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39.28% The Half-Blooded / Chapter 10: Mademoiselle Delacour

Chapter 10: Mademoiselle Delacour

"Bonjour." Patricia noticed the girl sitting across her wearing a lilac dress. She has a straight blonde hair, was very beautiful indeed, and was speaking French.

"Bonjour?" Patricia wasn't certain in what to tell her.

"Combien ça coûte?" The girl pointed Patricia's chocoffee.

"Parlez-vous anglais?" Patricia asked the girl and she answered yes.

"Good" Patricia muttered since she was not that good in French.

"How much iz zhat?" The girl asked Patricia in English

"2 silver coins." Patricia answered her.

"Merci." She muttered.

Patricia look around the shop she's in and spotted Jake leaving with his friends. That was very lucky indeed since she doesn't want to make a scene in the shop, knowing Jake.

"Are you a Wizard?" The question came out of nowhere from Patricia.

"Not Wizard but witch.

The girlz 're witches and Boyz 're wizards." The girl replied firmly.

"Neh, ridiculous. Boys and girls could be Wizards."Patricia retaliated.

"Which school 're you from?" The girl asked Pat. And she answered 'Clairemont school of Wizards'.

"Never 'eared of it. My name iz Gabrielle by za way. Gabrielle Delacour, from beauxbatons---- and yours?" She asked. "My name's Patricia Hayes. Haven't heard your school either(Beauxbatons)" she answered.

"How 'bout Hogwarts?" The girl asked.

"Hog --wath?" She asked irritably

"Hogwarts, it's a school in London." She explained.

Patricia wasn't interested in Hogwarts or in Beauxbatons. She was only interested in her chocoffee but the girl kept talking to her, a nuisance she is.

"Ahh." Patricia muttered, and took a sip in her coffee.

"I came 'ere for butterbeer, it iz very popular in Hogwarts. My zizter-n-law Ginny told me that when I azended my big zis wedding Fleur with a bloke named Bill Weazley." The girl stated

"Oh great." Patricia pretended to agree.

"I've been there in Hogwarts. I've azended ze Tri-wizard tournament, zho I'm not one of the playerz but My zizter iz, I've come zo watch." Gabrielle Delacour began talking about her experience at 'Hogwarts'.

"So did your sister won?" Patricia asked as she have cope up on the topic.

"Nope. But my sister did great, also for ze fact zhat she waz chozen amongst the finezt femme in Beauxbatons. Fortunately, a bloke named Harry Potter 'ave won. 'Arry, a great man. He zaved uz from you-know-who. Yaw know." Gabrielle told Pat.

"Who's You-know-who?" Patricia asked in wonder. Seems like she's now interested in the topic and not faking it.

"Ahh! i forgot, it'z not a taboo 'nymore. Hiz name'z Lord Voldemor(t)." Gabrielle said.

"So this Lord Voldemort, is he a black magi?" Patricia asked hoping to relate this stuff unto the Golden Rebellion.

"No, zhat iz wrong. Lord Voldemort is a single wizard, a singular. He's not a Magus definitely not a Magi; a group of Magus." Patricia gave up on the Magi thing and asked Gabrielle if this Voldemort is a black Wizard but instead of a straight answer Gab replied, "I don't know if hiz a black wizard but as a Wizard he'z zure iz a dark one. Ya know, killing people out of fun."

"Ahh, did this Voldemort attacked Paris then?" Pat asked longing for a satisfying answer from Gabrielle.

"Hiz death eaters did. Voldemort'z only target waz the boy who lived. The boy who did survive from the Avada Kedavra curse from Voldemort himzelf, the boy who finizhed Voldemort'z exiztence. 'Arry Potter." Patricia was a little disappointed upon hearing this. She taught one of her parents killed this Voldemort but she have taught this once again and maybe, the Golden Rebellion was different from the battle of Harry and this Voldemort. Maybe This Voldemort isn't a Black Magi or a black wizard.

"Avada Kedavra?" She asked as she recalled the unusual word she have heard from Gab a while ago.

"Yez, Avada Kedavra, an unforgivable curze. This spell causes an immediate death, and when I zay death, it'z death." Gabrielle explained as her face form a scowl when she said the last part.

"Terrible." Patricia muttered as she have imagined someone taking the life of somebody by only using words.

"Yez. Owwz look at zhe tzime!" Gab said as she have took a glance on her wristwatch.

"Better be off zhen, Au revoir Patrcia Hayez. Till we meet again." Gabrielle bid goodbye to Pat and headed out in the shop, her lilac dress stands out amongst the peeps wearing jeans and sweaters.

"Who was that?" Pariana came while holding an Ice cream or what you call a shiver cone and sated on the chair where Gab once occupied.

"I didn't know you speak French Pat." Peteriona appeared holding a similar cone.

"She's Gabrielle Delacour, from Beauxbatons." Patricia turned to Pariana and gave her an answer.

"Did you just said, Delacour?" Pariana seems surprise. Peteriona's attention was caught and grabbed and empty chair and sated beside Patricia.

"I did, haven't I?" Patricia said being sarcastic again.

"I have read about her--- oh wait--- not Gabrielle--- i remembered her name-- i think its Fleur-- aha! Fleur Delacour-- got it." Pariana nodded with her statement.

Pateriona raised her left eyebrow and turned to Patricia. Patricia just shrugged.

"She's one of the contestants of the Tri-Wizard Tournament. The three other opponents were, I think its Krum, Diggory, and Harry Potter. Harry potter have win though by Moral Fiber and great Bravery."

"I have read that in an article if you'll ask." She added

"Another Trivia from Par." Peteriona impatiently said.

"Yeah." Patricia agreed

"What are we waiting for, are we gonna spend the day talking about trivias?" Peteriona murmured.

"Yeah, I was just carried away. Let's go!" Pariana said filled with enthusiasm.

The three headed out and went to Madame Jueivia's Boutique.


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