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63.26% THE ISLAND WHERE MIRACLES COMES TRUE / Chapter 61: Dragon Trial Part 6 - Trials Arch END - Accursed Devouring Doom

Chapter 61: Dragon Trial Part 6 - Trials Arch END - Accursed Devouring Doom

Feeling satisfied about the situation Zash checked his adaptability percentage

[Adaptability : 98% ]

And saw how the effects were. Zash could totally relate to the title as he felt more at home like he was bathing into the springs on the Island like he did before and was quite confident to fight the boss as it was not the Boss facing him on hi territory but the Boss coming within Zash's territory whilst Zash waited for the percentage to reach 100% Zash could see Certain sparks and small gaps appear around him form time to time making him quite curious and was certain they were a type of anomalies system told him about yet they all weren't anywhere near him the closest one of such anomalies had gotten to him was a few meters but nothing after that which got Zash thinking

'Is it due to my 710 points in luck ? The system's description of the status did say unforseen circumstancial threats knowingly or unknowingly might be avoidable.... Gahh~ whatever I should focus on getting the last 2 percentages and enter the Collosium as all other preparations are done'

'I've also got loads of Essense Energys Within my Inventory and storage devices all the while there's no shortage of it in the atmosphere and all the surroundings are mapped out by me along with various Essensces all liquified and ready to be stored at will by me. I certainly must try to look for these zones as they are literally a paradise for Cultivating, thought I'm not sure how to get to them but they seem endlessly huge and seperated yet so weirdly resonatingly have stayed connected as far as my knowledge goes this void is not comparable at all when put besides it's neighbouring void which seemingly dwarfed it by a huge margin. Hopefully I get to research more on this issue in the future.' Thaught Zash and said

"Looks like the more I get used to the environment the more harder it is for percentage to stack up more often it's been a while still adaptability has just reached 99% though I'm not in a hurry I have all the time in the world " and shrugged as he just did what he wanted to while checking up on his adaptability percentage from time to time during this time he researched the Golden Plated armours and the arrays they held along with studying the S+ rank stones embedded with various magic circles would add as conductors for supplying energys and wanted to study the concepts behind them, while Zash also practiced his Sword skills delegently especially the sword skills His unknown master 'Flora Dvi'or' had thaught him.

After another week. His adaptability percentage had gone up by 99% as Zash noticed that as he trained more in the environment the more he understood about it and the more familiar he got with it and before long he understood that even one percentage after 90 above familiarity is an exception benefit for every fighting class.

Marveling at the amazing effects he developed senses keen only par up to exception fighters who are seasoned with experience in fighting even so Zash could beat them all if he faught them within familiar terrains whilst defeating a higher Tiered individual would be hard Zash had the trump cards of The Element of Surprise due to his QUANTOMBETA Class and His arsenal of skills and Titles along with this Adaptability counter making him undefeatable under the same Tired criteria.

Also sensing his level up and his body getting ready to get into the 2nd Stage of True Immortal Cultivation Zash rejected the thaught and suppressed the feeling letting the Energys within him on the constant circulation patterns making his body more used to the energy's assaults beforehand and just waited for his Adaptiveness to reach 100% which was much harder than he thaught.

"Whew~~ it took nearly one month but it seems it was all worth it " Zash said as he could make out minute changes in his surroundings which he was barely able to before he began and could see cosmic rays entering and exiting from portals which opened and closed from time to time meanwhile dark omnious clouded storms could be seen in some voids making Zash glad about his luck as now he understood that his luck protected him from these adverse effects and understood how Serena must think from time to time clearly feeling the effects of the worldly saying ' Ignorance Is Bliss '

"I'm really thankful for the Titles I got from these Trials I have gained so much it's the second Trial I've had but now this too must come to an end. Even though it's and test sometimes I can't help but feel I've gotten used to these places unique in their own ways yet so different altogether. Like a place which became dear to me yet now forever gone from me never to be gone back to... " Zash was a bit sad about the trials which lasted for a short while and thaught about things more but just sighed and closed his eyes and accepted the reality making a move towards the Boss's chambers and chose to enter the Collosium.

