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28.57% The Half-Blooded / Chapter 7: The Sorting

Chapter 7: The Sorting

The Easterian Hall was crowded again. Students were chattering all over the place. The windows showed the sun setting off on the horizon. The sky that's once painted with red and blue pastels now faded and the darkness appeared with the twinkling stars and the crescent moon.

Apart from the windows showing the sky, there are thousands of candles floating in the air above the hall. The round golden tables are occupied by empty golden goblets and plates.

Pat, Pete, and Par made their way through the crowd and seated in the front, where the other girls on Belson have sated. The Belson boys and the Belien boys were in the right and the Belien girls are are on the left.

All eyes were on the woman who's wearing a golden toga and has a golden curly hair that reaches her waist, and her presence alone can make you feel magical. She stood up and walk in the tribune.

"Settle down students." The mistress spoked and the hall went silent.

The mistress always caught everyone's attention even without speaking.

"I apologized that our tradition every start of the term have been cancelled since all of us were busy for the arrival of the Magic Showdown. The event today was successful, congratulations." She paused and the students gave an applause.

"Now that the event have ended, the first years are now to be sort into their houses." She continued.

Professor Taylor Swift, the deputy headmistress, brought a three-legged stool and an old looking wizard hat in the center.

She left it there and have returned to her seat next to the mistress.

"First years please, a line will do." The mistress demanded in a low voice.

Every fifteen years old wizard stood up including Patricia, Pariana, Peteriona, Lila and her goons, Jake Thompson[ a distant relative of Ms. Thompson the librarian], Cana and all of the student of the Belson[A] and the Belien[B] section.

The round tables disappeared and four long tables have appeared. The brim of the hat has teared, forming a mouth like shape then the hat began to sing:

"You may see me as old,

Or dull as they have told,

But I am the only one who can sort you out, whether you're in  confidence or in doubt.

Wizard, do you belong to Pixiestail,

Where bravery, and being daring prevails?

Or might as well to Mantranscein,

Those have brilliance and intelligence are welcome in!

Or perhaps you're destined in Blandestine,

Who's devoted to power and reign!

To those hardworking dorks,

You belong to Wentriworth!

Now strengthen your grip,

And Hold on tight!

You will ought to experience,

A magical ride!

Right here, Right now,

A beginning comes to an end.

This sorting hat deserves applauses and bows;

Let the sorting begins!"

Everyone stood in applause, after the sorting hat sang.

The students fall into a line and the assistant of the Deputy headmistress, Ms. Juria Allen started to call out names.

The chosen name will be sitting on the stool and will put on the hat in order to be sorted.

"Ellah Tray!" Ms. Juria called and Ellah Tray sated on the stool. Few seconds have passed then the sorting hat exclaimed "Pixiestail!"

The senior wizards in training along with the other juniors, welcomed Ellah Tray in the Pixiestail table.

"What if the three of us won't be together anymore if the sorting hat sorts us to different houses?" Peteriona spoked impatiently to the two.

"Bella Heartfilia!" Called Ms. Juria

"Nah, I don't reckon we'll be separated. The three of us are the best. And the best house shall be our house." Pariana calmly said.

"Mantranscein!" Exclaimed the sorting hat

Peteriona looked at Patricia hoping for her opinion.

"I don't know." Patricia muttered also thinking about the possible outcome of the sorting.  But the results of the event have reassured her that they will not be separated since they have won. Just like Pariana said, The three of them are the best and the best house shall be their house.

Almost of the whole first years were sorted to each of their houses. Only Pariana, Peteriona, Patricia and a girl named Nicole Austin remained on the line

"Pariana Ayesha Rose!"

Pariana step forward, seated on the stool and fixed the hat on her head. Seconds have passed and the Hat exclaimed: "Pixiestail!" Pariana put down the hat on the floor and walked to her house table.

The Pixiestail wizards gave Pariana an applause and welcomed her on their table.

"Now what?" Peteriona asked Patricia, with her impatient look.

"Still don't know Pete." Patricia answered nervously and gave Pete a Its-now-or-never expression.

"Peteriona Ethereal Rose!" called Ms. Allen as Peteriona nervously marched on the center and sated on the stool. She grab the hat on the floor, since Pariana left it there and put it on her head.

While sitting on the stool, Peteriona stared at Patricia who's in front of her still feeling nervous. A quiet moment have passed and the Hat exclaimed: "Pixiestail!"

Peteriona stood up happily and put down the hat on the stool. Her co-Pixiestail wizards congratulated her and she seated next to Pariana.

Patricia's gaze was fixed unto Peteriona, and she caught her mouthing 'good luck's as she was next to be sorted.

"Patricia Hayes!" Ms. Juria Allen called and silence engulfed the hall.

Patricia was nervous and excited at the same time. She walked in the center and put on the hat and sated on the stool.

"Hmmmm,.. let's see." uttered the hat

"Brave, check. Ambitious, not quite. Very intelligent indeed. Hardworking, check. Now where should I put you? Pixiestail? Wentriworth?" The hat keep asking itself, while Patricia was uttering under her breath, 'please Pixiestail'

"No not, wentriworth." The hat spoke again. This time the hat heard Patricia.

"What, You want to be in Pixiestail?" Asked the hat

"Yes please." Patricia whispered under her breath

"Okay then, 'PIXIESTAIL!'." the hat said and shouted the last part.

With great joy, Patricia put down her hat and uttered 'thanks'. Not quite sure, if the hat heard her, she walked towards where Pariana and Peteriona have seated and sated next to Pariana. She was then congratulated by her co-Pixiestail wizards. The last first year was put on Mantranscein.

"Hi, I'm the prefect of the Pixiestail house, my name is Natalie Felices." The girl with a red hair, and a black robe quickly said and held out her hand to Patricia.

"Umm, hello?" Patricia responded and shake her hands.

The handshake ended and the prefect goes back to the last portion of the chair. She's a senior, that explains it

"Does the prefect actually do that?" Patricia spoked in disbelief to the Roses beside her.

"Yeah, Felices did that a while ago." Pariana answered shortly.

"Mmm." Peteriona hummed as an answer.

"I want dinner already!" A Wizard of Wentriworth muttered, loud enough to be heard by the neighbouring tables and the hall was filled with a deafining laughter.

"Blimey! I forgot about dinner." Peteriona talked in a casual manner to the two.

"Me either." Pariana surprisingly uttered.

"Mmmmm." Patricia answered like how Pete answered a while ago, and the three of them snorted.

"Settle down now, students." The mistress spoked and the hall was filled with silence again. The three was very attentive indeed, and was focus on the mistress.

"Now the Juniors have been sorted, please bear in mind Juniors that these houses will be your said Home for the rest of the years here in this institution. Without any further, let us begin the feast since one of our wizard seems very eager to eat--" she paused and look at the student.

The wentriworth wizard was embarrassed. And the table next to them, the Blandastine, the house full of male wizards, sniggered.

The mistress then clapped her hands in a very casual manner and different foods and dishes have appeared on the tables.

All the students have ate enough. Their were also desserts and beverages. After the feast, the mistress clapped her hands twice again and the edible stuffs have vanished.

"Students you may now rest, classes will resume tomorrow. Prefects, If you please." After the speech from the mistress, she sated on her golden seat; throne.


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