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Chapter 6: Poison Farm

While on their way down, Yoruichi and Ren walked side by side as they took a bite of the fruit they are holding right now.

"Say, Yoruichi. I've read last night that we could use a sap of rejuvenation and the problem will be solved. Or we could examine the land closely and plant something that would counteract the poison, effectively neutralizing it and the problem will be fixed." Ren paused for a little.

"So? What you're saying is?" Yoruichi picked up that Ren had something in mind different from the two.

Although she knew that Ren could use the short way and buy a sap of rejuvenation, where would he get it? Does he have enough funds? As for the long way, where would he find plants that could counteract the poison seeped in the land? It would take him a long time to know what exact kind of plant he should plant to neutralize the poison completely. Its simply unproductive.

"You see, I was actually thinking why should we heal the land when we could just use it ourselves?" Ren asked.

"Your point is?" Yoruichi asked as she had an inkling of what Ren is planning.

"Why not plant poisonous herbs or plants to grow in the land? And you know, make some medicine or anything helpful with it?" Ren asked.

"Hmmm. They say poison in a master's hand can either be used to kill or be a remedy. So? How are you planning to do that?" Yoruichi asked Ren.

Ren held onto the hoe and thought of the trading market and the screen appeared in front of him. He hadn't fully explored the market yet since God gave him a trade offer and he had read the book all night so he didn't have the chance to check everything in the market. He saw his Interdimensional Coins(IC) which contains an amount of 10,000.

Ren then started putting the keyword Poison and chose farming as the main panel and chose seeds as the sub panel. Ren saw only 3 poisonous seeds and their description.

[Blood Wheat - Absorbs the poison in the land when it grows. When fully matured, the wheat sheds the poison, returning it to the land revealing a blood-like colored wheat. Withers in Spring and Summer. Cold resistant, can be planted in fall and winter.]

[Bloody Rice - Absorbs the poison in the land when it grows. When fully matured, the rice sheds the poison, returning it to the land revealing a blood-like colored rice. Withers in Fall and Winter. Heat resistant, can be planted in Spring and summer.]

(Rice and wheat is different, although you could plant them, their yield depends on the season but I'll change it here. Rice is going to be mainly a tropical crop while wheat is going to be mainly a winter crop.)

[Dream Leaf - A poisonous plant that could make those who have sniffed its poison hallucinate making you enter a "dream-like" state.]

"Looks like we only have 3 options to plant in this land since my rank is the lowest of the low in the market." Ren said with a sigh.

He hovered his touch over his rank which is beginner rank, and it showed all of the ranks that the market have. Every rank needs 5 stars minimum to upgrade to the next rank but for a beginner, upgrading once would bring you to G - rank, formally entering the rankings of the market.


G - rank

F - Rank

E - Rank

D - Rank

C - Rank

B - Rank

A - Rank

S - Rank

SS - Rank

SSS - Rank

Ren didn't want to stay at the beginner rank because he knows that there are lots of plants that could grow in a poisoned land. Its just that he didn't have enough authority to buy those. Also, beginners to E - Rank could only quick sell their items not auction them because the items they can put in isn't worth putting in an auction.

They don't have to worry about it though, the market places the price accordingly depending on the quality and quantity of the item you're selling as well as its demand. So there's no such thing as underpriced or overpriced goods in the market.

"Say, we haven't asked Elder Shima about the current season in this place. Its important that we know about it to plan for the upcoming seasons. I think we should ask her now. Once I know the season, I could start planning about the crop rotation I'm gonna be doing." He said to Yoruichi.

Ren then went back up to the elder's home. He consider going up and down the mountain some kind of training because his body really is out of shape. He needs a stable amount of protein and vegetables to build his body to be fit and work on his farm.

Before they knocked on the Elder's house Ren asked Yoruichi.

"Are you sure you're gonna meet them like that?" Ren asked.

