initiative. Looks like I'm in trouble, huh. Its been a while since I've been in a pinch like this.' Yoruichi thought as she remembered the little girl who always likes to follow her around before she left Soul Society.

'Oh well. Let's get serious, shall we?' Yoruichi thought to herself as she waited for the minute to pass by.

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