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61.53% Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park Male Reader / Chapter 8: Chapter 7

Chapter 8: Chapter 7

Previously on "Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park," Y/N, Oribe, Naruse, and the rest of the group had a mission to find a radio tower that is somewhere on the island to help call the rescued team to help in a few days. So eventually, it's up to them to find a way to survive in an island full of dinosaurs. After they have called for SOS, they all headed back to the Visitor's Center to tell the other group about the arrival. The group were running through the isles of a jungle landscape during the rain. They were covering their heads or protect themselves from this pouring weather at a time like this.


In the Visitors Center, Miss Marika, Aoyama, Suzuki and Usui have been waiting for the group to come back. Aoyama was being stubborn and impatient. She did not like waiting.

Aoyama: "What's taking them so long?"

Miss Marika: "They will come, Aoyama. Be patient."

Usui: "It takes a while for them to come back, you know."

Usui was sitting on a broken escalator which was lead to the second floor of the visitor center.

Suzuki: "What if they were attacked by something? Shouldn't we go to them?"

Miss Marika: "Right now is best if we all stay together. We should not get separated and get ourselves attacked by any dinosaur."

Aoyama: "Anything for you!"

Y/N and the group made it to the park, they were running back to the Visitor's Center, to the gates, a little soaked. Y/N opened the door, and all the group came in, and Minowa closed the door. Y/N came to tell them about the call for rescue to come.

Minowa: "We're back."

Y/N: "Miss Marika, I have something to say. We went to the radio tower, and we called for a rescue team to arrive on this island. But the problem is, the rescue operation should be arriving in exactly 2 or 3 days the minimum. We'll have to survive and make sure that we all won't get separated from each other."

Marika: "I see. Well, then. Since this island is inhabited by dinosaurs like you said earlier, I hope that you are fully aware of you guiding us through the process of getting off of this island until rescue arrives."

Y/N looks at the map and sees that he has marked a medical facility that is on the map. Y/N had a feeling that if they'd go right now, then they would all get killed by a dinosaur or worse.

Y/N: "We can't leave now. There's a large amount of carnivores along the way. I mean, Kamijo was attacked by a Dilophosaurus, and we were chased by the other. I'd fear that there might be something else that's bigger than that. So we should just stay here for the night."

Minowa: "He's right. We'd problem won't survive on our own."

Marika: "Are you saying that not one of us will make it out alive? The place you are trying to lead us, is that place really safe, or not?"

Oribe: "He's telling the truth. I believe that the medical facility is far more safer."

Momosaki: "He's more reliable than you, teacher."

And for a moment, Miss Marika has finally agreed for once that her students is being honest that they will be safe to find the facility. She observes that their decisions might be quite useful otherwise if they are not careful, they would regret their actions.

Marika: "All right. I will stick to your decision. We will rest here for the night."

Y/N: "Thank you."


It was already nighttime, and everybody was ready to sleep as they all planned to stay inside the Visitors Center for the night. They were all looking for their spots to sleep in. Y/N feeling down a bit. Y/N approached to her.

Y/N: "I'm really sorry about earlier."

Naruse: "It's okay. None of this was your fault, Y/N."

Y/N: "But you were trying to help, weren't you?"

Naruse: "Yeah, I was. All that matters is that you did what you can to send help."

Y/N smiled at her. She understands that Y/N did his best to help save the group and luckily they have come so far to get the SOS message while stranded on an island.

Y/N: "Thank you, Naruse. Get some rest."


It was the middle of the night, and everyone was sleeping. Naruse and Oribe stayed together, Miura and Matsuoka slept together, and the others were sleeping in their own spots.

But while Y/N was sleeping, his eyes were closed and his teeth clenching. This tells that he is having a dream, and it might not be a good one.

Y/N's Dream:

Y/N was running on a rainy night, rushing through the bushes. And he paused and sees a broken fence that was no longer electric. Something had stepped out onto the road... A large dinosaur. Y/N froze, and sees a giant reptile bellowed as it is bounding forward, moving between the two cars. Y/N watches with wide eyes. He sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The T-Rex circles the Land Cruiser, looking inside, then snaps his head down, shatters the windshield, jarring it. Y/N hears the scream of two kids inside the rear. The Rex moves to the back, sinks its fangs into the spare tire and tears it away--- lifting the rear; it thumps down, with a muddy splash.

Y/N: "No!"

The Rex scratches himself, rocking the car, then sees them through the sunroof. He smashes it down and the plastic bubble falls over the kids like a shield, as the Rex lowers his whole head into the car; his breath snorts on the plastic; his tongue slaps wetly. He repeatedly pokes his head in--- trying to get at the bubble, to pull it away. He fails.

Frustrated, he attacks the car repeatedly, ramming it with his head. The car goes over. Mud oozes in the windows. The big head thrusts in and chomps... upholstery! Now the Rex gets his teeth around the side post and lifts the whole car into the air. The Rex tries to slide the kids toward his mouth. They struggle to hang on, but one falls through the side window and landed near the Rex's huge clawed toes, and moved away. The other in the car is tilted high, loud metal rending, and then everything outside swings crazily. The trunks of the palm trees move sideways--- as the car is released.