"They would know sooner or later, I've talked to the oldest toad anyway." Yoruichi said causing Ren to be surprised.

"So you didn't just scout the entire area, you also met the one who saw that we'll arrive at this world?" Ren asked and Yoruichi simply nodded.

"I see. So? What does he or she look like?" Ren asked as he knocked on the elders' house.

"Just your usual old toad." Yoruichi replied and the door opened and elder Shima saw Ren and a new addition. She didn't saw Ren's cat and connected the dots.

"Good morning, Elder Shima." Ren greeted.

"Oh, Ren-boy. Come in." Shima gestured for them to enter as she opened the door.

When they came inside they saw Elder Fukasaku brewing some tea.

"Forgive us, Ren-boy, Young lady. We are old and like making tea in the morning." Fukasaku said.

"I see. Is that some sort of techniques for brewing a good tea?" Ren asked as he looked at Fukasaku's graceful movements.

"Yes, there are lots of techniques out there that is used in brewing tea. You just need to learn and practice." Fukasaku said with his eyes closed as if he's waiting for something.

Ren was about to speak what he's here for when Elder Shima motioned for him to stop and wait.

Fukasaku then took the kettle and poured the tea on the tea cups one by one slowly and gracefully.

"Here, Ren-boy, young lady. Have some taste. Take a whiff and appreciate the tea leaves used first before drinking it." Since Fukasaku knows that Ren's a complete beginner, he taught him how to at least appreciate a good tea.

Ren then took the tea cup and took a whiff. After taking a whiff, he could smell an aroma of nature for a few seconds. He then slowly drank it and once again he felt like the nature is embracing him.

"It's my first time drinking tea... so I guess its ranked one on my favorite tea list?" Ren said with a foolish smile making Fukasaku and Shima chuckle at Ren's antics.

Meanwhile, Yoruichi took the tea cup and took a whiff. She too move gracefully, even more graceful than Elder Fukasaku making him surprised about Yoruichi. Yoruichi then took a sip and tasted it before drinking it.

"Its a good tea." Yoruichi said.

"It seems like, young lady knows a lot about tea." Fukasaku said.

"Its nothing much." Yoruichi said.

"Well then. What is your purpose of coming here, Ren-boy? Did you encounter a problem?" Asked Elder Shima.

"Elder Fukasaku, Elder Shima, before that let me introduce to you. This is Yoruichi, my companion." Ren introduced Yoruichi much to her displeasure but Ren didn't care. She didn't care about making trouble early in the morning so Ren doesn't mind returning the favor.

The two toads nodded their heads as they had an inkling that the woman in front of them is the cat that landed with Ren to this world.

"As for why we're here... may I know what date is it and may I know the current season?" Ren asked.

"It is currently September 4, 10XX as for the current season, we're going to transition from fall to winter, why do you ask, Ren-boy?" Elder Fukasaku asked.

"We planned on choosing the proper crop to plant at the poisoned lands, Elder Fukasaku. I think I already know what kind of crop we're growing at that land. Thanks for the help, Elder Fukasaku, Elder Shima. We'll be on our way." Ren said as he bowed his head and he was about to go out when Elder Fukasaku asked him.

"Ren-boy, that land is brimming with poison, even worms can't live there. How can you plant at that place?" Fukasaku asked.

"Elder Fukasaku, I don't intend on changing the land. I will keep on using it as it is." Ren said and finally turned around and went on their way back to the poisoned lands.

"Is my ears that bad? Did I really hear it or my sense of hearing is playing tricks on me due to old age?" Fukasaku asked Shima.

"No, he did say that he'll use the land as it is. Let's just wait and see how he'll overcome such obstacle in front of him. I'm sure he could do it. I could see the confidence in his eyes." Shima said. Fukasaku didn't say anything but he just smiled and poured some tea to the two of them.

"What an interesting child he is." Fukasaku said and Shima nodded and drank their tea together as they wish for Ren's success.

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