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27.27% Marik's Avatar / Chapter 3: Avatar's Space; Origin; Ability.

Chapter 3: Avatar's Space; Origin; Ability.

Before the crossover, Jin Mitarba was a man like any other, lived in the modern earth, running after his dreams, and like any human being, he experienced many different colors of life, saw the good and the bad in people, got hurt and he had hurt others the same, the sweetness of love, the terror of hate, nothing special.

Except, his obsession with A.I., Artificial Intelligence was Jin's passion and a job at the same time.

This deep love for A.I. made Jin excel in this domain, a big part of the 33 years of the life he lived on earth, revolved around Artificial Intelligence.

Maybe he was only one man but he did everything he thought could be of help to this field of study.

but one day all his hard work and dreams went with the wind.


It all started from an afternoon siesta, the last time he closed his eyes on earth.

Spring just opened his arms to embrace the world, a tired Jin got back home from work, and like a machine, he repeated what he does every day, find something to eat or order it if there is nothing in the fridge, takes a shower then straight for a sweet afternoon nap to get enough rest to tackle the rest of the day.

'I just wanted to have a little nap, why has it to be this shocking.'

thought Marik.

So far the new 'Marik' is quite sure Marik of this world didn't lose his life, what he understood from the information transmitted by the avatar, it was more like a fusion, where his soul is the one which initiated it.

Only God knows why, his soul in the middle of a sweet nap, decided to slip out of his body on earth, like a strand of hair pulled from a dough, after kissing goodbye to his body, his soul just went on a journey, did it cross universes, dimensions, or just space, Marik has no idea except that his soul stopped on this planet, and took a liking to Marik's body.

What happened next, was predictable, simple... maybe not, but fast no time for poor Marik's soul to react or even put up a fight.

Maybe Jin's soul was special; that why it could do what it did, or simply the journey from earth to this planet somehow strengthen it, but the point is, the moment Jin's soul reached Marik's body, it rammed Marik's soul out of his body like a billy goat fighting for a female goat.

Yet Marik's soul didn't scatter, even though it was pushed from its rightful place after jin took control over Marik's body, it didn't let Marik's soul go to waste, so it started merging with the poor soul.

' But in the end, I couldn't achieve a perfect fusion, looks like a body can't handle two souls or a soul as strong as two!' reflected Marik still in his back yard enjoying the moonlight.

After it was proved to be an impossible task to accomplish, Jin's soul didn't back down or let Marik's soul perish.

' HaHa who knew, my obsession with Artificial intelligence would create a miracle with the right conditions!' exclaimed Marik with laughter in his heart.

Yes. the Avatar in that weird space is Jin's soul masterpiece after it failed in completely merging with Marik's soul.

It took Jin's obsession over A.I., what an Artificial intelligence, what its mission, basics, and principles as a mold to reform Marik's soul.

a soul born and lived on this planet for 22 years, already one with the laws and rules of space and time in this universe.

Made it easier to create the miracle Marik calls { the Avatar's Space}, taking all Marik's memories on this planet, wiping it clean, we get a pure soul ready to be handled with ease.

Scratching his chin lightly, said Marik with confusion masking his face "how in hell my soul could have done something this incredible, could be innate, maybe something changed along the way to this planet! who knows? sadly I'm not an expert in souls.".

Looking at what abilities the Avatar's space has, Marik, didn't want to waste time on impossible questions, better spend time on coming up with ideas to use the Avatar efficiently.

Putting the origins of the Avatar aside; Marik focused on what would be of help to him in the future; the Avatar's abilities.

The first ability; the capacity to scan a real object to build a virtual replica down to the molecular makeup, linked to an internal database stored for later to be used by the second ability by the Avatar itself.

There are a passive mode and an active one for this ability, it can passively scan the environment of Marik, and build virtual models for any object is not saved in the database yet, the downside to this model is the slow speed of scanning but it doesn't need physical contact.

The active-mode requires physical contact with the object that Marik wants to build a duplicate for.

but it faster, most objects could be scanned under 10 seconds.

The second ability; simulation, this is unlike the first ability which belongs to the space containing the avatar, this capacity is performed by the avatar whish is a reflection to Marik's real body, more like an intelligent replica of Marik, not just the models made by the scanning ability of the Avatar's space.

So how does this capacity work?

Simple yet powerful, it runs simulations based on tasks and knowledge presented by Marik personally on command.

For example; memories these 1000 books, after scanning the one thousand book, using the active-mode of the scanning ability, of course; the avatar literally start memorizing those book like any diligent student, but there is one small trick, the moment a simulation starts, time accelerates in the Avatar's Space.

The current time difference is one hour in the Avatar's space for every second in the real world; that means 10 years for every day passes in real-time.

The simulation capacity is not only for memorizing, train in a given technique, study and improve on a certain technique or field of study, but you can also ask the avatar to do anything Marik could do in real life, the only difference is time and the third capacity effect.

the third ability- Burn-; for Marik, it was the most important capacity of the Avatar's space.

No matter how much the avatar trained, study, memorized, or understood a truth; in the end, it's still the Avatar's knowledge and experience; it has nothing to do with Marik.

But the third capacity changed the game; everything the Avatar gain through simulation except physical changes could be burned on Marik's body, be it knowledge, muscle memory, experience...etc.

Imagine the time that could be saved.


while Marik is being euphoric; on the main road to the Aydahar city, several kilometers away from the eastern gate, Armi a 27-year-old small manger of Aidass family, currently managing the {Broken Gold Villa}; Is making his way back from an errand.

"This is it! I had enough of that brat bullsh*t!" said the fuming mad Armi in the backseats of the carriage.

honestly, Armi felt so maltreated, "what does she want to do with a holy spirit flower?!".

This rare orchid, known as 'flower of the holy spirit' only blooms once a year, before blooming it looks like praying saints, and once it blooms it turns into a flying dove.

"I admit it's a beautiful flower but it's useless, why every time she asks for something, it near impossible to get! she's just a bully" complaint Armi with red eyes, tears risk falling like a stream down his cheeks.

I need to quit or change to something else, I can no longer stand her.

La_Guiche La_Guiche

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