Y/N gasped in shock. Then he sees Dr. Ian Malcolm who came out of the vehicle, holding a flare the produces a bright light or intense heat without causing an explosion on his right hand, trying to distract the Tyrannosaur and ran, but even though he did, Y/N sees that it was already too late, the Tyrannosaur was too close. There was another crack of lightning and in that instance of glaring white light, Y/N watched in horror as it roared and went forward. Y/N was not clear of what's gonna happen next, as he thought of it, the Tyrannosaur ducked its massive head and Malcom was tossed into the air.

Y/N: [thinking] "Dammit! I could've saved him!"

But Malcolm wasn't the only person he saw, he also sees Alan Grant who is about to run for the woods when the Tyrannosaur spins back to him, and suddenly the Tyrannosaur faces him, roaring!

Y/N: "Dr. Grant?"

Grant freezes by the open door... The Rex roars again. Grant presses his trembling hands against the door. The Tyrannosaur roars, but does not attack. It moves away, then abruptly whips its head back, very close to Grant! The black nostrils flare inches from his face. The muscular jaws open and close. Somehow, Grant doesn't move. Because he is working it out: the Rex can't see him if he doesn't move. Y/N ran from the bushes to approach to Grant, he was almost gonna make it, then suddenly the big hind leg lifts up and crashes on the roof of the car, slides off with a metal screech, barely misses Grant, and blows the tire. Startled, the Rex delivers a mighty kick and the Land Cruiser tumbles over. Grant falls backward, down a hill along with it.

Y/N: "Damn it all!"

Y/N ran quickly where the tyrannosaur knock Grant out in the wind. He was tensing to run, and then suddenly the Tyrannosaur spun back to face him. The dinosaur turned it's head at Y/N's direction, and he froze. His eyes became widely open and the dinosaur roared loudly, a shadow as it came closer, and the whole world became totally black and darkness.

At the moment, Y/N wakes up frightened and panting. He looks around in fright, and the realization came to it, he had a nightmare. Y/N calms himself, and goes back to sleep next to Oribe. Y/N was dreaming of the moment of the main road attack where Dr. Grant had first witnessed the T- Rex breakout. Y/N couldn't stop thinking about that dream, before he could wake up almost anyone, Y/N took a step outside the Visitors Center took keep his distance away from the group, not knowing that Oribe had woken up fro hearing him walk away. Y/N was sitting on the staircase leading to the balcony walkway. Oribe sees him just sitting there without saying a word.

Oribe: Y/N?

Oribe then notices that his tears were falling from his eyes.

Oribe: "You're crying. Are you okay?"

Y/N: "I don't know."

Oribe: "Did you had a nightmare or something?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I did... I woke up from a vision that felt so real. Just now."

Oribe: "You want to talk about it?"

Y/N didn't say anything.

Oribe: "Come on, Y/N. It really helps for me to understand when you talk about what's bothering you. So, just say it. I won't mind."

Y/N: "I just had a dream about something that might happen to us if we're not careful. We would be killed if we had no plan. But I had this feeling that.. it's my fault that I brought us into this mess. Just like how John Hammond's dream was ruined. He wanted to show the people something that wasn't an illusion, something that was real, something they could see and touch, you just have to feel it. But the thing is, reality destroyed that dream, and it had created a nightmare. I didn't want to admit it. But still, they never had control, that was the illusion. I didn't really understand this strange island that I was along with others. I was overwhelmed with the power of this place. But I have made a mistake now, I didn't have respect for that kind of power, but it's defunct, all dinosaurs are in their place. The truth is... I can't save everyone here."

Oribe: "Stop! That isn't true at all. You ignored your own fear, and let the Captain come and rescue us. You shouldn't fight your heart, so let your heart fight. And, I know the hardest part about survival, is that sometimes you have to sacrifice everything you cared about for a chance to be free, and that's really the upsetting moment. But the only thing that matters right now is the people that we love. You're the reason I'm still here. Chitose, Matsuoka, Chris and everyone you cared about would be dead if you haven't shown up. Yes, we lave lost a few of our friends at the beginning, but we still have each other. Don't be afraid when you already know that it's not the end. You still did a good job."

Y/N shed his tears from his eyes. He buried his face into Oribe's chest and started crying as she rubbed her hand through his hair. His hands come up to grasp her shirt, and hugged her from her camouflage jacket. Oribe was beside Y/N and close to him in a sweet embrace, she hugged him tightly.

"We're all in this together." She says softly, as she watches Y/N letting his emotions out. He can't express the words as his tears were dampening in front of her shirt.

So, they both got up and went back quietly to the main hall where everybody was still sleeping. Oribe went back to sleep with Naruse. But Y/N thought that he would rather not be by himself because he sees that he has a loving girlfriend that cares about everyone, especially those who care deeply.

So Y/N came close to Oribe and lied down on her chest, and listening to the soothing sound of her heart. Y/N felt calm and, lulled by the beatings of her warm heart. After that moment, Y/N fell asleep.

Oribe kissed him on the forehead, and smiled with her eyes closed.

To be continued...

(A/N: The Main Road attack was scarier in the novel and it inspired me to do the nightmare scene.)

Look, sometimes when it comes to a nightmare, not many of them are completely accurate to the real event, okay? Anyway, thank you for reading Chapter 7. Many bits and pieces of ideas are still coming to form. And let me know if there are some mistakes if you would like me to change.

I'll see you guys on the next chapter, and as always, take it easy :)

Kyochuu Rettou (aka The Island of Giant Insects) belongs to Yasutaka Fujimi, REDICE, Shuu Hirose, AKITA Publishing Co., Ltd.

The "Jurassic Park" Franchise belongs to Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton, etc.

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