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Chapter 7: Reaper

When the duo returned from their trip on the mountain, Ren is already panting due to climbing up and down the mountain. Yoruichi on the other hand isn't sweating at all.

"*Huff* *Huff* Damn, my body... is so out of... shape. Just going up and down the mountain... made me like this. *huff*" Ren took deep breaths to stabilize himself.

"Yeah, you are so out of shape, I can see that. How are you planning on planting the seeds if you're too tired? Also, I'm not lending you a hand on that one." Yoruichi immediately shut down the idea of her helping out on the farm. She would rather laze around like the lazy cat she is.

"Che, I'm not planning on asking you to. Its my training for myself." Farming uses every part of your body that's why you could say its a good way to up your body state.

"Now then let's buy the seeds." Ren then thought of the market and the panel appeared. He then looked up on the price of the Blood Wheat and saw the price. He saw that a bag of Blood Wheat is cheap for only 500 for each bag containing one hundred seeds.

He then bought two of them. He's planning on starting a small crop land to start since his body won't be able to handle planting hundreds of seeds with his weak body.

He firstly checked on the condition of the top soil and realized that it was hard as a rock. He can't use this kind of soil because the rock solid soil wouldn't absorb the water.

"Time to use the hoe." Ren muttered to himself while Yoruichi jumped to a tree and watched him work.

Ren then transformed the hoe into a pickaxe. He had learned of this function on their way down by accident because he thought of farming tools to buy while he thought of the market and he was surprised when the hoe in his hand transformed into a rake.

Ren then started using the pickaxe on the top soil and destroyed the hard top soil, he could see that the soil underneath the rock hard soil is different from the top soil so he bent down and took a look. Although its color is off because of the toxicity, he could tell that it was the loam soil he had read about.

Ren then started using the pickaxe, repeteadly destroying the rock hard top soil. He would take a break once in a while. Whenever he was thirsty, he would pick up an orange and use it as the water source. He also found that Yoruichi is nowhere to be found but since she's not going to help him, he just focused on the task at hand. Although he could barely lift the pickaxe because of fatigue, he still kept on and on. He won't stop until the work is finished.

After an hour of work, Ren's arms couldn't lift the pickaxe anymore so he took a long break. He had only managed to destroy 25% of the target top soil he needs to destroy.

Yoruichi then popped out of nowhere surprising Ren. Yoruichi is holding rabbits that are tied by a vine.

"Where did you get that?" Ren asked her. He knew that she went somewhere once again on her own.

"We're in a forest, of course there are lots of wild games around. Do you know how to cook this?" Yoruichi said as a Ren shook his head on her question.

Ren didn't have knowledge with cooking wild games. The workshop he attended for cooking is more like home cooking. Wild game's and farm grown meat is different with each other because of their food and lifestyle. Wild game are much more chewable because their muscles developed really well since they are living in the wild compared to farm grown animals who didn't get to have much exercise and strict diet.

"Okay, back to the old way then." Yoruichi said and built a little fireplace before using two sticks and stones to light a fire.

Yoruichi then started removing the internal organs of the rabbit with a knife which surprised Ren.

"And where did you get that?" Ren asked.

"In the pantry back at our home. You didn't look around properly that's why you missed it." Yoruichi said to Ren while she guts the rabbit.

Yoruichi then built a little spit roast and started spit roasting the rabbit. While Yoruichi is spit roasting the rabbit, Ren had rested enough so he stood up and continued working on the field.

Yoruichi then looked at the hard working figure of Ren constantly smashing the ground into pieces with a pickaxe. She could tell that Ren is exhausted and the muscles are overworked. But it was better in Yoruichi's opinion. The more battered your body is, the more gains you will get after your body rebuilds the torn muscles and will make it tougher.

This time, after 30 minutes, Ren got exhausted again and sat back down once more. His sweat dug seeped through his undershirt and his body felt heavy, but his body and mind is telling him that he could still work.

"Here, have some. I'm sure you're hungry." Yoruichi offered him a cooked rabbit.

Ren didn't say anymore because he felt that if he spoke his voice will be hoarse because he felt parched. He then ravaged the rabbit. It tastes bland as hell, no seasonings, no oil, nothing, but Ren still ate it. He needs every energy he could get to continue working.

"There's a clean lake that's a little far from here. Let's go if you want some water." Yoruichi said as she started walking after seeing that Ren is done eating.

Ren then followed Yoruichi, he is walking but his eyes is heavy due to tiredness. Even so, he followed Yoruichi to the lake which took him 30 minutes of walking before arriving. He then saw a clean lake connected to a river. He then held his palms into a cup and started scooping the water and drank from it.

After satisfying himself with water, Ren started thinking of things. There are lots of things he lacks to survive. Sure, he has his crops to help him stop starving in the future but how would he make food from it? He doesn't have knowledge about cooking.

He also lack carpentry skills because his house is built inside a mushroom that lacks a lot of furniture. With him being an artisan, he could make his utensils and wooden cups that they could use. He would also have to make a barrel to have a supply of water.

While Ren was thinking, away from him, Yoruichi removed her clothes and jumped in the water, and started cleaning herself.

After thinking of a plan, Ren held the hoe in his hand and opened the interdimensional store. What he saw in the front page astounded him. There's an auction currently in front of him and there's no one bidding for it.

[Fighting God's blood : 4 minutes 8 secs remaining]

He thought that since no one is buying it then the fighting god must be a scam but his curiosity took over him and sent a message to the overseer.

[FarmerRen: Why is no one bidding for a Fighting God blood? Isn't it a God's blood?] Ren typed his question and his points was shaved by 100 points.

[Overseer: Just because it contains something like God in its name, its going to be good. Just think of this, its a God's blood, do you think it would be easy to merge with the blood of a God? That's why its cheap and no one is bidding for it.] The overseer explained why no one is bidding for it.

Ren then looked at his 9,000 IC and looked at the 2500 IC bid from the auction. His instincts is telling him to take the risk.

"Should I buy it...? or not?" Ren asked as there are only less than 2 minutes left for the auction.

"Should I really take the risk? Or should I play safe?" Ren thought for a lon time and there's only ten seconds left.

Ren then decided to bid for it at the last second. Ren felt pained about losing more than a quarter of his points.

Ren then hovered at the receiving area and his eyes stared at the vial at the top of his receive list. Because he was busy thinking if he should buy it or not, he haven't looked at the description of the item.

[Fighting God Blood - The Reaper Version

- A bloodline of Assassins who are loved by the dark. The bloodline is perfected over the years and has finally achieved perfection after cross-breeding to achieve the perfect genes.]

"I see... an assassin huh." Ren then claimed the item and a floating vial appeared in front of him and he grasped it with his left hand.

"Why do I feel like this vial is calling for me?" Ren asked himself as he stared at the vial that contains black liquid.

"It looks ominous... I'm kind of scared to take this now. Is there any side effects on this?" Ren continued talking to himself.

He constantly talked to himself to blow his nervousness away. Its his basic coping mechanism against nervousness.

He then uncorked the vial and drank it. The last thing that Ren saw is that the sky had turned black before everything turned black.

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