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38.46% Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park Male Reader / Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Chapter 5: Chapter 4

On the deepest jungle of Isla Muerta, Y/N and his classmates began searching for a place to find themselves invulnerable. Matsuoka was cutting down the vines when they were making their path on the trial. Kai pauses and sees something a distant away.

Kai: "Y/N!"

Y/N nods for the others to take a look. They head over, and as Y/N approaches, he stops to where Kai was looking. Looking down, they find a strange, hollowed-our construction made of sod and branches. Maybe six feet around. Just now noticing the other's stare, Naruse looks down into one of the bowls at her feet, a half-buried nest. It's filled football-sized eggs, laid in a spiral. This isn't the only best she sees. Oribe counts twelve in all, laid out in an oddly symmetrical pattern. The last to arrive, Y/N recognizes the species in a horrified instant from before.

Y/N: "Raptors. I knew they would be a problem."

And as he says the words, off in the distance, they hear the cry of some herbivores, around by the chorus of snarls. They continued to walk to the foliage on their path. Further in the forest, they hear a medium thump and shaking trees which came close.

Naruse: "Did you hear that?"

Y/N: "I heard that."

Matsuoka: "What was it?"

They all tracked down right along with the animals as they move in the foliage. Miura became scared and came close to Matsuoka. Kamijo, Jinno and Kai wondered what caused the shaking from the trees. And ahead of them, thick foliage blocks the path to the height of about fifteen feet. But around them, a crashing sound gets louder and closer, the swaying trees shivers right beside them. They all remained still, and above their path, they see a sudden movement. A row of Stegosaurus fins. The spade-shaped fins run along a ridge down in the middle of the animal's back, about three feet tall each. The group became amazed, and a the stegosaur continues on, they get a good look at it through a break in the foliage. It's a large dinosaur with a small head, a thick neck, a huge lumbering body, and a dragging tail with long spikes in it make it a peculiar and unique dinosaur. Stegosaurus is easily one of the best known dinosaurs and is recognized all over the world. It is the largest and most famous member of the stegosaur family.

Oribe: "It's beautiful!"

A second stegosaurus comes by, a baby about a quarter the size of a first animal, following the adult. While the group is reaching to that, the earth vibrates and a third stegosaurus, by far the biggest of the three, walks out of the foliage right behind them, crossing within ten feet. Apparently unconcerned about these little creatures in their environment, the stegos continue on across the stream bed. Oribe raises a still camera and shoots pictures. Her shutter is muted, so that a muffled CLICK is all that's audible.

Y/N: "It's a Stegosaurus. It's okay. They're herbivores. They feed on leaves or plants."

Miura: "Sugoi!" (Amazing!)

Kai: "I like those fins on their backs. But are they dangerous when they have those spike tails to attack?"

Y/N: "The spikes on its tail are also the subjects of some controversy. Every color of Stegosaurus showed it with the spikes sticking up into the air and it has become accepted that these spikes stuck out horizontal to the ground, which would have been a potent defensive weapon when swung at a hunter. So yeah, it's really dangerous."

Matsuoka: "But are any of the dinosaurs intelligent, like those raptors?"

Y/N: "It depends on their behavior and anatomy, because it is difficult to know how smart dinosaurs were because their brains rarely survive as fossils. Casts taken from the inside of fossil skulls show that some dinosaurs had large brains, while others had small ones. A dinosaur's intelligence was suited to its lifestyle and the tasks it needed to perform. But a stegosaurus brain is incredibly small."

Kai: "So it's brain is a size of a walnut?"

Y/N: "It was once thought to have been the size of a walnut, but a CAT-scan proves that it was actually the size of a kitten. In fact, most scientists originally believed that its brain was too small to control such a large creature and that it used an auxiliary "brain" located above its rear legs to help control its movements."

Naruse: "So the brain supports the body to move?"

Y/N: "Yeah. Something like that. Anyway, let's just keep moving."

While they were walking, they reach the top of the ridge and gaze into the distance. A jungle valley stretches before them. Not far off in a vast compound, comprised of several buildings. One building alone seems to cover several acres. The group breathes a sigh of relief.

Matsuoka: "It's like a building."

Kamijo: "I bet there are people down there."

Naruse and Y/N share dubious looks and continue down into the valley. The group emerges from the jungles and enters the compound. They walk through an overgrown parking lot, littered with abandoned vehicles. Some are lying on their side. Others are overturned completely. They're not going to be driving anywhere. And the group finally approaches the front doors of an enormous building. They find themselves in a sparse, one quietly opulent corporate lobby now in the process of being reclaimed by the jungle/ roots and ivy poke through the floor and walls.

In the waiting area, the cushions of a sofas and chairs have been gnawed at and pulled apart, dusty coffee mugs and filled ashtrays lie on the table. The water has turned brackish in a near by cooler. There came a sudden flapping. They all look up and see birds nesting in the rafters. It is an eerie, haunted place. Sitting on the reception counter is an official-looking telephone. Everyone has the same thought, but no one dares. Naruse sees a digital multi-line speaker telephone.

