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100% Psyche's Devotion / Chapter 2: Elena's POV: IT'S NOT A DATE

Chapter 2: Elena's POV: IT'S NOT A DATE

I woke up as the sunlight hits my face. I yawned and went out of bed. I opened my window to look at Junho's house. It's quiet. It's Saturday, maybe he went somewhere.

I went out downstairs after doing my morning rituals to eat my breakfast. I saw Dad and Mom at the dining area. Dad, same as usual reading his newspaper while having a coffee while Mom preparing our food.

"Good morning!"

"Good morning Elena. Looks like you're in a good mood."

That's my Dad always pointing out my weird moves. I rolled my eyes  and kiss my Dad on the cheeks, I went beside Mom to help her cook the omelet.

"Our daughter is in her right age darling. She is simply pretty. She might be in love."

"Mom! I am not inlove, okay?"

She just laugh with Dad. I pouted at the omelet I am cooking. Am I not? And again I remember Junho. He might like these omelets.

"Mom, can I make lots of these?"

I asked Mom while I battered the egg with inion rings, garlic, potatoes and carrots with cheese. She finished drinking her coffee before answering me.


"Hmm, I have a friend and he might like one of these."

I heard my Dad cleared his throat.

"Oh and it's a 'He'."

"Mom it's not what you think. We're friends."

"Haha, don't worry. Where does he live?"

"He is our neighbor. Right infront of our house."

I stopped, and turned off the burner and placed the omelet in the middle of the table. I saw Mom and Dad looked at each other.

"Mom? Dad?"

"Elena, you mean the house infront of us?"

I nodded.

"Yes Mom. Why?"

"Uhm nothing. I thought that house was abandoned. I mean no one lives there."

"What? But I was with him yesterday."

"Wait, I think a saw a guy, the tall one went inside awhile ago while I picked up my newspaper. But I did not care to look at his face."

"Yes Dad, he is a tall guy. The one I was with yesterday and the other day by the waiting shed at the opposite sidewalk."

Dad's eyebrows met but suddenly nodded. Maybe he remembered now.

After we ate I prepared omelets for Junho. I rolled four omelets cooked in butter and I put mayonaise in it. I put them in a small lock it tupperware and I took out two Bearbrand fresh milk with flavour from our refrigerator. I place them in my small bag.

"Okay I am ready. Mom! I have to go now."

I walk to the door, as i turned the doorknob my Mom calls my attention.

"It's not a date right dear?"

I face my Mom and kiss her.

"Mom he is a friend. It's not a date."

"Elena, don't be shy to tell me if there is some guy courting you. You are in your right age now. You are not my little girl anymore, you are a woman."

I nodded at her, and she smiles and hugs me and I went outside. I saw a car drove away from his house. He had a visitor? I took a deep breath before walking towards his house.

'Okay Elena, just like what you said to your Mom, it's not a date. Okay? Not a date.'

I shook my head and headed towards the door. I raised my hand to push the doorbell.

*ding dong*ding dong*

I waited for almost two minutes but no one is opening the door. Maybe he is the one driving that car I saw just awhile ago. I sighed and about to turn my back when I heard a screech. I look up and saw Junho beside the door. I just look at him without saying anything. I know he is handsome but why am I like this?!


He looked to what I am holding. I look away because I was embarrassed. Damn this heart!

"Uh----I am sorry. It's---It's nothing. Bye!"

I closed my eyes and turned my back. I was about to take one step away from him but he grab the bag I am holding but I did not let go.


I look at him looking at me. I don't know why my time always stops when he look at me with those eyes of his.

"Elena, are you okay?"

I came back to reality and let go of the bag. I smiled at him shyly. Get yourself together Elena!

"Yes, I am okay. I---I brought you omelets and milk for breakfast because---"

"Thanks. I appreciate it so much. Come inside."

I followed him inside. The house is clean with white and gray themed. He has a fireplace in his living room. He went to the kitchen so I followed him too. It's well arranged, even though he is a guy he maintained the cleanliness of his house. He opened the lock it tupperware and called me to sit with him. I nodded and I took out the two milks and put the straws in it.

I look at him while he transferred the four omelets on his plate. I gulped not twice but three times because I don't know if he will love what I have cooked for him. It's not because I don't know how to cook but I don't know what kind of taste and food he will like.

"Wow, you made these?"

I looked at him because he smiled widely. I smiles and nodded at him.


He cuts the omelet using his spoon and tasted it. I don't know what I feel but I am kind of excited at the same time afraid to what will be his feedback about my omelets.

"This is the first time I taste something like this Elena, that's why I don't know what to say. But---can you make me some of these next time? I kinda love it. "


He patted my head and nodded. He smiled at me also. This guy really loves to smile.

