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70% SOL: I Was Female For 7 Lifetimes, Until the 8th Made Me A Prince / Chapter 7: Episode 4: Reasons And Lies (Part I)

Chapter 7: Episode 4: Reasons And Lies (Part I)

I decided to go to the Dark Kingdom with Lazarus to visit Lu. She wanted me to teach her archery, so I decided to give her lessons. But before that, Lu's mother, the Queen of the Dark Kingdom wanted to chat with me in private.

"As you well know, your brother, Prince Sky, is engaged to my daughter Luna for the sake of both Kingdom's allegiance, " the Queen explained, "Since she's the lady of the kingdom and her little brother Shadow would be crown King of the Dark Kingdom when he's of age."

"I am aware, your majesty. But... why mention this now?"

"Luna always talked about how you were insecure with the Light Kingdom's rules and I just want your opinion, " The Queen said with a serious look in her eyes, "Tell me... and please be honest with me... are you sure you're fine with Luna marrying your brother?"

"...Yes. My brother is a loyal and caring man while Luna is strong and kind in every way. They'd be great together and I support the decision for the sake of both Kingdoms. But... it doesn't mean I have some... selfish regrets. But I have to put that emotion aside and just be there for them, as a supportive little brother and Luna's best friend."

"You are very sweet..., " the Queen admitted, "Though I also know that you are into both girls and boys. And that you are more feminine than you appear."

"W-W-W-W-What are you t-talking about?!"

"Now calm down, dear child, I won't tell your father, " she said giggling.

"D-Did Luna tell you... everything about me?"

"Nope, " she answered, "I looked through her diary once."

"Oh gods..."

I was blushing red of embarrassment. She knew everything me and Lu have done together. I felt a little bit pushed from the personal space. She embraced me and smiled.

"I know the Light Kingdom has its... restrictions..., but you are always welcome to be yourself here in the Dark Kingdom, " she says assuring me, "But you promise me to speak with your father about this at some point, okay? You can never be understood until you speak your true feelings."

"Thank you, my Queen, I will remember that."

As I leave to go see Lu, I kept rethinking about what the Queen said. If I told my feelings about Luna and how I want to cancel the engagement so badly or talk about my feminine like interests in dresses, sewing and dolls or even that I like both genders to my family... they would disown me... because it isn't part of the Light Kingdom's traditions and rules. I love my family more than anything... I could never hurt my family. I accidentally bumped in Lazarus who noticed me looking gloomy and hugs me.

"W-What's wrong, Master, " Lazarus asked worryingly, "D-Did the Queen say something u-upsetting?"

"No! No... it's not her it's me, don't worry too much about it, Lazarus, it's no big deal."

"I-If you say so, M-Master, " Lazarus says as he letting go of the embrace.

My hangout with Lu turned out great, we both had fun, as I became the teacher for once. The only time I get to teach is if it's swords, archery or fist fighting, since I'm those categories I was a fighting prodigy in the Light Kingdom, thanks to my past memories. Of course, it's not exactly to be celebrating about since magic runs this world, and I suck at magic. Everything else I know, she knows of already and is better than me at. I suck, okay, I get it.

"Wow! Archery is harder than it looks..., " Lu said sighing in exhaustion.

"Yeah, but once you get the hang of it you'd be able to shoot that apple in no time flat."

Lu's mood changed to a guilty expression as she looked down at the bow, "If we were reincarnated... would we still be just friends... or would we be free to love each other without setbacks... "

Shocked by the question, I looked at her in a daze. Of course I knew what reincarnation is like, but I can't tell her it exists. I can't even tell her that reincarnations don't work like that. That the likelihood of knowing each other in another lifetime was next to impossible. And even if you did meet both out of reincarnation, unless you were me who lucked out of remembering all my past lives, chances are you'd forget your previous life anyway. I took a breath and looked away from her.

"I wouldn't know... but if we do get to be lovers in another life... with nothing stopping me from having you... I'd be the happiest guy alive."

"So... you admit you are unhappy right now about the marriage... I knew it," she pointed out beginning to tear up, "You're unhappy... and it's all my fault..."

"Wha-? No! No! No! Hey! Hey, look at me Lu! It's okay, I promise! I'm happy just being your best friend remember? Nothing will tear that apart."

"Waaaaaaaaahhh, " she said still wailing.

"Lu, come on, it's okay! I promise I'm happy the way things are now. Maybe not the happiest, but still happy enough to know that as long as I have you by my side, everything will be okay. Just promise me you won't ask about this again, I want to move past this. Please?"

"O-Okay..., Lu sniffles and wipes her tears.

"Good! Oh, it's almost dinner time, we should go back inside your castle! I bet the Queen made her Dark Fudge Surprise today! Come on!"

I immediately rush to the castle unaware that Lu didn't move at all, as I pass by Lazarus, who looked at Lu with concern.

"L-Lady Luna..., " Lazarus responded hesitantly.

"Lazarus, I know you're not my retainer and I have no right to ask you of anything personal regarding Sol but... , " she answered in a sad tone, "Please tell me... how often does he lie like this...?"

Lazarus walks closer to Lu's ear as he whispers softly, which shocks Lu as she begins to tear up again. She wipes them off as she tries to put herself together again, and looks at Lazarus with a small smile.

"C-Can you and the other retainers promise me... as a friend... whatever happens to me... you guys will always be there to cheer him up when I can't... got it, " she asks.

"O-Of course, L-Lady Luna, " he answers with a small smile, "N-Now and forever."

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