The now Zash was way different than his wondering self from moments from just a few minutes ago whose heart was in turmoil but once he chose to enter the fight Zash's mind was automatically focused on what he came to do here in the first place.

Looking at the room he say rows and rows of Pillars which surrounded the room and held a big Beast widening his eyes Zash was surprised to come face to face with such enemy.

[Trial Boss : Undead Accused Devouring Dragon LV : 120

HP : ????/????

MP : ??????/??????

Zash knew very well that this was a being far surpassing his Titles and Levels as Thai was at least a Tier 3-4 Dragon which was akin to fighting a Tier 5-6 existence and wishlist he could match Sylphia's 2% of strength that was it Zash was able to do that whilst using all his might and straining his body in the process Thai was bit something Zash could face on with pure strength alone he had to use everything in his arsenal if he wanted to clear the trial.

"This'll be Tricky " Zash said as he watched the Undead Dragon which was heald in the middle of the Collosium was released by the noise of snapping rusty metallic chains which held him in his place as the Dragon looked at Zash as a delicious meal the first to be tasted by him in who knew how long.

As Zash and the Accursed Dragon looked at eachother eyes locked onto each Zash just blinked at a quick moment and the Dragon charged at him with lightning fast speed which was inhumane to get used to fortunately Zash had prepared himself with every high-tech protection he could use from his arsenal whils't he was bleeding Zash quickly recovered from it merely second after sustaining a heavy injury as Zash's HP & MP bar was 2 different things due to his Cultivation making him a cheat unlike anything this world had ever seen before.

For the next 5 hours Zash tried everything he could from missiles to lasers the Dragon while being dead was able to avoid Everything with barely 20% of his health scraped off. Zash attacked the Dragon quickly recovered and continued his assault sometimes the Dragon would try to avoid getting hit while other times he'd strike Zash while giving him a false sense for assurance that might be good enough for making anyone compelling to attach it but not Zash as he understood that it was all a trap and the Dragon still had a little bit of consciousness left with a Vish to swallow him and Everything in the world while for whatever reasons and knew he had to kill this Accursed being once and for all, and was ready to plt all dirty as best as he could

Making a set of networks within the Pillars akin to spiderwebs with his Quantombots Zash was able to trap the dragon whilst Zash strike him nearly 100 000 times or more with his swords altogether with his Dopplegangers and Swordskills he had learnt from Flora Dvio'r and taking advantage do anything his Titles provided him with anything useful in this situation.

Whilst the Dragon was seemingly annoyed and struggling to escape it wasn't able to as Zash's Quantombots had made the wires with the world's best cutting edge technology along with Insanely strong blades assigned with each qubic meters to each and as Zash had also programmed them to intertwine with eachother making it so that his 'prey' in this case the Undead Dragon was more and more trapped as time went on and with nothing better to do Zash just continue to make sure he gave it his all and slashed him with his swords as the Dragon struggled more Zash could make out that I read terribly annoyed and struggling to get out, taking this moment Zash made full use of his Quantombots but this time he made them so they can continue stay pierced within his body obstructing more of its movements.

Thinking that the situation was under control Zash was glad and happy about the situation but still attacked the Dragon restlessly while the Dragon looked at Zash and released an dark aura which started Devouring Zash's Cables made by Quantombots which in turn made the Dragon hurt from within as the Dragon while might be able to Devour and Digest Everything Quantombots were a case of their own entirely. They were like Bullet Ants which attacked any foreign entity which wasn't able to support and supply then with Essense and Mana. They held nothing against beings which were numerous Tiers above them they had just the program and mind of hive minded beings which Listened to only Zash Who was Their Maker and Founder Who acted as a King & Queen as a whole to them and as he was the one to develop the class by himself Zash was the only one who could Sate down the Quantombots which now hurriedly are away the Dragon from his core as his Devouring ability was automatically generated within his system but now his systems alone Ironically was beings ' Devoured ' by Zash's Quantombots making every bit of the Dragon's left conciousness regretting his decision.

