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23.07% Kyochuu Rettou X Jurassic Park Male Reader / Chapter 3: Chapter 2

Chapter 3: Chapter 2

On the other side of Isla Muerta, there was another group of survivors were finding something to eat and for something to drink for their throats. First there was Kai Kazuhiko; he has shoulder-length hair with thick, textured twists. His features are rather slim and refined with sharp eyes and jawline. He's a bit shorter and skinnier than average. He dresses in a simple button-up and jeans. His thick lashes, viridian eyes and hair makes him unique enough amongst peers. Second, there's Kamijo Atsushi, lean and tall in stature, Atsushi sports a delinquent demeanor that coincides his style. His head is shaved with an 'X' bladed in his hairline. Thin brows accentuate his frown and snarl he usually wears. He wears a vintage styled aviator jacket with a cream-fur collar. He adorns a gold chain and skinny jeans that sag low on his hips. Judging by his clothes, he pays close attention to appearance. Third there Hiroshi Tsuge; he was wearing white soc jacket and red coloring with a shirt and pants. Fourth came Satoshi Oda, an little overweight boy with a sweater that says "YAS" on the top and "NO" on the bottom and wears navy blue pants. Fifth, Miura Mami, a popular idol who attends the school, is the object of adoration by many of her male (and some female) classmates. Though physically and emotionally weak, and not adept to any harsh wilderness. Though Mami doesn't appear to be the regular student, she stands out with pink pigtails, attire and light blue eyes. She wears a white daisy accessory in her hair, even though it is impractical in their situation. She's petite and shorter than her peers. Fifth came Miki Shirakawa, an alert girl with good hearing due to her timid nature. She is a very shy, quiet girl in the group. Sixth came Naruse Chitose, and lastly, came Jinno Misuzu. There were 7 people in the group that were searching for something that could find themselves safe and secure.

Kai: "Man, I'm getting thirst."

Hiroshi: "Me, too..."

Kamijo: "Shut up, your throat's ain't the only ones that are dry!"

Miura: "Hey.. do you think it was just us that survived?"

Satoshi: "No, not at all, Mami. I'm sure there other survivors waiting around the corner."

Hiroshi: "What's up with you appealing to the idol at a time like this?"

Satoshi: "Th... that's not what I'm doing."

Although in his perspective, Satoshi was not seen doing anything otaku-ish.

A/N: I'm sure you know what "otaku" is. If you don't know what it is, it's a term in Japan where a young person who is obsessed with computers or particular aspects of popular culture to the detriment of their social skills.

Naruse look down to see that the trial is full of dry dirt. She usually knows that there's a path that is made of asphalt, but this one is not.

Naruse: "Guys, don't you notice anything strange about this island? I just assumed that—"

Hiroshi: "Hey, look!"

They all see a vending machine that is covered in roots on the side and is broken. And they ran into the machine. Hiroshi, Kai and Kamijo pushed the machine down, grabbed the stick as they try to open the back side of the vending machine. Naruse told them to stop.

Naruse: "Hold on, wait just a minute! Who cares about who owns this vending machine..."

The back of the vending machine was open. They didn't care about stopping, they just wanted something to fill their energy, in a rude kinda way.

Kamijo: "Shut up! It's a state of emergency!"

They all took a can, and drank it.

Hiroshi: "Ahhh, that hit the spot!"

Kai: "Only if it were cold, it would be better."

Kamijo tossed Miki and Naruse a drink, Miki got one, but Naruse didn't want one. She felt disrespected when they didn't listen. Jinno licked the top part of the can while it was flowing down. She looks like she was totally in love with it.

Jinno: "It's too bad we have to wait at a place like this, right, class rep?"

Naruse didn't respond.

Jinno: "Hey, come over here for a sec."

Jinno held Miura close to her and they sat down. Naruse knows that Jinno is the most disgusting woman as far as she remembers. That's one reason that why Naruse convinces Y/N to go with Oribe instead.

Jinno: "Phew. Glad we're able to secure ourselves with some drinks. Though we don't have any food for later. Hey, you guys, go look for some food!!"

Kamijo: "Misuzu, you really are a bitch, you know that?"

Hiroshi: "Yeah, sounds like you're forcing us to find food!"

Jinno: "If you find me some delicious food, I'll show you guys something you like."

Kai: "Nah, I'd rather pass."

Satoshi: "Same here."

Jinno: "Fine then, how about I show you guys Mami's hypersensitive look instead?"

Miura: "W-Why!?"

Jinno: "Oh, come on, they want to see that cute look when your embarrassed, don't they?"

Miura: "Hey, couldn't you just think about telling them to go out and scout for a little?"

Jinno: "Don't you remember what my usual everyday self is like, because while I'm around, all you'll ever be is a scrap material, got that?"

Miura: "Y- Yes, ma'am..." [she felt down]

Miura got shocked when she told her something that felt hurt as she realizes that she molest her. The way that she treated Miura made her believe that she is an evil redhead. The boys left to not get involved, so they went out to look for something, maybe to find some food. Naruse saw that she was bullying Miura, she walked up to them and Miura ran close to her feeling that she is saved.