Naruse: "A telephone?"

Naruse cleans it with a paper towel and puts the receiver to her right ear as she was trying to make a call. But there was no dial.

Naruse: "It's no use."

She puts the phone back. With Y/N and Oribe in the lead, they head deeper into the building. Unseen by the group, a fleeting shadow flits across the lobby's dirty windows with terrifying speed. As they were walking, they see a couple of vending machines stand at the one end of this long hallway covered with vines. Kamijo notices them and pulls change from his pocket.

Kamijo: "I've got about a dollar seventy- five. Hey, anybody else got more change?"

SMASH! Kai smash in the window of one machine with his boot. Picking through the glass, he pulls out some candy bars and chips. He checks the expiration date.

Kai: "Well, thank God for preservatives."

He tosses the food to the others.

Jinno: "You are surely useful."

Kamijo now turns to his own vending machine and smashes it with his heal. The glass refuses to break.

Kamijo: "Dammit!"

When the group of people walked through the corridor, Y / N and Oribe pushed open a door and saw an abandoned laboratory filled with many equipments. As the group walked down the ramp to the floor, they began to absorb incredible techniques: a huge freezer, which was unplugged a few years ago; an empty incubator; and a formaldehyde tank with dinosaur fetuses and body parts. Machines with intricate tubing and wing arms stand beside conveyer belts cris crossing the room at different levels.

Naruse: "This is how they make dinosaurs?"

Y/N: "This is the means by which you play God."

Miura is passing a large cylindrical tanks with half-formed embryos floating in formaldehyde -- genetic experiments gone awry.

Miura: "They look like babies."

Y/N: "Okay, everyone. We did not find any other survivors. But, thank Kai for the food that will keep us up for a little while."

Kai: "Yeah, sure."

Kai smiles with his eyes close.

The group walked back as they came to an exit. Y/N was still convinced that he felt bad for not finding other students other than his classmates.


Meanwhile, they moved on darkness on damp mossy earth. The landscape was steep, rugged and treacherous. At the top of the next bridge there was a break in the foliage from this vantage point, they were able to see the far side of the island between here in the cliffs, they see nothing but a gently undulating jungle view.

Jinno: "Wow. I never thought a view like this could be so wonderful."

Y/N: "Not bad."

Oribe: "I'm surprised that there is nothing, but birds from this view."

At that very moment, they heard a deep rumbling sound. And soon after a loud, distant unearthly cry. They heard it loud and clear.

Miura: !!!!

Kamijo: "W-What was that?"

Kai: "Maybe a giant dinosaur."

Then another cry was answered from another part of the forest. It has gotten louder as it was still distant. It was something big, something near.

Y/N: "Whatever it is, it sounds like it's already there."

They all saw a place that tops the trees beginning to move. A forest seems to be coming alive before stopping, The group crossed themselves quickly before they followed Y/N deeper into the interior of the jungle. It wasn't long until they found the remains of a broken jeep. They followed it. Their progress would be a lot quicker on the road. They came across a stream with muddy banks on both sides. Y/N sees a clear three-toes footprint in the mud, and as he looks, he sees that some of them were quite bigger. Something shiny pointed in the stream. Y/N bent over to pick it up. As he did, he realized that he was holding a pipette, the kind that is used in the laboratories.

Suddenly Y/N caught movement in his right eye. Something brown and scurry was scurrying across the ground. The group saw it, too and grunted in surprise. Just as quickly as it appeared, it had slipped back into the jungle. Y/N looked at the tiny footprints left by the animal, and recognizes for a second what the animal was. Suddenly a soft squeak cane from his left, as the ferns began to shake near him. After waiting patiently, a small animal peeked out from the fronds. It was a tiny sauropod from the late Triassic. A Mussaurus.

Miura: "Aw, how cute."

The little animal ventured out of it further from the fronds and Y/N slowly extended his hand. The creature squeaked once more, but didn't make any sudden moves. If anything had seemed curious, cocking it's head before walking closer. The tiny animal showed no sign of fear before it stepped lightly into Y/N's hand. The dinosaur walked around and sniffed his fingers. Y/N smiled as if he was charmed, and showed the animal to the group.

Y/N: "This is a Mussaurus."

The group was amazed as they took a look.

Matsuoka: " A mu-what?"

Y/N: "A Mussaurus. It's name means a 'mouse lizard.' This little guy is unlike its huge descendants, however, as it was a small, fast plant-eater. I assume that this one is an infant."

Oribe: "It got lost?"

Y/N: "I think."

Then suddenly, the little creature hissed in annoyance and jumped off of Y/N's hand before it disappeared in the fronds.

Matsuoka: "It ran off."

Then they smell a foul odor and heard heavy rustling in the bushes on the other side.

Kai: [covers his mouth] "Something reeks."

