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85.71% The Half-Blooded / Chapter 23: The Wysterian Hall 2

Chapter 23: The Wysterian Hall 2


"I still can't believe it. Do you think they're playing a joke?" Peteriona asked Pariana dramatically.

"They're serious Pete. Be serious. You don't have to actually believe it, you just have to do what they have told you to do." Said Pariana calmly. In spite of her calm appearance, her mind was thinking how they could survive the upcoming cataclysm of the rebellion.

Peteriona looked at her with mouth wide open in confusion, she then let out a deep sigh since she knows Pariana was done talking. Their footsteps echoed while they're walking, heading to the 5th Floor.

"I'd go with Victor, I know he won't let me down. You?" Said Peteriona staidly, her face was now serious.

"I think I'll go with Brent." Said Pariana calmly.

"Brent? Brent Nhait? Are you sure?!" Asked Peteriona, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah." Replied Pariana.

"We have to see Patricia first." She added.

"Of course, she have to know. After all, she will do the big job." Peteriona retaliated.

After they reached the 5th floor, they went to dorm number one in the Pixiestail room.

Peteriona looked for Patricia in her bedroom. Pariana looked for Pat in the bathroom, but there were no signs of her.

They decided to go to the Easterian hall, hoping Patricia would be there. But before, Pariana could open the door in the dorm. The worried visage of Patricia Hayes have appeared right in front of them.

"Where have you been, I've been looking for you two everywhere!" Yelled Patricia on their faces.

"Calm down, Pat. We have to talk about something." Said Peteriona calmly.

"And fast!" exclaimed Pariana and they settled themselves on the couches.

Patricia was sitting across the two roses, and Pariana turned to Peteriona on her side and said, "I'm going to say it to her."

"No, I think I'll say it to her." Retaliated Peteriona.

"I think I can explain better." Pariana suggested.

"No, I'm a better explainer." Replied Pete, trying to be calm.

But the tension was growing up between them. And Patricia, feeling irked, let out a sigh.

"Straight to the point will you?" Patricia butted in.

"You'll do the big job."

"We're going on a mission."

The two said in unison. But Patricia misheard them, she heard 'We're the big job mission' instead.

"Wait, Pariana, i think you should talk first." Patricia suggested since she was eager to know what they would like to tell her.

Peteriona groaned and Pariana spoked.

"We're going on a mission, I repeat. And this is a tricky one, our first one and a dangerous one."

"Wait-----------We are going on a mission?------ And Dangerous?" Patricia asked, her face hinted she was clueless.

"Yeah, but dangerous is just an understatement Pat." Commented Pariana.

"How come?" Patricia forced a smile and continued, "This is not about the war isn't it?" Asked Patricia nervously.

"I'm afraid so, it is." Said Pariana.

"Well it's not really a war. But it's kind of a war. And it has a name." Peteriona explained.

"I don't get you." Patricia honestly said.

"I don't get her either. Well I get her point but not totally the whole point." Peteriona stated as she rolled her eyes.

Patricia's mouth fell agape. She was about to asked a question, a lot of question to be exact but she was cut off by the arrival of none other than, Ms. Taylor Swift with her golden dress and black cloak.

"Ms. Taylor, you came to visit?" Asked Patricia to the standing Ms. Taylor on their doorway, with that fierce impression as usual.

"Actually, we're going on a visit." Said Ms. Taylor elliptically.

"We?" Patricia retaliated shortly.

"Yes." Ms. Taylor responded.

"With Pariana and Peteriona?" Asked Patricia again.

"No, c'mon now. We have to hurry." Said Ms. Taylor and beckon her to come over.

Patricia hesitantly stood up, she faced the two and gave a shrugged. She followed Ms. Taylor from behind and that was an exhausting morning for her.

Well things couldn't get worst, she thought.

As for the long walked going upstairs, without eating any kind of food, Patricia surely is tired. Without hesitation, she casully asked Ms. Taylor, "Are we there yet?"

"Nearly." She said shortly.

They were on the 8th Floor now to be exact. And then Ms. Taylor stopped in front of a gigantic golden door, just like the doors in the Easterian Hall and the front door of the castle. She opened it and the door revealed a circular hall.

Ms. Taylor entered inside and Patricia followed her. Patricia was mesmerized by the sight of the hall. She looked around, with mouth hanging open, and saw the transparent ceiling, and the big windows with the clouds on view. When she looked down she saw another hall, it was a courtroom, on the second floor going down.

Ms. Taylor stepped into a staircase and went down. Patricia silently followed her from behind. It was really a major thought on her head; who were they going to visit?

Patricia's gaze fell upon a floral painting hanging on the wall. It was really noticeable. And with last few steps on the staircase, Ms. Taylor drew closer to the painting and muttered an incantation, or Patricia thought a password.

Paintings and Passageways are kinda related here in Clairemont.

The painting turned into a golden archway, and Ms. Taylor told her to come.

They walk silently till another archway came into view. The second archway made Patricia felt she was being x-rayed. A room appeared on the edge of the archway, it was a small room with paintings.

But what caught Patricia's attention was the painting hanging on the center. A family painting, she thought.

Her eyes wandered on the woman with a jewel on her forehead to the man beside her. Finally, she stared at the two girls she thought who were very familiar to her. Or she thought they are really familiar.

She didn't noticed that the portrait swung open till Ms. Taylor entered another room again. It was a bigger room. An office you may call. A golden office.

With the tight security, Patricia assumed the person who they were going to visit is someone important. Like the mistress for example.

And with the thought, she entered the room and sated on a chair, resting her hands on the table as Ms. Taylor told her to sit.

Ms. Taylor sated across her, and so Patricia asked with her voice hinted in curiosity,

"Would you like to tell me something, Professor?"

"Apparently, but we'll wait for her." Said Ms. Taylor while looking to Patricia's eyes. Patricia nodded as she felt comfortable for a second.

Her eyes wondered around the room. She noticed it was full of paintings, and one caught her attention. Before she could examine it, a door creaks as it was open and it revealed her.

The one she assumed they would visit; the mistress.

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