Naruse: "Misuzu, do you really believe that this is a perfect time to bully people. Because it's certainly not."

Jinno: "Do you believe that this is a perfect time to act as a class president?"

They both got angry until someone came from the bushes who was also from the group. It was Inou Ai. She has long, ashen hair pulled into a ponytail. She wearing an orange jacket, olive green shorts and running shoes. A girl from the school Wandervogel Club.

Inou: "Hey, now. I finally catch up to you guys and there's already trouble? If we're not cooperating after we've fallen into such a unique situation, then our chances of survival will decrease rapidly, you know. And since our mobile devices aren't useful in this place, either, we should help each other out, too."

A little personality she showed was a general friendliness and optimism. Though that she is very energetic when it comes to playing a sport.

Jinno: "What the hell took you so long?!"

Inou took steps as she was counting. She must have been counting those numbers because as she counted 997 to 1000, she was making a landmark map.

Inou: "Since my pace is an average of 54 centimeters, it took me about 450 meters to get here from where I was a little while ago."

Since where they are is about about 2.3 kilometers from where she is now with the group, she thought that this island is a pretty big one.

Inou: "As one would expect... only those from the Wandervogel Club are able to make a simple map like this."

Jinno: "A map?"

Inou: "Yeah, I'm making a landmark map. Even hikers manage to get lost into situations like this, it makes sense to do this so that we won't end up running in circles and heading back to the same place. Anyway, the class rep can clarify the data that I collected."

Naruse: "A little while ago, those guys who said that they didn't like this seem to have walked away. So since they aren't with us, the likelihood that this group would survive has been lowered immensely."

Jinno had something to say about this.

Jinno: "Hey! I know what you're trying to say, okay?!"

Inou: "If that's the case, then how about we take a majority vote after the boys come back."

Jinno: "Shut up!!"

Miki: "So, what do we do now?"

Inou: "Hold on for a minute. Nature calls."

Naruse: "Wait, you're doing it now?"

Inou: "Don't worry, I'm used to it back at the Wandervogel Club. So it should be quick.

Jinno: "Hey, wander! Where are you running off, too!?"

Inou: "It's only natural. I'll be back soon."

Jinno: "She went off, didn't she?"

Naruse looked back at the jungle area while on the trial, she wondered that what is taking the people that left so long. She also wondered and worried about Mustumi.

Naruse: "[thinking] If Mutsumi were to join this group, along with Y/N, I'm sure we'd be able to survive until rescue comes. Mutsumi, Y/N, where are you?"

While Inou was finding a spot to do something that's 'natural,' she was looking for a spot so she can take a leak. She crouched down and her hands were on her knees and waiting for urinating to come. While she was waiting, she hears rustling from the bushes. She gasps, and thought that it was the boys coming back, she felt like she needed to hurry. And then she heard a reptilian hiss, it was coming somewhere from the bushes.

Inou: "What was that?"

Inou then notices a snake crawling on a tree branch. A snake slithers across a tree branch, past what looks like the large iris of a flower. The flower blinks. It's the eye of the raptor. Inou sees it, her eyes were opening wide and became alarmed. She didn't like what was happening at a time like this, until she saw a dark striped lizard creeping slowly through the jungle foliage as it sees it's prey. The lizard rises slowly out of the bush, fully revealing itself to Inou, HISSING at her. The appearance of this horrifying reptile made her petrified, and let out a scream of horror.

The group hears the scream as it echoed. She cries for help. They ran to where she is and they stopped as they see that an animal was staring at her. It wasn't just an animal, but rather appear to be their own separate species. They all see that Inou Ai has witnessed a Velociraptor. This 6-feet dinosaur is applied to the genus of another dromaeosaurid dinosaur known as Deinonychus. Raptors are extremely intelligent, they are known as the deadliest carnivores the world has ever known.

Naruse gasps and covered her mouth with an alarmed expression instead of screaming. Inou gets up as she tries to run away but the raptor pounces as it struck her from behind as she felt something down her back, it was the claws. She was still frightened of the attack she didn't know was coming, and then she already urinated her underpants. The sickle-shaped claw on the second toe of each foot is what made it a formidable predator. Inou tries to stand up but couldn't move her body. She started to cry tears during the pain and suffering. At Inou's last moment, the sickle claw has dug into the flesh of her stomach. The animal thrusts down its sickle claw and cuts into her body. It's head jerking at the organs that it used to be inside of the student, who was now formerly a member of the Wandervogel Club. It was tugging at Inou's intestines, Inou was still alive when it started to eat her but she was no longer able to form words — she could only moan. Then another velociraptor appeared and she felt the animals hot breath on her throat. She hears the snorting breath and her terror was extreme. Then suddenly, blood was dribbling down her chin and splattering while the raptor was devouring the flesh of her insides.

Jinno: "Oh my God!!"

Naruse started to scream. The boys ran to what was going on, and they were all paralyzed with fear as they see Inou's corpse being eaten by a velociraptor. Now there were 3 raptors snarling around Inou's body, tearing viciously at her carcass. They watched as one of the raptors lift its head up tearing away a piece of blood-soaked shirt, another was shaking the hiker's severed head and it's jaws before dropping it to the ground. Here it was every animal for itself. The frenzied raptors hopped and ducked their heads as they toured the rest of the body into pieces.