"Yes really."

He cuts another omelet and offered it to me. I looked at the omelet and back at him. Don't tell me---

"Say ahh."

I tried to absorb what he was telling me. And I think I get it. So I shook my head telling him it's okay.

"Don't be shy Elena, we can share this. Don't make me sad, say ahh."

At first I hesitated but because he insisted I accepted his offer. I opened my mouth and he fed me with his own spoon. I quickly grab my milk and drink it.

"Thank you for the breakfast."

I smiled at him as my reply. Suddenly I remembered the car awhile ago, so I decided to ask him.

"Junho, just awhile ago I saw a car outside your house. Do you have a visitor?"

He stops eating and look at me.

"Did you saw who's behind the wheel?"

"Uhm, no but I am pretty sure it's a guy."

He nodded and drank his milk.

"It was my---cousin visiting me."


I helped him wash the dishes and after that we went at the back of his house. It has a garden and a pool. We sat down inside the white pavilion with flower hugging every corner of it. 

"I really like your place Junho."

"You can come anytime. But just don't come every Friday."

I look at him, but he is looking by the pool.


"We have----a family gathering every Friday."

I nodded again.

"About your lost memories, how is it? Are they coming back?"

"I----no. It's not coming back. I don't remember my parents' face or my friends. I am happy that they come here every Friday to visit the house----and me."

"Maybe I can help."

This time he shift his gaze at me with his serious face.

"I---I mean I can gather informations about you from Klio."

"You will help me?"

"Ahuh, we're friends so I will help you. I will help you remember who you are."

He smiled at me and holds my two hands at the table. And again I felt the strange feeling.

"I don't know how to thank you Elena."

I pulled my hands from his grip. And I smiled shyly. You don't have to do that.

"I'm sorry I did not mean to----"

"It's okay.  I can help you on Monday."

"Okay, I will wait for you here."

I nodded and we smiled at each other.

After talking about how I cooked the omelet, I told Junho that I need to go home because I have some things to do. He opened the door for me and I said goodbye. While I was walking to my house I hold my chest because this heart of mine kept on beating fast.

'Fine! Yes I think I kind of like him. I don't know why. Maybe because he is the only guy friend that I have. Maybe because he is sweet towards me and no guys did that to me.'

I shook my head because of what I am thinking is so lame. I opened our door and went inside quickly.

"I'm home!"

I ran upstairs to my room and jump on my bed hugging my pillow. I am not a little girl anymore! Why do I have to act like this?

I remembered when he fed me and I remembered when he held my hand. There's something in my stomach when he did that. Is he really like that? A sweet guy? Why Klio broke up with him? There's nothing wrong with Junho. Maybe what happened to him involves Klio. Suddenly my head hurts, a stinging pain occurs. I hold my head tight to refrain it from creating more pain.

"Ahh! Mom! Ahh!"

My door swung open and my Mom ran towards me.

"Elena! Elena what's wrong?"

"My head---Ahh!"

"Nero! Give me the ice pack!"

I heard my Dad ran upstairs and went inside my room.


My Mom put the ice pack on my head and she laid me down. I can feel the coldness. And the pain slowly fading.

"Elena what happened?"

"I----I remembered something Mom."

She and Dad looked at each other.

"What do you remember?" My Dad asked.

"I was sitting at the beach."

My Mom shook her head. And my Dad sighed.

"Mom, do I have lost memories?"

"No dear. Why will you lost your memories?"

"Your Mom's right. And you have never been on the beach since you are a child. You are afraid of the open sea, remember?"

Dad's right. Since then I am afraid of the big water.


Did I heard it right? Someone's shouting? Junho?!

"Elena, are you sure you are okay?"

I nodded at my Mom and I went by my window to see who is it, but there's none.

"What is it dear?"

"Dad, did you hear someone?"

Dad and Mom looked at each other then to me and shooked their heads. I hold my head, I'm not in pain anymore.

"Sweetie you better rest."

"No, I am okay Mom."

I smiled at them and making assurance that I am okay now.

"Call me if you need something, okay Elena?"

"Whenever you feel something tell us okay?"

I smiled.

"I will Mom, Dad. Don't worry."

My Mom and Dad gave me a sleeping pill for me to relax my mind. Maybe I was having a bad dream while I am conscious because of the sympathy I am having towards Junho.

They went out of my room and once again I glanced outside my window. Was it Junho? I went to my bed and sat. What was that awhile ago? Why suddenly the image of me sitting by the beach showed up? I felt a stinging pain again.

"Ugh! Stop thinking Elena, you'll end up hurting yourself again."

Silly me, talking to myself. Okay, first thing on Monday, Operation Puzzle Fixing!

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