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77.55% THE ISLAND WHERE MIRACLES COMES TRUE / Chapter 75: Final Trials Part 9 - Lending a Helping Hand

Chapter 75: Final Trials Part 9 - Lending a Helping Hand

One week later-

Zash who was concentrating on breaking through but sure enough once again was disturbed by Havier who continuously nagged him to get out and get some fresh air and start doing something productive as to not get tired easily as he had to endure much Physical stress later on and wanted to prepare him for it beforehand as much as she could.

All throughout the while also teaching Epis about things he should and should not do in public and how to act and behavioural characteristics of everyone present be it their ideological standpoints and views, even things from her own prospective were told to Zash by Havier.

While any other child might not understand their importance He as an experienced grown man knew How much of importance they posed, and for Havier to do so much for him and explain everything necessary for his growth once again warmed his heart how much she as a teacher cared about her already made her an respectable figure in his eyes.

"Umn umn" Nodding vigorously with shining eyes Zash indicated his interests in learning about how most of the figures in the outside taught about at least from Havier's Observable standpoint view which was very detailed and analytically perfect to an extent.

Havier taking the moment to explain things after every day he had his evening Dinner for a while and soon returned to her room as all she and Epis had a small afternoon nap.

On one such occasions Zash who was rarely awake due to Havier's pestering just thaught about taking a detour and making it an excuse to Havier later on as such requesting some time alone for bringing greater strength.

"Haiz* this is disappointing yet fortunately I'm in the 2nd Mid peak stages of Elementary Master at the end of the day after all a Fu*k ton of resources will be used up while Breaking through to the 3 rs stage and more and more resources will be consumed later in as time passes... Haa~". Talking to himself Zash just sighed and continued his walk in a leasurely manner with his arms folded behind his back and thaught.

'Teach should be having a resting or researching for now, knowing her freakish thirst from knowledge she won't be sleeping regularly. Might as well go and distu- accompany her as much as possible ' thinking so Zash just laughed and thaught about the times Havier was utterly Scared from him from time to time his performances stunned her witless the amounts to skill Zash had shown in Language, Literature, Basic Herbalism, Art, Paintings, Poetry, etc, etc. Had already 'Broke' the poor woman's mental barrier and she had gotten 'used' to the 'Unusualness' occurances happening around Her 'Student'.

'Oh that's big brother ? What's he doing going in teacher's room ? And his movements suggest he's getting used to this ? Is there something going on between them perhaps ?' Smirking while thinking about it Zash hid behind the pillar and watched his brother enter the room normally as if getting used to the events as everyday manuvuers.

As Estr entered the door Zash followed silently like a shadow and getting out of his hiding spot watched what happened within the room.

" You're late" An annoyed voice scolded which was none other than Havier.

"We-Well can't you sleep in bed normally for once on your own ?" Estr asked with a twitching smile trying to maintain his composure.

"Nah it's fun being carried around like a princess" saying so Ester tucked her in her bed and went out only to be met with a huge dillema once he was out.

"EPIS !? Ah Ahem* what are you doing here ? Is anything wrong ? " Saying so he minded his tone as to not let Havier know and be disturbed by it.

"Heh heh ~ Big brother is there something going on between you and teacher ? If so should I expect to start calling her Big Sister in the near future ?" Saying so Zash in Epis's body let out a cheeky smile stunning Estr.

"D-D-Dont say something so stupid !" Go sleep it's good if your body gets rest I'll be personally training you after i get the permission form Havi." Saying so he silently saying ' Watch yiur tone or be prepared for trouble if you continued teasing your big brother you brat !' Zash hearing this just smiled in a sly manner sending shivers down Estr's spine the next moment he head his little brother say.

"Oh ? Ok~ also it seems your relationship with teacher is improving steadily you can already pronounce her name without stumbling for once" Zash said teasingly while he was about to go towards his room he went a bit far from Estr and teased his already accepted brother even more.

