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100% SOL: I Was Female For 7 Lifetimes, Until the 8th Made Me A Prince / Chapter 10: Episode 5: Heart’s Desire (Part II)

Chapter 10: Episode 5: Heart’s Desire (Part II)

I began to open another door with another flash of light blinding my eyes. It lead me to a rich modern mansion which I remembered immediately that it was my fourth life's home. Annabelle Lee's home. It was elegant and empty as I remember it, but I also knew this lifetime wasn't the greatest one I've lived with.

"I can't believe my sewing machine broke, " a grumpy female voice said in a mumbling tone, "How am I suppose to make my Blue Night Velvet Dress now?"

I looked up to see my fourth reincarnation walking quickly down the stairs but suddenly tripping on one of the and falling down. I looked away, trying to contain my laughter. Like, I knew that was me, but it was still pretty hilarious. It was then her personal butler, Robin Wills, picked her up. He was a very kind and always patient.

"Are you okay, master, " he asked in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine, " Annabelle said, slightly annoyed, "And in any case I can pick up myself off the ground!"

"Of course, Master, " he said with a smile.

I looked down at this memory, I was so mean and stubborn to him back then. How did he tolerate me like that? How could he deal with my attitude? Sometimes I wish I could erase this reincarnation out of my mind. Suddenly, they started to become mute once more, but a lot faster than the other ones. The scene was even losing colours, and falling apart. What's happening?

"Out... get... out..., " a familiar muffled voice from a faint distance was calling out to me once more.

I had to rush out before the memory collapsed. And through another door, I knew what would be next. The shortest lifetime I every experienced. My fifth lifetime as a girl raised by wolves. I remember the female leader of the pack was the one who found me and gave me the name Maylee. I befriended a lot of the wolf cubs as if they were my own.

Wait. Why did it just skip that lifetime and went straight to my sixth? The memories of me as Violet Larose appeared before my eyes, as I saw nothing but pure white, and two familiar voices. And it made sense, I was blind after all. I walked slowly to the door, as I heard the memory conversation between my past life and and my partner, Klaus Regia.

"Hey Violet, what can you hear right now?"

"Birds... and water."

"What can you smell?"

"The flowers."

"What can you feel?"

"Your heart."

"Hahaha, come on, Violet, be serious!"

"Okay okay, the grass and soil."

"Good. Now, I'm going to give you something."

"Huh what is-? Omm! Did you just feed me honey?"

"Awww, you called me honey!"

"Klaus, stop teasing me like this!"

I blushed upon hearing all of this. Of course Klaus was a sweetheart and a bit of a teaser. He was the perfect friend in that lifetime, and I wouldn't trade him in that lifetime for anyone else. The sound eventually got mute again, as I open the door to the last lifetime before it makes it to the current lifetime. My life as Nao Suzuki, one of the most darkest times of my life. I never really had anything nice to think about in those days, so I thought maybe Heart's Desire might skip it.

It didn't. In fact, it went straight to the part about me. My last lifetime, talking to herself in tears in a room covered in blood and bodies of her former friends.

"I never wanted this to happen. I never wanted to feel this way. I'm sorry, so sorry!"

Why this memory?! Why must I relive this one?! How's this part of my heart's desire?! I ran away to the door, trying to leave it. I just wanted to go back home to my current lifetime. I needed to go back. I don't wanna attach myselfs to memories I can never return to or go back. Tears overwhelmed me as I opened the door and blacked out. Finally I heard a clear voice. It felt familiar, but a different type of tone, not as devious but more soothing and calm.

"Oh, this is a first. The Light Prince passed my test. And this isn't your first time in one of the 7 Mystery Curses, is it? Awww, your sleeping face is just so cute. And you are a very special case. A soul that has experienced 7 previous lifetimes and currently living its eighth. Don't worry, you won't remember anything when you leave here, my sweet. But we will definitely meet again, like we promised."

I woke up in my bed, a pain was rushing through my head as I was trying to remember what I did after I ran away from my brother Sky. How long was I asleep? I looked around and saw Star rushing towards me in tears!

"You idiot! We were worried sick that you would never wake up, " she said holding me tight.

"What happened to me? Last thing I remember was running away from Sky."

"Yeah, you did run away from me alright, " Sky said walking in, "But how the heck did you get to the sealed basement cell without the magic lock combination? You were asleep there and didn't wake up all day!"

The basement?! What the heck? And I slept the whole day! Gosh it's just like the Game Master Incident all over... again... wait. Did I just...? No way... Did I accidentally stumble upon another of the 7 Mystery Curses without realizing it?! And it teleported to the sealed basement?!

"I don't remember... I'm sorry guys.. it's all a blur. Hold on... Last I saw you Sky, you were a cat, how did you-? OW!"

Sky hit me with his fists as he gave me the most threatening glare he ever had. For the first time Sky actually looked scary.

"WE. WILL. NEVER. SPEAK. OF. THAT. AGAIN, " he said ready to pull out light magic out his hands.

"Okay okay, I get the picture. Can you two leave now and tell my retainers I'm okay, I'm just gonna rest."

"Again, " Star said in confusion.

"Yes again, I don't know why, but I'm extremely exhausted... goodnight."

"Wait don't-, " Star said but was too late, "-Sleep again."

"That's weird, " Sky said in concern now, "He might be a night owl and hates waking up in the morning, but he never sleeps for an entire day and just falls asleep again."

Star thought for a moment as she looked back at me, "Do you think... something happened to his magic?"

"I'll check it, " he says putting his hand on my head, "Magic Scanner!"

Light flowed around the room, as he used magic, however as he was looking through my magic, two faces appeared before him as they blackout and erase the memories of both Sky and Star. Echoing conversations between them filled the room with sudden darkness.

"I don't understand, Heart. Would it be better for them to know and then tell the waking Sol the truth?"

"Game, Sol told us himself in his subconscious mind that it's better if they don't know."

"Yeah yeah, I know! It's just... bothers me, you know?

"Yeah... I know."

TaffyKandy TaffyKandy

Sorry for the long delay, didn’t mean to take this long. My bad! But I’m back now and ready to try to post more daily. Hopefully. Maybe. Well I’ll try anyway! XD

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