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92.3% Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park Male Reader / Chapter 12: Chapter 10

Chapter 12: Chapter 10

Previously on "Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park" Y/N and the rest of the survivors have been searching for a medical facility for them to be safe and the items secured. As they were walking, an unexpected roar was heard which caused them to run into a dinosaur stampede. Then later on, the group was split. The other group followed to where they were. Then they found a medical facility that they were looking for. And that's where the story continues...

Y/N told the group that he had found human footprints that were visible at the entrance to the facility and he theorizes that it was the group that was separated from the stampede and that they got here before they did. So they all searched the building for Miss Marika, Momosaki, Aoyama, Minowa, Jinno and Kamijou.

While searching, Y/N sees a secret door that leads to the other side of the the medical room, they all went down there to see if the group was in there. This secret room was a creation lab in ruins. Then Suzuki heard an object fell from inside the door. She opens the door and then she sees something and let out a scream. The others heard that it came from Suzuki, they went to where she was. Y/N asked why she screamed and what happened. Suzuki pointed slowly as her finger was shaking with horror. They looked at where she was pointing to. They see a visible corpse up on the roof, with a noose around the neck. It was an InGen scientist, in which they have found hanged. They were all shocked to see the corpse found in the room.

Chris: "W-W-What happened to that guy?!"

Y/N: "It's an InGen scientist... I... I- I don't know this happened though."

Miura screamed as she was afraid and ran back upstairs to where they entered. They followed her along the way.

Chris: "Dammit! Dammit Dammit!"

Y/N: "Calm down! Just forget about what we all saw, and just focus on finding the other group."

Suzuki: "Were not gonna end up like that guy, are we!?"

Oribe: "We'll be fine, I promise."

Chris: [shivers with chills] "..That's gonna give me nightmares."

As they were walking around the facility from different areas to another, they were keep searching for the group, but finally they found one of the missing classmates in which they had heard a scream from where they were. There found Kamijou, Jinno and Miyano.

Miyano: "We heard some screaming from where we were to another room. What happened?"

Y/N: "Uhhh.. let's just say that you guys have followed the scream."

Kamijou: "Where are the others?"

Chris: "That's why we came here to search for the other group."

Kamijou: "Wait, you're not angry at us, are you?"

Naruse: "Well be alright if we could find everyone here."

Miyano: "Well then let's look for the others. We were separated from searching for things that we need."

So they were looking for the others from another room, and they finally found Miss Marika, Momosaki and Aoyama as they have been reunited from separation and they all gathered as a full group.

Kai: "It was lucky that you guys get here before us."

Aoyama: "Oh we did, thanks to the teacher. She's found hope that's come so far."

Y/N: "Hey, you never answered my question earlier."

Aoyama: "What exactly do you mean?"

Y/N: "What did happen to Miss Nozawa?"

Chris: "Well Miss Marika said a rumor that she was attacked by something and saying that she is already dead..."

One day earlier

Somewhere in the middle of the jungla, there came Miss Nozawa, Miss Marika, Aoyama, Suzuki, Miyasano, Momosaki, Miyano, and a few other students who separated from the others which they were all survived from a horrific plane crash and now landed on a hazardous island.

Miss Marika: "Listen, we need to think about a place where we could be safe until rescues arrives."

Miss Nozawa: "Is it even okay to hide in a place where something couldn't find us?"

Miss Marika: "What was that?"

Miss Nozawa: "I... I mean, well, the rescue team wouldn't find us, either, right? It's just that you're opinion worries me, Marika."

Miss Marika: "Well, what are we gonna do?"

Miss Nozawa had an idea to stand out, while others seem to agree, except for one, who was Aoyama.

Miss Nozawa: "Okay, okay... let us all follow the senior teacher, obediently."

Then Miss Nozawa told Aoyama to look for food and to come along with her, and she said yes. But while they were viewing the jungle landscape of the island where they are standing on a cliff. Miss Marika then asked Aoyama that why did she side with Miss Marika. She tries to deny it, but Nozawa suddenly gropes Aoyama. She tries to run, but Nozawa couldn't let go as she held her close.

Miss Nozawa: "You're like a case from a shoplifting reference book...someone who be's silent."

Nozawa then starts to have a sensual moment with Aoyama as she licks her neck filled with desire, and what Aoyama wanting to drop out of school, she starts to have a flashback at the art class where Aoyama was in complete nude where she was used for figure drawing. Nozawa pushes Aoyama and demands her to undress herself, but she refuses. Nozawa forced her to take off her school uniform, even with no audience. She became completely embarrassed with nude.

Miss Nozawa: "Hmph... you can never separate your body from mine, you hear me?"