"YOU- !!!" before he could even do anything Zash had fled the scene and Escaped directly in his room and laughed from time to time. Leaving a fuming Estr and an embarrassment Havier who hearing the commotion got out of the bed and heard everything happening behind the door sleakily only to find things getting so embarrassing at this point her cheeks were swollen as a tomato from blushing so hard.

Meanwhile the culprit who made both of them so embarrassed was already planning to help them with progressing their relationship a step further and was already making plans with a cunning mind like Zash's and his care he just taught.

'since 'big brother' and teacher treat me so well I should give them a helping hand in their progressing relationship in return shouldn't I ?'

"Hahaha" laughing to himself Zash took a stone Containing Essene and another containing faint traces of mana which while didn't do much as it didn't contained much Essence , it still helped him calm down and focus on his emotions bringing twice the results from normal training as such Zash only used this stone when his emotions were the most stable or good in nature and naturally Zash who was quite happy currently just focused on his cultivation which improved at a steady state.


"Haha today's been so progressive I can already sense the bottleneck ahead of me. Soon I'll Breakthrough within the next day or sooner." Zash who was quite in a happy mood looked towards the clock and was surprised to see that it was evening 5 PM normally at this time Havier would come by and pick him up teaching him anything he wanted to or see if Zash was interested in something she knew about and so on.

Strangely enough she was running quite late from her schedule.

"I wonder what happened" uttering these words he went towards her room.

"Teacher~~?" Zash called Havier who was still sleeping soundly which was unusual to say for sure.

Walking up towards her Zash checked her temperature but nothing was wrong.

"Teacher ?" Calling her again and again Zash just fussed her around left to right time and time again and after an entire minute she finally woke up.

"Mmh... ? Yawning a bit she looked around eyes still quite shut and saw a familiar figure at the side of her bed as she called out asking

"Epis? Haa~ is something wrong ? Or do you want to learn anything ? It seems to be the first time you've come for me in the afternoon."

"But teacher its way past 5 it's long since sleeping time especially for you."

"!?" Hearing Zash go she was surprised and looked towards the nearest clock in surprise

"Ahh that's right I slept quite tensed and my exhaustion got the better of me" silently muttering to herself Zash heard a few words and speculated what 'May' have happened and smiled originally he wanted to laugh his A$$ off but controlled himself somehow and looking towards Havier innocently he said.

"It's not bad. I too wish Teacher to sleep more your complexion seems more good since you always are overexerting yoursefh- yourself while studying most of the time."

"But I find it interesting !!!~~~ " saying so Zash just sighed.

"I get that feeling but sometimes it's better to leave those things when we have nothing to do and enjoy ourselves and spend our time with those who we cherish the most."

"Look at you teaching your own teacher~ I don't have such people the ones I do don't have time for me our family is just like that." Saying so she just sighed and taught about her family which were all mostly researchers like her and sucked at bonding only Persuing something of their interests unfortunately for her except for her teacher and parents who too left her after she was able to make a stand of her own she was left all alone ever since.

"What about you? I'm quite curious who are the people lucky enough to be cherished by you ?" Looking at Epis she asked curiously.

"Hmm" folding his hands Zash just thaught about all the people he genuinely cares for within this world and finally looked Havier in the eyes.

"First There's You my Teacher, Then There's Brother, Then The King, Mr. Benedrict, Mr. Hausa who I've seen from time to time, The Gardeners I've met along with all the Maids and Nannies caring for me and.. and"

Pulling out all the list Havier just smiled and had a happy fond look as if watching her own child grow at this point when all the innocent and cute mood was interrupted when Zash said.

"Also teacher Don't say there's aren't people who Cherish you that's a bit mean no ?"

"Ah ? Thank you for saying that you might be the only one to say something like that to me" saying so she softly patted his head as Zash continued saying.

"That's not true I'm sure There's someone else you're forgetting about."

