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25% The Half-Blooded / Chapter 6: Dirty Trick

Chapter 6: Dirty Trick

"Do you think they're using black magic?" I asked Pariana

"I don't know, but who knows.

They are gold wizards, and gold wizards can use both black and white magic." Then Pariana shrugged off

"But how can we sense if someone's using a black magic?" I asked out of wonder

"I already told you, a beast will be awaken." Pariana replied

"Oh right." I said as I was contented with her answer

"How long did you knew this all along?" I asked Pariana again

"Maybe 6 or 5 years ago." She simply said

"And how come I didn't know about this?" I asked in disbelief.

I wasn't angry with them, I'm just a little bit mad. I mean if Pete's beast wasn't awaken then I won't be informed.

"Because you didn't asked." A familiar voice have answered my question.

Pariana and my face lit up as we turned to our back to see our best friend.

"Peteriona!" Pariana exclaimed as she gave Pete the warmiest hug she ever have gave. And I hug them both tightly.

"Okay enough, I think I'm being crush!" Peteriona shouted in annoyance.

I release the two of them while having a smile in my face.

"Congratulations." I simply said as I tap Peteriona's shoulder.

"You wrecked the stage dimwit!"

I then added and laugh

"What do expect from me Pat?" Pete then smiled

"She's insane." Pariana commented

"Nope I'm not." Pete then retaliated

"Yes you are." Pariana teases

"Only my beast was insane." Pete simply said.

"Yeah right, your beast." Pariana then nodded with her statement

"Pariana Ayesha Rose and Lily Castro, please proceed!" Ms. Thompson yelled

"It looks like my time has come." Pariana spoked

"You can do it Par." Pete cited

"Yeah totally agree with that." I said and gave Pariana a hug.

"Don't wrecked the field just like Pete did." I whispered as I loosen the hug and let her go.

"What did you told her?" Pete asked as we both watch Pariana proceeding off the 'field of honor'.

"Nothing." I answered

"Unfair." Pete said as she was annoyed by my answer

"Yeah right, I only told her to not wreck the stage like you did." I said

"Ah okay." She said as she pouted.

Pariana and I seated on the golden couch where Pariana and Me seated while watching Peteriona on the screen.

"Wizards we're back. Here on our right, we have mademoiselle Lily Castro from Belien." The host said as Lily showed up on the field

"And here on our left we have Mademoiselle Pariana Ayesha Rose from Belson." Pariana then showed up on the field

"Wizards, let the showdown commence!"

Pariana get her wands from her uniform and stood there waiting for Lily to attack.

Lily on the other hand was so pissed to see Pariana being low-key, she started casting Inspecto Bizzardo towards Pariana.

Pariana calmly blocked the said spell with the calm expression on her face. She was steady. I wonder what she's planning to do.

Lily was still pissed, from the look of it, she's now mad. She casted again Inspector Bizzardo towards Pariana and Pariana this time countered the attack.

As Lily was busy countering also the attack, Pariana teleported behind Lily and put her to sleep.

The fight ended as Lily unconsciously fell into the ground. As expected, Pariana is the winner.

"Wewsss, that was pretty impressive." Peteriona said as she magic a smoothie with a straw and sip it.

"She was very calm. How I wish I was calm as she was when I'll be on the field." I said without even thinking

"You have your own style Patricia, you'll win for sure." Pete said and offered me a smoothie but I declined.

Another set of students have arrived in the waiting area with Ms. Annalie accompanying them. Seems like they will be fighting next, after me and Lila of course

"Patricia Hayes." Ms. Thompson said in a loud tone.

"Present" I responded

"Lila Montague."

"Present" Lila responded and look at me from the other side of the waiting area.

"Proceed." Ms. Thompson commanded and I stood up

"Patricia Hayes, good luck." Peteriona said and sip her smoothie. I faced her and smiled and went to the field.

As I was going there, I met Pariana who was going back to the waiting area. We both hugged each other and I congratulated her and she, of course, wished me luck.

"We have on our right Mademoiselle Lila Montague from Belien." A loud cheer was made by the Belien section as Lila was introduced.

"We have here on our left Mademoiselle Patricia Hayes from Belson." My classmates were cheering for me as I look at them sitting on the bleachers.

I went to the 'field of honor' feeling nervous. My head was down, and I am watching my steps. When I have arrived to my spot, I took my gaze to my opponent Lila from the other side of the field.

"Wizards!" My heart did skipped a beat. Why?

"Let the showdown commence!" The host said.

My wand appeared in my hand as I wanted it to be. Lila grab hers from her uniform and casted a spell.

