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Chapter 3: HER PRAYER

Yoongi want to report to police about her but RM stop him because he see her face seem innocent and lost. After a few minutes discussion, RM step near to Lreyn and start a conversation with she.

"Hello, what are doing here? How did get in here?"

RM asking her lot question but she doesn't even understand each of what he said because it's in Korean.

The questionable face RM make Lreyn start talking.

"Can you speak in English?"

"I can't speak in Korean" she said.

Then RM smile and start asking again in English.

"What your name then?"

"I'm Lreyn"

" I don't know what I'm doing here. And don't know how i get in here because last i was at my home" Lreyn answering him.

"Really? You can't lie to us. If you don't tell the truth i will report you to police" Yoongi said to her after RM telling him what she talk. Yoongi being so mad.

'How can this girl get into my house. This dorm security is so weak. I really hate people try to get into my privacy' Yoongi talk in his mind

"I'm really don't know why I'm here and already tell you the truth. Please don't report to police" she begging them and start crying.

RM trying to calm down she and softly talk to her.

"Okay. But you had to prove you are right and tell what's your evidence" RM said to her.

RM held Yoongi hand bring him to outside.

"What are doing?" Yoongi asking

" I think we should give her time and discuss this with other member" RM answer.

Yoongi being furios and said "so, she will stay here? What if she harm us? I don't believe people like her. They always tell lie to get into our privacy!"

" But what if she don't?" RM replied.

"Let's give her chance to explain. If she can't prove she innocent, i will send her to police station by myself" RM continued.

"Okay, but please take her out of my bed room now"

After that RM take Lreyn to their living room and give her some water.

" Namjoon, why Yoongi being so loud this early morning?" Jin asked with his messy hair and rub his eyes because he just wake up.

"Nothing" RM replied shortly.

"Okay. And..." Jin shocked see Lreyn sitting at living room with RM.

" Who is this? Why did you bring girl to dorm? Doesn't it illegal? Does other member know?" Jin keep asking RM.

"Let's wait other to be here and i will explain everything" RM explain to him.

" A girl?!"

V and Jimin shout in front their each bedroom door.

They quickly come to living room. The noise they make shocked J-hope during he wash his face. He came out his room and tell them to be silent while rub his face using towel after wash his face.

Then he shocked see a girl at their dorm and walking to their living room to see why everyone gathering there.

"Are you our maid that asked yesterday?" J-hope asking.

"How can you said she a maid. Doesn't she seem little bit weird? Using pajama to go work?" Jimin replied.

" You guys come fast when heard about girl" RM mocking them. Jimin and V show little smile on their face for their bad behavior.

J-hope look questionable in his face.

" And she not our maid and please stay until everyone here so i can explain" RM explained.

All of them take a sit on couch and suddenly Jin stand and asking what they want to drink.

"As always" they answer Jin and he looking at Lreyn asking what she want but she doesn't understand Korean.

Then RM asking her in English.

" What would you like to drink?"

" Chocolate milk please" she answered politely.

RM tell Jin and he goes to kitchen get what they want.

Everyone still shocked and look at her. Lreyn feel uncomfortable and shy.

' Oh no.. what should i do? My idol with me right now. And... I look so miserable. I should look beautiful in front of them.' she keep talking to herself until her face start blushing.

Suddenly, someone open the front door and it's was Jungkook. He look exhausted.

"Hello everyone. Why everyone gathering here? Does something happen?" He asking while place his sport shoes at shoes rack.

All eyes on him. Nobody answers him. And he walking to kitchen to get his drink before take a sit at couch. Then he realizes a girl sitting at their living room.

" And who is this girl? Who take her here?" He keep asking.

Jin come to living room bring their drink.

"Here your drink" he give to Lreyn with sweet smile.

Even though doesn't understand, she answered him " thank you" with cute smile.

"Does everyone here yet?" RM asking

"Nope. Yoongi hyung still at his room. I'll get him" V replied.

V quickly goes to Yoongi room. About a few. Second they get out from Yoongi room.

" Please be quick" Yoongi telling RM.

" Okay. I will explain what happen just now. On. This morning, when i wake up i heard noise from Yoongi hyung and i come to check what happen. Then i see she inside Yoongi hyung room with him. We don't how she get in here and what she doing here. And right now i want to discuss with you guys about her." RM explain to them.

" Do you already asking her?" J-hope asking.

Lreyn seem confused. Because they speak in Korean and she doesn't understand.

" I already asking her but Yoongi make her crying and I can't asking her furthermore." RM replied.

All eyes on Yoongi after they heard what RM telling.

"What?!" Yoongi said to them

" Okay stop. Don't fight. We need find solutions to settle this" RM calm everyone.

RM tell them everything he know about her.

"So her name is Lreyn?" V asking.

