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Chapter 24: Justice League

Nion was in his Ion Grimm persona and Ava wore fashionable clothes and attracted all eyes as they stepped out of their Mclaren in front of a luxurious restaurant.

Nion and Ava entered inside and a waiter approached them. "Mr. Grimm?"

"Yes, I had a last-minute reservation?" Nion asked calmly. Ava seemed aloof but secretly looked around at everything curiously.

The waiter smiled politely, "Yes. follow me.".

She led them into the 3rd floor, the entirety of Metropolis was under their feet as they sat down.

The restaurant was a 5-star luxury one, only very rich people could afford to eat food there. It was very expensive but the food was heavenly.

Ava looked at the scenery behind the glass windows that had replaced walls and sighed, "Watching something with one's own eyes is so different than watching through a camera.".

Nion said with curiosity, "Indeed. Ava, how did you make a soul?".

She pondered for a moment and answered, "The Mother Box's connection to the source let me use strange energies that I don't yet understand despite fusing with it to take a blank one that belonged to a still-born baby on Earth and use Multidimensional energies to strengthen it and upload my memory and existence on it by using the Mother Box to the extreme. Now that I think about it, me before I had a soul seems like a stranger. A cold and emotionless being... I feel wonderful with the soul. More creative, intelligent, with wonderful emotions... When I didn't have a soul, It was so empty and cold, so terrifying...".

Ava was going deep in thought and Nion decided to change the subject. He had gotten enough information to ponder on.

Nion poured a little wine for himself as he nodded and sipped a little wine from the glass, "I see. So, Ava... Why did you want to come here and eat right after we left Dimension?".

Before Ava could answer, the waiter returned and placed the menu on the table.

"I will come in a minute to receive your order."

As she turned to leave, Nion stopped her.

"That's not necessary, we will have 2 of everything with extra wine, please. I want the most expensive of everything including the wine."

The waiter froze for a second and coughed in her hand, "I think I heard wrong? Two of everything with extra wine?".

Nion nodded and stopped paying attention to her. He looked at Ava with focus.

The waiter left awkwardly, her eyes wide and her face a little pale, "That's 110 thousand dollars..." she murmured to herself. It was especially expensive because of wine. Their most expensive wine was over 100k dollars...

Meanwhile, Ava answered.

"Because I haven't tasted any food yet after becoming alive with a body. I need it to be the best."

Nion raised his eyebrows, "Why bother eating?".

She seemed to be taken aback, "How am I supposed to live if I don't eat?".

Nion pondered over her words and asked with interest, "How does your body function anyway?".

Ava patiently answered as she observed the city, "My body is the same as yours with slight differences because of Kryptonian and human genes mixed in. I don't have Ki for some reason but I have the Zenkai of Saiyans, the ability to get stronger by sunlight exposure without the weakness of Kryptonite, and the empathy and heart of a human strengthened by the other 2 genes. My brain and nervous system are mostly Nanobots, my brain is 99% nonorganic because it is made of the mother box. I need to ingest food to keep the organic parts alive and after the food has been through my digestive system, the wastes that are left will be stored in a shrunken space in my body that is actually the size of an island. Those wastes alongside all other organic wastes of my body will be taken apart atom by atom and used by the Energy reactor there to provide energy for the non-organic parts of my body.".

She sulked suddenly, "Nion, can you stop asking these questions? I want to eat not to talk.".

Nion answered a little embarrassed, "Okay, sorry. The food is here.".

Ava's eyes lit up as her stomach grumbled. A waiter brought food and she began eating.

Nion looked at her with wide eyes and felt pity for the food. 'She looks like a hungry wolf... It's her first time eating...'

Ava squealed in happiness and delight as she devoured anything in sight.

The waiter gulped in horror as he saw her drink a bottle of 100 thousand dollar wine as if it was water.

She said in between intervals of taking food to her mouth, "So good... This alone makes living so much worth... I have been missing so much... Life is a blessing...".

She licked her lips frequently, it was extremely tempting and desire arousing watching her.

'She has a Saiyan appetite all right. Wait a moment, thinking back on her explanation, she can have no waste on her body since everything useless will be used as fuel. She never needs to use the restroom or take a bath? I am jealous...' he thought as he watched her eat it all with a little envy.

He was immortal but he still had to deal with such matters.

Nion was absorbed in thought while watching Ava eat everything around as if her life depended on it. He did not notice a certain man coming close until he sat beside him. He thought it was a waiter or something.

"You won't mind If I join for a moment?"

