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100% The Magus' Arsenal / Chapter 7: VII

Chapter 7: VII

The next four days were spent on training the body and understanding the world which also made me train my mind in coping up with all of these sudden changes as Zane started to lessen the effectiveness of her Calming Spell, and then eventually denying me of it on the fourth day.

That is why, the fourth day became a nightmare as the Calming Spell was removed, leaving me alone to deal with all of those repressed feelings.

With the help of Zane's unusual method of coping, I was able to overcome these accumulated mental traumas in just over a day. If this was back on Earth, it wouldn't be possible to recover for a very short time. 

I can still see the annoying "You can do it!" expression she made before she started as they have to put me into a deep sleep and try to influence my subconscious.

That is why it bugs me, how I could not bring myself to get angry at her after the rehab. She must've done a great deal of effort on easing all of those "repressed" feelings while I was going through it.

"Good Morning, how are you feeling?" Zane asked once she saw me get out of my room. 

"My head hurts a little." I replied as I touched my head. I approached the table where they are eating and took a seat.

"Hmm, that's good progress." She said as she downed a glass of water, "You didn't get a nightmare, have you?"

"I haven't. Thanks for using that Calming Spell, I think it helped me cope up." I said as I grabbed a spoon and fork and took a portion from the foods served on the table that looked delicious to me.

"Calming Spell?" In a confused tone, Zane asked and then took a big gulp to clear the food in her mouth. "Oh, is that how you call it?" 

"Uh, isn't it what it's called?" I said as I began stuffing my mouth with food.

Zane released a hearty laugh and said,

"You're not too good at naming." She said. "Did you hear him, Gohen?" She asked Gohen, who's sitting nearby.

Gohen acted like he didn't hear her. He sighed and said,

"It's a Charm, as well as many others that are achieved through similar processes." 

"Similar process?" Intrigued, I asked.

"I can't give you a clear description of it," Drops his eating utensils and started to think of how he should explain it,

"It should be like when..."

"Hey!" Zane yelled and interrupted whatever Gohen was about to say, " I'm the one who should teach these things."

Gohen raised his hand and revealed a rare playful expression, 

"Fine." He said, dropped his hand, and looked at me. "It's better if Zane tells you how, she's much of a Magus than I am."  He then grabbed his eating utensils and continued eating.

"Is there any news from Doshium?" I asked as I took a bite out of the food on my plate.

"There's none yet, but we should have news from there in three days at maximum." Gohen replied.

I nodded as I chewed on my food.

"So, what will I do today?" I asked.

Gohen taught for a moment, before saying, 

"You took my lessons last, so Zane will teach you today."

"Is it mine already?" Zane said with a shocked expression to which Gohen just ignored.

"You skipped 2 morning jogs too, we'll add two more lapses to our jog tomorrow." Gohen added. I grimaced after hearing what he said.

I suddenly felt tired just by thinking of it. The route that we jog in the territory of the Engleits is already tiring enough as it spans about 5km, 2 more would make it 15km, and I have to finish it in an hour while doing Internalization too. 

That should be barely acceptable for me, I thought.

The anatomy of this world's human body were the same with Earth's. Except that, there's an energy that nourishes everything in this world, including this world's humans. 

This energy would be passively absorbed by everything on this planet, and in turn it makes them stronger each day.

That is why even though people are stronger here than that of earth, all of what exists here is made in proportion to their strength.

Now that I think of it, I am very lucky that only my spirit is the only thing that is transported to this world. If my body was included during my transportation to this world, the overwhelming pressure alone would turn my body into a meat paste in a blink of an eye.

I resumed eating my food and ignored Gohen's small talks of places where people won't be able to see us when we jog.

"We'll start your training after your meal." Zane informed me as she finished her meal and fixed herself up.

"Can't we go around Engleits this afternoon?" I asked.


"Absolutely not!"

The both of them instantly replied which startled me for a moment.

"Why?" I asked.

"We are in hiding, remember? We can't possibly risk people knowing that you're here." Gohen reminded me.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot that."

I remembered that there was still tension going on in Doshium. Although it's far from Engleits, the enemies of my supposed father would do anything to reach me.

Zane must've seen the disappointment that registered briefly on my face and said,

"After we receive some news, we can probably visit around the territory before leaving." She suggested.

