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Chapter 1: Chapter I:

182 AC~

Third Pov~

Life has always been tough for Eddard Stark. At first, it was his family, who either was a blockhead, a child, or a rebellious little girl who didn't know duty. Though the trade could hardly be called even. Instead of living up in the North for his life, he had been fostered with Lord Arryn. He had met his best friend, Robert Baratheon there. At first, he was obsessed with fighting, though he later turned into a MUCH worse version of his elder brother, Brandon.

He was a whoremonger, that much was for certain, which only drove into yet another problem, His sister was to marry him. At first, he was delighted to be able to be related to Robert through marriage, however, thing's turned for the worse. His sister ran off with Prince Rhaegar, not even bothering to tell anyone, before getting married to said prince. Everyone believed she was kidnapped and raped and then his foolish brother stormed into the palace, demanding Robert's head.

Only one person from his brother's party walked out, if barely.

His father, Lord Rickard was called down from the North, where he was set up into a trial by combat... against fire. His father was burned alive and his brother died trying to save him, lighting the match to the flame that would be Robert's Rebellion.

What truely sparked the flame to said rebellion was the calling for his, Robert's and Jon's (Lord Arryn) Heads. With this happening, He, Jon, and Robert began a rebellion, which would go down into legends. Robert's forces, which were, of course, backing Robert's claim to the throne, had only lost a single battle, and even then it was just barely.

And then It happened. Rumors of Rhaegar's return circulated, and Robert decided it was time to finish the war.

However, another rumor surfaced, news that his sister, Lyanna was at a tower in the North end of the Prince's Pass. Robert was happy, throwing hoopla for all to hear, celebrating with whores galore, he sent Eddard down south to said tower.

Eddard fought tooth and nail against those Kingsguard, and even though It killed everyone but his friend Howland, and that's when he learned all the death was for naught. His sister had not been kidnapped and she told him so as she died. From what he learned he was angry. They ran away and got married on the Isle of Faces, before coming here. They stayed here for a while, and eventually, just seven months prior, they had their son, Jaehaerys Targaryen. Yet another two months and Rhaegar was forced to return. It also seemed Eddard was not the only one who knew of her location, as it seemed that Oberyn Martell had also came. He came feigning as an envoy of Rhaegar, and it somehow worked. He got in and poisoned Lyanna, though he was not able to reach Jaehaerys.

He promised, he promised her he would protect her little Jaehaerys, and he would keep that promise, taking him in as Jon Snow, his bastard child, his near-black hair and amethyst eyes always a looming shadow above all.

However, the aforementioned battle was not what he expected. The Battle of the Trident, in a place that would become known as The Stag's Bloodied Ford, was a battle of blood. of the forty thousand men who entered, only two thousand remained. At the start, Robert's men were winning, but suddenly the Targaryen forces made a major push, with both Hoster Tully and Jon Arryn falling in battle. Robert was enraged by their deaths, made a push of his own, splitting Jonothor Darry and crushing the sword hand of Lewyn Martell, and ripping the other clean off, though he somehow survived his wounds. Robert fought, and just as it looked that he would win, another force entered the fray. Yes, House Frey suddenly found their way to the field, ripping Robert's army to shreds.

The Battle wouldn't be ended until all forty thousand were dead if it was not for Rhaegar slaying Robert in one on one combat.

After the Battle of the Trident another battle was fought, The Battle of Kings Landing. It was fought with Both Rhaegar and Tywin Lannister fighting their way into the Red Keep, slaying the Mad Scab, though sadly Lewyn Martell died saving his niece from the Mad Scab.

Which brought Ned Stark to his current predicament. All the Lord Paramounts were in the throne room, with the various lord in the room, both rebellious and loyal, they were all there, even Stannis Baratheon, whose bones were visible through his skin. He, the father of the newly born Harrold Hardyng (now Harrold Arryn), Stannis Baratheon, and Edmure Tully all kneeled in front of the Iron Throne, the newly anointed King Rhaegar Targaryen sat on the ugly chair, his eldest, Rhaenys Targaryen was being bounced on his knee, giggling all the while as her father's stern face looked down on them.

"You all betrayed the throne." He said, looking at them all. "With good reason, your grace." Eddard said, Jon Connington, suddenly, and without warning, kicked Eddard, as all in the crowd let out a gasp. "Silence Wolf bi-" He was cut off as Rhaegar's shouts filled the room "Lord Connington if you harm another Lord again You shall lose your hand, friend of mine or not!" The King said as the griffin slinked away, like a child getting scolded. "As you were saying, Lord Stark." King Rhaegar said, as Eddard Nodded, still kneeling.

