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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Fairy Tail.

A/N: Sorry haven't posted in awhile had some personal problem . :P so here's two chapters for the trouble will try to post daily or at least post 5-4 chapters a week.


In the town of Magnolia where the guild called Fairy Tail is located were having a grand party due to one of their younger members finally getting the title of S-Class Mage.

"Ezra fight me!" Screamed the spikey, pink haired male teen as he stomps up to a 15-years old girl with long scarlet hair and brown eyes. She wore a steel breastplate with shoulder pads and armguards, and she was wearing a grey blue skirt over some black boots.

"Natsu! Leave Ezra alone and enjoy the party!" shouted the short, elderly man angrily as he takes another swig from his cup of beer.

"But Gramps!" Natsu retorted. But before Natsu can speak any further, a portal opened up and spit out a red-haired teen with tattered clothes, crashing into an empty table three feet away from Natsu and Ezra. This young man was Shirou Emiya. Shirou who was unconscious, woke up from the impact and started coughing blood from the impact. Seeing this phenomenon Everyone in the guild stopped their party activates and stared at the unknown teen.

"WHAT THE HELL-?!" Everyone in the guild yelled as Shirou struggles to get up from the crater he caused. Upon closer inspection the guilds shocked faces further increase as despite the multiple slash and stab wounds and the fresh blood dripping from these wound this young man still got up.

"W-where… am… I?" Shirou asked weakly before dropping down to one knee not before coughing blood again.

"Young man, you need to lie down now!" Makarov ordered as he rushes to Shirou's side, seeing the sight of Shirou's injuries couldn't help but clench his fists tight as they were too serious and needs medical attention quick," Quickly someone get Porlyusica and someone help me get him to the medical bay!"

Hearing their guild master's order, a black-haired boy and Natsu quickly rushed out to get the elderly, pink haired woman while the red-haired woman and white-haired tanned boy help their master get Shirou to the medical bay. Seeing that they had no bad attentions from helping him smiled weakly as he faced the short, elderly man.

"T-thank you…" Shirou muttered as he finally succumbs to his injuries and fell unconscious.


The first thing that Shirou did when he woke up was letting out a small groan. As his eyes blinking slowly as regain his senses he finally noticed that he was staring at an unfamiliar ceiling and laying in an unfamiliar room. Remembering what happened Shirou sat up quickly before wincing in pain as his whole body throbbed in protest at the sudden movement.

"Are you feeling okay?" asked the feminine voice, when Shirou looked over he was met with a young teen with scarlet-haired wearing steel armor and a black skirt. This girl was sitting on a wooden chair while reading a leather book.

"I've been better…'" Shirou replied as he let out a small groan noticing his body covered in bandages, "By the way do you know where I am?"

"You're in the medical bay of Fairy Tail" She answered before shutting the book," Your injuries were very severe but luckily for you we have a good healer, you were asleep for almost five days. By the way my name is Ezra Scarlet what's yours?"

"I see… ah.. My name is Shirou Emiya it's nice to meet you!" Shirous introduced before his stomach growled loudly in hunger. Shirou hearing this couldn't help but scratched his head in embarrassment, "Also, is it alright if I get some food?"

"Hahaha sure I'll be right back, I need to tell the Guild Master that your awake anyway." Ezra chuckled as she gets up and walked out of the room leaving Shirou to think about where he is.

Using the subtle clues that he heard from the armored scarlet haired lady and the huge amount of potent mana he could feel around him, Shirou couldn't help but feel like he is in another world. This theory was further progressed when Shirou took a glance outside. He could see from outside that the buildings were built like it was a fantasy medieval building.

"Ah it seems your finally awake young man" The short elderly man greeted as he enters the room, "My name is Makarov Dreyar the 3rd Guild master of Fairy Tail."

"My name is Shirou Emiya it's nice to meet you." Shirou introduce himself, "Also can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead I was hoping I could do the same as well." Makarov agreed as he goes pull up a chair next to Shirou.

"okay seems fair….Um… ok what city and county am I in?" Shirou asked.

"You're in the town of Magnolia in the kingdom of Fiore." Makarov answered as he rubs his chin, "Now tell, my boy where did you get those wounds? and how did you get here?"

"I see… well I was fighting someone who wanted to kidnapped my younger sister." Shirou answered truthfully as he could feel that he could trust this elderly man, "but how I got here well that's a mystery to me too."

"hmmm… did you manage to save your sister?" Makarov asked worriedly.

"yeah I did, I manage to sent her off before they could get to her." Shirou smiled but then it hit him what if Miyu was sent to this world too just like him.

"I have to go." Shirou said hurriedly as he gets up from the bed, "My sister could be in trouble…I…I have to go!"

"Calm down my boy tell me what's wrong?" Makarov said as he tries to calm Shirou down, "You can trust me just tell me what's wrong?"

Seeing the caring nature of the Elderly man Shirou hesitantly told him everything. His beginnings, his life with the Emiya household, the finding of Miyu and the Holy Grail War. Finally letting all out Shirou couldn't help feel but a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders as he lets it all out to this kind old man.

"You've suffered a lot, haven't you?" Makarov said sorrowfully as he pats the back of the damaged teen, staying like this for a while Makarov finally decided, "Shirou my boy how would you like to join Fairy Tail? I could help you find your sister, as you might not know this as you're from a different world I am part of the Ten Wizard Saints I could get some information to help with your search as well"

Shirou contemplating about the offer finally agreed as he could see the pros and cons about joining a Guild.

"Then its settled welcome to Fairy Tail."

LuvSpaghet LuvSpaghet

I was hoping this would be good TuT

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