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64.28% The Half-Blooded / Chapter 17: History

Chapter 17: History

The afternoon went by like the traveling clouds in the sky. Everybody was now eating their dinner in the Easterian Hall. Everyone was happy being in the school. Surely, foods are amazing here in Clairemont and so, food makes you happy, does it?

The three lads were dining with their squad. The absence of the headmistress in her throne in the hall isn't a problem at all, perhaps because everybody were enjoying much of their time with Foods, Friends, and Classes.

Patricia was feeling very light and enjoying her new acquaintances. Pariana and Peteriona were still arguing about a random stuff, but its their way of showing love into each other. Ellah Tray with the other girls were chatting while eating in the Pixiestail table. Such a wonderful scene it is.

After the dinner in the Easterian hall. Everybody went on their houses room and proceeded in their dorms. The Tuesday night bade goodbye and hello Wednesday!

Same old routine for everyone in their second week of the school year. Everyone gathers in the Easterian hall to eat up and proceeded in their first periods. First Period for the Pixiestail first years was with Ms. Annalie.

Patricia, Peteriona and Pariana were leading the way towards Ms. Annalie's classroom with their bags on their shoulders.

Again, another discussion of History of Clairemont School of Wizards have started with Ms. Annalie.

"Yesterday we've finished discussing 'the foundation'. Before we'll be proceeding into our next topic which is very--- let's say amour of kind--- who were the founders again, the ancient magis'? Ms. Annalie asked.

Some were too excited for the next topic of their discussion and so is Pariana who throw her hand up in the air and answered.

"Clarita Victoria, David Magus, Thomas Johnson, and Isabelle Beta were the founders, Professor." Pariana answered calmly and sated down.

"5 points for Pixiestail. Now remember these Magis' for they're our topic today, ya know. We're actually discussing about their romance and lovely stuff." Ms. Annalie cringed when she spoked but she managed to smile.

"Professor! Professor!" Said Kylee Quinn from Pixiestail.

"Feeling interested in my subject, finally, we are Kylee, go on." Said Ms. Annalie

"Is it true that The Mistress is a half-blooded?" Asked Kylee not being taken aback by Ms. Annalie's comment.

"Ahhhh---well. Your accusations about her being a half-blooded is very not accurate my dear. She is NOT a half-blooded." Ms. Annalie answered firmly.

"Is she a magi then?" Replied Kylee, still standing.

"Not quite." Ms. Annalie answered.

"What U mean, not quite?" Peteriona retaliated with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Ahh-- enough questions. So this is about Clarita Victoria Roswalth and David Magus." Ms. Annalie snapped.

"David Magus? You mean the inventor of the terrors and curses thingy?" Asked Patricia. She thought David Magus was very familiar and now she put her thoughts about it, he was the one who made the terror curse. If only Patricia was attentive with the whole subject not just about Laura and Clarita then she could realize this sooner.

Ms. Annalie's eyes were widen when Patricia asked the question. And Patricia remembered, Terrors and stuff were restricted.

"I don't know how did you learn that. But you can have my confirmation--------------- just Forget it." Said Ms. Annalie while throwing a suspicious look at Patricia.

"So a Pixiestail and Blandestine love story then?" Yang XiaoLong asked.

"Yes. Indeed. Well they're the founders of the houses. So definitely." Answered Ms. Annalie

"Cool." Blake muttered from behind.

"Clarita Victoria Roswalth and David Magus, indeed, have a relationship. But it was a sort of a clandestine one. Only their friends know this, referring to the two founders, Romulos and Isabelle." Ms. Annalise started.

"Ma'am did they have a bab---"

"Hush. Questions will be entertained after the discussion." Ms. Annalie snapped.

"But do you know that they were supposed to be rivals. And supposed to be, David was ought to kill the Powerful Guardian of light of all time in their generation, Clarita. But eventually, fate meddled with them and so, their love story happened." Ms. Annalie addresses.

