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3 | the sudden inspiration

The door slammed closed as I rushed into the apartment, with a clear intent in my mind. I had to express what I had just felt simply by looking into those eyes. Those alluring blue eyes.

The idea of love at first sight never really struck well to me. I was always more of a "let's be friends until I figure out if you're marriage material." Besides, how would you know if the person is right for you simply by seeing?

But I do believe at the attraction at first sight. And I was sure that whoever that guy was, he had something, enough to make me want to go look for him again. Taking out my songbook, I jotted down the notes describing the whirlwind of emotions I felt. A burst of fear and excitement at that first fall, the comforting warmth of being in someone's arms, and the intense desire to know the personality behind those glasses.

It took me four hours to be able to compose a song that fits the bill. The title of my song remains unknown.

Stretching my arms out, I began to play on the piano. A ghost of a smile appeared on my lips as I remembered the moment again, at the bookstore, and the gaze of a John Doe.

It was odd how much space the guy was taking in my mind especially when we had only a few words exchanged, and those were just pleasantries. I was so lost in the song that I didn't hear the door open and the soft clicking on heels walking towards the living room.

Finishing the piece, I ended the note on a softer note, hinting a question mark if I'll ever see those steely blue eyes again.

"New song piece?"

Letting out a shaky breath I only managed to give a nod and a loop-sided smile at Rebecca. Finally taking in her appearance, I noticed she had donned a Versace skin-tight dress with killer Louboutin heels to complete her look. Her beautiful diamond rock almost gleamed when she pushed a stray blond hair behind her ears.

Taking a seat next to me she smiled as she playfully hit random notes of the piano. "I wish I could express my feelings through music too. To feel what you feel and hear it on a piano."

Placing my hand on hers, I shook my head and faced her, brown eyes to green. "Rebecca... What's wrong?"

Biting her lips she looked away and exhaled a nervous sigh. "It's just my mother. And my father. And I guess Sebastian too. Everybody seems to want to speed our wedding and take control of how the wedding should be like. It was starting to sound more and more arranged every day despite the feelings I and Seb shares."

"Are you having second thoughts?"

She whipped her head, her eyes wide in alarm. "No! I love Sebastian. I just wished our family would understand that I'm just 20 and Seb's just 22. I mean we're both still so young. I just think we should delay the wedding a-"

My phone ringing interrupted her mid-talking. Giving her an apologetic smile, I ended the phone call when I noticed it was just another one of those scam calls.

"Sorry about that. Want to get coffee and talk more? You're a bit more dressed up for a coffee date though."

She gave a silent chuckle and stood up to leave. "Yes please coffee sounds good. Just let me change into something more casual."


"A chai latte with Macademia milk and a hot matcha green tea latte for the two beautiful ladies."

Thanking the cute waiter, I smiled and waited for Rebecca to finish taking pictures of the art designs on our drinks. "So what was your new piece on?" She asks while picking out her favorite pictures for her gallery.

"Uh. Well. I sort of met a guy."

"A guy?"

"Yes. A dude. A man. The opposite gender of us. You know? Like Seb?"

Rolling her eyes at my sarcasm she placed her phone down next to mine and leaned in. "What kind of guy?"

Taking a sip of my drink, relishing in the heavenly taste, I thought to myself for a moment. What kind of guy was he? He had glasses behind the steely blue eyes. Ugh those eyes. His hair was almost unruly curly in a boyish charm way (almost like every male singer in boy bands), definitely tall since he loomed over me, and probably shy? The blush and the stutter probably gave that away.

"An interesting one. I guess? I fell and he... caught me?"

Rebecca had a bewildered look on her face. "Like in the movies? Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

"If I did I would be in the hospital not here. It was in the bookstore and the ladder was kind of broken."

"You could've sued for that." She responded giggling. "In all seriousness though, you wrote a song because of this guy? Do you have a picture? Or his Instagram?"

Looking away from her curious eyes, I watched the view of the streets from the window. The bustling streets and the rush steps everyone takes to head to their destination. "That's the thing. I couldn't find him after and when I did, I was already on my way outside."

"Well I mean we know where he works. We could always pop by?"

I smiled as I stir my drink distantly. "Let's not be a stalker just yet. Besides, New York is small. I'm sure we'll bump into one another soon."

Rebecca only stayed silent after that. Her phone chimed and she took a look. "It's Seb. He's going to be out for a few days for a mandatory male-related event."

Raising an eyebrow, I stared at her confusingly. Rebecca and Sebastian were both from an influential family and the parties they attend always seemed so tedious for me. It was times like these that made it seemed like we both were from two different worlds.

"It's probably business-related." She said more to herself. Pursuing her lips, she took a large gulp of her drink and wiped the remains from her lips with a napkin. "So, tell me more about this guy again. Details, details!"


John internally groaned when he saw the invitation from his email and messages. It was like his father to remind him of things twice. Maybe even thrice.

3, 2, 1... He counted in his head before his phone rang.

Rolling his eyes at the predictability, he answered up the phone. "John here."

"Hey, did you get the invite?" His childhood and a close family friend asked.

"Yeah I got it. Did you really have to confirm every time there's an event? You know I'll attend. It isn't like I have a choice."

He heard his friend gave an awkward laugh. "Well you know how your father can get. And I don't really want to be in the receiving end of my father's wrath if I don't play my part."

A guilty feeling passed over him. If it wasn't for him, his father, or just his family in general, then he wouldn't have to trouble his friend like this. Deciding to make it easy for his friend he agreed on coming for the third time.

"Thanks J! Heads up, least there'll be no females trying to claw at you for your wealth."

Letting out a laugh he felt a little relieved at that. "Yeah I guess so. See ya Seb."


I really wanna go study in a coffee shop...


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