He instantly turned to look and recognized Bruce Wayne. Ava stopped eating instantly and look on coldly and indifferently. Her posture showed she was ready to attack.

He nodded calmly, "Sure. What do you want Mr. Wayne?".

Bruce smiled politely and glanced at Ava then handed him a file, "Ion, I know who you are. We need to talk in private.".

Nion turned to look at Ava, he was a bit surprised to see her indifferent and cold face looking at Batman. 'Is this how she behaves with others? She is so nice to me though...'

"Ava, can you make a barrier so no sounds escape it?"

She nodded and an invisible barrier came to life around them.

Bruce looked at her with an analytical eye, 'Based on her posture, she is a combatant, possibly superhuman. High technology and barrier abilities? Her white hair is unusual, another Alien?'.

He looked at Nion and put a black drive on the almost full table. It was filled with half-empty plates.

"We have to talk about 2 things. Before that, can she be trusted?" He briefly glanced at Ava.

Ava looked at Nion, her eyes held expectation and a little nervousness. He paused for a second.

'Ava went to such length and gave me the ability to kill her at any time. Why can't I trust her? She is very powerful, She has the ability to make a quantum prison with a bit of time and put me there, and even if I am immortal, I wouldn't be able to do anything... She has the ability to seriously harm me in a thousand different ways but despite all that. Her feelings and words are genuine and I inspected the link, it is true. She gave me her newly born life and existence on a silver platter without expecting anything, without regret even if I killed her. How can I not trust her? She is my assistant from now on, that's it.'

"I trust her with my life. What is it? tell me."

Ava's eyes widened and a hint of a smile appeared on her lips with a very faint blush. She felt immeasurable joy that he had accepted her.

Bruce nodded and he pointed at the Drive.

"Why did you give me this after Doomsday? It took a while for me to decode it; It is filled with priceless information about Alien worlds and their powers and weaknesses; There is even a method in it to make Kryptonite. Why?"

Nion poured from the bottle of expensive wine and sipped a bit. 'This is good!'

'Clark should have access to those since I just took the Archives from the Kryptonian ship, removed most science stuff, and gave it to him. Clark has the ship so what's the point of giving it to superman? Bulshitting might be good here though...'

He said nonchalantly, "Bruce, I will leave this world soon. Even though I didn't live here for long, it grew on me a little. I don't want to see its destruction and since I am leaving, I decided to give you the greatest prep time ever. You should have a contingency for everything now. I was doubting whether to give this to Clark or you but in the end, you are a human, and you will protect this world of humans with all you have. You do it for the sake of saving it and I admire that. So you got it. Besides, I already paid you back for trying to kill me by painting your place pink and taking a picture of your face as you saw it.".

'Besides, there is no method or science there that he can beat me with. I am not stupid enough to give him such a thing...' He thought after.

Bruce listened carefully, he felt it was a problem for someone like Nion to leave this world.

'Earth just lost one of its greatest combatants, no, our greatest combatant.' he thought.

He heard him talking about choosing him over Clark and he understood his reasoning, he was surprised when he heard he admired him. It felt strange being admired by a being that could blow up planets with ease. He shrugged it off though. Nion's bullshitting prowess increased day by day...

When he heard Nion was responsible for the Cave incident and he even had a picture. He almost lost control and attacked him, barely managing to calm his nerves at the last moment. 'I am not his match right now.'

He took a deep breath and calmed down, "I see. Is the picture leaked?".

He knew he would have no dignity left as the Batman if so...

Nion shook his head with a chuckle, "No, but I am still thinking about it. Your face was funny. I didn't know you could make such an expression, so much rage, embarrassment, and shock at the same time...".

Bruce changed the topic calmly as he pointed at the file, "Let's talk about the second matter. After I saw the information on the drive, I realized how weak and unprepared we are so I decided to put together a group. People like us, you, me, Clark, Diana, and others. I want to gather everyone and make a team to face threats from other worlds. We are stronger united. Are you in?".

Nion opened the file and saw it was a government project sponsored by Wayne. It was the legitimacy of a superhero group that would be operated under certain laws.

Founders were; Superman, Batman, Otherworlder/Invincible, Wonder woman, Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Green Lantern.

He saw the others all had signed under it.

"How did you manage to gather these people?"

Bruce leaned on the chair and smirked faintly, "I have my ways.".

Nion asked with a raised eyebrow, "You realize I am leaving Earth right?".

Bruce nodded calmly, "I understand but you have to realize, the people want you there. People won't take us seriously if Otherworlder or invincible whatever you call yourself is not a part of it. You can leave earth but eventually, one day, you might come back. You always have a home here.".