"Aye Your grace, when you absconded with my sister and left no note of what you were to do, many in the north immediately thought of what your father would do, and with his...proclivities to your mother, we suspected you to do the same with my sister." Eddard Answered, not taking his sighted from the marble floor. "However we only sought to demand her safe return, but when your father unjustly killed my father and brother and then demanded Robert's, Jon's, and mine own heads, we could not stand by and die to your father's mad flames. we rose in part to seek a continued living, and to hopefully see my sister returned, though we still believed she to be raped by your majesty." Eddard spoke as Rhaegar nodded, insisting he continue.

"However when I and Robert Split, and I made my way south I learned that in part the Rebellion was based on a lie. After I and my band of men fought through your so-called 'Tower of Joy', I learned the truth of the Lyanna part of the rebellion, and of little Jaehaerys." Eddard said, looking down. He had taken the dead child of Ashara Dayne, who had killed herself after the child died.

The boy, named Daryn Sand, was the bastard of Ashara and Brandon and was nearly identical to Jae. He feigned that as little Jae to protect him. "However I was too late. An assassin of which I only know to be from a Dornish noble house had poisoned her, and I came little too late, she died a week after I found her, and not soon after Jaehaerys died, an assassin being his due." He said as Rhaegar scowled before his daughter looked up at him, wiping a tear from the young king's face. "... and what of the child you brought, who's is that?" the King asked, as Eddard blushed. "well... your grace... he's uhh... I got uhhh....drunk during the rebellion and he's ....he'smybastard" he said, as his face lit up as bright as his wife's hair, the king seemed to have a coughing fit, nearly taking him and little Rhaenys off the throne as he boisterously laughed, the entire court, was short to say was surprised.

"You? Bastard? And Lyanna told me all of how stern and an honorable man you were! this... is beside the point. Now I will try to be just in my Machinations here, but Robb Stark, Harrold Arryn, Renly Baratheon, and Edmure Tully shall foster in the Red Keep. Cerenna Lannister shall marry Edmure Tully when the two are of age and Mina Tyrell shall marry Stannis Baratheon. Benjen Stark shall squire for Tywin Lannister, who apon the end of his squiring shall marry Cersei Lannister and become the Lord of Moat Cailin, of which the Lord Hand shall rebuild for his daughter. Harrold Arryn shall marry Morgan Martell and my son, Aegon Targaryen shall marry Margaery Tyrell and my daughter Rhaenys will marry Robb Stark when they come of age. House Frey shall be Edmure Tully's designated regent and Gerold Grafton is to be Harrold's. All rebellious lords shall have a 25% tax increase for fifteen years. Is this acceptable to you lords, or is more persuasion needed?" King Rhaegar asked, raising the proverbial eyebrow. these terms were already agreed apon the night prior, and all lord's paramount's present (excluding young Harrold) nodded.

"Good. I must see to my wife, whom has fallen ill. Lord Tywin, please ensure all lords sigh the treaty." King Rhaegar said, with Rhaenys in hand, he marched out of the room, two kingsguard following like hawks.


'Jon's' Pov~

Life sucks, literally. One moment, I am driving my car, accidentally crashing through an E.R. after having to swerve to avoid Rubber bullet's fired by the police, who were putting down another one of the peaceful protests, the next moment? I am PAINFULLY yanked into this world, as Jon Snow, or as he was called here, Jaehaerys Targaryen. At first, I freaked out, for one, Jon was supposed to be born WAY after Rhaegar left, at least in the GOT side of the coin, and as time went on, I saw how small changes turned into HUGE changes. First off, Oberyn assassinated Lyanna, with a VERY slow-working poison with no known cure, and even made an attempt on me, though Ser Arthur saved me. The changed went further, Such as Rhaegar killing Robert in a needle-thin victory,

I currently trying to get comfortable, as the ass, Eddard was holding me by my hips, I was one fucking year old, and it SUCKS getting held like that. I'm surprised I don't have brain damage due to him on multiple occasions holding me upside down. In the distance I could see, it, Winterfell. Soon, a tryst shall begin. One that I can only pray to survive... Catelyn Tully's boss music could be heard, and it was getting louder.

Duckman Duckman

Ok, as you can see, I have fooled around with things such as birth dates, events, and wars. At some point, I will make a timeline, but I've spent a hour and a half on this, and need a nap. I got work later.

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