Patricia was listening since its about Laura's mom. The others were listening since its a love story.  Teenagers and Romantic stuffs do mix.

"The two have their best buds, Clarita got Isabelle, and David, the dark Magi have Johnson. They were not that evil since Clarita did not killed them. Darkness is always the enemy of Light, and vice versa."

"The four became Friends, founded a school and so. Victoria's and David's fruit of love have came. Surprisingly it is a twin. Both girls and beautiful. A celebration was held for them, well it was only Romulos and Isabelle who did celebrated with them but it was that much for they were friends. The world in the past was full of darkness and Clarita and Helena were the only guardians of light left. Luckily, Johnson and David are Dark Magi's but never the Dark Magi's. They were soft at hearts and were not tainted with Darkness."

"David Magus, the son of Lord Magus---the Dark Magi of all time, was ordered by his father to kill Clarita but he did not. And so the relationship of the two remain a big secret. Even them, having daughters were a secret. Imagine what would Lord Magus will do."

"They'll be both killed."Said Pariana.

"Far worse than Killed. Killing is just an understatement." Ms. Annalie responded.

"What would this Lord Magus do then, if he finds out?" Freyah asked from the back.

"Listen first okay. Your questions has answers." Said Ms. Annalie

"It was really forbidden in their time having a relationship. The world should never filled with love. It should be filled with fear, since the Lord Magus have reign."

"There are wizards too, gold wizards, violet wizards, silver wizards, green wizards, and even half-blooded wizards that have went to hiding. The world in 1850 have change, it is a dark world, and the black wizards were absolutely powerful.  They were killing any other wizards who were not their kind, but not for long, the two guardian of lights, Clarita Victoria and Helena Isabelle were the ones who protected everyone from the dark, from the evil black wizards."

All were listening attentively to Ms. Annalie. Even Peteriona, Pariana and Patricia and the rest of the squad.

"And so, the Lord Magus, seeing the two guardian of light a treat. He ordered his Son, David Magus, to kill Clarita, the powerful guardian of light. For Helena, Magus ordered Romulos to kill the other guardian of light. And the two dark Magis' haunted the two Magis'. But eventually, the four became friends and founded the Clairemont School of Wizards as symbol of hope for every Wizard out there. The school will never be seen by a wizard with dark intentions, you see."

"This is the home of the twins since then. The school was a secret place for the loving couple, Victoria and David. Laura grew up in this place you see, and her other twin, Claire Trisha. The twins were no ordinary Magi. They were half a Magi of the light and half a Magi of the dark. But they were not half-bloods since Half-bloodeds are half a wizard and a Magi. It is a curse, being dark and light at the same time. The twins have a rough time everyday, controlling their magic. Their parents stayed by their side, and with David and Romulos long disappearance. The Lord Magus ordered to find the both dark Magi." Ms. Annalie paused.

"What happened then, Professor.

Did the Lord Magus find them?

Were they killed?" Yang XiaoLong asked.

"Maybe the other twin of Laura have been killed too and Laura was the only one who survived." Kylee suggested.

"That's sad then!" Said Blake.

"Now, now. Enough with your conclusions. Do you think they'll be killed easily?" Said Ms. Annalie

"So they were actually killed." Said Pariana.

"Horrible then. So This Lord Magus is still alived. So the showdown was for training us for a wa-----mmmhhh" before Peteriona could spilled the beans, Ms. Annalie casted a silencing charm unto her.

"I wasn't yet finish." Ms. Annalie snapped with her Alandrian accent.

"Please go on." Patricia plead. Ms. Annalie looked at her. She's having that poker impression on her face.

"Because of their disappearance. Many numbered of wizards were killed. And so, both wizards showed up, leaving Clarita and Isabelle in the school with the twins, where they'll be safe. Lord Magus knew that the two magi betrayed him, but he didn't know about the twins. It was a battle between father and son. But, as expected, the father win. The son died. But before David Magus faced his death, he asked Johnson to watched her daughters and Clarita for him. Johnson being his best friend, agreed. The news about David's death arrived to Clarita and Isabelle. A friend was loss, and A lover."