"Huh ? Who's that ?" Havier asked curiously

"My Big Brother of course, I've seen the look in his eyes other than me he only shows a 'special' look in his eyes towards you, everyone when present I've only seen him made a few looks, like once when we were passing Mr Benedict and other high ranking knights, he looked at him like he was a respectable, inspirational figure in his eyes. But the look he has for you is different similar to how he looks at Father and Me as we are a family but when he looks as you he seems to give off a bit more.. indescribable feeli-" Zash wanted to continue saying more when he glanced at Havier's face which grew as red as a tomato at a moment's notice and Fainted on the spot having a sleezy happy look on her face.

'oops seems like I'm going a bit too fast for them. Ok but I'll try to slowly but surely Hook you both up ! I can feel your feelings for each other, but both of you fools while realising things don't take the initiative yourself as such allow me to lend a helping hand' thinking so Zash calmed her down as she soon fazed back to reality within 5 minutes or so and stopped Zash from speaking about everything that happened today.

Having a slight blush in her face Zash still teased her.

"Ok teacher but I'm still confused about the kind of look brother has when he looks towards you... " wanting to say more Zash was surprised when Havier used her hands to close his mouth.

"Ahh ! Shut up ! Shut up ! Shut up ! Shut up ! " Havier continuously screamed at Zash to stop with this embarrassing display of information as the guards who were hidden laughed from time to time trying to contain their laughter, they were able to hold on a few hours before when they saw their Second Prince embarrassing His big brother but this time this was too much for them to bear and if not for Havier's screaming noises shed hear a bunch of slight laughs escaping from the hidden soldiers.

"Ok. For the final time you aren't allowed to speak about these things ! Especially about your brother in front of me ever again got it ?!"

"But~~ I'm just curious teacher~~" to which she replied.

"Ever heard of the term ' CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT ?' Havier asked with a slight 'Non Threatening' smile which directly Sealed Zash's mouth indicating that was Havier's limit for 'now'.

"Mhm ok teacher let's get to studying now we can speak about these things later if anything." Saying so Zash just changed the topic entirely and started studying and everything went well ' Sure that's enough for today. Ultimately I can also only help till a certain point anyway. If they're not ready to step further by themselves even I cannot do anything and forcing things had nerve worked in these situations anyways, let nature take its course after I take a step aside I guess. After thinking so Zash just focused on studying soon Havier too got in the mood to teach and learn things which Zash had a great chance of excelling in.

The King Meanwhile was looking through all the reports especially the territorial disputes and other situations which were finally done in he turned his attention towards the Afternoon's inner palace news which made him quite happy. With his family's situation and laughed a bit but as he got the latest reports he laughed unbearably, uncontrollably at how good his newborn was skilled at in teasing those around him.

Even his subordinates couldn't help lay out a slight smirk at how naughty their Second Prince acted around recently.

For the first time in More than 10 years or more were such happy things were occuring in such abundance all due to the second Prince's Awakening.


Meanwhile an old man who's body betrayed his face as his body looked more sturdy and healthy than ever carrying numerous wounds all around his body neck and face just looked at a ' Seal like magical Barrier before him' which Surprisingly Showed slight signs of Cracking as he looked towards things happening from the shadows hidden from the Normal eye's view watching everything happening and things progressing in such a good and proper manner for the first time ever.

"Perhaps he can Really change the Fate set for this world ! Finally ending it's torment. But now it's necessary for me to change as well I wouldn't want to get in this candidate's way. Though he can get full support from my hidden channel if and only if he's able to overcome the Most major hurdles by himself."

Looking towards Zash who was in Epis's body the Old man looked yearningly and watched him progressing silently. Wishing to lay a hand if possible at the cost of his life if possible and end the sickly fate plaguing this world.


Hey y'all Hopefully the chapter is to your liking, I hope it made your day a slight bit better.

Stay safe and Let's meet again soon.

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