"Really?" It brightens up my mood instantly. I would never pass an opportunity to learn more of this place, this world.

"Of course, right Gohen?" A warm smile formed on her face as she turned to get an affirmation from Gohen.

Gohen just nodded his head in reply.

"Great!" I said when I saw that he agreed.

Zane stood up from her seat and turned to look at me,

"Head to the study room after you're done, we'll do today's lessons there." She informs and excuses herself.

She headed straight into the study room and left me and Gohen on the table, still eating breakfast. 

I tried to hasten the speed at which I ate so that I could get to her faster.

Above everything that I have encountered in this world, the existence of magic interests me most as there's nothing much of a difference between here and on Earth, except that their technology is not as advanced and their way of living is a bit backwards as their law is dependent on how strong its enforcers are.

I could already feel the energy that they were talking about after Gohen taught me how to internalize.

However, there is still a big difference between feeling and using the energy flowing around your body.

I was able to finish eating my breakfast in no time and was just preparing to stand up and excuse myself from the table.

"Kael." Gohen called,

Gohen must've noticed that something is missing on me as he ask, 

"Where's the pendant?"

I was startled for a moment and touched the area between my chest and felt the missing pendant.

"I must've forgotten it in my room." I replied. 

I remember that I wore it off after taking a bath last night. 

Gohen paused for a moment and just nodded. 

"Just make sure that you don't lose it." He said and stood up from the table.

The next thing that happened boosted my excitement to see Zane.

Gohen swiped his hand across the table, and the food, the plate and the various mess on the table disappeared, leaving it clean and fixed.

"I'll be going to check up on things with the Lord of Engleits and see if there's news from Doshium. I should be back in the afternoon." He informed me with a smile and headed out of our residence.

I can only reply with an "Okay." and was still left amazed even after I heard the door that Gohen just used close. 

The moment I recovered, I immediately dashed towards the direction of the study room and found Zane in the midst of finishing a complicated drawing she drew on the floor.

"Stand on that circle and be careful not to erase the lines. It's made of crude materials." Zane instructed and pointed to one of the circles inside the drawing.

I did what I was told and stepped on the spaces between the lines of the drawings, careful not to step on anything.

The moment that I stepped inside the circle that she mentions, the circle glowed just like how the one she's in.

"Amazing, isn't it" Zane asked when she saw the awe in my expression. 

I smiled and began to expect something more from this drawing.

"What is this?" I asked.

"This is what we call an Array." Zane began to say, "We use an Array when we want to combine multiple spells at the same time."

I studied how the drawing is made and was drawn to the intricate runes written at the perimeter of this circular drawing.

Somehow, those runes felt familiar, like I've seen them somewhere but I just can't remember where.

"Notice how many triangles there are?" Zane asked once more when she saw my interest in the Array.

I nodded in reply.

From the perimeter of the Array, the runes encircle two intersecting triangles which formed a hexagram that reminds me of the Star of David.

"There are two." I replied.

"That means that this Array can only hold Spells up to two second order of Magic or lower. You'll learn more of that once we get back on Doshium, but first..." She paused then stamped her foot against the floor.

The Array was instantly activated. The drawings began to glow, the runes began to rotate on its axis, and the triangles rotated against the rotation of the other.

I felt my heart race as I was taken aback from the sudden change. I almost lost my balance as the next changes caught me off guard. 

In a blink of an eye, the study room fades and is replaced by a dark and starry sky. We were floating amidst the vast void and saw comets pass by.

"You wouldn't see this at schools everyday so listen carefully. Try and absorb as much information as you can." Zane informed me before she controlled the scene and focused it on a planet that almost looks like Earth, only much bigger.

It turns out that this particular Array works like a 360 degrees projector, only that you won't be able to see the room you're in before as it will be replaced by a completely different environment.

If this was before, I would have been utterly shocked and, for a long time, would remain like that as I wouldn't know how to react to such an unexplainable event.

However, as I spend more time in this world, I have gathered knowledge that made me process these things in a much logical and systematic way, making me able to slowly adapt to these sudden changes.

"You must've already known that I can do this because I can control Mana, correct?" She asked once the scene is focused on that planet.

I nodded.

"However, your understanding of Mana is too shallow and could only be described as something primitive. That is why I'll show you a story that happened thousands of years ago."

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