Making a Four layered Magic Circle the Boss covered the entire surroundings alongside his body in a desperate attempt to take the Quantombots out bit to the Dragon's dismay Zash's Quantombots were too small for them to be affected by any natural elements of any kinds as they are in the boundaries of Quantom Realms a size speculations would mean more than 10 000 × the size of a human hair that's along with them being able to adapt alongside any changes which made them an unstoppable force none can reconcile with.

Sensing it's doom the dead Dragon just glanced at Zash who was in his own thaughts at the time while his hands were currently creating something.

'if it can Devour Everything this too should be absorbable but unlike before let's try silver plated Quantom Fybre this time. If something it should give me more time '

[Trial Boss : Undead Accused Devouring Dragon LV : 120 ( Weakened )

HP : 235000/500000

MP : 150000/200000

Seeing the Perfect opportunity Zash was making decisions on how to go about but was forced to stop midway as he looked at the Dragon in horror as it was preparing something Big.

Seeing Zash making something the Dragon tried it's last futile attempt leading to the appearance of Hundreds upon hundreds of tier 3-4 magic circles raining Sharp Hails and Fires at the same time.

Quickly dismissed the idea to attack Zash was fully focused on defence for the moment and was quite Quick in dashing a few while he made the same Whips which he used on the Stairs and used them to gain protection while inscribing small runes on the ground surrounding him and made an small array not one but 12 of such with his Quantombots as well while the Dragon just kept on watching menacingly and fired off attacks after attacks unfortunately for the Dragon he had just wasted a huge amount of his mana while doing multiple spellcasts and barrel had 20% after this stunt and could only maintain it for another minute or so while Zash had no idea just created more arrays which had 2-3 main functions as They decreased the oncoming attacks force by 25% while increasing reaction time as in AGI while also having a side bonus with an additional 10% strength with just a few mana stones which Zash had a little amount of on him. As it turned out the amount of results he had done on the Island and the two great above Tier 8 beings had also thaught him many things as such this much was feasible for Zash to do so by himself neverminding his Quantombots which were in a league of their own.

As Zash slid past one zone to another making sure he stayed in an array avoiding any avoidable attacks while tanking on whatever he couldn't avoid and dismissed everything and as some of his skills had cooled down he used Sword Averice and made use of his Dopplegangers meanwhile he kept getting notifications from system but he couldn't listen to them and chose to ignore them for now as the Dragon sensed that his attacks were not working and he had barely 50 % Health along with his internal situations which were not looking too good as well the Dragon layed forth his last trump card and called forward all his remaining mana and cancelled his incantation and spells already in use suffering a major backlash but with no time to rent to them he used a tier 5 Magic circle which emitter rays as Strong as the sun while the rays of naked lights made their way towards Zash Zash was forced to think quickly and made Quantomfabric along with making the Quantombots turn into materials EXTREMELY Heat & Attacks Resistant and covered himself in a Ball like structure while the light forced the Dragon to close it's eyes and along with taking heavy damage himself the dragon sighed in relief while tending to his wounds as the intruder was killed along with his disasterours weapons which tried to eat him from internally

Only to be was proven wrong on his thaughts of killing Zash as the Dragon could still feel his very Soul being eaten more quickly at that than before only meaning that Zash was alive but due to his undead properties he couldn't attempt to go towards Zash as he was already wounded beyond relief relying only on his Boss title which recovered 5% health when he was in critical state every second still that didn't seemed to be enough as the boss was tired beyond words with nothing to be done.


"Wow he Really defeated the plague of an old carcass finally We are free from looking over it !" Zeke exclaimed in enjoyment.

"Not so fast let's keep looking, the outcome may change. But yeah he's done us yet another favour let's award him a bit more properly next time" Flo Said and smiled heartedly.

While Zeke too was happy as he hadn't seen Flo smile so heartedly for a long time especially after ************* hopefully Zash could brighten up the atmosphere more as he's a interesting character to be around always full of surprises and fun times.