Y/N looked back and forth to what caused that rustling from the bushes. But then Y/N notices blood dripping onto the ground that is coming from the plants. Y/N realizes that they are not the only ones to where they are standing. They hear branches snapping and leaves rustling. The bushes shook ferociously before Y/N saw a single large foot pulling back in the fronds with it, they continued to shake. Y/N looks up and backs away as something from the trees slowly makes its appearance. The view pulls back to show it is the very same shading as the foliage, and uncovered one of the most peculiar yet perilous meat-eating dinosaurs at any point found. The horns of this 13 ft. predator looked something like those of a bull - and like a bull, it might have utilized them in challenges with others of its own species. Y/N notices the horns and he sees that it was a Carnotaurus. It somehow had a unique ability to camouflage. It's spiked covering on the top and a couple of bumpy horns over its little eyes. The neck and shoulder bones were all around grew, yet the arms were fantastically short, with lower arms so contracted they were for all intents and purposes just wrists; not even Tyrannosaurus rex had such little arms. The forest has been erupted with a vicious animal roar all around them. Y/N glimpse a large reptile charging at him.

Naruse: "Look out!!"

Y/N dodged the attack and quickly took a few steps back.

Y/N: "A Carnotaurus!"

Jinno: "It can camouflage!"

Y/N: "Go! Run!"

Y/N leads the group out the open end of the cockpit. They make a mad dash for the jungle. A tremendous roar causes Oribe to look behind him. She can't help but steal a glimpse of this terrifying, but utterly fascinating, animal. Y/N yanks her forward.

As they were running while the chairs ensues, the group tears through the jungle. Concealed by the dense undergrowth, the Carnotaurus bears down on them -- mowing down the young trees which toppled all around them. Y/N spots a grove of much heavier trees and leads the group into it. They were running with heavy breathing. As they made through the trunks, the Carnotaurus opened its jaws trying to catch its prey but it got stuck. The dinosaur cannot fit between the trunks. It roars at the fleeing humans, searching desperately for a route after them. The group continues their relentless pace, putting as much distance as they can between themselves and the beast. Naruse looks like she's about to have a heart attack. Even Kai was gasping for air.

Kamijo: "Hey, are you actually trying to get us killed from those monsters?!"

Y/N: "No, I promise. I wasn't sure if there would be any other predators that might be around the corner. I'm still trying to find a place that can be secured."

Kamijo: "Well it sounds like you're not trying hard enough!"

Matsuoka: "Leave him alone! He is trying his best that he can to save us! The only thing everyone is annoyed by is your own selfish behavior."

Kamijo: "How?! By getting us eaten alive by that big bull Dino, just because were on some insane island?!"

Matsuoka: "You son of a bitch!"

Matsuoka grabs him by the shirt as she got angry for insulting Y/N for not helping them.

Jinno: "Isn't there a safe place anywhere, not not?!! There's questions I want to ask. So how about you shut your mouth and let me do the talking."

Matsuoka was furious.

Jinno: "Hey, Y/N! You mind telling me what we were chased by?"

Y/N: "It was a Carnotaurus."

Jinno: "Huh?! What do you mean by that?"

Y/N: "Carnotaurus means "meat-eating bull", alluding to its bull-like horns. So it obviously is a carnivorous predator."

Matsuoka: "So we just need to be a lot more careful, right?"

Y/N: "Yeah. We just need to keep ourselves prepared."

Naruse and Matsuoka agreed.

Kai: "Well, since we've escaped from that bull dinosaur and got ourselves a funny story, we've probably become lemmings."

A/N: Real lemmings don't commit mass suicide. In the investing world, people who follow the crowd for no particular reason are dubbed lemmings.

Matsuoka: "Lemmings?"

Kai: "Even so, one thing was found. No matter how big or small the dinosaurs are. If we all use Y/N's knowledge and Mutsumi's survival tips, we can take one more step ahead."

Y/N: "Who knows if we won't make it out alive. Survival of the fittest."

Jinno: "Did any of you guys misunderstand something? We all could have died because of those two!!"

Y/N became angered by his ex for saying that Mutsumi and Y/N were just not being helpful. So Naruse stares at her as if she was slightly mad at her as well with a serious expression.

Naruse: [deeply] "We will get off this island."

Jinno: "Tch!"

Miki sees something close to a distant far away from where they are.

Miki: "Hey, guys. I think I see something."

Y/N: "What is it?"

Miki: "I think it's like a gate, that's wooden."

They all came to where Miki sees a Main Gate with two enormous, primitive gates, torches blazing on either side. And on top of it says "Jurassic Park: Isla Muerta."

To be continued...

That's the end of Chapter 4. Hope you all enjoyed it. See you guys on the next chapter, and as always, take it easy :)

Kyochuu Rettou (aka The Island of Giant Insects) belongs to Yasutaka Fujimi, REDICE, Shu Hirose

The "Jurassic Park" Franchise belongs to Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton, etc.

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