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35.48% Don't mind me, I'm just farming(Under Rewriting Process) / Chapter 10: Disagreements/Clash

Chapter 10: Disagreements/Clash

In a certain mushroom house, there are 2 persons, 2 toads, and a cat were sitting around a wooden table.

The two elder toads are on Jiraiya's shoulder while Ren sat down on the other side with a black cat on his shoulder as he caressed the shining black fur of the cat.

"Now then. Can you tell me what is this child of prophecy, what this prophecy is and why am I tied with him? Also, do you mind me asking about common sense and practices of this place and outside, as well as what is basically outside Mount Myoboku? Its fine if you don't want to as well, I'm just asking, after all I lost most of my memories and I don't know what I did before arriving in this place." Ren asked them.

"Its fine, I can tell you about the common practices and common senses. If that could help you in regaining your memories that would be good." Elder Shima nodded her head.

"As for the child of prophecy, Ren-boy. The great sage foretold that the Child of the Prophecy would be a student of Jiraiya that would bring a great revolution to the world of the ninja. Jiraiya's actions would determine if this revolution would be for the world's salvation or the world's destruction." Elder Fukasaku said.

"Then why does it concern me? I'm not even a ninja? I can't even kill a livestock with my own hands. So why me?" Ren asked in confusion.

"Earlier this day, the great sage saw a few more bits into the future and it has changed, but this time it has with you in it. The great sage has foretold that you would be the guardian of the child of prophecy. I don't know how or why it happened, that was all the great sage saw and told us. Since Jiraiya is also a figure tied with the Child of Prophecy, we reverse summoned him back to Mount Myoboku with the help of a toad outside of Mount Myoboku." Elder Shima further explained.

"Me? A guardian? Don't joke around, Elder Shima. You guys know as much as I do that I can't personally protect myself from harm, so why am I a guardian?

Also, you guys only know that the great sage only saw bits and pieces of the future so how could you be sure that everything he foretold is true? I'm sorry if my words offended you but this is how I currently feel about this.

Just because someone predicted you'll be like this in the future, then a hundred percent you'll be that. That's not how it works. Life is unpredictable, Elder Fukasaku, Elder Shima and I know you also know about this.

So how can you be so sure that I really will be tied to this child of prophecy you speak off?" Ren bursted his emotions after hearing the circumstances. Although he has fragmented memories, his likes and dislikes are always the same. What he hated the most is being controlled.

"I don't know Ren. But the great sage's prediction is always spot-on for the entirety of his whole life. The great sage predicted lots of major tragedies and we were able to prepare for it because of his predictions." Elder Shima said. She even dropped the '-boy' honorific to show how serious the situation is.

Ren could only frown in dissatisfaction.

"I know you're angry, Ren-boy. But don't worry, whatever path you wish to take, we'll accept it. We just came here to inform you about it." Elder Shima said which surprised Fukasaku and Jiraiya. What they planned was asking for Ren's cooperation but Elder Shima took in a different approach.

"Are you seriously just going to jeopardize the safety of this world just for your own sake?!" Jiraiya asked Ren as he started heating up in anger, but Elder Shima cut Jiraiya off.

"What do you know about Ren?! You lived your life in war for Konoha's sake! Ren is a civilian, you hear me?! A CIVILIAN! You will never understand how a civilian feels because you're a ninja! You fought wars over those stupid borders without even thinking of the consequences you've brought to the normal people! Now, you want to drag a civilian just for the sake of your own ego?!" Elder Shima fumed at the two. Her point came across to everyone in the room including Ren.

"But we are doing it to protect the civilians inside Konoha's territory!" Jiraiya rebuked.

"Protect the civilians? Do you think I'm that naive, Jiraiya-boy? The truth of what happened to the Uzumaki's land? Is that the protection you're talking about, Jiraiya-boy?" Elder Shima said to Jiraiya who could only look down in shame.

Elder Shima is hell bent on protecting Ren. Although Shima had only met Ren for a couple of times, she had seen that Ren is a good individual. Elder Shima has lived long enough to know whether the person is a good or a person with intentions deep down in their heart. Although she knew that Ren is hiding some things from them, that is because he just don't trust them enough and with what just happened right now, Ren's trust came crashing down to the bottom.

"Ren-boy, I know this is a lot for you to take in but take everything step by step. I will make sure no one will force things on you. Just live your life as you see fit. Take your time, Ren-boy. Like I told you, whatever path you take, I will support you. Just come and see me and I'll tell you what you need to know." Elder Shima said as she dragged the two with her. She can see that Ren is barely holding on to his emotions.

Suddenly dragging him in a world ending catastrophe, puts a huge mental stress and pressure to Ren, to top that off, Jiraiya attacked his psyche even more.

When they walked out of Ren's house and walked a certain distance, they could hear about Ren's outburst and scream in rage from afar making Elder Shima shake her head.

"See what you, two old fools, did on a child? And you want to ask him to cooperate and be a guardian on someone he doesn't even know?" Shima said to the two in contempt while they could only lower their head in shame.

The two thought that if Ren was presented a chance to be someone important he would immediately accept. But they were completely wrong and what they just did, have put a strain in their relationship. They haven't even have Ren's trust, and its already broken. Now they don't know what to do.

"Give Ren some time for himself, and I want you two to apologize to him... sincerely! You hear me?" Elder Shima said to the two as they nodded their head.

Back in the room, Ren started going on a rampage for a while. Yoruichi on the other hand has a frown on her face but she didn't stop Ren from his outburst. Sometimes, letting a person vent is better than letting him keep it inside.

After a few more minutes of rampaging, Ren finally calmed down and looked at his hand that are full of scratches and blood.

He then cupped his hands and rubbed his front face. When he removed his hand, he saw Yoruichi staring at him.

"I'm sorry." Ren said to Yoruichi.

"Its fine. Now, how will you fix everything that you've destroyed?" Yoruichi asked as she looked at the broken walls and furnitures.

"I can use alchemy to bring them back but, not everything will go back to the way it used to be....." Ren said as he clapped his hands and the broken things inside the house started patching themselves up.

"So how do you feel about it? Being a major figure in the future?" Yoruichi teased him more.

"Please, stop. All I want is to live in a cottage, owning a sizeable farmland for my own and spend the rest of my day there. Is that so hard to understand?" Ren asked Yoruichi.

"But you can't run away from things like fate or destiny, what are you going to do about it?" Yoruichi asked.

"I will keep doing what I want to do and I will think of what to do about that child of prophecy when the time comes." Ren said.

"Although I'm not a farmer myself, I know that the land will take weeks before it is ready to be planted, what are you going to do while waiting for it?" Yoruichi asked but Ren only answered one word which surprised Yoruichi.

"Training." Ren said as he lied down to have a rest. There's a lot of things that happened today and his mind and soul certainly needs a rest.

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