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68.36% THE ISLAND WHERE MIRACLES COMES TRUE / Chapter 66: Dying Again ? CRAZY Evolution !!

Chapter 66: Dying Again ? CRAZY Evolution !!

As 3 days had gone by Zash was struggling quite a bit with the fusion process with a 75 % skill absorption percentage. The Qubicle was shrinking bit by bit slowly but steadily when suddenly the input increased once again.

'What the ?' just as he was thinking about it he felt pain in his body's Central area where his Main occupoint was located right in the centre as it nearly touched eachother which was also the most closest the Borderlines between links and his Meridans got since he was able to see his inner body's workings.

The entire area was covered with a purplish hue carrying translucent yet dark glass like structure which was still undergoing some sorts of evolution...

"Wtf is this ? I can understand the Mana storage and enhancement part but what's this about ? "

Under pain zash was a bit confused about the situation and a bit doubtful of everything as long as he gets out of it Scott free he'd count himself lucky.

"Let's see how it goes this is really weird"

saying so zash once again felt the enhanced waves of painful torment and noticed a small DNA structure like pattern being connected to both his Meridans and Links from each side as for its functions who knows as zash didn't had the luxury to think about this under these circumstances all he could do was make speculations and while undergoing the painful fusion process, hope for the best.

As zash was still surrounded by the torrential assault from the cacoon for Energy's emitted by the Quibicle zash was nearly at his wit's end as this horrifying process took huge amounts of blood and Energy's from him event though he's an Immortal and has great potential and pain handling abilitieshe was still a human and understood if if he was able to or was not able to do certain things and while thinking of giving up he saw something which shocked him

"What th- !? " The Cubicle surrounded by the Quantombots which was slowly but steadily being absorbed by him with less than 20 % of the mass but still a huge and high density of mass remaining was slightly being devoured by his Quantombots which were changing in structural engineering wise as zash could see it clearly as they were his creation and also a creation of will and thoughtful representations.

When zash first made them he could still remember the way they looked and how to mass replicate them by making them devour and reproduce with the help of mana and more effective ways of usage as time went on he rifined them to make them into three basic forms one was a Triangular shape while the other was a Circular shape as for the other one it was much more like a rope or fabric like robotic structure which was sturdier than the ones before and while he knew more structure shapes the Quantombots could take form into zash chose these three as they appeared to his mind first of course he was up for the chance to change them if he felt like it no problems about that but now due to Zash's keen observation he was finally able to understand the difference he felt

Since the moment he came here he found a replacement from the Electrical and Essence related difficult of monitoring and modifying and mobilifying his bots bit to his surprise this world was a literal heaven for his Machine related class as Thai world's energy 'Mana' was like a literal circuit board as in similar to high conducting super conductors which made the machine operations and management a literal child's play for him it was something he could do with his eyes closed yet after he made the breakthrough in his class and became a Quantombeta tester he only ever able to exert 0.00003% / 1000 % of their true effectiveness as even with his understandings and knowledge and talent this was a very destructive power nobody had any ideas about. Zash was satisfied as it was and left it for later and hence could not focus on his class improvement yet at the most crisis like situation zash saw his Quantombots 'Changed' not physically but the feeling they gave off was different.

Take for example an king greeting his knight who at the same day of his appointment became his advisor and second in charge of command after him such a feeling was certainly different as zash could still feel the connection he had with them and knew that to the Quantombots he was their King but the unknown promotion for his ' soldiers ' still caught him off guard as zash was close to understanding 10%. Yes an exact 10% of Effecienctiveness in controlling his Quantombots.

"Wow" Widening his eyes he understood that this was his 'soldiers' cheering for him and helping him face off against this foreign powers and remembered how he was feeling down a moment ago.

"They can sense my feelings and will ?" Clearly stunned by he situation zash took about look to confirm yet he saw the same outcome the Quantombots themselves were also "Eating and "Digesting the Energy's from the Qubicle and at the same time the Quantombots were giving off a Different hue from previous Dark Golden hue but now the hue changed and Turned Bright Red hue the darkest shade he had ever seen in his life.

A Domineering yet Prideful feeling dwelled within zash as he thaught

'Theyr'e MY Will's representations and what am I doing disappointing myself ? When did I get converted into the pessimistic kind anyway ? ' having a sly smile on his face he directed the Quantombots to Bring the Qubicle closer to him and end this as fast as possible.