Aoyama: "P.... Please... help me."

Miss Nozawa: "Calling our for help? No one can help you. You are out here on your own. You have no one to look after you, but me."

Aoyama: "I swear... you will regret it when they see this."

Miss Nozawa: "Oh, will they?"

Nozawa suddenly was groping her breasts and staring to lick her body. Aoyama wanted anyone to help save her from being a slave. Then unexpectedly, Miss Nozawa falls down with a scream. Aoyama wonder what happened, but as she sees Miss Marika, she then realized the she had pushed her to fall off the cliff. Marika's eyes were wide as she was taking a breath. She had saved Aoyama. But as she sees her naked, she covered herself with her hands. Although Miss Marika didn't say anything, she took her jacket and covered Aoyama with it.

Miss Marika: "Let's just give a theory that she was attacked by something out there. Is that clear?"

Aoyama: "Y.. Yes, Sensei!"

Miss Marika: "For now on, we won't be threatened by anything on this island while I'm alive."

Miss Nozawa was holding on to a vine from a tree. She realized that she was lucky to grabbing on to something, and landed on the grassy ground. She swiped the leaves off of her, and she got angry.

Miss Nozawa: "Dammit! Marika just pushed me, didn't she? I'm gonna make her pay for what she did. And I swear, I will come back to you, Aoyama!"

She makes a path to find the group, but she got lost. Then she hears rustling from the bushes and hears a howl that came far from where Nozawa was standing. Then heavy footsteps was heard. It was something big, something near. She made a dash through the trees, through the bushes along the path, but she tripped and caused her to fell down. She quickly looked up.

Miss Nozawa: "W-Who's there?!"

As she shouted, the reply came with a louder howl and then she looked around to where the sound was coming from.

Miss Nozawa: "Show yourself, where ever you are!"

And all of a sudden, out of the bushes and rustling makes an appearance of a dinosaur, and let out a terrifying roar. Nozawa's body was trembling with fear. Her heart was beating rapidly, she was frightened by the appearance of this strange dinosaur. This was a mixture with two of the most deadliest creatures that had ever walked the earth, or in other words, the Indoraptor. The Indoraptor is a genetically modified species of dinosaur, which combining the base genome of a dinosaur contained the genetic material of numerous other species, with that of Velociraptor. Behind Nozawa was another reptile that is a Velociraptor, but the appearance is peculiar. It had a dark navy blue scale on the body and red eyes, and it's long claws that is similar to the Therizinosaurus. This dinosaur was called the 'Excavaraptor.' And lastly another reptile makes an appearance, but this time the color of the skin was black, with orange eyes, and a scale that seems similar to a cobra snake with fangs. These three dinosaurs were the vicious raptors ever created.

Miss Nozawa: "No! S-Stay away!"

She shouted as she waves her hands wildly in the air trying to warn off the attack she thought was about to come. Demanding them to stop as they continued approaching to its 'prey.' The Snake Raptor stares at her and raises it head, and spits out venom on the side of her face. It used venom spray as a defense mechanism. She screamed in pain as she felt burn like she had been touched with acid. Her eyes were falling with tears. She crawls back to escape from another attack. Then there was a new searing pain, like a firing knife on her stomach. Nozawa stumbled, reaching down to touch the ragged edge of her shirt, and then affixed slippery mass that was surprisingly... warmed. She suddenly noticed.. that she was holding her own intestines in her hands, filled with blood. The Excavaraptor had torn her open, the Snake Raptor had opened its jaws and pulled out the intestines. The three raptors savagely devoured her body and a horror of that realization was followed by a final wish that help will be coming soon.

Chris: "And we all believed her.. and I also think that's what also happened to the other students that were with us."

Miyano: "Well, I'm pretty she didn't want to tell us about everything she's been through."

Y/N: "Oh. Sorry for asking."

Aoyama: "You should be sorry!"

Momosaki: "Wait. I just noticed that Usui is missing. Where is he?"

They didn't say a word after what happened to their friend. But their upsetting expressions made them realize that he was already dead.

Aoyama: "Think about the problems you caused for all of us. What are we gonna do now?!"

Naruse: "He does have a plan for all of us!"

Miura: "Surely if we listened to Y/N's directions."

Aoyama: "Oh, shut up!"

Y/N: "It's not like that. It's our faults for not being careful. It's like we haven't been doing a great job at guarding our hearts because the devil is out there waiting for it's next victim. Like how every carnivores waits for their prey."

Oribe: "I understand how it feels to be unprotected."

Miki: "I'm scared of staying on this island."