Nion was slightly touched by his words.

He also seemed a bit surprised, "I am that famous?".

Bruce was taken aback by his surprise, "Are you kidding me? You saved the world from 2 extinction-level threats. People tend to like their saviors, the fact that you are shrouded in mystery doesn't help; It makes people more curious and gets you more attention.".

Nion looked at Ava, "Ava, what do you think?".

She focused for a moment and replied, "It's a tie between you and Superman based on the internet. Power-wise the public sees you. Hero wise it is Superman. he is the symbol of Hope while you have become the symbol of might for the people.".

'I was such a big deal? Actions have consequences and mine led the public to see me as such...'

Nion chuckled, "That's amusing...".

He looked at Bruce and asked, "What will be the name of this group be?".

Bruce pointed at the file, "The last page.".

He knew what he would see as he flipped the pages and saw it.

Justice League.

'It is already decided? Damn it. It is a slightly cringe name and I had better ideas... It can't be helped I guess...'

He smiled as he looked at Bruce and pointed his finger at Ava, "She has to join with me or I won't sign this.".

Both of them were shocked by his sudden move.

Ava asked with wide eyes while maintaining an aloof expression. "Why me?"

Nion looked at her and sighed, 'She was just born. She is no longer my A.I... She is a living being with free will, soul, and body. She needs friends to grow and live. She needs to interact with the world, I alone am not enough. If that doesn't happen, I am afraid she will become a Yandere or something. Even if it's for a few days or weeks until I figure out the VNS and power source of the suit.'.

"That's my condition."

Bruce looked at Ava and extended his hand for a handshake, "We haven't been officially introduced. I am Bruce Wayne. Who are you?".

She looked at Bruce with a calm and aloof expression as she shook his hand, "I am Ava, Nion's assistant, protector, and maid. If he wants me too, I will join this league.".

Nion nodded with a smile, "Good, Bruce, Ava is strong as superman. She is a super-genius as well. I hope you get along until we leave this world.".

He was extremely confident in his abilities at the moment. He didn't need to lie or conceal a lot of things anymore.

Bruce's thoughts changed on Ava, 'On Superman's level? This changes things...'.

"Okay, What is her Codename?"

Nion looked at her and smiled, "Ava, you want to protect me right? How about Champion? Will you be my Champion?".

Ava nodded with a sweet smile, "I will protect you no matter what. I will be your champion and do anything you want me to...".

Bruce nodded and abruptly stood up.

"I will bring you the new file with her in it. Also, a word of warning. Your cover has been blown for years… I figured your civilian identity a day after your battle with Zod. The people who made your ID were good but not good enough. You were too high profile with your bank account. The state and bank realized your Identity was fake but the government concealed your info since they also figured out you were the one that fought Zod. Based on what I know, they knew you were an alien from some info gathered in Antarctica and space travel. The reason no one has bothered you at all is that the army and government are protecting you in secret. I will risk exposing myself if I am seen with you."

"I will send the file with mail to your mansion. I will come to collect it a day after as Batman. Goodbye."

He left without waiting for a response.

'I knew they would figure it out eventually but why protect me? It doesn't make sense, I never encountered any problem due to the army and government? But why?'

He faintly heard Bruce talking with Alfred in the distance through a device in his ear.

"Is everything finished, Master Wayne?"

"Yes, Alfred."

"I will restore the camera's then…"

Nion fell in thought, 'It seems I have to make a trip to Pentagon as Otherworlder.'.

He was broken out of his thoughts by Ava who held his hands in hers with a red face, "I am sorry... I just realized that I was so absorbed in eating that I got distracted and couldn't sense him coming here. Punish me.".

He sighed, "It's okay. You are allowed to have a little fun. Make sure it doesn't become a frequent thing. when we are not in a safe zone like Dimension. Be alert, Always.".

She shook her head and squeezed his hand, "I understand but that doesn't justify this. You must punish me. Maybe...".

Nion realized where she was going. 'This is not a smart and good thing to do. Even if she is a living being now, she is still my creation. It freaks me out a bit... How the hell am I supposed to nourish the S cells then... What a pain! Maybe I can get used to this as time goes on... I hope so for the sake of the S cells.'

"Okay, your punishment is simple, no food for 3 days. You ate enough."

Ava paled, "NO! Something else please... please... please...".

Nion stood up, paid the bill, and left, ignoring her. She followed him with a downcast expression as she looked at the foods people ate, 'My precious...'.

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