As the Qubicle came closer to him Zash's absorption became apparent yet did the torment as zash was the forceful kind and didn't listen to the system's warnings all the system could do was help him as it braught about more energy and literally 'Showered' zash with Rain made entirely out of Mana

"The Fuck !?" Both the spectators which were Zeke and Flo who were watching could not believe their eyes as the Qubicle was drawn closer to zash the energy spreading stopped and the process was somewhat visible yet never in their lives had they seen such a spectacle especially from a recently ascended Tier 1 Human (Literally how was Zash anything closer to Human at this point ? Even Calling him a Monster among a monster is an insult to zash as an individual and an overstatement to Monster kind ) was all the due could think as they had only ever heard of occurances where system created pure mana rain

One entire hour had passed by and Zash's concentration was at its end and due to that zash ordered to chug him with a few herbs and increase the energy output as it was necessary to get all the help at this conjunction as the process was more than 90% complete the pain was now on an entirely different level but he knew he couldn't stop now as he continued his body's inner organs and tissues became surrounded by the same glass-tube like structure which seemingly made his body stronger but braught great pain as if his organs were on an Highly Heated Frying Pan the pain was excruciating and ever so often a grunt and a painful moan could be heard from zash as the pain from his organs being fried was still within the bearable kinds for him but not his Meridans and Link networks as this was an complicated yet delicate system which hurt so badly one would have already died long ago if it was someone else other than Zash in this place this process was easily 200× more cruel than the one Sylphia had to endure at least she didn't had any sensitivity till they were formed in Zash's situation he was in perfect sync with his Meridans which is a Very good thing but unexpectedly it came to bite him in such a way. Which made him confused whether he should laugh or cry at the predicament he was under.

As another half an hour passed only 3% of the Energy's were left and zash felt better about himself when suddenly.

"AGHHHHHH !!! " feeling as if his body was burning and boiling from within he barely held his forte and prevented himself from losing his consciousness at the critical juncture.

"Cough* Cough* "spitting blood constantly from his body zash looked within his body very weakly this was a horrible feeling which he was sure he'd avoid coming across if possible.

The moment he looked inside his body he was stunned speechless as the previous glassy structure was melting and molding with Zash's meridian Links and Organs and Tissues even his nervous system was being transformed and the previous glassy structure was now turned more flexible and mouldable yet strengthened and straightened the next moment while becoming more and more glowy and hot like lava yet somehow still was somewhat transparent as he could see clearly

"What the Fu** !? " This is too strange what's up with this skill it'- it's isn't just Devouring ability !? "

As things became clearer zash finally see the entire picture and found the puzzling piece as his Quantombots had also devoured the Devouring ability now the 3% of the unknown energy was remaining yet the process also started and it seemed that it started a while ago.

"Cough* !!" Coughing heavily zash was sure he was a few steps away from death

'Is- Is thi s the end? After all I've been through ? This is the 2nd time I'm feeling that same helplessness I felt when I was swallowed up by that Blackhole. But I'm sure I studied it all I'm 1000% sure i had checked everything where did everything go wrong and what's the remainder of the skill ?' thinking up to this point zash used his final bit of strength to see what the skill was described by to at least know what would have killed him at least.

[Unknown Danger Detected System will use personal paramater entry invoice level authority in this situation and give treatment in accordance with the Host's contribution and Influence over the database.




Grade 12 Authority selected as per Host's contributions ]

After the notification triggered zash saw that all the blood he had spotted and coughed out was floating around him as it encased him in a fleshy flimsy prison of sorts and started drawing advanced Blood Array inscription Tuned on Zash's whole body as a last countermeasure which was barely able to stabilize Zash's situation as this skill surpassed the tier up authority treatment he was receiving by leaps and bounds even while it was less effective as zash had done the smart thing in choosing the less rewarding option if zash had chosen the option to choose the skill's previous option to get 5% and go alone he would undoubtedly be Deader than Dead !

"Nice save system " Zash praised at the last moment save from system as he felt a bit better yet he felt pain unlike anything ever but at least it was bearable than before and he could finally get the confirmation that it could identify the main culprit behind this.

"What's happening system haa what's this new Skill ? Hmppp How come I wasn't able to detect it ?" Zash asked with struggle barely managing to keep his mind in a stable condition.

[ Calabarating... Calabarating... Calabarating]

[Skill identified - Evolution -(????????????)

Enhancement of body according to the environment and condition the host is in and creates an optimal body every moment Disclosable probabilities are not accessible even to the current system the only thing system can determine is that this is an Half Intact core part of the true skill separated from its power source, can give certain effects

1: 1000% World Compability ( Requires times to accumulate in certain world's works unconditionally and automatically)

2: 200% Of all titles effects achieved in certain world ( 100% increase in New worlds)

3: +100 world Mana affinity for every selected class (as host has 3 classes it's 300+)

4: World order- Skill makes it so each world Host visits develops certain Familiarity with the host and helps you in certain ways .

5: World Regime - Skill makes it so that once every Month host can enhance one of any attribute from your Status to 100× the amount for 10 minutes (CD - 1 week ) ( CD decreases with each Tier up host has

6: ?????

