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Chapter 11: Makeover Time!

I'm going to be honest. Never expected that to happen. Did I enjoy it. With a Lara *roft look alike, you're darn right I did. Emotionally, I'm just not ready. Six months isn't enough time to move on.

Never the less, we got what we came here for. More so for Abby but I digress. Now let me tell you how awesome it is being able to hack into the DMV! Muwhahahahahah! I'll need to get the three back at the motel their new I.D's but I need myself set up.

If Abby wants her own little ones, I guess we can be some kind of estranged family. I opted for us to walk back. Shadow travel is awesome and all but I want to see the scenery. Looking around for streets and asking locals if they know any nice places to look for rent or buying straight out. All in all it was an enjoyable event.

If only Abby would stop her damn humming. She's TOO chipper. Even if it does make my ego big. But here we are! In Forest Hills, Queens, New York. A subdivision of a subdivison of NY? Dunno, but it seems nice here.

Abby appears next to me and is judging everything with a keen eye. At this point I even have to wonder. .

Me: "Abby, why do you use the avatar so much lately? Isn't it annoying diverting your mind to two different forms?"

Abby hummed before responding, "well honestly, I've been in a symbiotic pairing for so long that the novelty has worn off. I'm actually enjoying being my own person! And besides little Richard, you have slowly been gaining experience controlling my abilities. My very being is under your will. But my mind, it is here in this form."

Me: "Ah. Well if you're okay with this then. As long as you're happy."

"Very much so", she whispered.

Walking down the streets I noticed a couple coming close; why so they look so familiar?

Red head, model physique, called her partner tiger? Oh shut the front door! It's Mary Jane! And freaking Peter "Spideyboy!" Parker. Welp, looks like I discovered which one we're stuck with. Or maybe it's a different reality? I do remember something about earth- 616 is the main Spiderman and this one seems like he is still in high school.

I so wanted to tease him but decided a different course of action. This one promising me some interesting fun!

Me: " Hey there you two! May I ask you a question?"

Oh Petey, you boy scout you. I may not be an expert but even I can see that unassuming stance is ready to crack my skull if need be. Too bad you can't. KLYNTAR FOR LIFE! Anywho. .

Peter: " Sure, what can we do for you?"

Smiling as best I can, "why me and my partner are wanting to move here! We have been looking around most the evening and havn't found a place that suited our needs yet. Would either of you two happen to know if a building nearby that can house five people?"

Sweet sweet MJ to the rescue: "Oh I know of a place right near me!"

Abby: "Excellent! How is the neighborhood?"

Abby led MJ to the side so they could talk. I don't even know how she pulled that off. I looked to Pete and shrugged my shoulders.

Me: "Sorry about that. She wants a decent home to relax in with her little ones."

Pete: " So y'all have three kids together. Must be tough on you two."

Me: "Nah, they are independent enough. She saved them in a sense and didn't want to let go."

He raised his eyebrows questioningly at me. Ehh, I'll let you think about it. It's personal kid.

Abby comes back all excited with MJ. I guess she wants to go check this place out.

Abby: "Most definently."

Me: "I havn't even said anything yet."

Abby: "I know your thoughts. Now come along, we have to grab the last owner's information!"

Dragging me off I could hear MJ gush over how attractive Abby is. Or how I got a girl like her. Heh, wouldn't you wanna know.

Me: "So you enjoy yourself with the little acting?"

Abby: "Who says I was acting, little Richard? I'm quite capable of interacting with the lesser beings in this universe."

Me: "Uh huh, reverting back to your old speech I see. Well onwards we go."

I wonder how close this place is to MJ and Pete? Oh how I would love to tease the two. I've always hated the wishy washy MJ in the comics. Not to mention how, weak willed, Peter could be as a civilian. .

After getting the information off the sign out front, we went back to the motel to let me sleep. Awake for nearly 40 hours? I'm exhausted!




Aw yeah man. I feel awesome! Waking up the way all men love to do is the best thing ever. You know what I mean. When you are damn well ready to wake up!

And thus begins my day. Take my shower, brush the teeth, relieve the pressure, and check my inventory! And let me tell you, I love that part the most. Turns out our dear dead meatbag was quite the skilled hacker. He tapped into everything and I do mean everything! From banks to credit cards to even the csrd swiper at the gas station. The whole reason he was celebrating in the club was he just got his system running on everything along the east coast, basically all of Kingpin's territory. For ever dollar, he taxed on 20 cents. He gives the Kingpin a large percentage, and good ol Fisk keeps him protected. Fat lot that did.

So what was I saying? Oh yeah! Inventory! So now I have it all. Abby has all of his money, and with some computer voodoo we did last night, was able to transfer it out of the country and then rewire it back to us in a newly created bank account. It took more brainpower than I have to do, thus Abby the magnificent, the stupendous, the all black, did most the work. It's nice being the man child. Such a reliable woman she is.

Sigh, it hurts the pride but I know I'm an average guy. So thus I used a burner phone, thank god this isnt the same time period when Spider-Man was first made, and got in touch with the company that is selling thr house for the owner.

After a little finagaling, we were able to get the large double townhouse for 1.2million. . . yes, alot of money. If this was my old world we wold be looking closer to 3 mil. . million. Ugh, I wanna throw up.

{Oh hush up you man child. We have the meatbag's money, this is barely an issue now}

Don't care. I'm sick.

So now I need to go to the bank with the dealer to do the transfering. It's not like you can just hand that much money over in cash. And I don't even have a cheque book!




Whew boy was that annoying. Turns out I needed my I.D I'm still waiting for. Teehee. Thankfully, money always talks best. Be loud, make a fuss, say I'll take my money, I looked like a real arse. I had the numbers for my account and was ready to do business but they were stalling me! But hey, I got the house.

All that mattered.

Now the hard part. . . turns out being a partner to a sociopath god and being treated like shit makes you one hell of an interior designer! Abby took charge of how she wanted our side to look and I went over to the three's new home. They were floored by the place.

Guess they didn't expect to get their own rooms. Well you were taken under Abby's wing after all, silly little ones.

Ack! I'm doing it again!

They are young adults! Get it right!

Me: "So how you three doing?"

Jasmine: "This is awesome! Personally it's too much for us but I'm not saying no to this!"

Natasha: "How are we going to repay you two? "

Me: "That's up to Abby, but knowing her it's only your soul and ever lasting servitude"

And there go the blank stares. I think they be starting to like me.

Me: "So are y'all gonna decorate this place? Any changes to do? Me and Abby are footing the bill, so you can do anything you three want"

And boy did that change things. They went from corner to corner commenting on what colors to use, if they are changing the wallpaper, to the decor they wanted, and even how many furnitures they needed. I'm sorry Danny, but I'm running away.

All in all, it was a total makeover. But the ladies of my new family were happy. Huh, a family. I guess I can rock with that.

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