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I Am Not A Smart Man

So apparently being a quiet man is not easy with my new physique. 6 ft tall, damn near 350 pounds of muscle, and walking down a dark alley all alone makes people talk. Like alot. I think someone even called the cops on me.

Why do I think that you ask? Well I can hear them from down here in the sewers. Sound travels very clearly down the manholes. But alas, I must travel on and dispose of these bones. Maybe at different junctions, piece by piece, or even whole. Not too sure. I wonder of the croc doc is around yet. Put the blame on him and live in denial - yeah, that works for me!

"Hey Abby, if we are merged, is there by chance we can change a few things?"

{And what do you mean by that exactly?}

"Hmm, maybe wrong choice of words. I mean like if you could change my appearances from when I'm in my normal self, or when you project outwards to envelop me."

{You have an objection to this new form I have given you?}

"No no. Not that. Just I think a more less imposing form would allow me to blend into society better. And the current body could be our merged form. Even make a cool name for people to remember us by!"

{I suppose it is doable. But you will have to consume more food - even if I am created from a higher being, you are still a lesser being. And changing your body will be rather taxing on you}

"Awesome, I can deal with hungry, starving is a whole different issue altogether. So here is what I'm thinking. We go with a 210 lb dad bod, 5'11, I can deal with the bald look but please let me keep a plain short beard. A man's gotta look presentable after all ! And then when we merge, we can go all hulk form and we'll call ourselves Shade! Because you were made from a shadow, but we look like a shade of red. Awesome right?"

{No. Never. Inacceptable. I refuse to go parading about while you call us something as ridiculous as Shade. I can give into your demands and change the body to make your social life easier, but I refuse to be some clown in the street! I was created to combat Celestials and Gods, not to be used for whatever nonsensical ideas you may have}

"Aww, but come on Abby, don't you wanna have some fun every now and then. I'm not gonna be some kind of caped hero who savss every life because I'm a saint. I just wanna interject every once in a while, cut loose. I merged with the most awesomest Symbiote in existence. You can't tell me that you don't wanna show off every once in a while?"




{I hate the name Shade. Choose something else you Man-Child}

Oof, back to the insults again. Oh well. PLOP. Well there goes the third body dumped away.

"Ya know Abby, I'm glad you're here. I'd have probaby gone even more insane if I was

alone. Ha ha ha."

I can feel her preen herself up in my head with the compliment. It feels good knowing I can still make a lady happy. But seriously, I know dang well I would have died last night. I've been quite careless since I got here. Too many dumb mistakes.


. One Hour Later


"-And that's why I love strawberry milk."

{Is it your goal to bore me child because you are succeeding in an exceptional fashion}

"Oh come on. I'm bored here. I already dropped all the bodies, sorted my inventory by different items, counted my money by hand just to make sure the said inventory wasn't tricking me"

{Which is a fantastic peice of space time magic, not many people can do such a thing, even among the Celestials}

"Really? That's pretty awesome, wait, I'm derailing again. And you know about magic?"

{Of course I know of it. You think a god cutting off his own shadow didn't involve some magic?}

"Well yeah, I kinda figured you were just super powered up that you could make magic your bitch."

She scoffs at me {Must you be so crude. Ugh, I swear, from your stories of your progenitors} grandparents {yes, them, that you would at least know to not use such language when speaking to a lady}

"Ehh, I curb down the worst of it. You're getting a tone downed version. By the way, I've been recounting on my limited knowledge about you Klyntar and aren't you supposed to sorta gain some of my personality traits."

{I had one master before merging with you, and let us say even if I worshipped him, I learned not to allow that to happen to me. Some things are best left out of my head. Though I do occasionaly have the hunger to hunt down a god or two}

"See, opening up to me isn't so bad,"

Oh hey! I see a manhole that can lead us out of here. About time!

"Hey Abby, can you make sure we don't stink of sewage. I need to go and grab us a meal and I don't wanna get kicked out of a restaurant. "

{So the previous mentioned form we discussed okay?} Yes please {Very well}

Just in case I didn't say this, but having a Symbiote is awesome. Just poof, new set of clothes and no money need be spent. Perfect for a cheap *cough* like me. Now I'm in nice clean blue khakis, white collar shirt with a red jacket, and a pair of dark red shoes.

Apparently my lady friend likes red. But hey, she says I look good and I gotta trust her. Long lasting friendships start with trust. Slowly she will come to do the same with me. And hopefully stop calling me a child or man child.

Ahh! Sweet freedom! Oh hey, look, a would be *apist. Oh Abby, you hungry?


Soon-to-be-dead guy turns around just in time to see Abby go all fooly cooly on him and chomp chomp. That was actually refreshing to see. Though I'm sorry to see the girl on the ground is injured, I'm at least glad she was knocked out and didn't see my red tentacle of chompiness.

Sigh, time to call the police, thankfully one of the people Abby ate had a phone and it's in my inventory.

Ring Ring Ring. "911 what's your emergency."

"Yes, I'm (crap, don't know where we are) shit sorry, i don't know what street I'm on but I just stopped a *apist and the girl he was trying to assault is out cold."

"Sir, stay on the line and we can track you. Please remain there until the police arrive."

"No argument from me officer. Of course I'll stay here. ."

It didn't take long for the young woman to stir, and apparently the police too, though it could have gone better I suppose.

*loud screaming*

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down. The guy is gone, it's gonna be fine." I tried to settle her down.

Officer A: NYPD ! Freeze ! *click click*

Ah shit, they already assumed the worst.

"Hold on officer, I'm the one who called in."

Officer B: Hands up now!

"Seriously guys, just ask the girl. I swear I just helped."

As I turned to her, I could see she was still in post trauma and not really cognizant of what was happening. Damn my luck.

Slowly putting my hands up I could hear them radioing in and Abby was not happy with my "defeatist attitude".

I'm just trying to diffuse the situation by being compliant. Ow what the fuck officer. You don't need to punch me. Ow ow. what the hell! Police brutality! Police brutality!

As they are dragging me away, I can see the young woman looking at me and slowly clarity was coming to her. Conveniently, so were other officers to take care of her.


. Three Hours Later


Interrogating Officer: You're gonna go straight to the worst prison I can send you, boy. Assault, rape, resisting arrest, and being non compliant. Admit it was you, there was no one else near the scene and even your victim was terrified of you.

Me: I swear it wasn't me. I heard her scream and ran to help. I got the guy off her and even called you guys. Would a criminal or would be *apist have stuck around.

Very angry interrogating Officer: How did you get the assailant off her then.

With one eyebrow raised, I replied. "You'd be surprised how fast a man will crawl away after a few kicks to his jewels."

{Snickers} yeah, you like that too? I think I'm quite convincing here. Hopefully.

The interrogating room door opens and a older gentleman comes in.

Kiss-ass Officer: Chief! What is the matter?

Chief of Police George Stacy: All charges are dropped. Thank you sir for saving my daughter.

Oh shit, I saved Gwen Stacy?! Well damn, guess I'm already seeing the characters in the Spider-Man shows.

Chief Stacy: Though I do have to ask you a question and you won't be leaving any time soon due to the severity of the situation.

Me: Um sure, what's the problem?

Chief Stacy: Your I.D. is not coming up. You have a very convincing fake and I would like to know who you really are.

Ah shit. . . New universe, old I.D no good. Yet another thing I forgot about. I'm really not a smart man. Sigh.

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