7: ?????

8: Body Modification - Automatically adjust Host's body in accordance with the environment, bear in mind host must be of appropriate Tier or must have a strong body from beforehand or strong forte and mental power to resist the effects ( Increases Body's Parameters at handling damages to the next level the option to enable it Falls under mid Tier 5 existence so system will automatically stop it later on while it can't do so now as the first time is a must to make Host familiar with the skill and it's effects....)

9: Passive- All leveling up requirements are Halved Along with Tier up Requirements (Usage availablity parameters - INFINITE )

10: ??????

11: Skill- Lucky draw- Options to get 10000- 1M Attribute points each weeks ( Host can also transfer some points to other people by putting on the add button if the people who Host wants to transfer his alloted points from the skill agree to, Skill's Points availability increases as Host Tiers up along with more accessibility points

Host can also increase a person's World compatibility meter by 100 (Effect Permanent- Available 3 Personal per week)

12: Soul & Body Protection - (Passive) 100% Increase in soul strength and 50% increase in Physical parameters based on original sturdiness of the Host's Body -1000% Neglectance to Soul and Mental based attacks according to Host's Mental strength attributes ( New attribute Section is available, please check your status window.)

13: Host must find it out Himself.

14: Host's level cap prevents Host from accessing the skill.

15: Host's tier inadequacy makes the skill currently unavailable.

... As the system continued in and on Zash's whole body trembled as he cursed

" FU*K YEAH !!!!!!! " Without considering the situation he was in and for a moment even forgot the pain he was under with these skills titles and passives zash was Literally a GOD in the Mortal world even in heavens zash would not fare off badly again literally ANYTHING or ANYONE getting out of his dream zash heard the system continued saying

[Ultimately Host's Currently unable to use 2/3 of the Skill's, Passives and Is only able to do so much Detectable Skills 36 ? System also detected only a probability not a confirmation that Host can reroll certain skills which might sound displeasing ]

"H******y *******k HAHAHAHA HAHAHAHA AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH !!! " Zash was about to collapse from this sudden influx of information he had gotten from the system and system also emphasized on the " ? " There can be more than 36 of such mindbogglingly abilities... Zash was about to collapse for real this time but not due to the pain but from happiness and started laughing like a maniac

Zash's current situation was as if a peasant had gone out of his room in a lot of time to suddenly be called to the heavens and raised by all the gods as their cherished and loved Son pampering him to the extent that even as he moves laying down golden carpets beneath his feets to prevent them from being dirty.

This was the only situation that Zash could define he was facing is the pain from previous was it worth it ?

Fu** Yeah it is !!

On the side Flo and Zeke didn't know what to say a moment ago they were rushing in their respective avatars even ready to disturb or destroy this entire space and enter here with their true bodies no matter what cost they had to pay but then they saw system use a high authority protection on Zash and forced to stop themselves but now looking at zash laughing so maniachally they became worried.

Calming down after 5 minutes zash still coughing bloody which system then again used to heal more of his body at this instance zash didn't bother with the pain and accepted all of it.

Finally calming down for a bit zash understood how absurd this all really was and thaught ' I wonder if Sylphia and Serena would Faint after hearing and seeing this. Zash thaught with a slight smirk as he could too understand how absurd they must be feeling at this moment and really wished to see how they would react it he himself was close to fainting due to being over happy.

'am I going a bit sadistic now ?' Zash asked himself with a but troubled expression as he became aware of how his attitude had changed perhaps it was due to the complexity of every individual as a child zash liked receiving praises but as he became big he wouldn't hear it or at least not sincerely as zash could tell those with dual faced people who just praised him just so they could get on his good side, his parents too were very pleased with him along with his brother and sister but at one point the praises stopped as even he understood why they stopped ' of course you are doing well because this much is expected from you to begin with' that was the reality and also the reason why he pampered his brother and sister so much and always helped them as one who stood at the top he understood that if he could bear with it at least his brother and sister could be happy but ultimately he was a little sad as he couldn't show his skills and hear the praises he used to get when he was a kid from his parents but yet he was satisfied as taking care of his siblings was entertaining and fun enough so he was comfortable with the situation.

Only after coming to this other world did he felt lonely for a thousand years aside from daily animals and research he didn't do anything there was nothing, but after meeting Sylphia and Serena amusing them, entertaining them, surprising them even exhilarating them became fun for zash as he finally had a family in the other world and alongside with thinking about them even though the pain hurt as soon as Those two and his family appeared in his mind the pain didn't bother him as much as previously as he had a tranquil expression on his face like a Buddha who had attained peace under the pressure of the world crumbling beneath his feets, he remained standing looking and witnessing everything.

