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77.41% Broken without you / Chapter 24: Chapter 24 it's an emotional train

Chapter 24: Chapter 24 it's an emotional train

Blake's POV

I picked my shirt and ran behind her she was too fast to catch up. Before I could reach her she entered a taxi and went by.

" Ohno this is no good ." I was running back to my car to follow her. The moment I opened the door my phone vibrated. I checked f*cking 50 missed call from mom.

I instantly called her back buckling my seat belt. After like 3 rings she picked up the call.

I heard a loud sob. " Mom!!!" Why is she crying. The moment she heard my voice she started crying badly her sobs converting into hiccups . " Mom , what happened ??" I was waiting for her reply patiently but she was still crying .

" Mom please tell me your making me worried now ?" I spoke calmy.

" Bla... Blake your ......your dad .....sobs...your dad had a heart attack sobbing.he is..... in very.....very...... critical stage..." She almost screamed crying.

My world fell apart.. I couldn't believe her words. " Which hospital ??" I tried my best to keep my voice strong. But my heart was weeping.

" IN hospital " she spoke controlling her hiccups.

I drove there as fast as I could breaking signals. Oh my god how could this happen to him. He was fine few days ago . It's all my fault I left home. I'm the one who stressed him. I should've have listened to him. I should've have left everything for him. How could I be such an unfilial son???? Sons like me don't deserve him!!!

I finally reached the hospital wiped my tears. I couldn't cry in front of my mom. I have to keep myself strong for her.

I walked in and my mom ran to me . She hugged me and sobbed like crazy. I have never seen her cry like this.

I shushed her and calmed her." Mom, everything will be okay , don't worry dad is a strong man!!! "

She frantically nodded and looked at me . I kissed her forehead and rubbed her tears.

She held my hand and walked me to his room. I could see his pale face from the window. He looked weak and sick.

I couldn't control my tears now. My eyes were watering, the man lying there was none other than my inspiration . He did everything for me .

But an unfilial son like me , ran away just for a mere thing I wanted to do. I just wanted him to wait and give me a little time so that I can become more professional in handling the company but who knew I did this to him.

I regret each and every word I said against him. He was old now. He needed me beside me how could I do this.

I was deep in my thoughts someone called me . " Mr.Davis ??" I turned to the voice it was the doctor. " Yes " I answered and looked at him " can we talk?" He looked at my mother who was silently weeping at a nearby bench.

I looked at her . " Alone ??' he asked me . I nodded and followed him to his office. After comforting my mom .

He told me my father was going from a crucial stage. His stress was the main reason for the heart attack . The doctor informed me to strictly make him avoid stress and he needs his family support at this time . He informed me about medications and everything .

Finally after the talk with the doctor he told me I could meet him. I hurried to him room and sat on a chair beside him. I held his hands tightly . Mom was outside with aunt taking care of her. We didn't let her meet him as she would broke down badly.

" I'm so sorry dad" his condition seemed really bad. I whole night I regretted each and every thing i felt asleep think those things .

Then I felt a hand moving on my head. I instantly woke up he was smiling at me. " Dad !!" I hugged him . " Yes ,son " his voice weak and faint. I broke the hug . " I'm so sorry , I'm so sorry " my voice broke.

" Hey young man, you crying huh??" His tone was sarcastic.

How can he be joking in this condition . " It's not your fault my son, I was being too pressurising . I was being so harsh on you !" He said . I was quitely listening to him. " I should've have understood your thoughts your plans for future instead of pushing mine on you " he again caressed my face. " I am sorry son, I failed you as a father " he bitterly smiled. " No dad , you are and were always the best " I smiled at him .

" Please come back home " he literally begged me .His eyes were watering ,for the first time in my life I was seeing his soft side. I nodded and hugged him again like his small son.

" Now go call my darling " he said to me and winked , I laughed " ya ya " and walked out to my mom. She was seeing the scene from the window . She smiled kissed my cheeks and went to talk to him .

Finally, I took a breath and felt the weight of everything fall of my heart. I went to the washroom to wash off my face the moment I splashed cold water on my face something felt off. What was I missing??

Damn! Isabella !!!!!. How could I forget about her. I instantly dialed her number it was switched off.

Gosh!! I talked to my dad and promised him I will be coming by evening.

I ran to my apartment . I banged at Isabella's flat like a maniac. Finally after a minute Ivy came , she seemed sleepy. Before she could ask anything I went to Isabella's room. I was turning her door knob Ivy spoke" Isabella is not home"

I snapped back at her " what!!??" I was shocked . ' where did she go??, Is she fine ? ' My headache was returning, my heart beating so fast I knew I would pass out if I didn't calm down.

Ivy continued " She went back to her parents house early morning" . I got a hold of myself after her words. Thank god she is safe. Last night was so scary that I forgot everything.

" But why are you searching for her??" She looked confused . Fuck! I almost exposed us. " I had some important work with her thats why" I said and made my way to my flat.

I constantly kept calling but she didn't picked up. Did she block me?

I need to meet her but !!! What will I say to her parents . O Hello, I'm your daughter's boyfriend!!! .

No this is not the right thing to do . Her parents are already strict I can't meet her . What do I do.........

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