"Yes" RM replied.

" I think we can investigate now because she seem relax now" Jungkook telling them.

" Okay but don't make her cried again" RM explained.

"Where are you come from?" Jimin asking her but in Korean. She look lost don't know what to answer. RM chuckled softly then telling them she doesn't understand Korean. All of them start laughing except Yoongi. Then Jimin asking again using English.

" I'm come from Arcturus" Lreyn replied

' Arcturus? Why she come far away to spy on us?' Yoongi talking to himself.

" How can you get in here?" Jimin asking again. He look interested in her.

" I don't know" she replied

All member look shocked except RM and Yoongi.

" I told RM before she a liar. She want to get into our privacy that's why she keep telling don't know" Yoongi telling them.

"Okay Lreyn. You should tell the truth so we can settle this easily" Jin tell her softly.

" But I'm telling the truth" she telling them.

Then suddenly she remember she always pray to meet them. Then she talk using small voice.

" Maybe because I pray to meet you guys so God make my prayer come true."

" I know it's sound crazy but it's happen now." She continued.

The BTS member burst into laugh.

" Don't you telling another fantasy story. We are not kids" J-hope said while he laugh.

"But it's true. Last night I was at my house. I don't even can afford expenses to go here. I can prove it." She said. She keep thinking how she gonna prove. Then something appears in his mind.

" Okay. I prove it. Can i borrow your phone?" She said to RM.

She tried looking for Instagram application in his phone but couldn't find it.

" Do you have Instagram application in your phone?"

" Nope. It's been awhile I don't use Instagram" RM replied with shy smile.

" Okay. Can I download the application for you? Because I need it to prove I'm innocent" she asked RM. Then, he nodded.

After a few minute, the application install in his phone. She quickly login to her Instagram and show her latest post last night picture she took in her room still using the same pajama she used.

" Do you believe now?" She telling them

" But you can lie using this post" Jungkook replied to her.

" Still don't believe me?"

" Alright let me call my family to prove it" she starting dial her mom phone number but nobody answer. After tried three times call her mom there was answer.

" Hello, who is this?" Her mom answering.

" Hello mom, it's me Lreyn"

" Lreyn, is it you? I've been looking for you too long. I though you with your cousin, Lisa but they tell me you wasn't there. Where are you now?" Her mom replied her in worrying.

" Yes. It's me your most lovely daughter. I'm with my friend just now" she replied.

" She can lie using her family" Yoongi tell other members.

" Wait a second mom" she cover the phone

" Okay. I will prove to you that i was at home last night. " She telling BTS member.

" RM please listen carefully and tell them what my mom conversation with me later to them" Lreyn order RM and he nodded.

" Hmm.. mom you see me at home last night right? I'm watching movie with dad at living room" she asking her mom.

" Yes dear. But you disappear this morning. I though you going meet your cousin. When will you going back home?" her mom replied.

" I don't know mom. Maybe I need take a week here with my friend because i need to finish our assignment." she had to lie to her mom because she knows there a none flight back to Arcturus from Achenar during this pandemic.

" Okay mom, i need to hang up this call. Bye mom. I love you" she ended the phone call.

RM explain to the other BTS member what he heard from my conversation with my mom. All member being shocked because flight to Archenar from Arcturus need about 5 hour. So, it's impossible for her to get there quickly. Un least she stay in Archenar but she at Arcturus last night and she don't understand Korean language. The dorm security also has been upgraded after two intruders come to their dorm last month. It's impossible for little girl like her get in easier.

" So... what should we do now? Where she gonna live after this? She doesn't even know everyone here yet and no flight to Malaysia during this pandemic" V asking them.

" Maybe she stay with us. Because we still got one more empty room." Jimin replied with smile while looking at Lreyn.

Lreyn just reply with awkward smile.

" What if she harm us?" Jungkook asking

"We can take her to hotel" Yoongi said

"But she doesn't have money and everyone will know about her because there's a lot paparazzi out there" V explain to them

" I don't think she going harm us. And does we had a choice?" RM telling them.

Then they agreed she live with them until pandemic end but with condition. One of the most important condition is ' don't get into their privacy without permission'. RM explain to her. Lreyn being grateful because they give her shelter. After everything settle down everyone going do their own stuff except Jimin.

" Hey, I'm Jimin" he introduce himself

"Hi, i already know all of you name" she replied nervously.

" Oh... How do you know?" He ask in shocked voice.

"Hmm... I'm know you guys because you guys is popular and I'm one of your fan"

"Woah... So you're our fan. No wonder you look so nervously meet us" he tell her

"By the way I'll show your room" Jimin take her to her room.

"Sorry it's bit messy because it's been awhile we use this room. If you need help you can call me. I'll be at my room next to your left." He tell she before left she alone.

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