Y/N sees that Miki is scared, so Y/N comforts her with a head rub in order to let her worried flow away.

Y/N: "Don't worry, I promise I won't let that happen."

And Miki's worries have melted away and now she feels comfortable.

Miki: "Thank goodness."

Naruse: "Even if we are safe inside this facility, would we be alright even though we're unfamiliar with this island?"

Y/N: "To be honest, I'm not really sure. I think there are more of them out there. But I have a feeling that there is something that is waiting around the corner."

They all got worried after hearing that.

Aoyama: "I knew it... you're going to abandon one of us, aren't you?"

Chris: "Can you shut up! You may be spitting out words to harm others, but you don't know Y/N like I do."

Chris knew that Aoyama had been living her life clinging to those who do have something that she doesn't. But lately he knew that she will deny it. So Y/N had something to say.

Y/N: "I'm not your enemy! The real enemy is out there, but we haven't seen it yet. And I didn't see it, because I refused to see it."

Kai: "What are you talking about?"

Y/N: "I was just worried that we all won't be getting off of this island alive, and I know I've said it once, and I wanted all of us to go back home safely while rescue is on the way, but right now we are doing what we can to survive. So please, I want to help you be free..."

Y/N couldn't express the words that he wanted to say. Naruse came to him for that she had something to express.

Naruse: "Y/N, here what I say. Ever since that we made promises, we always keep our promise. And that hasn't changed when we were at school. We can't let fear survive. It's the hope that's gotten us this far."

Y/N: "I only wanted to save others and you, and Oribe... and me."

Momosaki: "If only a miracle would help us to gain freedom."

They all wondered about a miracle. But then a screen pops up and it was on, and the group has their attention to the screen that is playing a video about a scientist named Dr. Henry Wu, where he tells something about a 'miracle.'

Dr. Henry Wu: [on video] To some people, what I do is indistinguishable from a miracle. The complexities involved in recreating life millions of years expired.. unfathomable. In the right hands, genetic modification is the most powerful tool ever created. Like any tool, it requires skill to wield. And when it is used correctly... it creates a work of art. As you can see, the facility of Isla Muerta has remained hidden from view, and for good reason, in time and as the need rises, I'll let you know why. But for now, exploit it as best you can. I was less than thrilled with the way Dr. Ian Malcolm has begun to influence our operations. His type of science it too cautious, too... safe. And it is affecting the divisions. The truth is, there are no miracles here. The only thing that exists, is science. And my experiments are simply the next step. I hold the power of mixed DNA of species that has ever existed. Why imagine the possibilities when I have the power to make them a reality? Evolution... is just a start.

Then the video was cut as it shows new and strange unseen dinosaurs with a mixture of different dinosaur species. The Spinoraptor, the Stegoceratops, the Erlidominus and the Dilophospinus

Now the group realized that there is something else other than regular dinosaurs. But one of them knew that those dinosaurs were fake.

Chris: "Those weren't real..."

Oribe: "Why did the guy that was on the video make those fake dinosaurs?"

Y/N: "Dr. Wu was remained dedicated to his research with hybrid dinosaurs and has the access to previously unseen locations based on Isla Tacano, and.... here."

Everyone: "Huh?!"

Y/N: "But I believe that was the reason why Isla Muerta was designated as Site C. This island is where Dr. Wu makes secret hybrid dinosaurs that we have never seen. It's also interesting for a fact that he has been talking about a rival genetics company, I think it's called BioSyn. What I would assume that they would go for some sort of corporate war between InGen and BioSyn: Who makes better dinosaurs, who makes better breeds, maybe InGens are outdated because they look the way they do. But I'd imagine that what if there was another company that made the dinosaurs fully feathered, or dinosaurs that had pure DNA that didn't have any blending of frogs, reptiles, amphibians, like any sort of.. tampering."

Y/N's discussion was interrupted by a flash of lighting outside. It was starting to rain, and now they couldn't go out. They all stayed inside the facility until the rain is over. Who knows that danger is still waiting for them to come.

To be continued...

Chapter 11 Preview...

A Spinosaurus attacking the facility

Thank you for reading Chapter 10. I really do appreciate all of your support for this story. I'll still be here if you guys want to suggest ideas for new chapters, or sharing your comments on the story, I'll be glad to hear it. And don't worry, the story is not over yet.

I'll see you guys on the next chapter, and as always, take it easy :)

Kyochuu Rettou (aka The Island of Giant Insects) belongs to Yasutaka Fujimi, REDICE, Shuu Hirose, Akita Publishing Co., Ltd.

The "Jurassic Park" Franchise belongs to Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton, etc.

All characters belong to their respective owners. I own nothing.

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