As the floor settled down the magma soon turned visible as the shining light diseappeared leaving a puddle do hot molten lava after just 10 seconds with nothing seemingly able to escape from it especially a Tierless LV 20 being which confused the boss even more

"Haaaa* haaaa* hearing gasping noises the tired Dragon who barely had the ability to turn somehow turned to the source of the panting and saw Zash come out if a sphere which had legs which then climbed out of the Liquid Puddle of Lava

"Thank God I programmed all my Quantombots" Zash said as he had quickly commanded the bots to act as Gadolinium, Tungsten,StainlessSteel,Molybdenum,Nickel,Tantalum, etc along with every other newly founded and acquired metals by Zash on specific peopertions in layers providing Zash absolute protection from the heat and impact.

Taking a look at the tired Dragon who barely had 10% of his original health remaining Zash was quite Quick to summon Sword Averice and strikes at his head for maximum impact and dashed at the Dead Dragon's head directly making the best if the situation and finally defeated the Dragon

[Trial Boss Defeated -

[Obtained Corrupted Skin from an undead Dragon]

[Obtained- Ancient Bones of an old Dragon ]

[Devouring Infuser ]- Rank ?????

Description- Quantombots which are infused with Devouring ability gained from the Dragon. System will help Host in fusing shall Host choses to do so. There's a possibility of gaining similar if not better skill from absorbing the Quantombots]

[Dragon Core of the Dreaded One ]

[Title Gained - Dragon Slayer

Description - Within the titles effect the host can instill 10% Awe from Dragons and other species alike, while drawing 10% Hostility from other Dragons while providing friendly Dragons with an 10% Crowd encouragement boos. ]

After countless strikes and attacks making Zash painting for air and leading to the depletion of the adrenaline which pumped in his veins which made his body ache in pain while there was also the satisfaction to completion the Trial along with defeating such a hard Boss nevermind feeling proud of himself Zash took his hands up and roared fully gladiator style seemingly matching the theme of the environment he was in.

[Trials Cleared !]

[Results are being calculated by the system ]

[Reward standards = SSS+ Rank]

[Obtained : Higher Ancient Dragon Bloodline]

[You can choose to transfer back to Transfer to the Fallen Archangel Bloodline Trials after 3 Hours. Or you are free to choose to go to the Trial Chamber rooms and select if Host wants to attempt another Trial

[Requirements to Tier up met

Elemental Catalist - C Rank [ ✓ ]

Base Core Rank [ ✓ ]

Mana Stones 20 - C Rank [ ✓ ]

Tier 1 attainment in any 2 elements [ ✓ ]

1 Million Slashes on a single target of Tier 2 Standards preferably or higher [ ✓ ]

[ Do you wish Start your Tier up now ?]

Looking at the abundance do rewards alone Zash once again screamed at the top of his lungs in an manly manner seemingly just like an gladiator and chose to go back to meet the Seniors and attempt the Trial later after meeting them as Zash had spent well above 2 month within the chamber and was quite tired along with the way he progressed up till now and chose to get back but before he chose to click on the transfer button Zash had all the liquid Energies gathering around the space fall within the containers bellow them which then floated towards Zash at full speed as Zash stored them the void was soon turning empty and the system prompt too was showcasing DANGER signs in bright bold letters giving Zash the obvious warning to GET THE F**# OUT OF THIS GODDAMNED PLACE ! but only after he had collected all 100% of the containers emptying out the space did he chose to teleport and just as he did the place where he stood at and faught the Dragon was cracked and gobbled up by cracks and holes in the void seemingly like endless mouths are eating aways in the Dead Zones.

As he appeared before tow dumbstruck beings who failed to say anything and didn't know what to say to Zash.


Hey guys What do you think about this chapter ? I honestly gave it my all I've spent 3 hrs straight writing and hopefully another chapter will be done this Sunday and not knowing about the rest of the week as I'm really tired and feel like I cannot perform my best under such circumstances take this chapter for example is written by me under stress free circumstances and you can be the judge.

Do mind the Spelling and Grammar mistakes as there may be a few as i personally correct them and they take time along with finding them. If you spot some please feel free to point them out as I want to provide readers with a better reading experience.

Take care and Most of all STAY SAFE ! Hopefully we'll meet again later.

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