Hiroshi: "No... this can't be happening."

Kai: "I thought dinosaurs had died years ago. How is it possible they're still here?!"

Satoshi was frightened when he was seeing the raptors killing one of their friends and slowly took a few steps back. But another raptor jumps onto a fallen tree trunk behind them, he doesn't notice it. Unaware of the raptor's presence, he remained silent until he finally sees the raptor behind him. The raptor crouches and snarls and slams into Satoshi, and takes him down. Satoshi is thrown forward, into the others, who fall like dominoes. Satoshi screams, his voice an unnatural, high-pitched squeal, as the raptor flips him over and lowers its jaws into him. Miura looks up, panicked. Her eyes widen at the sight of another raptor, this one running straight at her top speed. She buries her face in the dirt, covering her head with her hands, and the raptor's foot slams into the ground between her legs as it bounds over her and dives onto Satoshi, joining the first raptor in the kill.

Kai: "I... I need to take this opportunity to escape, straight away."

Kai ran quickly to avoid the attack from the velociraptors. Y/N, Oribe and Matsuoka ran to the bushes as they were on their way to find out what made that scream. They thought it was Naruse's voice.

Oribe: "So there really are other people who survived than just us!"

Y/N: "I knew they're alive!"

Y/N then notices something about the tiny lizard from a tree. He feels like there really is something that Isla Muerta had when it comes to creating dinosaurs. When they arrived, they all freeze in horror to see velociraptors killing their friends. Matsuoka was paralyzed in fear as they were shocked to see Inou and Satoshi's body being eaten by the raptors.

Matsuoka: [gasps in horror] "What is that thing!?"

Y/N: "No... a velociraptor. They're the most intelligent dinosaurs on Isla Nublar, and Isla Sorna, but they're here in this island, too?"

With a reptilian roar, another raptor comes flashing out of nowhere and pounces on Hiroshi. The raptor's claw slashes through Hiroshi's midsection. Hiroshi screams and falls back, the raptor locked on top of him, all tooth and claw all of a sudden. As the raptor makes the kill, the first raptor strides slowly forward and watches approvingly. It throws its head back and snarls. The raptor begins to eat him alive. Miura was frightened that she couldn't watch, she averted her eyes.

Miura: "What are we gonna do? Are we gonna die?"

Y/N pulls out a paradox warlock knife from his bag. Oribe notices it as he opens the blade.

Y/N: "No, we're not."

Oribe: "Wait, what are you doing!?"

Y/N: "Just stay down!"

Y/N makes a move as he ran to the velociraptor and stabs it on the top of its head, close to its nose. The dinosaur screamed in pain as Y/N makes action, the raptor shakes its head and retreats as it runs away. Another raptors looked at Y/N's direction, staring at him, seeing him completely unobstructed. It snarled it's menacing scream as it ran towards Y/N, crossing the tree in long, incredibly swift strides. Y/N was shocked to see it happening and froze in panic, when suddenly the animal made a gasping, gurgling sound and the big body pitched forward onto the ground. The heavy tail thumped the floor in spasms. The raptor continued to make choking sounds, punctuated by intermittent loud shrieks. Foam bubbled from it's mouth. The head flopped back and forth. The tail slammed and thumped. The second raptor soon approach it's pack mate, cocking it's puzzled head at the sudden development. Cautiously, it looked at a foaming mouth and then moved down to the twitching neck, the heavy ribs, the legs... and it took a bite from the hind leg. The dying animal cries out and lifted its head and sinking its own teeth into the neck of its attacker. The standing animal wrenched free. Blood flowed from its neck and it struck out with its hind claws and with a single swift movement ripped open the belly of the fallen animal. Coils of pale-white intestines fell out like flat snakes. The screams of the dying raptor was heard from humans. Y/N had realized that these animals have somewhat a feeding frenzy out in the open. They would immediately rip and tear the flesh from the animal, they just overtaken and only paused with a snarl and a snap at one another while they're prey was still being downed. It resulted in the other members of the group, hissing and snarling at the victim before it is forced to limp away badly wounded. The dying animal has become their prey and was met with 3 other raptors that had turned from the kill and decided to tear into this new fallen body with rapacious intensity. This terrible sight for Oribe to close her eyes and turn away. She didn't really understand this strange island that she was along with others.

Y/N: "Come on, now's our chance!"

They all followed Y/N to move out for the best and leave such a murderous uproar. They all ran far way from them as they went somewhere safe. They sighed and panting for breath.

Matsuoka: "A... Are we safe?"

Y/N: "Yeah.. for now. But I think they won't catch up to us."

Well, that's the end of Chapter 2. Hope you guys enjoyed it. See you guys on the next chapter, and as always, take it easy :)

Other than that, once again,

Kyochuu Rettou (aka The Island of Giant Insects) belongs to Yasutaka Fujimi, REDICE, Shu Hirose

The "Jurassic Park" Franchise belongs to Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton, etc.

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