I wasn't sure what was the spell she casted so I casted Inspecto bue upon myself. The light coming from above became dark, and everything was black out. It feels like I was not on the field and only I can sense is my breathing.

'Where is she?' I hate it, I can't see anything it's dark! I closed my eyes and sharpen my senses. Great! I could feel somebody's moving within my range.

I magic a light from my wand and the whole place lighted up. There's nobody here but only me, I am standing in the middle of an unfamiliar err-- ruined castle? What am I doing here? Cursed you Lila and your dirty tricks!

"Lila show yourself! I know your here somewhere, show up!" I demanded

"Not yet sweetie!" A voice from out of nowhere came and still no sign of Lila.

Just as then I saw a man's back and his wearing a black robe holding a sycthe on its right hand. The man turned and faced me, and when he stared at me, his eyes were red.

My whole senses was out of control and my breathing became rush. I pointed my wand towards him and casted Inspecto Bizzardo. Just as the spell was about to touch him, he quickly teleported in front of me.

He lowered his body and face me. He was just an inch closer to me so I decided to teleport away from him. No doubt, he is a black wizard!

I concentrated my senses and slowly say the magic word. "Perpueto catastra!" I exclaimed as I pointed my wand toward the man. The man then disappeared as he was touched by the spell.

From the moment the man have disappeared, I was in the field again. With Lila's throat on my left hand, and she's choking?

"Enough Patricia she's choking!" Ms. Taylor yelled. She was very furious.

As I was coming back to my senses, I released Lila and she fell into the ground. What happened?

I look at Ms. Taylor out of wonder and I gave her the what-happen-look and she just shrugged. It seems like she's also clueless. But she was really angry.

Prof. Therapethia(A half green and a half gold wizard) came to check Lila. She pat my head and told me that I should not be worried.

The host then announce that I am the winner and the belson cheered for my victory. I left the field and off to the waiting area I go.

When I arrive at the area, my friends welcomed me in a hug. They asked me if I was fine and I said I was. We three went to a coffee shop in the School using teleportation. When we arrive there, we ordered 3 hot chocolates with marshmallows on top. We waited for the drinks and after a few seconds Mr. Harper gave us what we've ordered. We chose an empty table with its empty seats and occupied there.

We drank our coffees in silence so I decided to break it by a cough.

"So what's up? Why so quiet?" I asked and looked at the both of them.

"Hello guys!" I then waved my hand in front of them to caught their attention. They looked at each other and gave glares. Finally, Peteriona break their staring contest or glaring contest and talked to me.

"So Patricia, about the showdown." She seems worried

"Go on." I pleaded

"Why were you using the perpueto catastra?" Pariana directly asked me in a whisper

"Why not? I was seeing a grim reaper. I believe he is a black wizard so yeah I have use the spell." I simply said and take a sip of my coffee

"But something's not right here." Pete stated as she look at her coffee, cogitating of something.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Ms. Taylor shouted at you to stop, the moment you were about to cast the spell against Lila but it seems like you're not hearing anything at all. Seems like you're occupied of something." She said while moving her head sideways, like she was unsure of what she have said.

"Ms. Taylor shouted at me?" I asked in disbelief. I didn't hear anything at all. But Ms. Taylor's face was lit up  with anger a while ago. But the thing is, the whole field was engulfed by silence and I am sure of it.

"Yeah, she was like 'Patricia Don't do it'. And you weren't listening."

Pariana agreed with Pete

"I didn't hear anything at all. Actually, the actual battle between me and and Lila did not happen like its supposed to."I stated whilst watching my hot chocolate.

"What do you mean?" Pariana asked me, and the Roses[Par and Pete] attentions were on me.

"The moment the showdown have started, the whole place just change. I found myself in an unfamiliar ruined castle, and everything was dark. Till then I saw a grim reaper. I don't know if his the one from before but I was afraid of him the moment I saw his eyes for they were red. Then I concluded that his a black wizard so I cast the spell towards him. When he disappeared, I was back in the field with Lila and her throat on my left hand, and she was choking. I have released her when Ms. Taylor yelled at me, bringing me back into my thoughts." I explained

"Maybe she was playing with your terrors." Pariana replied

"What do you mean 'playing with my terror'?" I asked her

"It's a dirty trick Patricia." Peteriona replied.

If it's a dirty trick, then was it all in my head?

"Your terrors are the ones you fear the most. If I was right then one of your terrors might be a grim reaper. There's a certain chant for that in Chapter 5 of the forbidden book , we can search for it later in the library." Pariana explained

"Great, I was trick by my own fear." I said in disbelief

"But atleast you outdone it yourself!" Pete retaliated

"Yeah I agree with Peteriona." Pariana commented.

The three of us headed to the Easterian hall after we drank our coffees.

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