"Not a happy ending after all." Blake murmured.

"Pixiestail and Blandestine doesn't match at all." Kylee Quinn said bitterly.

"We're not at the end yet." Said Ms. Annalie. And then Ms. Annalie continued.

"Clarita was furious, and so was Isabelle. They decided to end the darkness once and for all. Johnson was left behind to take care of the twins. Knowing Lord Magus, if he sees Johnson Romulos, he will not hesitate to kill him. He did not hesitated to kill his Son, why would he hold back to a no one."

"The first Golden Rebellion lead by Clarita and Isabelle happened on May 10, 1890. They faced Lord Magus and the Black Wizards. Clarita made an alliance with the other wizards[Gold, Silver, Violet, Green, and the Half-bloods] and they fought along side them."

"Lord Magus was weaken but eventually. Isabelle was killed and so does Clarita. But the forces of the Dark Magi--- Lord Magus have truly crumbled."

"And the World was filled with Hope again, with Loved. But Darkness have build their ways again and the 2nd Golden Rebellion, the Great Magic War, have occured. It was on February 17, 1910. It was lead this time by the twins. Laura Clara and Claire Trisha."

"And have they won?" Patricia asked.

"Yes. We are free, happy, and loved today because of them." Said Ms. Annalie. And Patricia thought about the next war coming. The third Golden Rebellion. After all, the showdown, the advance classes was a sort of training for the upcoming war.

"Professor, what happened to Laura's twin sister?" Asked Peteriona.

"Claire got married to a wizard, a gold wizard, a very great wizard, and He, too, lead the war. Just like Laura." Said Ms. Annalie

"But they died." She added and smiled bitterly.

"Did they have a child?" Asked Kylee.

"For that, I wouldn't be able to answer that." Said Ms. Annalie.

The bell rang after a few seconds and everyone was leaving the room. There second subject was transfiguration with Ms. Camilla.

The squad with the three lads settled in their individual seats and Ms. Camilla showed up in the doorway, heading in front.

"Today, we'll be having a pairing session. A transfiguration activity. I will pair a Pixiestail to a Blandestine and both will work together for their output. The outputs will be mark fairly for the both students." Said Ms. Camilla.

Ms. Camilla started calling out names.

"Kylee Quinn and John Michael!"

"Thinkers and Jian!"

"Peteriona Rose and Vic Fuentes!"

"Pariana Rose and Brent Nhait!"

"Freyah and Joseph!"

"Jean and John!"

"Patricia and Kite Eleanor!"

"Aimee Jade and Jake Thompson!"

After Patricia was called, she went to the guy named Kite Eleanor just like what the other Pixiestail wizards do.

Patricia stood in front of a nerdy boy, Kite Eleanor.

"Let's get going then." Said Patricia without giving a damn on the Kite kid. She was better off alone. She could do it alone.

"Conjure anything that represents both you and your partner. I'll give you 5 minutes!" Ms. Camilla announced.

Patricia thought for a moment and decided to include the Eleanor guy in her output since it should be done in pairs. Everyone was talking with their partners and some were conjuring.

"Eleanor, what do you want to conjure? What are your hobbies? Who are you?" Asked Patricia quickly.

She wasn't good in speaking with guys. Remember Jake Thompson?

"I--I like bo-books. I'm a n--nerd. I like D----da----" the Eleanor guy  stuttered.

"Okay. Enough. I get it." Said Patricia

"You like books and you're a nerd. And I like books too. Let's conjure a book then!" Patricia suggested and conjure a book.

"Great, Isn't it?" Asked Patricia while clutching the book about a nerd and a bookworm love story.

The Eleanor guy looked at her in disbelief. He was up to say something but Ms. Camilla said, "Time's Up!!

Five minutes have gone too fast.


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