Zeke and Flo didn't know what to do and stood there with their mouths hung open often looking at eachother not knowing what to do or make out of this situation. Just a moment ago zash was dying then he became CRAZY then he became as calm as those Buddha's even more exceptionally powerful than them in terms of comprehension it seemed at least as such.....

"Say system how come neither you nor I were able to look at this hidden skill how was it able to hide itself ?"

[ Answer- Unknown though there's 2 probabilities

1: The skill was directed parallel or in a slim line or unable to be detected and undeterred until coming in contact with Host.

2 The Devouring Syphoning Ability had somehow gained it's hand on this godly skill yet wasn't able to utilize it's its power as such though it's incomplete it became refined over time and hence this outcome.

"Understandably Good speculation I agree with this as well, my speculations too align similar to these parameters " zash was conversing as he once again felt pain all over his body but this time it was much better as this was directed towards his bones which was bearable even if they were to break as long as the pain of his Links & Meridians stopped zash was sure he could survive anything else with ease no matter what.

And sure enough His bones broke shattering and finally crushed to dust only the bone marrow remained on their place as it was soon cleared by the Energy's which cleaned it up and according to what zash could see they were strengthening it as well as new bone tissue was being formed within his body and every surrounding bit of mana was attracted towards zash at this moment and soon Crystal clear Ivory Marbled polished bones replaced Zash's old bones and trapped the nutritional bone marrow and soon nerves and nerve endings and passageways were being made and old and new connections were made.

Every part of Zash's body was enhanced to best of the degree in accordance to the surrounding atmosphere which was made by 2 strong Tier 8 beings at the least his physical capabilities were close to a Tier 5 as that's the most he could be enhanced to with his body's parameters.

Speculating some more zash looked at his new bones and felt strange and thaught ' I wonder if they'll be fine since they were newly formed ' and worried about them not daring to move and disturb this important stage as only 1% of the original power remained

After another excruciating 5 minutes The Qubicle was finally absorbed by zash but just then zash sensed something when the Quantombots surrounding the Qubicle came into contact with Zash's body along with the Purplish Devouring Syphoning Ability's Purplish hue which stunned zash quite a bit.

"Looking at them he appraised them and tried looking into them"

{Devouring Syphoning Quantombots.

Quantombots which have absorbed part of Skill's content they stored previously. Once absorbed host can make Quantombots similar to them infused with Devouring energy their usage and means of control are entitled only to Host and host only.

"So similarly like how the dragon absorbed my mana I can do the same" zash asked in disbelief

[Yes though host can do many more than just that]

'yes of course why didn't I think of that it only makes sense so anybody who falls into my traps or held hostage will have to give everything up as their energy will be constantly drained drained though that's just a meager primitive way of approaching this devastating power I should experiment with this power later on'.

Pop* moving slightly Zash's whole body sounded with popping sounds as the bones connected in their places which also made him understand the meaning of "No Pain No Gain" in the literal sense.

Zash stumbled for quite a bit but soon enough he felt comfortable with his bones, organs, Meridans and Links in a much better and improved state then they ever could be. Feeling power dwelling between his body zash was easily 3 × as powerful than before along with his Quantombots 'Changed' noticeable improvement many things popped up within Zash's mind and a he finally heard a system announcement.

[ Congratulations to Host to Achieve the Unthinkable Unachievable as being the first ever to achieve such a feat host can directly request 1000 Luck attribute points or choose to Accept Forbidden Boxes or 10 Wish Boxes.

Host is Awarded with the Title Lucky Adventurer

Effect - Boost Drop rates from monsters by Luck × Tier ×Level = (e.g. 950× 1× 20= 19000) for 1minutes CD - 3 Days ( Duration can be reduced by Tiering up Tier 2 = 2 Minutes CD - 2Days - 12 Hrs. Tier 3 = 3 Minutes CD - 2 Days.

Rewarding Howling Token - A symbol of Authority makes any enemy's skill Effecienctiveness down by 20 % opponent's system generated Help for rivalled individual decreased by 10%.

Rewarding 1 Level + 1 Mana Guidance Technique Book handwritten by Ancient Humans God's & Dragon God's. ]

"Now I know why they treat me like a Monster I really wonder if I should ever reveal today's incident haiz* "

Turning around he saw Zeke and Flo staring at him a bit wary but not hostile as zash taking note of the complicated mood coughed a bit and they two stepped out of their trance and once again hot got lost in their train of thaughts leaving zash dumbfounded.

"The He*k? I haven't even told them the real shocking news yet " Zash mumbled to himself not knowing what to do.


Hey y'all so I find out the Novel is doing quite good, couldn't post due to reasons but expect a chapter every day if it's not available consider me busy, hopefully it was entertaining for you guys more fun begining along the way. The Trial arch is still on the roll as Fallen Angel Trials have yet to began.

Stay safe See you all later.

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